HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 423 1/'1/_ Ii. NVOOS '!WpiD m>d Salollccd wilb Covcnan'apiPII 0...101'1 AclJ Individual or COl]lO...... (SiDlle s_) (NVBTU 60(2) CONSULT YOUR ,""WYER HFORE SIGNING THIS, INSTR~MENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BV LAWYERS ONL V THIS INDENTURE, made the 22nd day of April , in the year t'lIIo tiDJsanj five BETWEEN ~uli ~ RE\lfY"IlRT R 'mUST, Dar:othy 1L1l-...1, Trustee under ~~='""lt dated JIlly 15, 2004, 865 Cbuntty Club Drive, 0ltctJ0gue, New Yorlt 11935 party of the first part, and 1XIlO'l1lY IIIR N IRRJMX:ABU:: ASSET - Ml\NIlGBIENl' 'lIllm, Richard IU:-.... and Jill lfassis, O:>-'I'rustees, by Cllo:IL......",,,,t dated April 22, 2005, 865 OJuntty Club Drive, Oltchogue, New York 11935 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party oflbe second part, docs hereby grant and release unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or pareel onand, with the buildings and improvements thercol!. erected, Jituate.lYing and being in the at c-utehogue, Town of Soiltholo. County of Suffolk and State of New ~ 6rk. known and designated as Lot 9 as shown on a certain map entilled, "Map of Country Club Estates" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 10/17/78 as Map No. 6736 and bounded and described as follows: T.. Map DcoilplOliDll BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly side of Country Club Drive distant 637.07 feet westerly and southwesterly when measured along the southeasterly and southwesterly sides of Country Club Drive fmm the extreme westerly end of the arc of a cwve conn.'Ctinllthe southerly side of Country Club Drive with the weslerly side of Linden Avenue; RUNNING THENCE south 33 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds east 233.20 feet; THENCE south 59 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds west 257.17 fcet to thc northeasterly side of Counlry Club Drive; THENCE northwesterly, northerly and northeasterly along lhe northcasterly, easterly and soutlk:aslerly sides of Country Club Dnve, the following 3 courses and distances (I) north 30 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds west, 75 feet; (2) along thc are of a curve bearing to lhe right having a radius of 110.00 rcel a distance of 107.06 feet 10 a point of compound curve; (3) along the arc of a curve bearinllto the righl having a radius of392.49 feet a,dislance of205.51 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT to covenanlS. easements and restrictions of record. Dia. Sec. Blk. Lol(.) BEING AND INTENDED 10 be lhe same premises convey~-d 10 lhe party of the lirst part by deed dated July 15.2004 and recordcd in the County Clerk's Office, Sufl"olk County on August 31. 2004 in Llber DOOO 12340, Pal!<' 963. TOGETHER with all right, title and inlen:st, if any, of the party of the fIrSt part of, in and to any ilreets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appunenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the fUllt pan in and to &aid premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unlo the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever. AND the party of the first pan covenants that the party of the firsl part has not done or suffered anything whereby the &aid premises have been incwnbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the firsl part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the righllo receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply Ibe same first to the payment of Ibe cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other pU!'P!?se. -- COIU!JI''''''IOU E" . "", ,...