HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 186 110-5-24 LI,2401 rl~0 ......... Nl1JI1J F__- ERe...... _- u__""............~ COlIlIUL T YCX:R LA"'YIlIIaE~ SIGNING 11I1lI1l'iSllWMBNT .11115 L'UI'IWMENT lIHOllLD lIE L"SED av LAWl'ERS OSU' THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ day of \\I\.\I\~ ,2005 BETWEEN JOAN A. NUGENT, raidiDgat 745 PI.ewood Road, Cutcllope, NY,1l935 as Executor of the Last WilllIIId Testament ofRA YMOND H. NUGENT a/kJa REV. RAYMOND NUGENT, late of Suffolk County, deceased, Sutl'olk COUDty Surropte's Court File No. 399 P 2005 party of the first pan, IIIId JOAN A. NUGENT, raiding at 745 P1Dewood Road, Cutehope, NY,1l935 party of the se<:ond part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first pan, by virtue of the power IIIId authority given in IIIId by said last will and ICSlamcnllllld in coDlideration ofTEN (510.00) dollars, paid by the party of the second part, doCI hereby grant and release unto the party of the se<:ond pan, the hein or slICCeSIOn and assips of the party of the se<:oncl pan forever, ALL dlat certaiD plot. piece or parcel of Iud, lltuate, i)'iD& aad belDgl. the TOWD of Southold, Sutl'oIk County, New York, at Fleets Neck, Catebope, bounded alld deleribed as foUowl: BEGINNING at a monwnent on the southwesterly line of Pincwood Road 100.18 feet nortb\Wsterly along said south\Wsrerly.line from South Cross Road; said point of beginning beins the northerly comer of land of Porter; from said point of beginning running along said land of Porter South 57 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds West 140.00 feet to a monument; thence a10D1 land ofVentcau Construction Company North 35 degrees 43 minutes SO se<:onds West 100.18 feet to amonwncnl; thence a10ns land of Moreau North 57 degact'S 42 minutes 00 seconds East 140.0 feet to a monument on said southwesterly line of Pine wood Road; thence along said southwesterly line South 35 de&rees 43 minutes 50 seconds East 100.18 feet to the point of beginning. . SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS: That more tban one d\Wlling shall be constructed on the premises for each 100 feet of road frontage; that any house or bunplow erected or maintained shall cost no less than 57000.00 IIIId shall be alleut 35 feel back from the front boundary line of the lot, including porch and piazza. That no outbuildings shall be erected other tban the usual pI'IgC and said pI'IgC shall be in connection witb or joined to the house or bunplow, or 10 erected thaI it shall be at least 90 feet back from the front boundary line of the lot; !hat the premises shall be used for d\Wlling purposes only and nothing which shall be a nuisance, unwholesome or offensive to the neighborbood shall be permilted on said 101; that no fowl or pigs shall be kept on said premises. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the IlUIIC premisea COIIveyed to HeY. Raymoad Nuaeut, now deceued, by deed dated AprilS, 1965 recorded Ia tbe 0ftIce or die Clerk of tbe Couaty of Sutl'oIk on April U, 19651a L1ber 5733 at page 378. TOGETHER with all ript, title and interest, if any, of the pany of the rust part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described pmnises to the center lilllll thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of the decedent's death in said premises, and also the CSUdc therein, which the party of the rust pan has or has power 10 convey or dispose or, whether