HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12377 P 686 ~ WCB.2 J{ev, 8199 (uniform act.) , l I ~Y77 f b 8-G District 1000 Section 109.00 Block 03.00 Lot 003.000 ':::::=;_.:!7::':"~:-==~~~'k.. , I 0 q - :5 - 3 -vt19 \.VYYUlA. ~ :+~ clay of MtMcl} 11DS 1NDENT1JRE. made the BETWEEN , in lhe year 200(" RICHARD SUROZENSKI and SHARON SUROZENSKI, husband and wife. both residing at 3 Auburn Place, Shelter Island, New York 11965 ' party 01 the lint part, aad LA WRENCE P. KELLY and SHERR! KELLY as tenants in cOllllllOn , both residing at 1200 Beebe.Drive, Cutchogue, New ,Y.ork 1,1935 ,... "'," ,-", . .. . _ '\ . .,~. ;,','\' -"J .',~' .r, . ,": ..~l"'f/ln~' :..1,1.:','-11' ...."t f'';.., party'ofthesccond,'part.'" .__. ..... _.. .,~. ....... .... ~..__., WlI'NasEI1f, that the party of the fint part, in eousideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable considerat~ paid by the party of the .ccond part, does hereby erant and release unto the party of the seconcI part, the heirs ,or s.!'~~JInd,~~ of the party of ~\".,.... part lorever, ..' >\" I" " ~.... . 'ALL tli&tC;;rt&ii."PiI:t;'~ or parr.el of IUd; "with the buiJdinp'aiullmprovemtnll thereoa ............ sitUate. ljinc &tid!bei"l in the at Cutchogue, Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGlNNfNG at a point on the southerly side of Main Road 212,97 feet westerly along said line from the westerly line of Linden Avenue, said point being the northwesterly corner ofland of Chester Jablonski; RUNNING THENCE along said land of Chester Jablonski, South 18 degrees 25 minutes 40 seconds East 360.0 feet to Lot 32 shown on Map of "CountTY Club Estates", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 6736; THENCE along said Lot 32, two courses: I) South 67 degrees 47 minutes 10 seconds West 75.0 feet; THENCE 2) North 18 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds West, 358:88 feet to said southerly line ofMaiii Road; THENCE along said southerly line, North 66 deg~es 5,5,minutes 10 seconds East, 75.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING. ' ' . BEfNG AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyel! to the'p.arties of the first part by deed dated 10/22/01 and recorded 11/2/01 in Liber 12150 Page 952. "..'. ;"1' !..;.' . :, ..... ,.. :',.' TOGETHER with "II right, title and interest, il any, ollhe party ollhe first pari in and to any sUe'" and roael. abutling Ihe above described pren,i... to the center lines thereol; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the e5l:1te and right. 01 the party 01 the li.nt part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granled unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assicna 01 the party of the second part forever. . AND Ihe part~ ollhe .lint part covenanll,~hatt~ party.of the lirst part. bu no~ done o~ suffered anythine whereby Ihe saId premIses have been encumbered In any'way whatever, except as afOresaId. AND the party ollhe lirsl part, in compliance with Sec:tion IJ of the Lien Law, OOVC1Wlts that the party 01 lhe first part will receive the consideration lor lhis conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trusl fund 10 be applied first for the purpose 01 payine the cost ollhe improvement and will apply the same firsllo the pal'menl 01 the cost 01 the improvement belore usine any.part 01 the tolal 01 the same for any other purpuse. The woro "p'U1y"' shall be construed ~ if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture &0 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parly of the first part has duly cxc<:uted this deed the day and year first above written. I~ PaESENCE OF: 'M 4~ 1, " RICHARD SUR. ENSKI ,A1Q/AOn kfJ1/A,,1; .SHARON SUROZENS -, . STATE OF NEW YORK) ) st.: COUNTYOF Suffolk On the~ day of ~ in the year ~foreme, the undersigned. personally appeared R i ~hi=ll Tn gn l"'n"an C!1I-4. penonally known to me or proved to me on Ihe basil of satisl'actory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(l) is (are) IUbscribed to the within inIITumenl 8IId