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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12224 P 679 L j)22Lf P b7i /I () - 3- ( 8 '- NY D05 . IIlIrpin 8l1li s.s. Deed with eo"nIm qain&I GrMIclr". Acts ladividual or CorporaticlD t5l. Shn:I) (NYII11J BOO:n CmGUL T YOUR IAWVP.. ...roD SIGNL~G TillS INS'TIllDlE.'T. THIS IN!IITIIUMF.."iIT SHOULD lIE usm.y LAWYHIIS D."O..Y THIS INDENTURF~ made the BETWEEN "'l " c:L .c>I ;;.. day .or October . in lhc year 2002 THOMAS A. CORWIN r.s~d~ng at 33 King Street, Murphy, North Carol~na 28906, as Burv1v~ng tenant by the entirety put)' ('If Ihe 81'SI part. and JOSEPH E. LEMERISE III and SUSAN J. LEMERISE, h~s w~fe, both resid~ng at 108 R~d8e Cr..cent, ManhaBseCt, New York 11030 pony orlhe second pon. WITNESSETH. dw the pony oflhe nnt pIU1. in consideration ofTen Dnllars and OIher valuable consideralion paid by the pany urlbe.wcand. pan. does hereby JP1IIII. aDd release unlo Lhe party orlhc H'CCXId part.1bc heirs or IUCCCMOrS aDd lIHiJ;ns of the party of the !IIeCaIId plitt rorrver. Tn Map -- ALL Iha1 c:onain pIar. pic:<c.... pan:el of land. wi'" "'" huildinllll and i""""""'nenl$ _.- _Iyina.... beina io .... Town of Southold. at Fleet's Neck, County of Suffolk and Stat. of Nev York, known and d..igoated as lot number 9 .s shown on a certa1n map eneltled. "Map of EasCWood Eatat.., situate at Fleet'. Neck. Town of Southold, Count.y of Suffolk, NY" made by Oeto W. Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors. owned and developed by George H. Fleet. Cutchogue. NY and filed in the the Clerk of the County of .Suffolk on November 16, 1962 as Hap File Number 3683. Abstract F~le Number 4156, being bounded and described a8 follows: BEGI~ING at a point on the northeasterly aide of Eastwood Drive distant 141.31 feet measured southeasterly along the northeasterly side of Eastwood Drive from the. corner formed by the intersect10n of the sout.heasterly of Midwood Road with the northe..terly .ide of Eastwood Drive; THENCE North 57 degrees 42 m~nuta8 East. 150 feet; THENCE South 32 degrees 18 minutes East, 135; THENCE South 57 dearees 42 minutes West, 150 feet to the northeasterly side of Bastwood Drive; THENCE North 32 degrees 18 m1nutes West along the northeasterly side of Eastwood 135 feet to the po:1.nt or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the grantor herein by De.d dated 9/23/81 recorded 9/30/81 ~n L~ber 9078 psga 224. DiM. 1000 Soc. 110.00 Bit. 03.00 Lou.. 018.000 TOGETHER with:all riahl.lilleand inlftnl. jrllfty. oflhe pun)' urlhe rust pan ur. in and to any SlIaISand roads abulUllIlba a.boVCHkscribed premises w the ccnlcr linea lhrceor; TOGETHER willi lhe' appuncnanccs and alllhe ataIc and nIhil oflhe party of the nrsl: paI1: in and 10 yid pn:omilC5: TO IIA VE AND TO IIOLD Ibc premises hen:in .nulIed unto Ibc party or lhc second pari. Ihc hein or sUC\,"eS5()tJ. a.nd lWOigns of Ihc party or lhe second pan forever. AND lhe puny of 1M firsl pan co\o'en:m&llhal. the paI1y or me rim pan has not done or suffered Bnylh1na whereb)' Ihc said premi,se, bavc been incumbered in aay way whalcver. except a... aforesaid. AND Ihc paR)' or the nM pari. in campUaRC:'C' with ~..ion 13 of the Ucn Law. COycaams lhat the party or the finu. pan will rcc:clve IhC' cnuideralion for this CtlDveyance and will bold the riChllD l'CCC'iw: AUC'h considcnlioa U D InISt rund In be