HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 187 .' 110.2- 3-~' L- f24b\ fl~7 _SYaTVF_,..-E--._-Il__AcIoo I \ I CONIIJLT YO\JIl LAWYER._ SIGNING nus INSTI\UMEII"T - ntlS L'iS11lUMENr liIIOULD BE USED ". LAWl'E1lS ONI.V TlOS INDENTURE, made the V day of Ct ,2005 BETWEEN JOAN A. NUGENT, raldlll.at 74S Plnewood Road, Cate.bope, NY, 1193! IS Executor ofthc Last Will and TC'uAmem ofRA YMOND H. NUGENT aIkIa REV. RAYMOND NUGENT, !ale ofSuffolk County, deceased, Sulrolk COUDty Sarropte's Coart FUe No. 399 P :ZOOS pIII'ty of the fitst part, and JOAN A. NUGENT, reaidiD.at 745 Piaewood Road, Cutello._, NY, 11935 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the fult part, by vinue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and teIlaIIIent and in consideration ofTEN ($18.00) dolllllS, paid by the pany of the second part, doeI hereby grant Ind releue unto the pIII'ty of the second part, the heirs or succellOl'S Ind assigns of the pany of the second pan forever, ALL that cer1lliD plot, piece or parcel of land, lltuate, IyIq and beia.1II the Town of Soutbold, at F1eetl Neck, CutcbopC', Sulrolk County, New York, bounded ud described as foHows: BEGINNING at a lDOJlumeJ1t on the easterly line of Pinewood Road, 100.18 feet nortbedy along said easterly line from South Cross Road, said point of beginning being the northwesterly comer of IInd of Vanderbeck; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line ofPinewood Road North 35 degrees 43 minUlcs 50 seconds West 100.18 feet to a monument; thence along 1Ind conveyed or about to be conveyed by the pIII'ty of the rUll pan to Kreutz North 57 dearees 42 minuteS 00 seconds East 172.0 feet to a monument Ind Lot 2 as shown on "Map of Eastwood Eatates", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Otru:e IS Map No. 3683; thence alODl said Lot 2 and along Lot I as shown on said map South 32 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East, 100.0 feet to a monumeJ1t and said land of Vanderbeck; thence alona said land ofVanderbeclt South 57 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds West 166.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO THE FOU.OWING COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS: That more than one dwelling sbBll be constructed on the pmnises for each 100 feet ofroad liontage; that any house or bungalow erected or maintained sbBll cost no less than 57000.00 Ind shall be at least 35 feet beck from the front bounc1azy line of the 101, including pon:b Ind pi8zm. That no outbuildings shaIJ be erected other than the usual garage Ind said garage sbsIl be in connection with or joined to the house or bungalow, or so erected that it shall be at least 90 feet back from the front boundary line of the lot; that the premises shall be used for dwe1liDa purposes only and nothillll which sbsIl be a nuisance, unwholesome or offensive to the neighborhood shall be permitted on said lot; that no fowl or pigs shal1 be kept on said premises. , . BEING AND INTENDED TO BE Ibe ....e prellliles COIWC)'ed 10 Rev. Ray..ond Nnleal, now deceued, by deed dated July 31,1963 recorded lathe 0tIIce oflbe Clerk oflbe CODaty ofSulfolk on Jnly 31, 1963 In Liber 5388 al pace 591. TOGETHER with all right, title lIDlI interest, ifany, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abuttilll the above dcsc:ribed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtcnances,lIDlIalso all the estate wbich tbc said dcc:edcnt bad at the time of the dcccdeat's death in said premises,a also the cslatc therein, which tbc party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether