HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12415 P 705 ! porty ofm....oad pl, I 0 _ \. I WITl'IESSETH, thol the ply ofth, filii port, in .onsideI'alioa of ten I ~1"''''':.IO .111 i~la:.\..! al. CfI) I Iawfillmoo.y ofth,Uailecilbles, ar.d ot.he:- valuable consideration 11...ot; 003. 00 1'0 w("l.' ~ So..de. 0 \~ . .~ ..1\ I Ll2.~;t is ?'7tS I Ii l!iU. !18 llll~ I! Ii; I loQ-7- 3 2'1- _ll.U.T.U.'..._ .......~...-.__......_._.. CIQ .1'''. ..... ;.a-.IIU.....fftt.'lOII3 CONSU~TYOlItLAWYER8EFOR& .1;_ THS INSTRUMENT - THIINITRlJMENTIHOu.D BE U8BlBV LAWYERSON~V TBISIl'lDENTIJU,m.... this ~ay of Sc.p-t-. , 2005 UTWUN John J. Chaloner, residing at "7 Washington Square North, New York, New York 10011 p.ny oflll, finI pet, ..d Jan M. Chaloner, residing at 308 West 82nd Street, Apt. 120, N~W York, .New York 10024 dollan, paid by the pllty of lb. ......d port. does henby pIIll cd r.l.... unl. lh. plllty of lh. ...oad pori. Ib, h.in or .......n md ..ips ofth, porty oflh. ..oad pm forever, ALL lblll cer1ain plot, piece 01' plII'col of Imel, wilb lb. buildiDp IIId improvomeDlslhtreon erected, .ituBl., 1yillS ODd beq in Ibe Town of Sout~hold., COU:11:Y of Su:'fol!t and Stat.e o:>f liew ~ork. bo'"md.ed an-:. described as follows. BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of New Suffolk Lane. 50.0 feet northerly along said. line from its intersection with the boundary li:1e betweeo land of HortO:1 and la:ld of Harrision Case; running the:1ce alo:1S said easterly line of New Suffolk La:.e. Nortll 9 degrees 53' 20" Hest, 100.00 feet, THENCE alOIN other land now or formerly of Horton the following three courses and distances: 1) North 77 degrees 57' 40' East, 200.14 feet, thence 2) South 9 degrees 53' 20' iast 107.50 feet, thence 3) Sa~th 80 degrees 06' 40. Hest. 200.0 feet to the point o~ p.ace of beginning . Being and. intended to be the same premises as was conveyed. by deed f~om John ? Hayden, deted. January 27, 1982 and reco~ded Fe!:lrua~y 4, 1982 i:1 liber 9139 page 28. . ~ TOGETIIER wilb aD ri&b1.l~1o IIId in-. iflll)'.oflb.pIIt)' oflbelinlpm in ODd Ia..y _...dra.b obuIliD& Ibe lIbov. deocribed pnmilellolhe .......lii..lb....of. TOGE....... willa lb................. mdolllb. _ ODdriaJdo aClb. pIIty oflbe f... pm iII..d Ia lllidpnmi... TO RA VI: AND TO BOLD lb. pnmilel b....in .....d _lb. pIIty of... .......s poll, lb. beirs.......- IIld _p, oflbe pmy oflb. oecoad pert limY... AND lb. pony-oflb.1inI poll_iii. lb. pody of lb. fa pm bu aol don. ... ur...d III)'Ibiq ""......, lb. lllid _ius b... boa iacumbend in ..y _ .......... ex....... eforellid. AND lb. pody oflb.1inI poll. in camplila.. willa Section 13 .flbe Lion x.-, ........Ib.lhe pllly oflll. f.. pm will reoeive lb. ....oicm.ian lOr lllio ....