HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 760 - . L12405 filoD : 1J'/fP ~ , -, IIO-S-60 "rpla aad I'IlI: Deed wldt C~._ ApI.... Gn.UH'"1 Acll. InllMd...1 ur Corpor..lon CONSULT "Ol'M LA W\'O aE~'ORE SIIDI""G TillS I~UMEI''T .11115 1'b'11tlllIEl''' SIlOUIJl aE USED B\' IA W\'US O~L V ,'111'/ THIS I:"!DENTURE, made the J,. day of AugUSL 2005 BETWEEN WILLIAM J. DALTON m. reaiding at 85 LiDdell Lane, GI~n Head. New York, 11545: and CHRISTOPHER DALTON, residing It 1 Kensett Rid~ Road. No",'a1k, CT, 06851. as joint teoants witb the right of allrvivonhip ! parties of the first pan. oJ ~. f" DENNIS SHEEJlA."i/ and SUSAN SHEEHAN, beilg married to eBch other, both residing at 3 Ridg~ Road, Green Brook, N.I. 08812 party of the second pan, WITNESSETH, that the party of lhe first pan, in consideration ofTE:"! ISIO.OO) dollars, lawful money of the United Stales paid by the: party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL that certain plot, piece or pareel of land, with tbe buildinp and improvem~nts thereon erect~d, aituate. lying and being In the SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED IIEKETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises con\'f)'ed to tbe parties of th~ firat plrt b)' deed dated June 3, 201M recorded in the omce of the Clerk ofChe County of SIIf'folk OD September 2~, 2004 in Liber 12344 page 911. TOGETHER with all right. title and inteI'Cst, if any. of tile party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abulling the above described premises to the: center lines thereof, TOGETHER with thc appurtenances and all the estaIe and righlS of the pany ofthc first part in and to !:Bid premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the: premises herein granted Wlto the party of the second part, Ihc heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants 1hal the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereb~' the said premises have been incumbctcd in any way whateVer, except as aforesaid. AJIi"D THE party of the first part, in complillncc with Section 13 oflhc Lien Law, covenants thai the party of the first part will receive the cODSidetalion for this convey= and \\~1I hold the: right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be lIJlPlicd first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvemcnl, and will apply the same rmt to the payment ofthc cost of the improvement before using any part of the talal of the same for any other purpOlle, The word "party" ~hall be construed lilt if il read ''parties'' whenever the sense of this indenture so requires, '. , , . '. . '. '.'. ," ..' '..... . '.' . "..:.......... .CHEDU..... A - DESCRlP1l0N' ....::. ::.:-:~M:--.I.N: 'D'I"D' 08' '/'01/0: 5': . .:" .. :' . .'. .::'. ::.:. .<. :'.. ,...... "" :'. . :.:'." .'::'., .:., '..:':' ". ..:.'. :>'.':: .' ,":.: .. ~ . III . . . . . . . . _ '. . . . ~ .' .. . . ...... . ',' : '.... :: AU. tIuIt Certain plat, pIec8 or plIIQIl cil'land, Iltumi, 'lying and being In the ToWri or Southold ilt Fleets Neck, :...=......:.COUntyofSuffa.rk~.StateofN~~aiIc;~un(ted..