applied firsl fw the purpose or payinJ; the COSI (Ir lhe improvemenl and will apply me same nBl 10 lhe pIl)'lnll!nl 01" die C051 or lhe improvement bcfon:: u..ina aD)' par1.oflhe local oI'lhe MAme for any other purpose. The word MJXlfty" shall be consuued as ir il read ""panics'" whl:never Ihe acl1Se' of lids indcnllU'O !lO .equires. IN WITNES.,lli WRERFnli'. lhe JXU1y of Ihc! nrsa pan hw. ,jul)' cxcalled lhis deed the day and year fint above wriu.en. Is PRaE.'iliCE OF: Lfc::-- Thomas A. COrw~D USB~UJPf: .-""FfJIIMlIIlUJWwrrHINNllWrOB'~'TATBOIiLr: _or_Yaok,CoomQ'or ,.., On the doy of in the year bcl'on: me.'he _pod. penoaaIly ~ penoaaIly known 10 me or proved 10 .... on the bosio or lIOlisf-Y eWJonoc 10 be.... illltividuo1(s) _ _) io (....) lIUbIcribed 10 1he wilhin i_"" _.:~ 10 me IhM ~~ 1he """'" in h_ 'yCico)' ODd _ by - ..........0:<.) on .... i.............. .... individual(a). or .... pcnoa upon bOhaIf of which 1he individuol(.) _ _'he i.......mcnI. ACKNOWI L~.fENT FOIIM I'OIlIJSIt WmllN NEW rl.llUCS'rAnrONLY: l,..,y.".......""',..WI,....,...~,.,.,c~1 S....,orNewY_CounIyal' ,.... On the day of in tbc year bef..... me. lhc undcrMpcd. pcnonaIly IIpp!lII<d Ibc ......ribina wi_ 10 Ibc ~ iDaInmII:nI. wiIh whom 1 ..,; penoaaIl, _uailll<d, who. beina by me duly _ did depose ..... .., _ hcI>/IoIlhcy _s) in (!/the~uf~ls .."dIy. u"'_'Iv..,..,"""_".....b,rr. !/tlIIJI. ,Iv"""" that ~ kmw(.) 10 be" Ihe individwll dclcribcd in and who CM:CULDd Ihe ron:pna iI.crumenl; lhIIIlYIid IUbscribina wilneD WIll ~III and NW said cxcculc die JaII'IC; and chat aid wibICII at Ihc same lime wbscribcd hillherNlcir' narnets) lIS II wiIncu lherelo. ItA1IIIIAL UllD1BlIIE co.. u.c .. ".I~rr,c.-..- _201 ~A'''''''';'''1_1'''' TtrLB No. ........... A SALK DaD . wrntClDYllNMl1'l~CIIlAtoToa'SAC'fS N \.-T ~"S7-S-o~' Thomas A. Corwin TO Joseph E. Lem.r~Be III and Susan J. L.merise. ux FIDBLITY NATIONAL Tn'LE INsURANCE .... COMPANY OF NEW YORK ., ~nD'''' -"".w-JIf.. FUUUty.,g-~,. "".,.",....._'-""*~ I I II: ... o ... !l ~ 2 I I - . ."... ~ USI&ACM'fWIUIJGMliNTnMM.IlLDWWIfWlN NBW)"OU' STA7JI~ Sl.olo al'New Yerk, c..u.u,. or ,.., On Ibc cloy of in Ibc year bcI'.... me.1bo undenipod. pcnonaIl, ~ pcnonaIly _ 10 ..... or prow.! 10 me on .... of _..."j ev~ 10 be Ihoindividuol(.) ..__) is C-) _'" Ibo wilhin inslrumonl ond ooknow....- 10 me that IIcI'sIIlOIboy ClUlCUICd 1he SIlIlIO in hiIIIberIlheir ~ico). and _ by __i< sigl1llllllC(., on .... illSlRlmcnl. Ibc illltividua\(.). or Ibc penon upon behalf or which .he iadlvicluoJ(sl octal. _Ibc illSllUlIICIIl. ACKNOWLlilJG.tlIJNT FOItM FOIlUSIlOUffIlDllNBW Yf'1lU'Sl'AtEo.'VLY: (OuI"'~_Fttft'IpGMwMI~CUtf/blrI .. .StAt.. gf. North .CaxoU"a.. .COIUItlf. .of.., .,.'1'-' Ie,.".. v..- ",111I SIIIW. CGMIIlr)/. 1'rPWItt:r"~""J C)1(.re,.J!.~ Onlhe>>dayof Ocrobar inlbc,..... 2002 befon: _Ihc wxlenipcd........,u, ~ 'rh0lllll8 A. Corwin . ~y known to .... or JlI'lV'llIIO me on 1he _ of ..lisl'llClOIy evick:nca IObo1he indivicUll(s)_ _) io C-) _tolhc wilbin i_..... _= 10 mclhol ~ tllUlCUIOd Ihc ....... in _i< _ ),1hoI by hi__ sQlna&un:(.) on Ibc insInnno:nl.lbo iudi. ,~-.(tl), or Ibc pcnoa _ behoIr ofwhich Ihc indi'ViduaI(.)-=ccd.Cl'C~_ me iuIn&mcDt. ....1baI such individual ..- _-II __ before Ibc undeniped ill the Town of Murphy . State of North Carolina ('tlUn.dtyo:..e~~.