HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 496 I rO~s-lS: , . L IJLf-D1 F410 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED_WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDWI'OUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD~~BTUFORM8007 CALrrlON: TIII~ AOK~~M~NT SIIOUIJ) 1m ~KIiPAIUID IIY AN ATJ'ORNEY AND REVIEWED IIY A rI"OKN~Y~ !'OK ~lilLER AND PURl'IAlIIlR nEFORI! SKlNINO. THIS INDENTURE, made tM IJfday of July, 2005 betweea ROBERT J. TAPP AND NICHOI.ASJ. EI.I.18, of275 WEST ROAD, CUTCIIOGUE, NY 11935 party of the first part, and WII.I.IA!\I A.1\1I1.1.KR AND RITA J.l\flI.I.ER. of 1130 Wr.ST ROAD, CUTCHOGUE. NY 11935 party of the second part, WITNI:.'SSETH, !hat the pany ofw first part. in considenation ofTen Dollan and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second puI, does herclJy IIf1Int and release Wlto the party of tho: sceond part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the pIIrty of the second puI forever, ALL that ccrtain plot. piece or percel of laDd. \\ith the buildinll5 and impl'OVCmeDts thereon erected. .ilWllt:. lying and beinll in the ' SEE SCHEDI;LE ~A~ ATTACIIED HERETO I BF.I~G if.H~,~ifl;.tl_IIH1S described in dcc:d A) dall-d 1115197 from Helen Mary. Ryml, lIS sole beneficiary upder.tlle t];Jt,\'y-ijl'lD."d l'~mcnl of Sue G. Nallle. to Helen M8Iy Rynd and Donald Brooks Rynd. rcconh.-d on 1/17/t'Jrlf! ll....1;l81.1~.flf9; BI Dm:I dated 2110105 tivm Donald Brooks Rynd and Helen Mary Rynd, his wife, recorded J/1lfD5 irirlbcr 12376 JIlI&e 203. TOGb'THI:.'R with all right. .Iillc and inlL'n:st, if any. of the party of the first part in and to any Sln.'C1s and roads abutting the above described'premiSCllt~ the center lines thereof, i' . - '. ' TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the eSlatc and rights of the JlIIlIY of the firsl pan in and to said premises, TO HAYE AND TO HOLD the pn:mises herein granted Wlto the pIIrty of the second pan. the heirs or successors and alllligns of the pIIrty of the second puI forever. ~ AND Ibe puly uf the first part. covenants that the puly of the rtr&t part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any WIly whatever, except as aforesaid. AND tho: party of the first pIIrt. in compliance with Section 13 oflbe Lien I.aw, covenants lhalthe pany of the first pan will rccc:ivc tho: eonsideration for tbis conV\.')'8IIce and will hold the right 10 receive such consideration as a trust fund 10 be: applied first for the purpose uf paying the cost of the improvement and will apply lhersi~'.fh"SH6-the<paymenHlf1be'coSl of the impruvement before usillll any part of the total oftbe same for any ot"'-'I". p.u[JlOSC" _' . The wonl""pany" 'sIiall"be-c:onstrued as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREO"~ the party oftbe first pan has duly executed this d,-ed the day and year first above writ\Cn. IN PRESENCE OF: '.:' ~t&~/7~ ROBERTJ. TAPP - ~ lIVSKA RaidClllW !lal Esmw Fmns 1XI1In'Uacs.(llollOl -1- COpyrillh' C__lI" 1l<\~1opmcn1 ScHedule A Description TiUe Number 0508-8eC-8837 Page 1 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Fleets Neck, Cutchogue, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of West Road at the intelllection of the westerly side of Holden Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of West Road, south 65 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds west, 70.00 feet to land now or formerly of Moore; RUNNING THENCE along said land, north 26 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds west, 190.00 feet to land now or formeriy of Brengel Trust; . RUNNING THENCE along said land now or formerly of Brengel Trust, north 65 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds east, 70.00 feet to the westeriy side of Holden Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the westeriy side of Holden Avenue, south 26 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds east, 190.00 feet to the northerly side of West Road and the point or p1a~ of BEGINNING. '1 . . .. ... .". . Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York Stale (RPL fi 309-a) ST A Tr; OF NEW YORK (".()UNTY OF SUFFOLK l ) &S.: ) On t~ ,do day of July, in the year 200S. befo~' mc. the undersigned, personally appeared ROBERT J. TAPP, pcnonally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be lhc individual(s) whose nam1.o(s) is (8I'C) subscribed to the within inslnlment and aeknowledgcd to me that they executed the same in their capsci ies and that by their signature(sl on the instrument, the individual(s), or lhe person upon behalf of which lvi (s a led, executed the instrumenl. and 0 Ice of individual taking acknowledgment) _C.MlXlIlII ~NiII."""'''''' ....c..r......~ I~......bd~.......... ,.. Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York Stare (RPL fi 309-11) ) ) 55.: ) TN " On Ihe l;;l day of July, in the year 2005. before me, the undersigned, personally appeared NICHOI.AS J. ~;dlCl'SOnally known to me or p1Uwd 10 me on tlie basis of satisfactory evidence to be lhe individual(s) wlioSe~nrmc:(.) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they exo:cutcd lhe same in.their ~apacity(ies), and thst by their signature(s) on the inSlnlment, the individualls}, or the penon UJl<ln behalf ofwhi~h lhe individual(s) acted, executed the instrumenl. ~ --~/?' ~/e-e. (sign ture d office of individual taking aeknowledllmenl) STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK III'IIlWl!T C. ~ NaIIir PIIIIIIlt, ..... III ,..1IIlI ... -:t.___ ___ o ,"., -__.....~? . . , NYSBA Raklcnliol R..l F...... FlII'IIII OIl 110>1000:1" (!I>'OO) -2- Copyriah' c.poof\" Ue\'elopmenl ~2' " l Number ofp....: '4 TORRENS .:..;: ~ ~ REtllRDED 2005 Rug 03 10:41:07 All Edward P.Rolulne ClEJll( OF SUFRllK COI.IITY l ??oo12401 P496 D1I t>>-OO529 SerialN Certificale # Prior Clf. # Deed I MorIpae InSlrumenl Deed I Mort...e Tax Slamp FEES Recordin& I Filinl Stamps 4 Pale I Filinl Foe Handling TP-S84 J;L ~ 6- " ~ Mongage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed, //i~ ~To>J ~ . - ' Sub Tollll NOlatlon EA.S2 17 (CoWlly) EA-~2 J7 (Slele) I Rial Property Tax Service Aptcy Verification Nr. ~.,..i,..,.. _ __A """'" ~ ,... "... .... .,"" 1.01 SpeciAssil. Or Spec. IAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportlonmenl _ Transfer Tax .I~- Mansion Tax _ Tho prope overed by this mortgage is or will be 1m roved by a one or two ram ily dwollin& Iy, . ES orNO If NO" e appropriate tax clause on pa&e ~ - fthislnslTUmenL _/~ -0) 6 Co uni Preservation Fund Conslde alion Amount S 305,000.00 S 4,600.00 - s <20.- Affidavit Certified Copy ReI, Copy ~ = SubTolal ORAND TOTAL Oltf {) Ocher '.' Slamp Dale John A. Matthews, Jr., Esq. Gallalher & Matthews 55 Maple Avenue, Suite 208 Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Improved' _ ./ Vacanl Land ".;' :ro /1) TO TO Inilials 7 SatisfactionslDisehargulRllleuos Liil.Propcny Owners Mailins Ad RECORD" RETURN TO: .'. , ..' . '4'" "?'. '8 Title Company Information ,'. :' '. Co. Name ..... Title 1# Inter-Count Abatract Cor OS08-LTl-SS]7 & Endorsement Pa e 9 Suffolk Count Recordin This page fonns part of the attached - Deed mad. by: (SfECIFY TYPE OF 1NS'I1WMEI>rr) Robert J. Tapp and Nicholaa J.. EILia' , '. The premises herein is situaled in SUFFOLK COUN'IY. NEW YORK. TO In thetownship of In the VILLAGE , or HAMLET of Southold Willism A. Miller Dnd Rita J. Miller CutchoRue , BOXES S.TIiRU 9. MUST BE TYPEi:fOR PRJ!'ITEO IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. III I1111I 11_ _1111111111111_11111111 111111111 mlllm I SUJ'FOLlt COmITY CLBlUt RECORDS OJ'PICE RECORDING PMB Type of In.trument. DBBDS/mm NUmber of Page.. 4 Receipt HUmber . 