~Ikh!rs:. ,:': .:.....:' ", .., . ',:::.:': :',. ': . .'. ". :. ',.. ..... . .'. ". " .' . . .'. '.' .... :. ~. . '. . . ", . . '. :..... .' BEGINNING 'at a nW,;uin.rit on thiI.~y Une or Holden Avenue, 100:90'" rioitiiweit8rly illoi1g uid . . '.: .:: 'north.lltAIrty llne.from South CnIsI.RolId, being tIuI westerly comer or lend now or'formerly or Sleier; '. .-;. ::. .... . ". ,',.. ':: .' "':. . :.,'. :.:.: :. .: . : :. '. "':.: ..' ., "; . ':. ':'::',...." '.:. .. .' . .:': . . .... :..:.' RUNNING THENCE alorig Aid northustel1y line OtHoIden Avenue North 39 degrees 59 nill;Utel30 iec:oncls : .' .. '.c.'; ,WIllt,151.35feettollmonumentllncllanclnoworfunnerlvorCeuldv; ::". ....: ...... .':..:' .:" : .:'. :':"':"':" ...... ',' ..:....... ...... .:'" .... ....:..... . '," .~.........:.:...~..~:..:.:,. . . !". . . THENCE IIongllld IIncI North 57 deg~ 42 mlnutel 00 seconds ElIst, 141,93 reet to.II'monument IIndlllnd . :-<-. .~ ~former\y orMci~u;. '. .:. ".,". :.'. :. .. .... '. ',.': .' ':.: ..... .:.-,-::::.:.~ .:., ;:':':"':'. .....:: .::.: '. '.' . THENCE .IiliIiIAId IlInd lIncIlllnd now or forinerIy or Nug8iJt South 35 degrees 43 mlnutel SO.sealndS ElIIt,. ," :..... 150,27. feet to II monument IInd.lllnd.now or fonnerly or SIlIter; ..': . . ...'.. :'; ..:'.r" .."... .."... '.': : ': . _" .':' . ',:'.... '" '. .' . '. ..' THENCE IIIong AId IencI sOuth.57!1egree; 42 mln~ 00 IlICOnds Wilt, .130.75 feet tii.tIuI iIortheestertY line or. . : . ..: . Holden Avenue lit the po!nt or plllce of BEGINNING.': .... :. .' . .. :'. .:.. :". .,..' . . :' . ;' ,', " . " '. .. . .".. .... . ". . . . ..' ." .. :. :', ,'.', . : . " . ..... . ,',. . . =-:', ~. ~., " ", ,-', .. ',. ",: "~. ~', ;....:, ,.. ,', .. ,,' . ;:::/:':~:" '". . 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':', 'I' ,: . '. :,: .;, ":.:. ','! . ... ..' /.' . ........ :. ' '. ','~ ".:.~!~" .',. ." "..:::',. . . . . . '.: :1.\' :' ",", . ~. .', .~, . .' . . ',", . .,' '" '.' '.' ," ., ",.! . . . .. ':r. . ,', .... \ ..;;:...,' :....:.........' " '. " . " ,', . " .... . " '. ':: ';,..:< ':. . '. '. ',' ;- . ',' . ..... '. . ,r.' . . ',', . :7 ,:" .' " -.. . .. . . ..... ..' ..... .' ':. .... .,. . of. " ," . ..... .' , ". ~lIllcaie or T1tIe '. ,. . . ....1. '. ',' .. . . . .' '. . .. . '. '.. ,,' --. . SCHEDIA.E B ,'- I"'I~-'"\''!'..''' . ':.. . . ll' WITJI."E55 WHEREOF, the p~' of the first pan hIlS duly ext'Cuted this d~'l:d the day and year first abovt written. IN PRESENCE OF: i/h/$ii /'I'rf/, WILLIAM J. DALTON, III cLitL- ~rOPHER DALTO~ STATE OF CONNECTICUT; COUNTY OF rtiA /;,,;rJ S5: On the 10 day of August in the year 2005, before me, the undersigned. a NUllIry Public in and for said Slate, personally appeared WILLIAM J. DAL1'ON. III personally known to me or proved to me on the: basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose nallll.: is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he exc:cuted same in his cap;ICity, and that by his signalUcc on the instrument. the iDdividual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted. executed the instrument. and that such indMdual made such appearance before the undersigned in !be . 