\'O)'......d wiD bald Ibe ri&bJ 10 receive 81th ....idonlioa . alrUlllimd la be opp6ed fnl for lb. JlIIII*O ofpo;yiq Ibe ... oflb. iapravemeol ..d will opply lhe on. 6nlla lb. JIlIYIIItoI oflb. COlI of.... inpnMlllealbefaro ........y pm oflho latoIof.... _.rouay oIIIorpwp_. '111........ "pody" oboll be __ed u ifilread ''podi'" ""eo..... lb. .... oflb. i1dea1un.......Un. IN WITNESS WHEUOi',Ibe ptI1y aflb.f..plll b. duly "'....Iedlb. deedlbeclor ..dr-fnl......wrillea. II< P\lESlJICEOF_ ~~ &uk,.^- J J. R , . .. . _-'.DO_IIl___nlllPL~ . &uteOfIl''''Y:1CftDO'oU/e&o:>'t'OI'IC- .Ll 00 Sept-. . I 2.0~ Won mo, tho oodenipod, ~1If'P'rnd -:fOMW\ Ch"lol'lt.1C- lcIlowa 10 m. or prcMelto m. ell tbo beIi. of 1IIi. r...., Mcleacelo be lb.lacllvicUol(o) wb_ oom.(.) io (n) ..bocribeclto lb. withio ioIIramlld oocIlCIcIlowlodpllo m. lblt btlolatllb.y .,,"...IDeI lb. _. io bWberllb.ir Clp" city(i..). uel tblt by biolh.rltla.ir d,aItUre(l) 00 tb. io_.at. lb. ioeliYiclu8l(.). or lb. pollOllllpOll bobolf or wbicb lb. iociYicluol(o) ao:tocI, ..ocolocIlb. m.um1Dt. (._-t1/Jft . __CllITlal_'IOIIKITATI(IlI'L_1 s_or On pmono1ly _1nId CftDO' or n.: bofore me. !be uodenip.d, ........01IY bowa to m. or JlIlIWc! to me OlIl11e ..... of_iI- lictcry eYicIoocelo bo tbo illcliviclDoI(o)..OI' oomo(.) 1. (n) oubocribecllo the wilIIiD iollnlmeDllDelldalMOIoclI.elto me Ibot btllbellboy IX....t.eI lb. _. iD billberitb.ir clpUi. ty(ieo~ ODellbot by hiolbdb... ..........) OD tbe u.-"'l. lb. iaelivicluol(.), or lb. perooa IIpCIII bobolf or which tb. iaelivicluol(.) ut.eI. e",...lecllb. ioIIramoot. ODellblllUcb iDcliviclaol made mch oppo.-co before lb. UlIc1onipec1 in ,.." ciC>or",,*", __.__ ..._or"" ,..... -......., r-_MIIt1/Jft../lMl,,"'IuJIIIId...-' I. CI ~rgain mil 61lr Ikdl Willi C__OIWl\'....ACTI Title No. JOHN J. CHALONER TO JAN M. CHALONER .......... ................. ACKlfDWUDO_"V lune___IIII, &ute or c.....O'or } n: On porICIIIllly IppIII'OCI Wore m.. lb. uocloroipod, lb. IUbocribiq wilDIII(OI) to the ......... iDllnImlDt. with whom I lID ponoolllly uquliolod, who, boins by m. daly -. elie! cIIpon 11III lIlY lbot btllhe.tb.,. reoicIe(.) io (If I~' ,.,... 41,."...... Ia..."...,..,. _..~ -" .-... II.. 'i'lMiA 8EIGERMAN PublIa, SlaW at New York No. D2SE5087824 IIHIed In w...tohel" CountY ..d- Explllll JIIIUlry OIl, 20r,o; Ibot belobtlthoy Icaow(.) to be Ibe ioclivi.....(.) delcribed ill oocI who ex....r.cI lb. fore- 1IOiD& iDolnIIIIoot; Ibot ooicI IIb1cribiDs wiIoeoo(lI) - (wore) pnIIIIIlDeI_1Iid ex.euta lb. .....; ODeI Iblt aiel wiIIIe.COI) 11th. ..... time oubocribecl bio.4len'llloir aD'(') U I wiI:olII(n) Ibereto. ( "...__1orI:__...,,.aow...._ W _or_or_"........ 'I. ,..... Aael tblt ..id lub.cribiq wi""o(lI) maclo ouch Ipp......... before Ibe uacloroipecl ill ) (__-..41-1....