individual, or otherwise; TO HA VI: AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or s_sors and assiBJIS of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the fust part covenants that the party oftbc first part bas not done or suffered anything wbcrcby the said premises have been iDl:umbcrcd in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND THE party of the first part, in compliance with Scdion 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance lIDlI will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fWld to be applied first for the purpose ofpayilll the cost of the improvement, and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of \he improvement before usinS any part of the total of the lIIUIIC for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as ifit read "parties" whellllVer the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part bas duly executed this deed the day lIDlI year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~~~UG~~'''-' - STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) IS: On the\.... ""... \. day of June, 200s, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Joan A. N"';t,~ to me or proved to me on the basis of salist.:tory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrwnent and acknowledpd to me that she executed the same in her ClIpIICity, lIDlI that by her sipature on the iDslrUment, the individ , or the person upon behalf of which \he individual acted, executed tbc instnuncnL GARY FlANNER OLSEN NaIary PublIc ~ Of New 'fllIII NcI.020L2IIS8SDO Ounlllled In Sullolk Counlr 1'"...__1...1"'.. :,:._I_1ttI M"rch 30, io.tl:2 ~ , '. ~ '",.. I,' ~. .--.... ,I Number of pIIClI TORRENS ,I Serial/l Cenirate /I Prior ClI'. /I Deed . Monpp Il1ICrUmenl Deed , MortJIIe 'JU StImp PEIlS 3 PDae , Filias Fee Handllns TP.S84 'i ..lIlL NOIaIion EA-S217 (CoIInIy) EA-S217 (Sllue) Sub ThIaI R.P.T .s.A. ~- Comm. of Ed. S. ..ll!L Affidavil Ccnified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Toeal G~ThIaI~ OIlIer 110.00 Block Section 13.08 1.01 ooa. 05023706 1000 11000 0300 008000 r.~~~ \e~ ~ Satilf8cdonlDiacbargllReleue List Property Owncni MaiIins AdcRa U.cGRD " IlETVRN TO: Gary F1l111l1er Ollen, EIq. PO 801 706 Cutcbope, NY 11935 IlECOROED 2005 Rug 02 10:41:47 AM Edward P.Roaaine Q.ERK IF SlFFct.K CWlTY L ??oo12401 P 187 1>1. 05-00280 Rcc:onIin.' Filins Stamps 1- Monpac Ami. I. Basic 'JU 2. AddilionaJ Tax Sub ToI8I Spec.' AWl. or Spec.' Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Helc1 for AppoinlmCnl_ Tnwfer 'JU -lJ _ MaaJion 'JU The propcny covered by Ihis mocgDgC is or will be improved by a one or 1"''0 family dwellilll only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax claUlle on JllliC /I of Ihis iluttru L o 5 Commuait PreaenrlltlOD Fuad CoasicIeJ8Iion Amouol $ 0 CPF 'JU Due S 0 Improved. XX Vacant LwId _ TD TD TD 7 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pap forms pan of the IIIKhed Eserutor'. Deed ISPEClFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Thll!!! R_b! Df lI..,...,.nd H Nuvnt The JIftlmisis hcn:in illilUalCd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Towlllllip of Sootllold In the VJU.AOE Joan A. NupD' made by: or HAMLET of CotnOllue BOXES 6 THROUGH. MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG (over) IIII~IIIIIIIIIII ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I ~IIII ~IIIIIIIIIIIII StI1'POLlt COUH'l'Y CLBRlt RBCOlUlS OPPICB RBCOlUlIHQ PAGB Type of IDIltnmaent. DBmS/DDD RUmber of Page.. 3 Receipt Humber . 05-0079932 TRANSI'BR TAX HUMBBR: 05-00280 Recorded. At: 08/02/2005 10.41.47 All LIBBR: PAGB: D00012401 187 Di.trict. 