-it:oJ~IIIIII'M~ltIteorCOlllllryor nrMrp/uu the _'" ~~ ~ (2Dhn~ lOry Public (8 ~C;!AL SEAL" . N......"'Y p........ : .crth c=-'.m - --c...:;::';'cf C,......"'kCO.. Leann FidlQ.m MY CcmrrJ::llan e.;:!n:i2""+5ila5 DISTRICf :~ fJ:.: C""^~e. Lor ........ dO \J~ ~ Coutn'YORTowr< Lef'rr"o n fZ.cbe.r-.... <-to. c.- -e.. -uS;- IfBCOlfD.t!'DATREQUistOF JIIdeIIQ' N_ 'I1lIe_ ~ or New York 1lEI1I11N sr MAIL 7D .. "- CJ:::2 l Serial _ RECORDED 2002 Dee 11 12131:00 "" Edward P.Il""",,,... a.ERIC OF SUFFOUC COONT'I L ??oo12224 P 679 l>TI 02-18830 Numberof_ TORRENS Certificate _ l'riorCr.tI Deed i Mortaogeln.....ment Deed , Mongoge Tox Stamp FEES Recording' Filing Slamps 4 Page ( Filing F'ee Handling TP-S84 Mort_ Aml. I. Iluic Tux 2. Addi.ional Tox No'alion Sub TOlal EA-S2 17 (Counly) EA-S217 (SlaIc) R.P.T.5.A. Sub Total Comm. of Ed. AlrKlavil S~ SpeeJAssil. 01 Spa<;. (Add. TOT. MTQ. TAX Dual Town Dual Cuunly_ Held fur ApponioomCl1t _ /~. -' ;]!tJ..:::... l ~ ~ Sub Total ORAND TOTAL ~1lQ,. 6 Mansion Tax _ The propeny c veoed by .his mol1gago is or will be impro cd by a one or two r801 ily dwelling only. YES If NO. see ap _ofthisi .orNO_ priate lax clause 011 pale 1# ment. Cenified Copy Ree. Copy OIher Real"'.......!)' Tax Service AJDCRCY Veriflca.i... Oisl. Seelion B Ioek LOll O~928 1000 11000 0300 018000 0 ~=~ Initials 7 Sa1isfac'ionslDischlll'llesIReloases Lis1 Property oWners Mailing Add... RECORD'" RETURN TO: S ) ,)j s ?:6l/lJ. (ftJ Improved X V.canll...and ">00 -r;, ,-,'..... t<; \ 0:: -e.-.. t:=a.n--e..\'. \="..-A-~ .-PC. .1 ,~.O cA-"B -P/Q.. c::.Ci- I S\.)lt~ 1 "fLU Ltr...\~olE'. ~'f 'IS$""'=- B TD TO TO T 9 Suffolk Coun \.,.; -S-o~ & Endorsement Pa e lbis page forms port oflhe attached made by: IhO~9 .__ l1x: pn:rniSCll hemn is silUlllcd in SUFFOLK COllNIY, NEW YORK. ~O~o\c.<: C.~6~UC-_ OOXES 5 nlRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINrnD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) .4. , Grt.J ,:~ (SPOOI'Y TYPE OF INSlRUMENr) 3aseflc. k- ~u~~.'-' s. 'ro ...( E" C"Yl e Ir ;-S c:.. I \ \ - /.... ' e~'f?u-~ OC;c- In Ihr Township of In Ihr VILlAGE or HAMLET of IIIIIIII~ IIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIII 1111111111111 ~IIIIII f:lun~L1t CO~Y CLBRlt RECORDS OFFICI!: RECORDING PAGE Di.trict: 1000 Section: Block: 110.00 03.00 ~ AND CDPG1I!n AS I'OLLOWS $325,000.00 Recorded: At: LIBBR: PAGB: Lot: 018.000 12/11/2002 12:31:00 PM D00012224 679 !JPI of In.truII8nt: DDDS/DDD Humber of pag..: 3 'l'RAHSI'BR !'AX NUMBBR: 02-18830 Deed AIIIo1mt: Received. the I'ollowinq ..... For Above In.trument Bxempt NO Bandlinq NO RYS SORCHG NO BA-SDoTB NO Cart. Copi.. NO SC'l'K NO CaIIIIII. Pre. ..... Paid $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,300.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 $4,899.00 Bx8lllpt NO NO NO NO NO NO Paqe/Filin; COB BA-cn TP-584 llPT Transf.r tax TMNSnR TAX JIIf1UR.: 02-18830 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' Ta INSTRmIBIIIT Bdwu:d P. Remains COWlty Cl.rk, Suffolk COWIty " FOR CQUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state, or PHONE (5181 473.7222 IC/,?, 5,~ ,9',71 l::?i /1 Mann. * ' , , I ,-' "" . cz. Date Deed Recorded 0-2.1 Year Do, C3. Book PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Prope.rty L-195 LocatIon STFlEETNUMBGA E8Stwood 0liIft. Drive STREET NAME L___Sou thold CrTV OR TOWN VILLAGE Joseoh E. Iii FIRST'IAMf Susan J. Z. Buyer Nam,~ Lemerise ,AST NAME.' COMPANY ~merise lAST ~AM"!COMPANV FIRSTNAMf 3. Tax Indical9 whora future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address latbottam offorml Add,," LltLLf)-d ~ STHH NUMBER AND ST~EET N:& 4. IndiG.1te the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed LO 0 Levv\'en S~ LAST NAME I COMPANY Prop"rty Size L-~ X L--.