-:"..,,~ ~~ .. . . . onr;;':'"q! l1ic'Wotd. 'P.W shall be conslIUed as lfu read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. flU' ( . ,:', . 1101"l~ ~~\!~ IIN)Yf!~Es's 'WHEREOF, the party of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wollen. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~~HvJ..~,.A. 1XIlO'l1lY , Trustee - UsIlAaNOMJ!DGNl!NI' _1IIrl.OW WI1HIN N/nr YOlII'SrAm OM.~ Slate of New York, Couaty of #/I5S1/U } .... Ond..;1J-dayof JJ..r;l '. inllle,.. ;iJ'; belilre me, lIIe ~ pl!IIllIIOIIy oppeoraI pl!IIllIIOIIy ~mr ~~ h~lIIe bosis of ..diofto..by evidonce to be !be indMduII(l) Whale liliiii(1) iI (....) ~ to !be wi1bin ~ IIIId ~ 10 IIIC _11e'IIlMbey exa:arod !be - in~ ~1a),1IId dial by biIIhID'Iheir~l)on !be inIIaumaIt, lIIe iIIdMduoI(l), or lIIe ponon upon bebeIf of which !he individuoI(l) lIl'lIOd, OlUlt1IIClllbo ~ JOHN M. BIGLER Nolllry ""bUo, SI.te of N.w No. 02BI4e!lD554 QuoIlllocIln N....u County Col,.,JIOIMI Expl.... May 31.20 ACllIW1HUIlCMiM' l'rIIIM _lIIIr rfhlIIIvMiwJbBSrAm (N.r. (N.w y",*~ WI_AcbrowI.......'C...~) Sloluf New York, Couoty of 1 n.: On Iho day of In Ihe year before IIIC, Ihe undcnigned. petIOIIOlly IPJllllIred the lUbIcn'bina wilDels to the foreaolna lnsaumem, with whom I"'; penonllly lCqUolnted, wbo, bel... by me duly 1WOl'I\, did depose and say thll hellhellbey mide(l) in (If. pI<<e tJ(ruII/....I6/It 0"'''' IItdJJ. till _ olld _1IIIIIIbor.1/ o.y, '~I-J); thaI heltheltbey ImOWCI) . to be Ihr: Individual deacribed in and who executccl Ihr: f'otesol... in_I; lIlallaid aubacribina witneal wu present and saw said Clleeute the lime; aad Ihat said wilDels at the same lime IUbscribcd hislherltheir name(l) II . wiblOSl thereto. BARGAIN" SALE DEED wnH ClOVDIAHTIAGAINITCII.AH'rt1I.'I ACTS TlTLB No. 1X.1I.iUud IUtiD REIIOC:l\BlB 'DlllST TO JXRmI!' ........... IRRIMlCAJlLB JlSSB'l' Ml\I!IIlGIIMI!R nlIBl'. Ric:hiu:d a.t-... am Jill Kassis. (1:)-'lmBt:eeB FIDELITY NATIONAL T1TJ.& INSURANCE 8:::MPANYOFNEWYORK I--......,fl' . ioFUklll;y ~ L ,II ____LaW"*_ i .. i l!l ~ 0: ~ ~ t I 0: lZmAaNOWU1IJCMJ!NTFOBM &!UIwWl1HINNBwYouSrAm~ SIIlle of Now York, COUDty of I.. On!be ~of inllle,.. beliJre..... Ibe UIIl!cnia-IlXI, pamnaIIy oppeoraI . pcralII1y koown 10 IIIC or JIIOWllI1O me on !he bosis of 1IIiA.'b7 evidcuoe 10 be Ibe indIviduaI(l) Whale liliiii(1) iI (are) IIIbIcribed 10 !be wi1bin ina1rument IIId ......uwledaed 10 IIIC dial b6'II"""-i execured !be 1lIIIO in hisIhatIheir ~iaa), IIId Ihal by biIIhID'Iheir sipalun(s) on Ibe inIInrmont, Ibe individDaI(l), or lIIe peI'IOII upon bebeIf of which Ibe lndlviWaI(l) aolod, execured lIIe inslrument. ~"-_lIIIrtkmllMiwJtBSMIr~ (Out o/Slote or F_,. ChrtmJI Aobao..w,.,1III CmI/Iatlej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. )...: 10lI0pI.. ,- - sr.w. eo..r.,., I'mI_., Nrul'd{1tIlU,J On tho day of in the year before IIIC, the undmiJllled, ptllOlUllly appeared . penonaIly Imown to me Or proved to me 011 the bsai. of satW8ctory evidence to be the individull(l) ~ name(1) is (are) aubacribcd to the wilhin illllrUlllelll ODd 1C1mow1ed~ to me thaI beIobeIthey -culed Iho IIlIIIO in hislherllheirClJlOlllty(ioa),1hat by hislherl their lipolllre(a) 011 tho illlUUDlent, the individual(l). or tho penon upon behllfofwbieb the individual(l) acted, axeeuled the iDsl:rumeat, and. that luch lndividuaJ made aueb appeannce before the undenianed ~the . . (hu... 'III "'1)1 or orlrcr potUkallllbdMllDII ood ,hi 1IIiI. ., <0IIII"" O. or~.. pI<<e ,Ito ocbowkwWm..., "'" """".I. '. :.1. 