2,' " Notary Public erJJ....... t.oI itM in Connecticut. (insen the City or other political subdivision) ~ .1 ~ STATE OF CONNECTICl.ij COl,;:'a\' OF rt.Q JieJJr 55: -.- On the II day of Augusl in the year 2005, before me, the undersigned. a NOlary Public in aDd for said State, personally appean:d CHRISTOPHER DALTON personally known to me or proved to me on tilt: basis of satisfactory evidence to be the iDdh'idual whose name is subscribed to lite within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed same in his capacity, aod thai by his signature on the instrument. the individual, or the person upon bellalf of which the individual acted. executed the instrument. and thai such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the ey, "'''V' i,p in Connecticut. (insen the City or other political subdivision) NOllry Public .. .--..... Number of JIlIICS TORR S RECORDED 2005 Rug 2:5 011 00::5'J PI! Edward P.RoIllline Q.ER!( OF 5lFFOIJ( COlIITV l ??oo12405 P 760 DTft 05-03869 SerilII # CertifiCllle # Prior Clf. It Deed . Mol\8UIC laslrulllCftl Deed I MDItpJe Tu Stamp FEES RecortJing I filinl Slampa 3 l'llfIe I filing Fee Handling 5. ..lllL Mortgage AII\I. I. Basie Tax :!.AlkJilionaITax Sub ToIaI Spec. I AlIi!. or TP-S84 NOIalion 110.00 Bloek 05.00 Lot 050. 5 The p or will family YF.s If NO. paaelt y covered by thi~ mol1\lllle i~ improved by a onB or IWO lUng only. or NO appropriale llIX c1l111Se on of Ihis inslrument. EA-S217 (CounIY) EA-S217 (SIIIle) R.P.T.SA. Sub Toeal 5tJ A2 Comm. of Ed. 5...lllL Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub TOIlII Other Grand TOIaI Rea1 Property Tax Service . AgerJI:.Y Verification .'. .. .... - 05032877 1000 11000 0500 050000 CPF Tu Due S 600.000 S 9.000 ImprovBd X Vac:anl Land ~ SllisflClionIDischargelllRelease List Propc:rty Ownen Mailing Addreu RECORD a: RETURN TO: Gary F1allMr OIse.D, Esq. OIleD &: OlseD, LLP PO Bu 706 Cutebogue, NY 11935 TO~ TD TO 7 DOe Company Information Co. Name Commonwealth Land TItle nlh: , RH05303830 8 SutYolk County Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This paa;e rorms part Dr the IIWIChcd 8a...aln and Sale Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OP INSTRUMENT) made by: WIIII.m J_ D.lton III .nd Chrbltqphl!r D.lton ThB prcmisis hereiD is situaled in SUPPOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. Dl!nnl~hHh.n .nd S::fsi.el!h.n In the Thwnship of Soulhold In \be VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cutchollue BOXES II THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILING (overl IIIIII~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~II 1111111 11111 11m 11111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICI: RBCORDING PAGE Type of :Instrument: DBlmS/DDD NwIIber of Pages: 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0089456 TRANSFER TAX NUMBERz 05-03869 Recorded: At, 08/25/2005 01,00,59 PM LIBER: PAGE, D00012405 760 District, 1000 SectiQD, Block. 