HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12410 P 929 /Oq-S -14, IS LI2L-~}D. I p qJq Quitclaim Deed This Indenture, made the day of August, Two Thousand and Five, between ROBERT E. SNOWDEN, JR. and MARJORIE SNOWDEN, husband and wife, residing at ~Fairway Drive, 1'.0. Box 910, Cutchogue, NY 11935 ".711 . party of the first part, and "'S71J ROBERT E.AsNOWDEN, JR. and MARJORIE SNOWDEN, both residing at ....Fairway Drive, Cutchogue, NY 11935, ROBERT E. SNOWDEN, III, residing at 2586 Creston Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068, and BARBARA J. ZJ1l'r.T.~, residing at 77 Spring Court, Syosset, NY 11791, as Trustees of THE ROBERT E. SNOWDEN, JR. REVOCABLE TRUST, dated January lU, 1!I!l6, a one-half lT72ITnterest. in'" the premises, and ROBERT E; SNOWDEN, JR. and MARJORIE SNOWDEN, both residing at 15 Fairway Drive, Cutcbogue, NY ll935~ ROBERT E: SNOWDEN, III, residing at 2586 Creston Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068, and BARBARA J. ZIEGLER, residing at 77 Spring Court, Syosset, New York 11791, as Trustees of THE MIo1l!.TnRT'R SNOWDEN REVQCIoRT..... TRUST, dated January l~, 1996, a one-half (1/2) 1neerest in the premises, as tenants in common, party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, in All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying aiul. being in the Town of Southold, at Cutcbogue, known and designated as Lot Number Fifteen (15) on a certain map entitled, MMap of Fairway Farms,M and filed ," ;'~t:t.IieYlCilffice. of the Suffolk County Clerk on February or ~ DC~''''4'''iI.'''1'I'ap Number 6066. . l(fEe;&If!.~ . '-' . ", Being and, Intended to be the same premises conveyed to the Grantors herein by Deed dated June 25, 1976, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on July 16, 1976, in Liber 8010 at Page 181. Together with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereofi Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premisesi To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. Page 1 of 2 Pages and the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. and the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. In witness Whereof, the party of the first part has duly executed th. Deed the day and year first above written. STATE OF NEW YORX) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss.: On the /S4A\.day of August, 2005, before me the undersigned, personally appeared ROBERT E. SNOWDEN, JR. and MARJORIE SNOWDEN, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. " 144.~dUf ot J.C ."~ Quitclaim Deed Tax Hap No. 1000-109.00-05.00-014.015 county of Suffolk Town of SOuthold 11;1===========:&:11===____ ROBERT E. SNOWDEN, JR. and MARJORIE SNOWDEN, his wife '1'0 One Half (1/2) interest in the Premises to each of THE ROBERT E. SNOWDEN REVOCABLE TRUST and THE MARJORIE SNOWDEN REVOCABLE TRUST, both dated January 10, 1996, as tenants in common page 2 of 2 Pages NumberofJlll&cs TORRENS Seri~11I Cenifica.., /I Prior af. II Deed . Mongoge Insllllment Deed' M~ 'Illx Stamp FEES 3 Page' Filing Fce Handling , I TP.S84 5 ..!XL .::> NOlllIion fJ" If EA.S217 (County) ~r:., 7~ :3) .00 Sub TOllII EA.S217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of !:d. ~ Affi....vit ~ ~ifiedC Reg. Copy 5. .!IlL ~ SUhTolaI~^ Grand TotaI~V..,J Other IS- 05.00 Lot 0500 014015 014.015 5 Real Propeny Tu Service Agency Verification ' Section 109.00 Block ~ "'.. '.00. 6 S~li~flll:lionlDillCharJeslRel....", Li~tl'ropeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD &< RETURN TO: John Shea, Esq. Twomey, Latham, Shea, Kelley, Dubin, Reale &: Quartararo, LLP P.O. Box 9398 R1verhead, NV 11901 7 Co.N~mc Title II R[CORl'EI> 2005 s.p 22 04:18132 PH Edward P.Roollline CLERK OF . Sl.IFFOI.J( COIJNTY L 000012410 pm DTI 0'5-07995 ReeonIing , Filing Stamps MOfI&IIie Amt. I. Bu.ie l'oIX 2. Additional 'Illx Sub Total Spec.' Aui!. or Spec.' Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment.d..