10900 0300 DIS11lICI' SIlC'I1OM BLOCK Lor 002030 Co\oo'voRToWN ~ BECOIUJJlD AT UQVl3TOF FIdelity NadouaJ TIlle 1_ Campauy of New York RFi7Vm,rllAlL TO 'D1e laW Office of .xiii M. BIGU!R l42111mtagh AV8IIJe Mimtagh. 1II!w 1brIt 11793 ~ ..:...J . .. .-TORREN RECOROED . 2005 Hay 16 02:07:47 PI1 Edward P.Rowine ClERK OF sumo: COOHTY L 00001~ P 423 011 04-<10956 Number uf JlIIlIes Scrialll Cenific:alull Prior Clf. II Deed / Monpge InllrUmenl Deed / Manpge Till Stamp FEES ReconIing / Filing Stamp$ 4 Page / Filinl Fee Handlinl TP-SI4 <7- =f= Manplle Ami. I. Basic Tax ,! 2, Additional Till Notolion I!A-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (Sllle) R.P.T.8.A. - ~= SubTotal .'- . - Sub Total Ccnined Copy Reg. Copy ~ /~= SubTolol ORAND TOTAL //f9 . , Spee.lAssil. Or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Duol Town Dul' Counly_ Held fur Apponionmenl);r;-- TlBlllfer Till l.2'..- M....illQ Tax. _ 111e propeny cov.red by Ihil n_ple is or will be improved by 0 une or Iwu family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, Ice oppropriole lax clouse un pale Ii _ uflhis insIrumcnl. COIIIlIL of &I. S Q1L- Affidnvil OIher Slanlp Rcall'roperty TlX Service ^FIC:}' Verlrll:llion DilL !!ieclion. _B.I~. I.ot 10900 0300 002030 6 Community I"reservation Fund Consideration Amount S CPI' Tax Due S Dale Improved Inilials Vacanll.and 3 SstisfaClionslDischsrgcslRcleues List Property Owners Mailing Add RECORD A RETURN TO: 'lbe ION' Offi.Cle of JaIiI M. 101..". Jat 1421 WIlI!l'DIGH AVIlIIIE 1I!NDlGII, NEIf ltIlK 11793 TO 10 TO TO 8 Title Company Inrormution 9 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e Co. Nlme nil. # 'lbis page fonus part of the allached DIlI!D (spooFY lYPB or INS"IRUMENI') made by: 1A.BJ.I:nx ~ RJNI'Y'Ilr R i1UlS'1' f'Itoonoord.hu A~-l. TJ:ustee The premises herein is situalal in SUFFOLK. COUN'IY, NEW YORK.. Sauthold TO IXR71'HY IDlIDI IRRBIIOCABLB lISSIir MIlRllGIlIII!M' In the Township of In the VILLAGE or IIAMLEl'of O1tc:l'1Dgue ....IR'P. 11;'"""=-.... 1I.~_.1 iII'Id: Jil1 ~ BOXES 5 UIRU 9 MUST RE TYPE) OR PRlNlED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FII.ING. lOVER) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111 SUFFOLK COmrrY CLBRlt RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGB Type of :InBtrumeDt. DBBIlS/DDD Number of Pages' 3 Receipt Number . 05-0052569 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 04-40956 Recorded: At, 05/16/2005 02.07,47 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012387 423 District: 1000 Section: 109.00 BXAJIl:HBD AND $0.00 Block. 03.00 CHAllGBII AS Lot. 002.030 rOLLOWS . Deed Amount. Received the FollowiDS Fee. For Above :IDBtrulll8Dt b-"lpt B:"AOllJ?t Page/FiHDS $9.00 NO HaDdliDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO 'l'P-5B4 $5.00 NO Cert.CopieB $0.00 NO RP'l' $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $0.00 NO CcmIIII.Pre. $0.00 NO Fee. Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 04-40956 TH:IS PAGE :IS A PART or TBB J:NST:RtlJIBNT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Bdward P. RalllaiDe County Clerk, Suffolk County PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1.SWlSCode ~, ,3,g, 6", ,'11 * CZ. Date Deed Recorded I OJ! / P / c:?S, ,,'_' ,', ." ," Month ~ Vl'lIr C3.Book I /'';'',3,8', ?I CC, Pogo I ,~,,;{.31 PROPERTY INFORMATION REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT stAn: OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD Of REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 1l....1Ii:!11 Rn JR1 1.P""",rty I ......Ion 865 lITRefTNUWIleLII CIXJm'RY: cum IIUVE STAf.nNAI\E arrnmlR t.uVOII:1DW14 VILLAGE. 11935 ''''ODE 2. Buyw Name DlHI:rA-tV ~ TIlIlR\I'Y"2lRr.F. Jl.