HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 203 ... ~ ~ ~ A 291-~"'.Y.II.T.li. FcnllIOO1 ....in. tllr dNd.. ..idu'G....... ap... ""11IOI". ....~Ind. arC"..arp.. II.... .0 ~ 1..1' 81'1' ........~IS/Or lnC:. foIYC UllOl. CONSULT YOUR: LAWYER IUORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-TH'S INSTRUMENT :5/I0ULD IE USED If LAWYERS ONLY "tHIS INDENnJRE, made on the ~h day of February 2005 g,..,o\<...> -e- BETWEEN Donald -'Rynd and HelEln Mary Rynd, his ''''ife, both residin,! at 1165 West Road, Cutchogue, New York, 1'I~n5, together the party of the fil8ll"Ut, BIId Robert J. Tapp and NidJolas J. Elli.s* res:iding Road" Cutchclgue, New 'York, 11935, together the u H~ at :ns West *Joint Tenants with ... - BL # Right of Survivorship party of the .....l1Id part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the lint part, in eoaaideration of T.:!n dollan, lawful money of the United Sta..... d ';~', .. . . ,IBid an other\good and valuable c:ons~deratJ.on 7ffi.,tl\\ \ . by the party of 'the oeeond part, doea h7B11t'BIId re...... unto the purty of the lI8COod pert, Lhe Lein, or BUCC",",,'" and ..I8ifIDs of the party of therseeof ~ forever. , ~" d' the -~., AU, that certain plot, pleciCl or parcel of ~ 'jrith the buiJdinp an IlIllprovemenbi reon eRULCU, Situate, lying and being in'-'Distr~tptnction 110, Bloack 5, and lot 1'; VJo:'" . I t' " , f the StatE' of New York, County of Suffolk, Town of ,Scmthold. illage of C:utchogue (~a~~J:r.~g"fuo}e particularly bound an,' d escribed a., follows: V~t Y~II;aL}.,eci S',(.).;,~d,^.k( ,I-( . Beginni.ng at a pOinA~o'~l:~e Northerly side of We - ,..iI<r.1'd at he intersec:tion of' the we~tetl~y. side of Holde ue; running henc:e in a westerly direc~~ichalong the erly side of West 'If'~. r',' oad 70 feet to a monument and !l!an or formerly of Estelle . Comes; running thence inCi .rtherly direction along said land ow or formElrly of Come feet to a monumenlt and. land now or ormerly of Albert ngel; running thence in an Easterly irection alo aid land now or formerly of Brengel 70 feet to a onument 13 westerly side of Holden Avenue,; running thence ~n Sou rly directi.on along the Westerly side of Holden ,Il.venue eet to ~he point or place of BEGINNING, lithe "Premj.ses") and being and intending to be that same plot" piece or parcel f land was transferred by Mary E. Hamilton, Stephen B.. Hamilton nd Adele Hamilton Sterling to John R. Nagle and Sue G.. Nagle his ife" by deed dated April 7, 1949 and recorded in the ()ffice of he Suffolk County Clerk on April 12, 1949 in ]~iber 2938 at page 90, and alo.o being .md intending to be that same plot, piece or parcel of and bequeathed by JOhn R. Nagle to Sue G. Nagle, his wJ.fe, by is I.ast Wil.l and Testament filed with the Surrogate's Court, ounty of Queens, state of New York. on Februar:~ 11, 1954" and Iso being and intending to be that same plot,piece or parcel of and bequeathed by Sue G. Nagle to Helen Mary lRynd, her daughter, y her Last Will and Testament filed with the Surrogate's Court, ounty of Queens, State of New York on May 7,1959, and also being .md intending to be that same plot, piece or parcel of and transferred by Helen Mary Rynd to Donald lB. Rynd and Helen ary Rynd a!; tenants in the entirety, by deed dated January 15, 997 and fil.ed Liber 11811 at page 619 in the office of the uffolk County Clerk on January 15, 1997. TOGETHER with 011 ript, .. UId inIenII, if _y. of Ihe puty of lbe 'me put ill and 10 any _ and roada ......tiDJ cho aho... doocrihecI JII'IIDioM 10 doe _1iII. tbenof. ! TOGETHER with tile .ppurIeI_ IIld 011 ... _ and rip&. of Ibo pu\y of dao 'Ill put in and 10 lAid pIUI~ 1'0 HAVE AND 1'0 HOLD 1IIa pIUI_ ..... panlIld 11IIIo lha pert)' of the __ pM, the IIein or "_ and alii.... of ilia pert)' of the..... put fo.mov. AND the pany 01 the 'me put ......