ocknowledged 10 me "'" helsbolthey executed the ..... in hislherltheir capacity(ies), 8IId thlt by hislherltheir signllUR(s) on "'e instrumen~ the indi'liduaI(s), or the person upon behalfofwhich the individual(s) acted, executed "'e instrument. .. Stale, District of Colombia, Territory, PonessIoa, or Forelp Coaalry ) st.: " . STATEOFNEWYORK) ) IS.: COUNTYOF Suffolk On thJtt day of rrQAGt1 in the year ~f>efo.. me,.he undmignec:l.personaUyappeared Sharon ~l1rn'7,:anll21r~ I personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 10 be tlte individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 the within instrument 8IId acknowledged to me that helsheJthey executed the same in hislherllheir capselty(ies), and that by hislherlthcir signalure(s) on Ihe instrument, the individual(s), or the penon upon behalf of which tlte individual(s) acted, execuled.he inlh'Ument. ~ful~ Slloalo.. aad om.. of ~~Ocllv doollakblla",oowlec!Jmeol fl" vII'! tJW r t: S ., ~o~lj&Qll~?'r (l,6~ ~Lfl), Oc)OkP 31, ux::llI 'On the _ day of in Ihe year _ before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of sIIisfactory evidence to be the indlvidual(s) whose name(l) is (are) subscrihed 10 the within instrument and acknowledpd 10 me thai helshoIthey oxecuted lhe l8lIle in hlslherltlteir capacity(ies), Iha' by hislhcrltheir signsrure(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the penon upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted. executed the instrument, and thlt such individual made such 8ppeanmce before the undertianed in the . (Insert the city or other political subdivision and the state or country or oth~ place the acknowledgment was taken). .. For acknowledcmCOU Ilk.. oRUlde of New York SIIIe. Jllaq.m .n11 "Ie aub WITH CoVENANT ^GAINST CaANTO"S ^cn T1TU No. RICHARD SUROZENSKI and SHARON SUROZENSKI TO LAWRENCE P. KELLY and SHERR I KELLY ItAMDAlO JOPI Of NIW YOH IOMD Of flnl UNDllWlmll ou_ ., First Americ4n Tille /1I8Urance Company of NIIIJI York ~ Sllolln.. aDd om.. of lIIdlvldoallaklnlo<knowledlmenl SECTION 109.00 aLOCK 03.00 LOT 003.000 CO\lNTY 01 TOWN Suffolk Re..nled At Reqaest of Fint A_a TIdo 1......<<> eoftlpsllY at New York .ETU_N BY MA.tL 1'01 WICKHAM., WICKHAM & BRESSLER PO Box 1424 Mattituck, New york 11952 Z1pN.. I I a I I I .' , I " i ._~- .. l IJ 2 Serial # RECORDED 2005 t'la,' 21 08: 10:42 At! Ed~rd P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTV L 000012377 P 6B6 DTi 04-33519 'j Number otpases ..3 TORRENS Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage Insb'Ument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES , Recording I Filing Stamps 4 Mortgage AmI. Pagel Filing Fee Handling TP-584 I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Notation R.P.T.S.A. 30 - Spec) Assit. Or Spec. I Add. . TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_ Dual County_ Held for, Apportionment _ Transfer Tax \ ") L\- ('). EA-52 11 (County) EA-5211 (State) _ Sub Total Comrn. of Ed. 5 <22- Affidavit 5 Sub Total - GRANDTOTAL~cf Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 6 n,cL _ _ __ _Section . _. B.lock . . _Lot , 1000 10900 0300 003000 Mansion Tax - The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YEs_orNO~ UNO, see appropriate tax clause on page # _ of this insb'Ument. Certified Copy Iieg. Copy \Olher Initials Community Preservation Fund 385.000 $ 4,700 Stamp Improved X Dale Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Addre RECORD & RETURN TO: WICKHAM. WICKHAM & BRESSLER Post Office BOX 1424 Mattituck. New York 11952 Vacant Land JOOO 7 TD TD TO 9 Suffolk COUll 8 Title Company Information Co. Name STG Associates. Inc_ Title # -24 d Recordin & Endorsement Pa e . 