- Tr~nsfer Tax ---!.f--- - Mansion Tax _ 1be propeny covered by Ihis motaaae i. '" will be improved by ~ one or twO family dwcllinll only. VE.'; or NO If NO. see ~pproprillW IllX clause on p:l1IC II of this 'natrumenl. Communll . Preservatioo Fund Consideration Amount S.JIlIJIll CPF'Illx Due S Improved Vacant Land _ IIJ TO TO TO 11lle COmpllo)' Informallon 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns pan of the atllll:hed OUlTCLAIM DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT! ROBERT E. SNOWJ)EN. JR. nnd MARJORIE SNOWDEN The pn:misis """,in i. situlIIL-d in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. made by: TO In the Township of Snuthold RiKt E. lh::1dir1. MII:jcz1e lh::1dir1. ~.1 -.- J: ~thc VILLAGB lB~~d!~~~ Jr. ............,..'D:IBt or HAMLET of CutehOllUe (nollne.) ad '1JB nIL.",...... ~ 19- . - .Ia ".IX\IIt BOXES' THROUGH. MUST BE TYPF.D OR PRINTED IN BJ.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) 1111111111111111111111 0111111111111111111111111 III 111111111111111111111111 SUI'FOLK COmITY CLBRK BCORDS OI'I'ICE RBCORDI:NG PAGB Type of I:_tru:lll8ll.t. DEBDS/DDD NUmber of Page.. 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0099994 TRANSI'ER TAX HUMBER: 05-07995 Recorded. At. 09/22/2005 04.18.32 PM LI:BBR: PAGE: D00012410 929 District. 1000 SectiOD' 109.00 B7_WJ:RBD AND $0.00 Block: 05.00 CHARCilBD AS Lot. 014.015 POLLOWS Deed AIIIo\mt. Received the Following Fees Por Above I:nstrument BxoMllpt BxoMllpt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCBCiI $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $0.00 NO Ccmm.Pre. $0.00 NO Fee. Paid $154.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER. 05-07995 THI:S PACilE I:S A PART OP THE I:IlSTR'llJIBNT THXS I:S NOT A BI:LL Edward P.Roaaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.ul or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COutnv USE ONLY Cl. SWIS CoclII ,.- ~ * REAl PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I 5l. 7.JK. J?'!'I CZ.__R... - I ef / i,:J./ fl,JT C3._I/~.Y./ "OICoL..... . PROPERTY INFORMATION STAlE 1If NEW_ ITAlE 80AIID w: -.AL rftWPaIl'" IEIIVICEI RP . 5217 u.A17'" .., FaiJ:wa: Drive ..... - Southold an OR IGWN I~ 111935 ..aa. 2. ..,., - See attached ~1".hgnI11e "A" LAIT.....,CIClII'MIIW' -- LAIr NIIIf ICflMNM'I ........... .. Tu: IndaIe whn..... TIlC MII.,1o bI.... _ .--bu'IO"....._...-."'_1 -- I _If -.-. AID I'WT JIlAIlIII lMI' NMII! I CIQMWiIY -- an OR.... irATi Z1Pa;lm ..:::- 1 - ..........n:r.r 1 X I lXlI'nf IORI ACIlIII' - lOoIy --... - - --....,. II. 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D Non Rllld.nd.l1 "-" I.1nd I SALE INFORMATION I 1 t. .... ConIrat .,... f.~AgoIcuII"" ,,~ G _ 11-'/- 12._.._,r_ 8 - / L~ Dot / 2005 I - 11. PIlI .... ..... ! ,.0,0.0,01 , , . (FuU S8Ie Pra IIlh1lOU1llmOUnt paid for th, propIIty inc:lpdlng PlrIOftII Praplrty. Thil DIYII*II nwy _ In the farm at CIItI. othIr propafty 01' good.. or 1M IIIWnpdon 01 rnorIgIgII Of other _..~ 1ioI1IJ ".... rrJIUIId ID rill ..."., wftMi ."., Mtounr. ,..-....-..- 1 . nil. 0 . 0 I _ _In.... _ . FCR ZJ!K) CIlNS,""""M'TI"N ASSESSMENr INFORMATION. o.r. Ihould retloct tho '- Rnal ........M Rolland T.. Bill Quitt" !III 01_ ft If ,I. Y_ III . ._4 Hal from I .... "1lL... . .... 1 n,T__V_loIo1_In_1 ; , , '..__CIOOO 12,1, Ol-U ,..___1 Matti'"'- ICUtchcauel 20. TaMop 1do.._IaI/IIoI_II.....__. ____IdoI_' 1 1000-109.00-05.00-014.015 1 I CERllRCAll0N I I .... d ", lilt ~ tI LA.. .. ........ an ..... ..... .... InIe ..... camet .. tIIir .... ", my lUll --" t", .... bIIW) ..... I ....n ....-..1 ...... CbIoIllllldDa or _~"'_IIIct_:--............ _........,.IIlII...."'_....._.... 1lUYliR"B ATTORNEY o aI tIE R::I:Kt E. 9:DcleI1, Jr., Reo...........'.. 'D:u!It am tIE Shea 1 Jotm LMT'" tNr NMII ~. , ~".~ 1fi31172'7-.211ll _CClIlE 1B.IPtIDIe~ cutchogue I NY I 11935 ~~~~ ...n .._ "htfu"AiLJ .hz.hfnd, A'/ 1 ~Sncwden .... NEW YORK STATE COPY