1000 SectieD. Block. 110.00 03.00 ""...IKIlI) AlII) ~..RCDD AS l'OLLOIfS $0.00 Lot: 008.000 D_d JImouDt. Received the VcllowiDg Pee. Vcr Abov. In.trwaeJlt Bx-.,pt Bxem,pt Page/I'iling $9.00 1110 v.ftdliDg $5.00 1110 COB $5.00 1110 ftS SRCHG $15.00 1110 BA-CTY $5.00 1110 BA-STATB $75.00 1110 TP-584 $5.00 1110 Cert.Copi.. $0.00 NO JlPT $30.00 1110 SCTK $0.00 1110 TrllDllfer tax $0.00 1110 eo-.pre. $0.00 NO I'.e. Paid $149.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUKBBR. 05-00280 TH:IS PAGB :IS A PART 01' TBB I1IISTRllIIBNT THIS :IS NOT A BILL Bdward P. JloaIaine Ccnmty Clerk. Suffolk County "0 -:-, PLEAsE'ivPE OR PRESS FiRMLY WHEN "WRmNG ON FORM '" .J8~UCTIONS: 'hnp:ll www.orp..ltatinv.ul or PHONE (5181 473-7222 .. " . " FO~==ONLY /-/,733891 ~~J~~U.O,e? ~<>I I ~ CI._ c.......~, , .." PROPERTY INFORMAnON I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ITATllIF _ YUIIK ITATI_lIF _ ........,.__ RP - 5217 1IP-JJ171i1t. "=1 7:';',_ I Southold D1Y mr ..... Pinawood RaacI I. T.. 1ndicIII....IuMwT......lobl.... I ..... ____-111-"'_. - ...r__,_ ..Jt ....r-.. 1 I .. CDDI 1 , I I I ...-.r ..... Cutchallua - I. Bu,.. Nome UWAent ......'CQWNNV Joan A. ...r... UllIT.....'___1t' .., .... '.....r_IIAMD.~1IoIIIIIl! ""'..- 1 I 5TA" OW'cma ..........................-'W 1.& I 1IoI_"'__Iloo_ . 1 I .ofPo_ 011 D Pono"_ 1DnIr.-"'.___...._ ...___,.'bci'..............,E_ 0 .. ,. "-'"-1tMn __ _........ for ,.,..,. D 011:. ............. tor I'It "'1Iion lfIlfth .. PrcMdId 0 &0- I 100 Ixl variaa I 0111 1 "'-Y -- . ... .....'~1 ..... 1.- I The Estate of RaYIIIDnd H. Nugant I - IAlIT _/1XNWrI' -- I 1 ...-- IMT.....'~ 7. CI-* ........ below wIIIclIli .... - ..&wi. ~...... .. ............, at _II.... III ... I - I teNE I - -...---....- l._pT_ioI~ ~ CommuMy ~ & Nwr ConIIrucdotI on v.GInI Lind J __ . _ "'-".- _ on ..........'_ 1'UIII1c_ -.....-.---ma I. For.- .....prapMy.........', ~"Dillricl '1. ~ ........ "..... -. _...................r.: A~ ___...__ H... ___~ioIo..._In__ c~ 00001........._._ D... _..._.. Go._..,_~ _.. Londl._ F. iuI _T___.........IIIId_.....,._ F ~ _"'_...~....Foo_I8oocIfy_ G... Ilg_ Chongo In "'-'" _ T_.....1IIId I0Io DoIIo II... 101001_._10__ I ... 011.- __ _ A-.g I0Io "'100 ISpooify Iolowl J,- _ Executor's nsed o o o o ^~ On. Fomlly_ R .....__ C __m.- D Nan - .. .hIIVIOIIIl lind , SALE INFORMAnGN I ", .... ConlncI !Me Il~_.'" F c.....~.1 G _ H _,Am_ 'l._oI_,T_ 06 I - .... I 05 - 11. full .... Nee 1 , , . , . .1iI~E. ,0,01 , , . IF.O _ Prico ioI..._I_pokIlor.... _inclUdIng _....,ny, 1lI1to _ _..In..1ono 01_ __....... ......_ 01 morIPII_ Of .... allliglllDnLl ,.,... rrIUIIIl fa "....,.......... MICNMII. '4._=~=- I . . . ,NONE. .11.01 ......., ...., , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMAnDN . Ooul_uld ..- tho _ FIn.1 _. Roll ond T.. BIll '1.'_01' "Ilol-10.5 1'7.T__V_IoI..,......_1 whIIh u___........ ~ , . 5, O. 0 0 1 ,I.",-C*o I 2.1 .0 I-U '1.___ I Mattituck/Cutchogua ze. T.. MIp .........lwI/lIaI............ II more.... four............................. 1.,....~1 1000 - 110.00 - 03.00 - 008.000 I I I I I 1 I CERTIFICATION I I ndfy ..... . ... _ ........ ~............ raIcnd _ "'1II"In 1ft ... I11III CWft'C'IIIO ... ....11.., .........:I:.4r ... bI&I) ... I -6. . .... 1b8l11111 __ ",011)..... __ 01_'" ..................... IIlr __"'1Ilr _...._....... ____ -.",__ 1mB BUYER'8 ATTOIINEY ~~ 1 CL.~;JJ - Mil Pinewood 1IDad ObeD. Eeq. Gary FlaDner -- '-, ... 631 734-7666 IfNI"""" .,........WoIr...1oIliD -- la.utIGIC ....,... Cutc:hague NY 11935 I I arY GIll 'IUMI ...'" ..- KLLEIl ~Q ~..;rl .... r NEW YORK STATE COPY