- ,RONT~fH DEPTH lOR I 'ACRES . 4 6. Sellar Nllm'~ ~ Corwin LAST NI\ME iCOMPA!>.Y l'I'hrnn.R!'I A FIRSTNAM" ~ .ASTNAME'GOMPANY FI~ST "AME 7. Cheek the bOle below whid. most accurately describes the use of the property i1t tile time of sale: A~~ 0" F.mlly ,..dee'", B 2or3Familyl,esidenl;al C Re~idential Vacant land D Non-Residential Vacant Land E~AgriCUllUral F Commercia' G Apartment H Entertilirlment I Amusement I ~ com,munitY,Ser\liCe J Ir'ldustrial K PubllcS&N1Ce L Forest SALE INFORMATION REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 lU'.52J7 X",'.l~n CutchoQ:ue 11935 ZIP COD!: 4B. Subdivisiorl Approval was Required far Transfer 6 I _-.----J Chf!Ck the bOlle~ bell:rw a50 they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New ComrtructiDrl Orl Vacant Land 10A. ProperTylocaled within llr"IAgriCJllural District 106. Buyer received a disclosure notice indlcat;ng ti"l~tlhe llrOllerty is il1 an Agricultural District o o o o 11. 5ahf Contract Date 15 Cheek one or more of these conditions as appliceble 10 mmsfer: q / 13 / 02 Month D.y Year 10 / 28 02 Monlh D.y Yea, A B C o EO f G H I J 12. Dati! o15ale/ TransfElr 3 2, 5 0, 0 0, II ,III , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property i~cludiflg personal property This payme1t may be in the form of cash, OI1"\er property or goods, or the assumpt'lon of mortllages or other obligations.) Ple8se round to the neamst whole dol/ar amount. 13. Full Sale Price L -._1 14.lndiciJ1etne value of personal property included in 1he sale Q ,0 , IL , , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 16. Year of A6Sf15sment Roll from ~ 17 Total Asse50sed Value (of all parcElls In 1ransfer) I which information taken . 18. Property ellls!> L_f_....L_L_....QJ-U 19_ School District NiJme LJd!tcholZue/Mattituck 20. Tax Map Identitierlsll Roll Jdentifillr(s) (If mot. tllan four, attach sheet with additional identifiet(sll 1000-110.00-03.00-018.000 Sale Betwee1 Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Rell'lted Companies or Pnrtner.;; in Business One oftl'1E1Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type n01 Wammty or B~rgajn and Sale {Specify Belowl Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property BetWeen Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price lher Unusual lOactors Affecting Sale Price ISpecify Below) None 7 1 0 0 I , L I CERTlI:ICATION I certil:" that all of the items of information entered on this form tnle and correct (to lhe best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand tlutt the making of any "iUfu] rnL<;e r;1atement or material fact herdn will subja't me to the pro\~ion'l of the uemd law relative to lhe making and filing of false in~tmments. BUYER'S ATTORNEY Killeen. Eso. LAST NAME Thomas J. f'RSTNAME ~108 STRHTNUMBER Ill/Susan J. Lemerise Rid2e Crescent STREIOTNAMEIAFTERSAlcl 516 AR~A OOOE Manhassett NY 11030 ------;S=YORTOWN STATE ZI~CO~-- SELLER ~;f L~ 1& .).;2, ;io<.- DATe -----sE,~"R SIGNATUflE Thomas A. Corwin 227-0700 TClcPHO"ENUMeER NEW YORK STATE COpy