individual, or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein gnlllted unto the pany of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first pan has nol done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbm:d in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND THE party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the c:onsideralion for this conveyance and will hold the riaht to receive such consideration as a trust fuixl to be applied rust for the purpose ofpayina the cost of the improvement, and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~;~.., STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) 51: l.~ On the day of June, 2005, before me, the Wldersigned, personally appeared Joan A. Nugent, persolllllly known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisf8ctory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrumenI and ac that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her sigoature on the instrument, the indiv' UaI, person upon bebalf ofwbich the individual acled, executed the instrument. Notary ie &MY FlNINER 0L8EN NalIIr PubIIo ..... or ,... '*II No.OIOUIIIlIIIIIlI OUIIIW In 8uIIaIII County ODoIn.' . - ElcpIrn M8tIlIIlIO, io1O .-. " -.. ~, \ ~ Nlllllber of plIIIlS TORRENS Serial It CertiflCllle It Prior Of. It / Deed . Mortaaae IlIIIrUmcnt Deed / MllI'\pIC Tu Stamp FEES 3 Pale / Filinl Fee Handlina 19 S...lllL TP-S84 NOllIIion EA-S217 (County) EA-S217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total ~- Comm.ofEd. S.JIlL ~mdavit Certified Copy Rei. Copy Other RECORDEI) 2005 Aug 02 10:41:47 API Edward P. Rouilll! CLERIC IF SUFFCO: COIIn'Y L D00012401 P 186 DTI 05-00279 Recordin. / Filins Stamps MonaaIe Ami. I. BuicTax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. f AssiL or Spec. / Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dull1 County_ Held for Appoiatment_ ~ TrIIIsfer Tax - V _ Mlwion Tu The propeny covered by Ibis IIIOIJlllIe is or will be illlplOVCd by a one or two ftunily dwellins only. YES or NO If NO. see approprllW! !Ill clause on paae It of this instrument. Rcal Propelly Tu Service Apnc:y Verification 110.00 Block 05.00 1.01 014.000 5 Conunun PraenaIloD Fund O~ 1000 11000 0500 024000 Consideration Amount SO (~~~ SA) CPF1UDue $0 .~"'UN~ Improved ---- 6 SlIisfllClion/DllICluUJesfRelease LisI Property 0wnerI Mamn. Address RECORD" RETURN TO: Gary FIllaDeI' OIaeD, Esq. PO Boll 706 CUlI:hope, NY 11'35 xx Vacant Land _ TO TO TO 7 nile ComP8llY lutormatkm Co. Name Noae Y\ nile It NODe . 0 Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 8 Suffolk Coon This paae forms pall of the IIIIIIChecI ElIHUtor'a Deed (SPECIFY TYPE Of INSTRUMENT) Thl!! Jr....t~ of R~IIN'lId H. NQvnt made by: The pmnisis hcn:in is silUaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the TuWDShip of Sou'hold 10 the VILLAGE Jo.n Aa NUp'nt or HAMIEl' of CUtcbOl!lle BOXES' THROUGH 8 MUST BM TYPED OR PRINI'ED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINO OR FILING (over) 1IIIml U~ III~ 11111111111111 11II111III I IWIIIIIII 1111 II U SUJ'I'OLlC COtDn:J: CLBRlt RBCORDS OI'I':ICB RBCORDDIG PAGB Type of ID.t~t. DBBDS/DDD lI'wIIber of Pag... 3 Rec.ipt HUmber . 05-0079932 TRANSI'BR TAX NDKBBR: 05-00279 aecorded. At. 08/02/2005 10.41.47 All: L:IBBR: PAGB: D00012401 186 Di.trict. 1000 S.ctioa. Block. 110.00 05.00 BXAJaHBl) AlII) CHARGIID AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 024.000 D..d JIIIIoUII. t . Received the "ollowil19' ..... "or Above IDllt:~t &...