-"'-"11 SECI10N 109.00 BLOCK 07.00 LOT 003.00 COm."IY OIl TOWN Southhold RE'I1lItN BY ~ TO: Cohen Goldstein & Silpe 505 Park Avenue New ~ork. New York 10022 -, . . .2.. ~II. .~:.... :,'. \ ....' ", (, ~ .', I' . '.. ".."""1.1' '~.l"~:', ;' ;:::~.-:\ l~ h'r'~i ;:..:..:'(~ . -....- .. ,'.;....- .......- .... '''1' ....-... , , i I Seriolll . TORRENS . i'...:..:t ~"-";", :"',1 .\'~l . .' ::: :~::.' ~. ;', ~ .: I . I 'r- . : Ccrtilieale /I "..' .:", .to "1'" I:',"" .. ',' .. Prior C:If. II... ., .. Deed 'MolTgllge rnstrumenl ", .. j~ Deed , Mortllllge Tnx Stamp " .. FI!BS 3 Page , Piling Fee Handling TP-5R4 5 . ...QQ.. ')~ '.': ., i NOllllion BA-S2 17 (Collnly) ~ . "SUb'~lO;'''' "1- 0)7 BA-5217 (Slale) R.p.!r.S.A. Comm.ofEd. . Affidnvit . Certified Copy . Reg. Copy . Olllel 5. '00. -- --:-- ~"S~b:to!llI~~dS- _ I-. - '. 1C':1. Orand Thtal I ~ . "'f. ' ~ . .,' . A.JtI. Section I 0 q Lot (J().? 4 Real" Property , lax Service I Agency . Verificalion ... _. -- ~396 1000 10900 0700 003000 pT S RRSJ( A -8EP SalisractionslD!&eho~eICllSCS I4sl Property Owners Moiling Address : "\.. RECORD & ~ErURN TO: ~txV\~'~.:~'t.~~t~'~~ B~~ N~ ~ ~:~l t.J . C \J +d'\6 q l}{... f.J1 II ~"3 S" Suffolk Count .' RE~ 2005 Oc\ 20 02134126 PI'l Edward P.RoNi.... CLERK OF SUFfOU( COlIIlV L ??oo12415 P 705 DTt 05-'11782 Recording' Filing S!lImpa Mortgage AmI. '1 ,jiosii: Thit . 2. Addiliollw TIIll. ~ub '10101 . SpecJAasII.. or '. --.- Spec. 'Add. TOT. M1'O. TAX .' Dual Th:Nn~ Dual Cou~IY _ Held for Appointment 1'nmsfcc 'I11I!: Mnnaion 1lut 0- . '. 'n,e property ~ovCf!lll.by this ":lOrlgoge is !lr Y{iIl be improved 'by. 0 one or two Comily dwelling only, .' t. YES or. NO , ... " . If NO. see appropriate laX.elouse on 118~C" .:, ofihii'I!l.Slruill ~/~ " S Community Prelerv.tlon . :., , Consideration ^ltjopnt $. : CPFTaxDue. . s_ Improved Vacnnt LnndD 'I'D ~_ . , ' TO TO Title COin .' r-1 . 'f> .-' & Endorsement Pa e This page Corms part oC Ihe altoched _ '1on~ (SPEClf1Y'TYPE:OF lNSTRUMEN''l) made hy: The premises herein is silUlIled in SUflFOLK CO~NTY, NRW YORK. .~u ~h oj 0 n-e.L.._ ::::: ~~~~:t or llAMLET or: . BOXES. 'THRU II MUST Bn TYpnD OR PRINTI!D IN B1.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILING. Stoui HOLt) I .. In",..r' I ;.i ." . I ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ 1111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 SUJ'l'OLIC COtINTY CLERIC RECORDS OPPJ:CB RBCORDJ:NG PAGE Type of :Instrumant: DBBDS/DDD Humbe~ of Pages: 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0110465 TRANSPER TAX NUMBER: 05-11782 Recorded: At: 10/20/2005 02:34:26 PM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012415 705 Dist~ict. 1000 Section: Block. 