- daat ilia party of the lime put hM DOt doae or sulfered _YtbiDS whereby the lAid prem_ have beoo incumbencI ill ar w.y~, r Ill'.' Ifrr1H'~ AMp.L I"')" rl' th. ,.~..-,:..! ... ..Id.. &Ai..... 11 .r till 1':_ L.,,, IIlIVIl I IMt 1M ,UIIJ of lit. Iii... ........ ....11 ._i__ .a...- . ..1---":- "..... "I.:. ____.~.- _.I ._:11 L_I.J .10.. "':p. t.. .--:.... m...&. ___:.1.. _..:_- - r 1-1.111 _till 1._ .....rH J Jh_ . ~ ..-_. .~ P'"J'1~8 ,.. .1.. If ... z~f--- t -.... -III -ppJ, ...... ."no_ G.... In .Iv.. P-IT" . _r.&._ - U _I tb-. :.-r.....- I . L..' - -I-II any rnt -( II... I_~I -, fL., --- lor 1rJ,r ,h.I r-.r-~. Tho word ~pany" shall be conllrued II U it nocI "parti.... whenever tho ..n.. uf lhis iadenture .. Illqui.... IN WITNESS WHERE01", the party of the 'me put baa duly lIIOCUlI!d this doed the d.y ODd year 'me ahcwe wrilflOn. III .....,:weE OF: c~ . .. .... .."':,.... .. ~, .. ," .0'"".__ Donald B. R B. Rynd Jr Pursuant to General Power of Attorney from Donald B. Rynd dated January 28, 2005 a true copy of which is filed herewith t: .. .1' I. Helen M. n by ld B. Rynd Jf' Buant to '. Genera Pow r or ~tl:orney from Helen M. Rynd dated January 28, 2005 a true '. copy of which is filed herewith !f!'1 On '+eb......'."lU:.,....a$'i;,fore me.1he unclmiped. persanally IIlP"ftd '-:])oM lei ~:. .P:':H~ 'LC}-. ., __... ._ penonaI1y known 10 me or pnII'I!lIlO me OIl Ihe ... tJllIIl....... 101)' ev~ to be Ihe lndivlduaI(s) wIIOIC lllme(s) is (ft) subsrribed 10 Ihe within instrumem lIIId ..knowIeclp 10 me 11111 IIo'lIIIo'1hey 'euroted ..... lIIIme in hialbm'd.<ir ClII*ity(IeS). lIIId IhIt by hislhedlheir ~S) OIl ..... instnanI!nt, the h1i- vaw(s). or the penon upon behalf tJI wbich the IndIvIdual(S) acted, cucuted 1I1c inslJumem. . ...~,.. ..', VlCTO IACHARCZUKn , I. "" NOl8ry Pub! a, Stata 01 New \'brk . , " N .4850488 ' ,Ii _..",'L_._t::. 1.*J....ed n Neauu County 1\ I Commlulan'Ei, lrea January 20, 2O..!I.JII dlalllclsllellhey know(s) On personallyappcaml ... -. "-"- -- ClICClIte the same; lIIId that Slid wiUless(n) aI the_ time _~... .... - '-. ... .. .. n' _ ..lIlIbM:rIbed hlslhedtheir nlnle('),1I .,witnelll(a).tbemo. '0__ personally known 10 me or proved 10 me 011 Ihe... tJI salis- fOIl______,.",../IGIIdro/._......__ fldlry evidence"iO tie'lhe iadivic&J(i)"WIiOie11ilfle(s)'is'(n)-' - ..liioIiI7.......jiIi.w..liio.14=_.ioIiii"A1ill1l1al'saicfsilliicitbaii subsmbecllO ......within insuumcm and'aeknowladJed.to me-- -~es).rDIIIe,SIIl:h ___~ bel'om.the.Wldeniped.ilI. IhIt hoIlIIIo'1hey exec:uIl!d the same in hlrlberfthelr ClIpIOIlY<in). and Ibat by hlsllia'ltJieli"slj'iiiliri:tifcin d1e"iillb6',Ii.I.l;tIii:'indi." .. '---" -., viclual(s). or the pmon upon behalf tJI wblch Ihe indIvldlW(s, ....... executed Ihe illSll'lllllelll and that sucII indlvldual.made IUCh ~ beI'om Ihe undmiped in ___IN_YOIIIClmll1l....... State Dr N.... York. County or -:. u ~ ~ lL IS.: -.etl!I!B'II' _ __ITA11!....... Slate or COlIIIty or .1.: before me. ..... underslsnerJ, (I"-<II7..,.,.ud<tII.-........__..~.,,.-.,...........,. ...-- ,ri",..,."tlltlltrJ/iu oJiIIIIiriIIMl IIIIiIt_t.__1&4JW11fl -.m ... 6a1t iInII w... Con...... Ac.u_ eu........ Acn TI1'Ul No. Donald B. Rynd and Helen M. Rynd TO Robert J. Tapp and NIcholas J. Ellis _BY_MTNEIIlSJ State or County or I.... On personally Ippfared before me. Ihe undersigned. Ihe subscribill. witnelS(esllO Ihe rorelOinS instJUment. wilb wbom I am peIIOIlIIly lIClIuaillred. who. being'by me duly 5wom. did deJIDIlf and IIY lhal hellhelthey re5ilIe(5) in (,,"" ,.,..."'.._""'...",.1..."..''''____. II_~ 10 be Ihe ilIdlvlcluai(sl cielIcribed In and who e=uted Ihe rore. IlIln& illSlrUmenl; that Slid subM:rlbing witness(es) WII (were) JftIfDI and lOW Slid , . -- -- '--'-' . ---, ).- ...-. ...- -.- ----.. ,.".,."lIIfIItrJllunf..........,...,tlC'l..il lillJpuftll SI:CTI01'l 1 1 0 BLOCIt 5 LOT 15 COUNTY OR TOWN Cutchogue RBTUlUI BY IIAIL TO. Patricia.C. Moore, 51020 Main Road Southold;. New:Yo~k Esq, Zip NO'1 1 971 '. ! f 11 1IC 'II ; ~ I. i . i 1.11 " .. TIlLE NUMBER: 841-S-02512 Amended 6/16104 SCHEDULE "An DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Fleets Neck, Cutchogue, Southard Town, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of West Road at the Intersection of the westerly side of Holden Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of West Road, South 65 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds West, 70.00 feet to land now or formerly of Moore; RUNNING THENCE along said land, North 26 degrees 16 minutes :50 seconds West, 190.00 feet to land now or formerly of Brengel Trust; RUNNING THENCE along said land now or formerly of BrengeJ Trust, North 65 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds East, 70.00 feet to the westerly side of Holden Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Holden Avenue, South 28 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds East, 190.00 feet to the northerly side of West Road and the point or place of BEGINNING. . VV~ ~n 1.7. Cnn7./.n/ln RECORDEll 2005 liar lJ 11133113 All Edward P .RoIlal~ CLf:RI( OF stFFOlJ( CWlTY l DOllOI2376 P203 DTI 04-32339 . . & Number nr JllIICS 'TORRENS Serial # C!rtificate # Prior or. # Derd I Mortgage Insuumenl Deed I Murtglll,'l! Tax SllImp I'EI!S Rec:ordilllll Filing Slamps 3 COIllDl. of Ed. 5. 00 Mortgoge AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additiooal 'IlIx Sub Thlnl SpecJAlIlIit. or Spec. I AlId. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Thwn _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinn)'f;nl V ^_ ransfer Tax ill a. u ___ Mansinn Tax The pnlJlC:rty covered by Ihis munSOlle is nr will be improved by a one or two ran.ily dwellinll unly. YES or NO If NO. see appropriale tax claullC on page # or this instrument. .1(1."r Page I Filinlll'ee Handling TP-~84 ~. J!!L NOlalion EA-52 17 (County)__ EA-5217 (Suuel Suh Tutal R.P.T.S.A. In_ Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge OIlier IS. 00 '/Io.co Section Suh Thtal OrandTutal~ . Lo~/r.o<;ro Comm1lDlty PruervatloD F1uad Real Property 'fax Service Agency Verification -- ... --.--. --- ---. --I 11000 0500 015000 'on Amuunt $ .. CPF Tax Due . 6 Salisracli"nlllDi5Chargo:.oIRelcasc.~ List Property Owners Mailiog Addreu RF.cORD Ie RETURN TO: -::PA-\,~'ci,=l 111 o ore.. ESe:; '-)'-02.0 )1lA:." iZd So..'''h~'J. Ny 1,"1') I TO /0 TO TO 8 Suffolk Count Recordin '~trl (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTJ This POlIe f"rm. part or the alllK'hn1 made hy: '?r;;.:" "E.,..~ '-< ~..?~ '}) .J, I'Vl ;:1.1/ " L . ',p) I I' TO ~_:~J;~~/:: ~~/J The premises hcn:in i. silualed in SUFFOI.