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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 298 " .. '1/ 0- 2_( \;;L)q7 J-q~ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CA\Tno....: TIllS AOREEMENT SIIOULD BE PREPARF.D IIY A.... A1T0111oo'EY AND REVIEWED BY A 11'ORNt"Yll FOR 5ELl.EIl AND PUIU.'lASER REFIlRl! _0. THIS INDENTURE. made the ,.t day of Ju.1.1 ,2005 between JOHN E. KISTNER, JR. aDd CYNTHIA M. KISTNER. h_baad aad wile. relIidial at JOG Holdea Ave.. Cutchoaue, NY fl!lJ5 party of the first part, and GERARD A. ZUNNO I'eIldlal at 54S Burtis A,'e., Peeollie, NY 1I!I5lI party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the patty of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other lawful considrration, lawful money of th. United States, paid by the patty of the second part, does hereby grant and rel_ unlo the party of the second part, the hein or successors and assip of the party ofthe second part forever, ALL that certain plot, picce or parcel of land. with the buildinll5 and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Soulhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. SEE SCliEDULE 'A' ^ TT ACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The grantors herein are the same penons as the grantees in Deed dared 12120191 and recorded 1/8192 in Liller 11398 paF 558. . TOGE71IER with all right, titJeand interest, ifany, of the party of the first pan in and to any streelsand roads abutting the above described premises 10 the center lines thereof. TOGETHER wilh the appurtenances and alllhe elfale and rigllls ofthc party oflhe firsl part in and 10 said premises. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the plllmises herein granted unto the party of the second pori, Ibe heirs Or successors and assillD~ of the party of the second pari forever. AND the party of thc first part, covenants Ihat the party of the first pari has not donQ or sulTered anything whereby Ihe said premises have been encumbered in any way whaleYer, except as afon:said. AND Ihll pany afthc firsl pari. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the eonsideralion for this conveyance and will hold the righllo receive such consideration as a IruSt fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of payinS the cost of the imp_ent and will apply the same firsllO Ihe paymenl oflhe eoS! ofthc improvement before using any part oflhe tolal oflhe same for any olher purpose. The word "party" shall be conswed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this iadenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party oflhe first """ has duly executed Ihis deed the day and year f!rst above written. NYSBA laldcnlill Rcol ~ _oa'_.(WOO) -1- Cup)"rillh' c~. Dn.....- STATI!OF lfR.....eSK/II\.o...i....c.. ) ) ss.: COUNTYOF Wo...ldo ) On the 18' day of ~ "".e,. ,200S. befol'\l me. the undenigned, personally appeared JOHN E. KISTNER JR., pel10nally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledpd to me that he CXCClIIed the same in his capacity. and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual. or the person upon behalf of which the ind' . executed the inSlrumenl.and that such individual made such appearance '. afore . ereigned in the " / PUBLIC Damn M. Riley " Nolary Public . My c-..q,ion Euiro -, September III. 2010 ' " " , , .;.... " ..' STATEOF Mod",... COUNTYOF WeLleJ 0 ) )ss: ) On the / r day of "3 c..I '" &.. . 200S. before me. the undersigned. personally appesred CYNTHIA M. KISTNER, poll1Onally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the bais of satisfactory evidence to be tho individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and thot by her signature on the instrument, the individual. or Ihe person upon behalf of whkh the individual acted, excculed the instrument. and thllt such individual made such appeanmcc before the und' 'the Darrin M. Ri!-y Nolary Public ~lUian bpi..., III, 201,C: ". ", .~ - "- .': DEED '" " , " . - Title No. KISTNER Section I 10.00 Block 01.00 Lot 009.000 County or Town SUFFOLK To HUNTER Return B . Mall To: ~ ~~~.~:~8111.... _~. 86t1TRu....". I'" 11 "1 Rr Th, - r.. u. Of ........ ORb N"SIIA Itnlcllndol.... _ F""'GIl'''''IInco'(QIIIO) .,2. COJl1rillll~ft' Dc'...........' UUVVN::t .}4,' C... LC 10\\,11:."