109.00 01.00 lI!YlUaNBD AND CRARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 003.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following I'eee I'o~ Above J:D.t~t -A'Olpt BVA'Olpt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-crY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $15.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce~t.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO TraD.fe~ tax $0.00 NO CaIIIm.P~e. $0.00 NO "..s Paid $152.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NtJIIBER: 05-11182 THIS PAGB :IS A PART 01' THB INSTRtJIIBNT THIS IS IlOT A BILL BdwaN P. RoIIIa1De County Clerk, Suffolk County . c,. _ Cado 15'.7, J.8.8.'?1 . ", I t.e. 'lP'-17f..fT * cz. 0. Deed Rleu'" ca. IoaIl I ~I ~ I S<,/ I } "11:4. ..... . PROPERlY INFORMATION 30 0 1-9':l-:J. &-b REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE 1IF _ YOM STATE _OF _ _RT'I tIEIIVICU RP - 5217 _NIt,.. J/'n 1."'-1 ~ fS"" 1 . ~~O\~ DIVali HMII ~..~ S.J~\\("" ~;tl.r II..,J. ~""J~ Ir-.a M lOnIr'-...--.....,_ ....."'""'"""__p-'...._E_ 0 ... __......... -........ rar_ 0 Co,... AppnMd far IllbdMllon.. _ Pravided 0 n""t'.. :::( I ""IMIII ..- ........ ~\OY\'fr ....., IaM'Mn' ......'lIAW/COIIIWriY ....- o. T.. ___T...h....bo_ I _.. ____-111-01_" -- I 11l1li1 ......Nm.~r.... LAlT ......,ct/IINMY ern ... nM'If ...................fII& &.. -..........-...... - U 'or hn:aII OR D Pm 01. PIlrAI I.=:..., 1 - .~ I X I 10111 ..... .......FUT ...'" 1._ Homo Ov...\OYloV L/oITNMIE'~ LAlTMMI;,_ 1ft' -- 7. CI-* the............ ...... - ....,...-.. &1M'" tile prop.rtr 81: 1M.... aI MIe: ^~"Funlly_ E~ AGrl<Ulalrol I ~ CclonowIiIy_ B ...'F_Roo_ioI F tom_, J-'" C _lv...mLlnd Cl _ K__ "0 Non.IlOsIdontioIV_....d H _......,Am_ I. "'.... I SALE INFORMATION l n. _ _..... ujpr ........... ..... .aa: -..--.....,- L__IpTypo.~.... I. _ ConoIrucIton on _ ...1Id __\AIcIIOd-...............'_ 1G&Buvor_._.._I-.g IIIol "'" _... on.........._ o o o o oSi - IL ChIIII_..... fJI.... ....... _.............r.: 1:i,L, A II C o E I' (; H I J 12............'_ L.fI. ' ?, ( , oS'T - tJ'? f'O~~I,t)~~"~, 0,01 , . . IFuU &.I. Price ill b tDtIIl amount plIIII tor me property lncIudlng personal property. WI ...... n., .. In.... form of..... ..... pnlIleIIy or gaodI. or OIl ..... of ........... or CIIhtr ~ . II.) ,..., t04IIWI ro till ___........ M1GUIIL '" fill .... ...... '''_,,_,,- I __In.... ASSESSMENT INFOIlMA1l0N - IloIo 'II. y_., . ._........ 0 ...... ...... '. ...... ,0.01 . " ...._v_.........-In_orI1 Cv/r-VtO'!cx.. 11. "- CIoN ,"""',Ol-LJ 11.___1 IlLT.._-,'--II---.-----1 1 1>\~'r l~c)J s-r .".,.\10 &l-..l<' o"7.co Let ",0 ~.ool) I I 5010__..__ SaIl ---. IWIIad CortrpI.... or ParlNm &n Bull,.. 000"'''_._,_ Bw- or...... 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