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. (over) . IIII~IIIII UIIII 11111 III 11111 m~ 1111111111111 1I1I1111111 nlll 1111 1111 SO'PFOLK COtJNTY CLBRk RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Xn.trument: DEBOS/DUD Number of Pages: 6 Receipt Number I 05-0025948 TRAHSPER TAX NUMBBR: 04-32339 a.corded: At: 03/11/2005 11:33:13 AM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012376 203 District: 1000 S.ction: Block: 110.00 05.00 BXAXINBD AHD CHARGED AS POLLOWS $270,000.00 Lot: 015.000 Deed Amount: Received the I'ollowing I'ee. I'or Above Xn.trument Exempt Exempt Page/I'iling $18.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00' NO BA-S'l'A'l'E $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTN $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,080.00 NO C~.Pre. $3,900.00 NO 1'... Paid $5,228.00 TRAHSI'ER TAX HUMBER: 04-32339 TRXS PAGE XS A PAR'l' 01' TBB XNSTR'lDDDlT TRIS XS HOT A BXLL Bdward P.Rom&ine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS 'FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM - ' INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.lItlIte.ny.u8 or PHONE (6181 473-7222 FOR COUNrfoUSE ONLY C1.__~ C2. _ lIMtI- 19:' r>,.3. ft.~, 9, I ~ , b.,?1 <t 1 ~s-r IITAIE OF _ YORIl IITAIE IOARD Of _-.nv__ cs._ PROPERlY INFORMATION 1'=1 .dl.OJI * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ... "-I RP - 5217 aJII.Dl'"'''' J. IIuyor - Ij~J T ,I.) Itl...n...... V/ loT.. 1nIf___T.BlIo....bo_ 1 .... _____IoI_.<lIonnI. -- I.AII' NMlIt, CGIIMlIIY _T"- ... ...... ......1Ifm .....T NAIIP I . crrtr.1'CMN .. :::..., I ... ....1 JLlI Ixl ..... I DRI "II/:ID' . I I .,i,. . ax. lCWrl_".__..__ .... PIIMIng BoIrd willi a..~r'~ .. Authorft\r E..... 0 .. .....iIian AI1DnMI_........ b TI'MIfIr 0 C. ,... AIlPnMd tar a..~~I.~, wIUt... ProwIdDd 0 .. .......... ...... of & _.. .. .... Ito...-...-d an........ I . of Pliraoll DR D hrt of . PwoeI ..- - ....~ .....i~~ d 2;!de " - ~t/),r1.J d -, J. CheaII:..... box ...... wNIlII .... ....m.iy ............ __ of 1M ........,. .... tInw of MIll: jJEOnoF__ II 3 FomIIy_' . I V..m: LInd Nan............ YMUIt UncI I SALE INFORMATION I 11.__- Ii~_'" II Commardll G AlIortmonr . II' EnIorralnmonII Am_ I ~ Cammun;\y""'" J Ind'-' K PIIb11c:_ L ,.,... -...--..-- "-"pTplo_ .. Now ConItruaIIon on V-.. Lind 1M. ",-",...- _'..AgriouIluroI_ ,._.-.__iIIdicoIkIg ......._1010....-.._ 11. GIIIII_...... _.. -- _ ..................-: Ii ....__or__ II 801o__~or_lnlluol... (' an. a!" ......10 _._ D 8uyw or....... II COl _...__ Agenay or Lending InItituIIon E ~ TWIll- WononIo or ...... _ .... ISpocUy _, I' _<l.-orl.-...."""_.....",_ G ~QIohgo In ,,-_T_bIo___1lo1oo II _"_',lnaI_in__ I ~Un""'I_-" _ _'SpaclI'f_ J _ o o o o u._"_/~ - 1 "" I - t;l 10 - 1 10 ) 1 - "" - '1.""_ _ , ;ii, 70, ,0 ~O ~ 0 , 0 I . IFullBoIo Prioo 10"_ _pold Iwtho _Indud""....-_. 11111 IIIYrnInI. mIf _In .... form of CIIIt. aa.r property or goadI, or the -.mptkln 01 rnartgIgII or 0Ih0r abl..ldo....1 ,.... round 10"..,........ doIIIt....... 10._........._ I .0.0 I --....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DlIalIhDUld _ tho 1_ Anal ."11"".' Rail oncI 1IX Bill 11._". ......--I{JS""117.T__V_Id.._.._1 . . . . .............AI ..... ., .' , ,..__ 8f~'II-LJ ...___' /"'Z- --tY\~J F 20. T..__I__................._____, \ 110 () n'\ - a 0 O/l.Dj~ }"Y/ Oo.l! e ,-- ~..J,.q;.~ -,- ~4'- . P(111n )I... I (J Go i 1tIIIH'''~ 'I11IaT.....CAl'TII (, ~ I -.... 7,r- 4J~O 1ft1'l'lolQMl ...... (',./ if,'?!,J( ""'''"- 1 "'JY:.... BI.LIII 11')3.1' "'.... NEW YORK STATE COJ>Y