~ ~ ~ Jill Kassis. O>-Trustee VoSTNAMI!/COIPAN'I" ~.. .....'NAM lAST NAWf 'COMP~ f1RSJIilAME 3. Tn Indil;lte while future Tax Bilil.,. to be senl BIlling if other th.n buyer "elre. (8t bottom of form) I Add,._ LA!IT NAME I COWANV rfllThANE STll[ET~U"lI[RAIIlD$TR[[T_1\I:lE DTY OR TOW" S;AU 2IP'CODI 4. Indicate It. numb... of AlMum.nt Roll parcet. ~ on the dwd 5. Delld Praperty Si;le FRONTfl:E1 I X 1 "'''" I OR I AC:RFS' . lOllIv' If Put: gf. hnlIIIl Ct-* _ IMy IPPty: ... P1ll'lning brd with Subdivision Authority bills ... SabliYilion Appf'OYC was Raquirw:l for Transfer 4C. P.rtel Appl'O\l8d for Subdivision wit" Map Provided o o o 1 , at Porcol. ORD Pilrt of . Parcel 6.S.... N.me "'" 1b........l\Y 1t." .J.:r.....-- LASt NIlNI ,CO"I"AJrIV fIIt1TIMM[ 7. a.... tM box billow which most IICCunblly dacribn the UN 01 thII pr'Dpttrty .. the tin.- of ..... A ~ One Family Resldentisl B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential VaClnt Land D Non-Ruidenl* YKan\ Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11. S.tle ContrKt Dat. ro~Agricl.llturolll r Commercial (j Apartment II EnterIDinment I AmuH'mont I~CelltrllJnityscrvlcc J Industrial K Public Service L Fa,.t a..ck the llaMa below . they eppty: .. Ownorlhip Type is Condominium 9.. New Canatruction on Vacant Lend 1OA. Proporty L.ooolOd wlthln..n A(Jnculturlll District 108. Buyer received I disdosure notice Indicining lha1 the ptQpIIJty is in ... AgriculWral OW:ricI o o o o ....... / n/a/ Do, YN' 11. Chedr. OM or rnonJ 01.... condi1iona as ~ to tr..-..: A SlIe Between Relatives or Former Rel8tivos I:J Sa'l IJetwHn Releted CamPlniel or PlIrtners in SUli1l8l1 C One of Lho BuVOI'I is .110 I Soller D Suyor or s.u.r is GovtIrrvnont Agency or 18nding Irw.itulion E DrIed Type not Warranty or Barg.in and Sale ISpecify Below) F Salo of Fractional or Loa tNn FClO Intcro5l (SpKify k10wl G Signifacant Changl In Property Between Tlxable Status end 5,1. OlIn II Solo of Busi..- Is Indudod In 5.110 Prica I Other Unusual Fectors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) J None 12. Date of 5,11 I Trentfer 'i/0bJ -.. Do, --- /0..1 I Y.., , 3. Fun 8I1e Price , "n , 0 , 0 I , , . IFull s,.,o PrICe II tho total amount p.llld for the property including peraonal property. This paymollllNy be II'llhe form of CIlIh. other property or gOOds. or1he UlUlrlptlon of motIgagDI or alho, obligations_J PhnH round ro ,IN nu,.." who/~ dollM' .mounr. 14. Indicate U. v.lul 01 person" .....-rtY included in the .... , . n ,0.0 I , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill '''::'~=:nI..~''''''1 n, 51 17.Tot.IA_....V.....Iof.llpe......._1 . , ; . ~; . , ;' 1 18.P_CI.. 12,1, Ol-U ,..S<hoaID;..riotNa...1 1000/ J(,;:l1:1U.~L VI 72l1tJ'LtlL:', , I 0 20. T.. Mep ..ntiB8rl.l I RoU kIenttfIIIr(a) (N ~ than four.l!ttllch ..... with MlditIo",lldIIntJfIer(eJ) 10900 - 0300 - 002030 I I CERTIFlCAnON I ft'I'Iir," dwl III. or *' iltrm. 01 inf'anniltiorl enured on lhl" roml ~ true 1IDIl1.'Wl'C.'d flu lbe ... or 01)' 1r.000000kldfCt/ IUUI hclier) und I undenlwld lhait tbt IDIIIdna nr _~" wiUtul rabr 5UIltma1t nf malL....... r:ad h('ftoin wU. JlUhjln nil! to 1M Drmi5kml; of 1_ DmDIIIIw re_lIth;", CO &hr RIIIIr.irqr. IInd minK IIr rll. insIrumenb. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~.f~~~~ Jill Kassis, O>-Trustee 865 1 Camt:ry Club Drive STVf'1I11UM.1l 1""'U Ill....' WTtIl SAl.[I RTc:r Rll. Jobn M. ..., -- HUi r Nolo.,,, 516 409-6565 AR'AClXll Il1DHON[ NLlllllBEIl O>tc:klaue QoY OR IOWN NY 11935 ..,'" "''''''' ~ NEW YORK STATE COPY ~'\;J4~-d2. f:t,J.~. I V/.J.J/oS' ~~ REIlOC1lBIE 'DllB!', ntftothy 1tlbsa1, Trostee