1bispage form; part of the auached "~"'g~in ~n,-l <::~,.. n....,-l (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: Richard Surozenski and lhe premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~h::::lrnn ~llrn'7~ncll'"; In the T01M\Ship of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of TO Lawrence P. Kelly and <:::hQYY; llo11y BOXES 5 TIlRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) 111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111111 11111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COtJH'.l'Y CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of I:nstrumant: DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0028917 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-33519 Recorded: At. 03/21/2005 08:10.42 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012377 686 District. 1000 Section: Block. 109.00 03.00 EXAIII:NJ:D AND CHAJtGED AS POLLOWS $385,000.00 LOt: 003.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following Pees For Above I:nstrument Ex81l\Pt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO !:A-CTY $5.00 NO !:A-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,540.00 NO C01IllIl.Pres $4,700.00 NO F..s Paid $6,389.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-33519 TaI:S PAGE IS A PART OF THE I:NSTRtJDNT TaI:S IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, SUffolk County PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS'FiRMlY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://_.orPl.lIl8te.nv.ua or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR cOUNlY use ONLY g tJ ,a REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CUWIS Cado I '-I, 1. 0, . ~ Ii CZ.IlnI_ ~:idocl I Q, c? ( ,I J; C3._k I / ~',(iC4.",:,V,1. b, PROPERlY INFOIlMATlON . ,. 8TAlE OF NEW YOM at..... 80AIID Of IIEAL~. 't' IERVICU RP - 5217 Mr.nlf" '1m "=1 25270 11-';""-' Main Road .~..... ~t.cho~ue CI1'Y0I'1 ...- 11~~ L-.- - LAlr.!.~iil'fY T.avrence P. ,......... Kelly LASI' ~ ICOWlIWt I. 'a 1ndIc:a1e..... fubn T... .. aflllD bD ... I ..... w__IIuyor_IIl_"'_. - Sherrt ......1iWC LAlP.....,~ ..., -- .rllU;l.............._.NIIMl! ern' 011 TGIMI I I 11111 _ ga;, ..=... I - .-.,.-. Ixl ...... 10111 . ..... ... 6.? I 1OoIr'.... "'. _ _....._ IA. PIo.... ....10..11I ',U,IoIoo. AulhoriIy _ 0 .."i11i1'___RoquirodIorT_ 0 C. PIraI ~ lor &...1-....1* ,... YIp....... 0 4. .....u the ........ '" &- ...It Roll ,...... ft - .... en tile .. 1,.._ 011 0 P",,,,.,..., I..... - .1urozonski 1.Mr ICOIIIMIn ~r" Surozenski LMIUM:./_ II$f Sharon .--J'IMIt: 'L_"'_/T_ 42.. '~ 3,7 - ... 104 y- I ~ CammurIky_ J......riIl 1.... ~ 1..cIclIa.I..... _ ~....- DIItrIl;t K __ ___.__-. I. _ ....11Io_..1....-_ ,.. ChIIt: _..... fill.... - _........... ~ --_.._- ... ....... ...... CampenI.a or ,....... kI BuIi...... Ono '" 1M .....11 0110._ Buyer Of' SIAIr iI Ga\._...... ~ or ........1NdluIIDn Dood" ___.. _._- ....I-'V_' -"'_..~........._-- llIgnIlIooN CIloogo In _ _ T_....... _ Soli DoIa _"'_II...._.._PrIl:o U___IllI_PrIl:o__1 -....--.-- I. 0wlw0IlIp,.1I-..1um .. NM' CanIIruadDn an VaIInt I..Md o o o o 1. ca..k................ rnoII-- .alelw......_ ..........-rtY ............ allIIIIII:: A~ 000 F.mIIv 11ooi_ II 2..2F__ C __....... I) Noll....... VIcIni. L..d I SALE INFORMATION I ". ... c:.nsr.. .... E~_ F _ o ._ H Inllr'Wnmenll Am&.mInt , n61 y- 'lLFuII__ , "IR'i.nnn, ,0,0 I - ,,... ll'uIISOIIPrll:oIl""'__..poidlar""'..____.... Th. PIYfMIII ...., .. In dID Iann or CIIh. OIhIr property or gaodI. or tho -..mpdon of ...._...,horHllgodonLI _.....,101/10____. '''-'''-'''- I, 'Q .0.01 ......,....... III .... ....!I !I . I ASSBSMEHTINFORMATION. DI1I ohould _.... _ FIIloI_ Roll ond TOll BIll 1 '1.'_01' ----113/04117,'__'_10101_"'_' . . . ..... ......... .. ........ , f3cct,~~ ./ 500/4200. j , _ "-..... 12 , 1 .0 I-LJ ____ I 211.T......._,__III........_._____ 1000-109.00-03.00-003.000 I I CERTIFICATION l , CWIIf)' ..... fI dtIt..... fI..................... 81111III'" ......... caned (ID'" ... fill.., L..._' 'a'''' WW) ... I""'. . .... .... ....... ",_.... __"'_r..:t_ .........._.... _.~ "'... _low _........... ....."'...._ ~ IlUYEIrI AnoRNn ve/~~ / IUVIII........"* . r'O A.:.Ic ~~ .rMlr....... . '........I...1A&tI 13/1/Z00< .... Wickham ........ I Gail -.- -- 631-298-8353 I .---- ~~.I!~~~,) ....- !II!.!&!! QiR_..J., L' lA/V . IlATI /(;7- .. I.3Ll/~ NEW YORK STATE COpy