HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12368 P 332 I".. .....':'. loq- 5-14.}~ . ,.1 1":"_ I LI2~iA f 332 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AGAINS1' GRANTOR'S ACTS THIS INDENTURE. made the 14. day of January, 2005, BETWEEN. JUDITH A. MYSLlBORSKI, residing at 17 Chesterfield Drive, Voorheesville, New Y ort 12186, pany of the first pan, and BARRY BERKMAN, with an office at 521 Fifth Avenue. New York, New Y ort 10175, pany ofthc second pan, WITNESSETH. that the party of the first part, in conaideration of ONE (51.00) DOLLAR lawful money of the Uniu;d States, and other good and valuable conaidcration paid by the pany of the second pan, docs hereby grant and release unlO the party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, See SCHEDULE "A" attached. BEING the same premises conveyed 10 the party of the first pan by Theodore D. Mysliborski, Jr.. as Executor of the Estate of Theodore D. Mysliborski, Sr., by deed dated May 7, 2004 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on July 1.2004 in Liber 12328 of Deeds at page 4S7. . . TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, ifany, of the pany of the first pan in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenanc:es and all the estate and rights of the pany of the first pan in and to said premises, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party orthe second part, and his successors and asigns forever. AND the pany ofthe first pan covenants that the pany of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way wharcver, except as aforesaid. AND the pany of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 ofthc Lien Law, covenants that the party oftlle first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration. as a trust fund to be applied firat for the purpose of paying the cost ofthc improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total:ofthe same for any other purpose. ~. 'I' & IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe party oflhc first pari has duly execuled Ibis deed Ihe day and year firsl above wrillcn. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) 55.: COUNTY OF ALBANY ) On the 14" day of January, 200S, before me, Ihe undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, pcISOnally appeared JUDITH A. MYSLIBORSK\, pcISOnally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe basi~ of satisfactory evidence 10 be Ihe individual whose name is subscribed to Ihe wilhin instrument and acknowledged 10 me lhal she executed Ihe same in her capacity, and lhal by her signature on Ihe instrument, Ihe individual, or lhe person upon behalf of which Ihe individual acted, executed the instrument. Dis\rid: 1000 5c:,\io.. ; IOcr.oo Blot"- 05.00 Lor 01"+.01(" Ru.orJ + Rc.wr.. t.: J'oh.. P. E,,~.', EStt. Ell'.' . D..vis I l.J-P 5_' F'ink AVCIIWC I 31~'F/oor N~'tor\. f'Jc",'/ork 10175 IlOCU2064.2+,,'2-MlWi_kU)n:d.WPP /,c4~ /C~ Notary Public ~~~ 1: " NIL ClIIMClIl e- .1IPhii DI. ...... ...r? 2 .,.... .' . .0 _ .- SCHEDULE "A" . ALL \hat certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate. lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 26. on a certain map entitled. "Map of Fairway Farms", . and filed in the Officc of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on February IS, 1974. as Map No. 6066, being mon: particularly bounded and dcscribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the southerly side of Fairway Drive intcrscclS tho southerly side of Wood Way, RUNNING THENCE along said southerly side of Wood Way South 88 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds East, 240.5 I fcellO a point; RUNNING THENCE along a curve with a radius of 25.00 feet, a distance of 39.27 fcellO the westerly side of Case's Lane Extension; RUNNING THENCE along said westerly sidc of Case's Lane Extension, South I degree 21 minutes 40 seconds West, 130.00 feel 10 the northerly side of Lot 25; RUNNING THENCE along said northerly side of Lot 25, North 88 degrees 38 minutes 20 . seconds West, 263.98 feet 10 the easterly side of Lot 20; . THENCE along said easterly side of Lot 20, North 0 degrees 47 minutes 50 seconds East, 