110.00 05.00 BXAM:INBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $600,000.00 Lot. 050.000 Deed Amouut, Received the Pol lowing Pees Par Above :Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,400.00 NO COIIDII.Pres $9,000.00 NO I'ees Paid $11,552.00 TRANSPBR TAX NDMBBR. 05-03869 THJ:S PAGE :IS A PART 01' THE INSTRlJKBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Ramaine Couuty Clerk, Suffolk Couuty . , . PLEASE 1YPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM .' INSTRUCTJONS: http;// www.orpl.Il8lll.nv.ua or PHONE 16181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1.__ I y; 17,-5, 8',iI, r I it REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT cz. D8b1DMd Ra.._ I fdl'1 ~ I ~I 1:3._1 /.tJ" ~O,~Cl.PI..1 ,7~ P I . PROPERTY INFORMAl1ON ITA'll! OF _ YORK ITA1E_OF-............_ RP -,5217 1IlI'A1' ... ." 1.=:1 725 ~r-'-" Soutbold an' CIIlI.... 1ID1den Avenuo .,....-- Cutchogue ..... 111935 ..gg 2._ - Sheeben LAIT___/a;M'IL"4"t Dennie end Susln ..,..... ~TJIMIII/~ ...1..... 1 T.. lndicIIIi.....fwbnYulill....lObI... I .... K__....._.._.,_. -- LAlr......'CCMIM't ..., -- a'''''''-''AIG.._. ....... al" m lIMN II~Tt ..- "="'I - ,...1 FUT Ixl llIPTlt 1..1 'Icrd . 1OnIy1....."'.__.....,......" OA.I'\IOlIling__Ilu_AiIIIIorityE-. 0 ....l-_~__rwT_ 0 c. .... AppnMd fa' e......... WIml.... ... PrcMdId 0 .. ........... ........... &'M~- _4 .......... . . ...4...... dMd 1 I 'oIPo.... 011 D ....."'.,_ ..- - Dalton ....,.__11CQIINoN'l Willi... J. III ...,... Delton LMT..../~ Christopher -- 12._"'.../T_ ~ 08 I M 200' - .... - -..--.-- "-""pTYIlI._lnIum ..--...-...... ,Io\._~_......-.._ "'_-._..__na ......_.In...-.,-..._'" ..a....._or..."..._ -. _.............-......r. ----...-- ___~..._In__ OnI.r....~.II..._ ....,., or SIller.. Go.~N'... /IfJtr;t:y Dr lIIndIng InI&Itudon Dood TVPI- W..._ or _...... _.... ISpooIIy_ _ 01 F_ or _ thin... _ISpocIIy_1 ....-c Chonga In "-'Y- T__.IId""_ _.,_._In_PricI OIlII'u......._~""_PrCl__ - o o o o 7. m-k 1M .. IlMIDw wh.... molt ~ 0I1llII............................., III......... "'--= A~OnIFomUy- .. .~ Ii 2...2__1 C _...., Y_m lind D Non ,,__u r.o.l v..... LMd 15AI..E INFORMATION I ". ... ConIaIt... E~ AlrIoullurol I ~ Cammlllllly_ F eonu-gal I In"''''''' (i _ K _So_ H E...twL.-nt I ~ L FcnII '1.........- , 6 ,0 ,0 1 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0 I , , . C1'.II....Pr......__poIdr...,.._~__. __ _110 Inlhororm "-.__or_ o,...._mpIIan., rnGItIpga or ocher ~ .~ -.J n...1DtIIId ID ... __........ amaunc. ...-.......,-- I , ,NOliE, 0,0 I ........,..............., I ~ I ASSESSMENT INFORMA11ON . Dalllbould r.rt8CI1hI ... RnaI "'vw--.m Rail ud Tax 110 , . ,1. Y... 01 . -~.... :-:-':-10 ,5 1,7.T___IoI......-In_1 , , ; ...,,-_ 12,1 .Ol-LJ ,..___' Ilettituck/CutcboRue 2lL ___1__..___.____...-.,.11 1000 - 110.00 - OS.OO - 050.000 I ~ CER1lFICATION I .....,........ "'... _ rI_ ,.- _...... __ _... _110 tIIo... "'''' ....,..... ... _ _. . ............-.. "'_.-w__rl___......._Io.... _g," "''''_Iow _....--.... ..."'_..... ~j;. ~ ",.;;;-;_ , /~ IIUYER'II ATTOIlNEY "'J..... :: ~~J..&JJ I'd/I O( Olsen. Esq. Gary Plenner I ,... CIA" I 1MI'''' ...,.- --zJS.. fl.e1i.~M" ~_ ....::..~66 ~ au;:, .....- itt/os NEW YORK STATE COPY BIoI.!!!!