-,>t Bxempt: Pag./riling $9.00 110 JIaDclliDg $5.00 11IO COB $5.00 11IO HrS SRCIIG $15.00 11IO EA.-C'l'Y $5.00 11IO EA.-STATE $165.00 lI10 'l'P-584 $5.00 11IO Cert.Copi.. $0.00 11IO RP'1' $30.00 110 BCTII $0.00 110 'l'rlU1.fer tax $0.00 110 C_.Pr.. $0.00 110 ..... Paid $239.00 'l'JlAlfBFBR 'l'U NtDIBBR. 05-00279 'l'HIB PAGB IS A PART 0.. 'l'HB Dl'STR1JXIN'l' 'l'HIS IS BOT A BILL Edward P.~~.iD. COUII.ty Cl.rk, Suffolk CoUII.ty . . PLEASE TYPE ORPREsSFIBMLY.WHErofWRinNG ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/I wwW.cir~..ltate.nv.ua or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~~~~ a ~ C1. _ eo. I 'l7:~,g8 ,-' I lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER HE lITATI! OF _ YORK cz: _ _ ......... I ~ I ~ ~" '. lITA1I_OF -.-.rrt IIIIMCEII CI._ ~C4."1 /,gzp, , I'" o. RP";,,~!.17 PROPERTY INFORMATIONT I. T.. 1ndiDMt..... """ Tall ""'10 be ... ..... w___-III-.._1 - LMr.....'~ W'J I I Cutcholtue I 1193S I - .... I Joan A. I ....,- I ,..,- I I "'T __ I "=1 770 ....... ...-. PiDeVllocl Road .,....... I Soutbold aI'W "lWN .. .... I !luRen t --~/"""'" I .Mr......'O/IIINIIN .._._IMIlII1MaT....... anrClfl'1MII I 0 I I ""11 .... ..- I 100 Ixl ::-" .....,.... 140 I 0111 ...... 0 0 - 0 . 0 I I -- I ..,..... llInIJ.-...__._...... IA. PIInn&na IIaItd wiIII"lII~t1lion AuIIIorIIY E*I 0 ... Go L-"'-1IIaI. A,IpnMI_......._ T,..,. 0 c.__'"'..~,,__...._ 0 .. ....... die ......... 01 ...- ._1 I RoI..... IIIIl f ..cI on the..... . o 11,orpon:ol.OIlD_oI._ '0 _ I .JII.&.I~U ~ymnnd H. Iln,..nt No... 1AIf_,CQYIo1Uft' A~ OooF.mlly_", B lorH......_101 C --.:...--!-, v..... Und D Non lb....tIW Y_nl UncI I SALE INFllRMAll0N I 1I.__Dolo E~ ~.,., " CCHnmoI<lII 0_ 11-'- ~~- ,_ PuIIIioSonrico L '- -....--........... a. o.on..hIp1"/110 10 ~ .. NIIw CcnIIuc:don an V-. LInd 'M._UaIod_..AQotcuIIuroI_ ...... - .-..--..og ....._10......__ 11.~_......__ rr ........to~ A _ 5oIo__or__ B _ ___ComlJonlooor_lnllull_ c: _ _............10_._ I).", ......_.__orWldlng_ E IE _ T....... W."_ or....... WIll _I-'v_ F';;; _"_or~_FooI_I8__ 0: ......_~In__T___SOIo_ II _.._10_._...... - I _ Dlloor UnuouoI_ -. 1010 Prico tspodf\'_ J_ _ Executor's Deed o o o o 7. ca.a..... bo.II below..... .........,........ 1M.. die pI'CIpIrIy at ......... III uIr. I - I wmw. I IIif - '..Do...._'_ 06 I - Dot I 200S I - 11 NI .... NIle I . , . . , . 1I01l!! .0.0 I , , . ellul..... Price It me.... .rllDUnt ,.as tar thl prarf*ty....... ,...MI preporty. TIIiI.,..,..,. """ be In die form of CIIh. Gth., pnIPIfty or gaodI. or IhI ...... of mllflllllll or Glher obUpdoM.t ..... tound ID "..........."., 1II'IOufII. ,..-...........- I 0 01 _111_ .,. I unUR ~ I ......., -.... I , I ~MENT INFORMATION. DotIlhould _. lINt ,_ fino! __nl ~"I and T.. Bill 1 l&V_". _A__IO ~ 117.T__V_lololl_",_1 ..... ......."""'.....-- ; ; ~ 0 q , ,a._a- (3 ~ J I-U ,..___1 MatUtuc:k/Cutcbogue 20. T..__'..._I.__....._____I 1000 - 110.00 - OS.OO - 024.000 I I I I I I I CE~TFICA11ON ~ I CIIlIl'y ... oil "'... _ or..... ~ _.. lido _ '"......... _ co....... olIO)' _......... _ ......' 'liioiil1o....... oI-r.... __ or_.................... _..... _......."'... -'.... _.... -..-.........__ I IYDB BUYER'S ATTOMEY ~ ~- I!Jl.... . II:::~ I 1\111 011.11: 745 Pin.wood Road I 01S8D. Il8q. Gary FlaDDer -- -.- 631 734-7666 .....,-.. 'lIKEr.... WIlli... .....CDIII. ...- -. CUtcbogue ""'..- IllY Ir4n I 11935 ..- r KYI!l ~ ~-Y\u~-"<J __ \"" ....71 NEW YORK STATE COPY