\,00'. un... liS lIuthorized lIgent for LAWYERS' TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION " . .' SCHEDULE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, pieco or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Fleet Neck, near Cutchogue. Southoid Tpwn, Suffolk County, New York, boundlld lInd described as follows: BEGINNING at the cornel formed by tho intersectioll of the nort~orly .side of Dicks Point Road. with the westerly' side of Holden Avenue; . RUNNING. THENCE along said northerly line of Dick's Point Road South 62 degroes 24 minutes 40 seconds West, 159.53 leetto tho land of Case; THENCE northotly along land of Case and 11Ind of HlIrff on a line parallel to said westerly Iino 01 Holden Avonue North 19 degrees 05 mlnutos 10 soconds West, 220.47 leetto 11Ind 01 Blohme; THENCE North 85 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds ElIst along land of Blohme 158.43 feet to the westerly side of Holden Avenuo; THENCE southerly 1I10ng tho westerly sido of Holden Avenue South 19 dogrees 05 minutes 10 seconds East 211.35 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. ..... '- -~... . _~'d'.-to:,' ...., r"':~-""'''...'Wl .~ -=~'CIJllllPl~;>" --...~ ~ ,. ....~ ." .. ~2 3 Number of paps TORRENS Deed I MOl1pge Illltrument Deed / Mortp&. Tax Slamp FEBS RECORDEI) 2005 Jul 13 011126; J8 AI'! Edward P.Romaine ClERK IF SLFFlLK COUHIY L D00012397 P298 DTI 04-48692 R.eonli"i I flli"i Stemps Seriol # Ccr1ificale # Prior Clf. # 4 Fogel Filing Fe. \ MOl1pge AmL I. Buie Tax 2. Additionol Tax Hendling TP-S84 Lot Sub Total SpeeJAslil. Or Spee./Add. TOT. MTG, TAX Duol Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment _ fer TaX d?31./ 0 - NOllllion EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (Sulle) _ Sub TOlal Comm. of Ed. s~ R.P.T.S.A. ::30 d) Affidavil Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other l Sub TOIOI ORAND TOTAL . I ~ - ii- 0- Slamp 1 Dal. Improved I( Initiol5 7 Sati5factionslDiscliargesIReleues LiifPropcii!y Ownen'Mailing Addres RECORD &. RETURN TO: JOSEPH BOLLHOPER, ESQ. 291 LAKE AVE ST. JAMES, NY 11780 Land TO /lJO () TO TO 9 Suffolk Coun B Title Company Information Co. N am e DOIIIlSTATI! TITLE AGEIlCY, IIlC. nUoN Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns part of the anachcd DEED mode by: (SPEaFY TYPE OF lNSl1UJMENr) JOHN E. LUSTIlI!"R, JR. AND CYIlTHIA H. Ji..l.::;IIUU( The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. SOUTHOLD TO G!RAllIl A. ZIIIiIIO In the ToWllShip of In the VIllAGE. or HAMLET of BOXES S 1HRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN1ED IN BLACK INK ON!. Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIR 11111111 111111111111111111 SUI'FOLlt COtJHTY CLIRlC HCORDS OFFICI RBCORDIHG PMB Typ. of J:n.trulllllDt. DIIBDS/DDD HUmber of pag.s. . Rec.ipt Number . 05-0072371 TRAHS:rBR TAX WMBBR: 04-48692 Recorded. At. 07/13/2005 O!II 26.38 JIK LIBIR: PAGII D00012397 298 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 110.00 02.00 009.000 BXJIKIJIBD AND C"'''-RGBD AS .aLLOWS Deed Amount. $585,000.00 hcei ved the 1'011owing I'ee. I'or Above Inst~t ....-Wt Bx-wt page/Filing $12.00 NO HaIllc11i1llg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCJIG $15.00 NO BA- C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-58. $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Trlllllsfer tax $ NO Coma.Pr.s $8,700.00 NO 1'... Paid $11.192.00 TRAHSI'BR TAX HmIBBR. 0.-.8&92 THJ:S PAGB J:S A PART 01' TBB tNSTR1DIIDlT TH:tS J:S HOT A BILL BcJwarc1 P. RoIlIalllle CO\IDty Cl.rk, Suffolk COUIllty PLEASE'mE OR"PRESS FiRMLY WHEN WRlnNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.lIlI or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Ct. __ Codo 1.1{, 7. 0, , ~, t. ./ a._DwelR 010.4 I '1Ij~ I &.sl ,; -- ... ." 1? CI._ I I. .(.3, , , 111:A.~1 e?, tIf, , PROPERlY INFORMATION ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ITAlI CII' _ YIlRK ITAlIlOARD CII' MAL-.nv IEIMCI8 RP - 5217 -.. ... ,. "'-I 300 L...-.. ...-., ....-.. Holden Ave. a".n_ ~,!JIJ d Cutc:hollue - I 11935 .aa: 1.- - 7.lWi'L,_ Gerard A. ~..... LMr"-/~ .-J .... ... Tu ............... T......ID tal.... I ..... H_ _ a.v- _111_"_ . -- LAIf ....., CQIINN'i' ..,..... I'IIEtI'___AMl.I_I~ ...... ..- \, 'of_ 011 D Ptl1of._ .....11 .."g--. L=- 1 - 11IOIfI'ftP' Ixl ...... 10111 'N:.i :r.q-l 1OnIy._".__....,1lIIIIr- M.___'" ',w...AoIIIortly_ 0 "__~I_RoqoIrodIorT_ 0 c.__....___Moo_ 0 .. .......... ...... ., . -..... RoI...... .._.......4 on 1M.... L - I MtiI......." - 'v.&. A~OMF..ily. ..ow a 2..2__1 c _1oI_~ D Non --~ Vaw:Int..... I &ALE IM'OIlMA11ON l 11,.... CantNaI: an. Cynthia M. 'IIIt_ 'J. ~ .... INtI: ...... wIIIcII ~ - ...w.......... __ .... ........, -'.......... fill..... 0IIIk........ .... ......1IIIPtw: L 00010r0hIp Typo 10_ .. _ co... _ on v..... ~ -........,~_..~- -Iuvor-.---.. ......._.In..~_ ...a.-___at_ -. _..........-......r. A ___or__ a ___cornponlooor_ln_ C OM of"" 1Iuvon..Ioo._ o ......r _ II __ or Landng 1l11li...... E Doocl TYIlI'" __ or ........_ 8tIt 18poaIIy_ F _.._..'-....Foo___ G llI8_QIongoIn "'-'Y _T__'" Solo_ H _.._Io_in__ I OIIIorUOo._F_-..____ J _ E~AgrIcuIl"" F Cammooclol G ...- H EnooI1o_,_ I ~ Comm.nlty_ J ....oat.. K ...liiio80_ I. ,... o o o o 4MiN._. 11. 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