05-0080488 TRANSJ'BR TAX NUMBER: 05-00529 Recorded. At. 08/03/2005 10.41:07 All Di.trict. SectiOD' Block. Lot. 1000 110.00 05.00 015.000 DAIIINBD AKO C'HARGBD AS I'OLLOIfS Deed Amount: $305.000.00 Received the Po1lowing Pee. Por Above ZD.trument lIIxempt Exempt Page/piling $12.00 NO HaDdl1D5I' $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 RO BA -C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STA'rI: $165.00 RO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO TrllD.fer tax $1.220.00 NO CcmD.pre. $4.600.00 NO Pee. Paid $6.062.00 LIBER: PAGE: D00012401 496 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 05-00529 THIS PAGE :IS A PART OP TBB IRSTRllIIBNT THIS IS ROT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County - --PLEASE-tyPE OR PRESSFIRM(V""WRENWRmmrON FORre- INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.Orps.ltlIl8.ny.u8 or PHONE (618) "73-7222 FOR couNTY USE ONLY CT._Code I.Lf, 1...3. t, R. ql CZ.__......_ It,. 3./tI~", ...... PlY 'Y'" ca_1 J.d?'I.t!J. (1CA.'-It.lJ/I'~ ,w REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT "'ATE Of _ YORK ...ATE_OfMAL_..__ RP - 5217 UwAI7.... .., PROPERTY INFORMAnON "'"-1 1160 LocIIIon .,IlIa,......... Cutcholue West Road 1Il1K1T .... 11935 ern C1111MII - _ami .. ..... No_ ~Wl.R ,- HILLER I.Mr_/~ ~A. UTA J. .--- I. Tu ~.....1uIwe T_.....IO be ... 1 ..... ____-111_"'_. - LAlJT_/~ .....- .,_r_"....IT-. cm'GII~ ...,i,1l _1OI:IIIIi I. =...v 1 - _.1'lIT Ixl ..... IORI --. . 3. 0 1 ...,._01.____- M........__,... iIIoo_em. 0 "___~farT_ D C.__farlu__....._ 0 .. -...-.. ........ .. .. ...-.1 Roll...... tI.~.A.._.4I.. ....... 11 ,af_ l!II 0 Pootaf._ ..- -- TAPP I.MI'.... ICDMMIIY ROBUT J. .... -- ::::'11: ELLIS ,- MICBOLAS J. ...r.... A~ 000 Family ~~_ Ii Z..I'__1oI C - u .....v......... D haft - .. .. v.n& LInd 'SAlE INFORMAnDN ~ 11. .... CanIrKt OM. F.~~'" I' c:am.- G ........ H _1_ I~~- J _ K "'-_ L _ -..-----: .. OononIhlp Typo"~"" "___an_Land 'M._~__Ag__ ,......-._-~ "'Iloo _10111.. AgoIcuIanI_ o o o o 7. CheIII'" Ita...... ....... ..... - ....,.............. of 1M ,..,.,., ... ......... .. .... 5 - / 27 ... / 05 - ,..... _...... __ -'~_........... 'WIIIIIr. --_.._- __ _Componloo .._'n IIuoI.- 00001..........._._ ..".... _. _Agono:y or LondIng _ _T_ ...__...... --l8.-r_ _.._...~_Foo_l8ooIlIIy_ II/gnl_a.o,.III ,,-_T__ond _lloIoo _11_._10__ 0IIw ~_~__(lIpodfy_ - '''_''_/T_ 7 - I 13 / 05 ... - '1.,..__ ; 3, 0, 5~ 0, O. ~~ 0 ,01 IFu. Solo P\'ico ..Iloo_ _ paid far... _including __. _ __11010Iloo _ "'......__........ ..IIoo-.mplian1l IIlGII ll.. or DIhIr ob&IpIJDr&) ,........ID................ MIOUIII. '..-.._-........- I , , , . . ,0, 0 ,0 I ......., .. .... I I . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - o.t.lhouId ....... .-11teIt Finll ".,"---..t Ron 8JId Ta 811 t 1I.V_oI' .........._10405, I 500 _.~ . _ . '7.T...._V_laI........III_ . . . . . ! .. .. -... . . ~ ' " ,.."-..... I 3.1 .1 I-LJ 11.__"':", ____n___. . Ll. CutcbOllUe ~ PI'5t 21. Tu ..... ~...w ,.... ............ ..................... ......... ~ ~ ..4 ......... I LOO0-110.00-05.00-015.000 I I CERTlFlc:AnDN , ''''-' ..... d ..a. _...... . _ _.... _ on _ Olld _I..... _ "'" -.........lo0iioi)... I ........ ...... lilt..... ....,___.._...._................ a._" ............. _................_...__..... 8U'IEII'lIA~ ~"2.'.1h3J..~ . ....r~ ..-r..... W".IMUI MATTHEWS 1M JOHN A. ....- -- 516 i 678-6500 . -- -- 1030 West Road ...... 11935 -- Cutchogue QIY ell fOlllJl IlY BY&Il ~~ //;.e/r-, _. ROBEIlT J. TAPP ,lJljos- .... . NEW YORK STATE COPY