155.01 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Subject 10 the covenants and restrictions recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on February 22, 1974. in Liber 7593 at page 34. ncx.'S-IZ06424-Y:l-MJIolibcnki_Doed. WPD 3 -". -, ) Prior C1f. N RECORDEO 2005 Jan Z7 11157;11 AI1 Edward P. ROINiM u.ERK OF SUfFOlK COUIfTI' L 000012368 P 332 DTI 04-26293 Number of paacs TORRENS Serial N Ceninc:ate H Deed / Mortp&e IlISlrUmcnt Deed / MortPI' Tax SIUnp FilES Rccordina/ Filing Slamps ~ Puae / Filin& Fee HlI1dli!l& TP-584 I~ 5 ~ J MorlPlleAmL I. BukTax 2. Addilional Tax Notation ~_ EA-S2 17lCoUmy) _ Sub Total EA.S217 (SI8Ie) .ID ::::::- RP.T.S.A. , _ _ Sub To"l Conan. of Ed. 5 C!2.- Spec.lAslil. Or Spec./Add. Alfldavil TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Counly_ Held for Apporliooment _ Tnasfer Tax ,..;}OO () - Cmir led Copy Reg. Copy Other I ~ - Sub Telal . - GRAN I> TOTAL ~~j I';v MII1.ion Tax The properly covered by this mOrlpge is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelllna only. VES orNO_ If NO. see appropriate \ax clause on lJIIIle II _of Ibis inslrumenI. Real Property Tax Service AprtI:y VeriflCllion ~. Secti!", 0 lock Lot CPF Tax Due l 6 ~3577 1000 10iOO 0500 014026 ~~ Inilials 2] Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases ':ill PiOpe'ity- Owners Mailing Add RECORD" RETURN TO: Slamp Dole Impru\'Cd Vaeanl Lind Ii) :i""o"~ ~. l::n~c:...L, ea,.. e..t\~e...L ~ ~\l'S J LL P SQ.\ 'F\~+h A \IeAlu.e..... 31"'~ FLoata ,ve.w (od., 1-11 101'13 TO TD TO 8 TItle Company Information Co. Name ThieN 9 . Suffolk Coun Recordin Drrd & Endorsement Pa e . 1ms page Corms pIII1 DC the a1la1:hed _ made by: (SPEaFY1YPEOF INmWMENT) \l.A\~ A. \...\.~Lkk'l TO ~R~ ~~R.kn"\r.v-. 1he pmnises hemn is situated in SUFFOLK. CXIUN1Y, NEW YORK. In the Township of ~/d In the VILLAGE or IIAMLET of BOXES S lllRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR HLINCi. (OVERI '. I I oq ~ 5-J4./0' L123to'6' r 3) J- 1IIIn ~1111~lllm 1111111111 ~llllmllllllllll 1111111111111111111111 SUPPOLlt COURT!' CLBRlt RBCORDS O....J:CB RBCORDJ:RG PAGB Type of ID.trumant. DBKD8/DDD Number of Page. I " Receipt Number I 05-0009700 TRAHS"BR TAX HOKBBR: 04-26293 Recorded. At. 01/27/2005 11.57.11 All LJ:BBR: PAGB: D00012368 332 Di.trict. 1000 8ectioD' Block. 109.00 05.00 lttllJ[J:1IfBI) AlII) CBAJlGBJ) AS POLLOWB $500,000.00 Lot. 014.026 Deed AIIIouat. Received the 1'011o.iDg Pee. I'or Above ID.tr\ment Bx-,:>t 110 110 110 110 110 110 Page/J'lliDg COB RA-CTY TP-584 RPT TrlUl..fer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $2,000.00 KIUl.dl1Dg BYS SRCBG BA-STATIi: cert.Copie. SCTII C_.Pre. Pee. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $9,152.00 Bx-.pt 110 110 110 110 110 110 TRARSrBR TAX NOMBBR. 04-26293 THIS PMB 18 A PART 01' THB IRSTR1JIIBIIT THIS IS IIO'l' A BILL Bdward P. RcmIaiDe Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ;,1 , _ INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orputBtB.ny.ul or PHONE (518) 473-7222 . FOR COUNty USE ONLY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1.8WlSCado 1,1'77' "r'T.fUII ... cz. _ Deod R..Ied 01' ~ 7, ~,rr CJ. _k C4. '0..1 h "3. ~ .:.2 PROPERTY INI'ORMATlON '._1760 l.-don S'ftIUT_1I Ik~~~~- Berkman ITAlI Qf _ vaIIt ITAlI_QfRlAL-- RP - 5217 UwAI7I8tIlifl Cases ]:.ane Extension I ............ Sou+hold c::..h~..quo ........ IPaa; Barry ..- -- UlIT_'~ "'1 .... UlIT~'_"" .....,..... I. Ta nIaII.... fuIurI T......ID be.. I _ ____Jdd_IIl_<1ItomIl - ..,.1_1__'" ~NMIL ~,,,-,,"'.I""'-- GlYQIII'GlIIIII I I .'~1I D'GlIUI "=..,. I .... ..... FaT Ixl """ IORI . . -- '.1.'11 -........----..... .tA......1DIrd willi" ~"'lIiIIan""'" ExIItI 0 ..ItW..anAppnMll.........forT...... .0 Co PInIIi ..... far ,..L'" 1*11 wIIh _ PrcwIdId 0 4.. ....... the ........ aI .... ...... 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BUYSr8 AnoRNEY ~ d...2:.i. .-7, ~ I II ~IDf> BBz'l'f' )"r.....n DAn: 7bO 1 CQS&5 La.. E""~...sj... ~........ lnar"'lN"nIIlAU'I ~n9cl I John P. LM'''' ....,,... ~\~ ~b2.-9151t ~ccmt ~........ (lite. 'n..,,,.. crrtow 10M; I tJ'f .,,,,, IIqil ..- NEW YORK STATE COPY ~~, __1'- Jud tb A. MYBliloroK1 II'l+loi DA"