HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 280 . 'oQ-I-/:5 I --Bargain and Sale Deed, with Covenant against Grantor's AcIs--lndMduel or Carpal'lltlon (single sheet) . CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. LIlY) Z f Z}J) THIS INDENTURE, made the 15th day of July Two Thousand Five BETWEEN ANTHONY CITERA, residing at 2511 River Road, Calverton, New York 11933 and CAROUNE CITERA, residing at 24545 Main Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 party of the ftrst part, and CAROUNE CITERA residing at 24545 Main Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, In consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable conslderattol paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heir or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certilln plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being In the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at Cutchogue, bounded anl described as follows: COMMENCING at a point In the northerly line of Main Road, which point lies SO feet westerly, a: measured along the northerly line of Main Road, from the point of Intersection of the northerly line 0 Main ROad and the easterly line of the fann lands late of Mary A. DICkey, deceased, and RUNNING THENCE northerly a distance 150 feet on a line parallel to the easterly line of said lands 0 Mary A. Dickey to a point; THENCE RUNNING westerly on a line parallel to the ~J:!~.Jlre'(~~.t3..V'pe of SO feet b a point; _ . _..__ __. . . . . . . THENCE RUNNING southerly on a line parallel to the ealteriVi!!il..9r~'iJ.fidrllfilry A. Dickey 151 feet to the northerly line of Main Road; THENCE RUNNING easterly along the northerly line of Main Road, 50 feet to the point or place 0 BEGINNING. BEING and Intended to be the same percel acquired by deed dated 11/21192, recorded by the Clerk of the Count of Suffolk on 1213/92 In Uber 11582 pege 320. TOGETHER with all right, tlUe and Interest, If any, of the party of the flrst pert In and to any streets and road abutting the above desa1bed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate an, rights of the perty of the flrst pert In and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto th, party of the second pert, the heirs or successors and assigns of the perty of the second pert forever. AND the perty of the flrst pert covenants that the llIdiX.QfJltJlM,~~ffered anything wherelr the said premises have been encumbered In any way wha'aive;:;'~~~fil~~ - r ... .........,ftI'WI..-. AND the party of the flrst part, In compliance with 5ec1m1i"~~d.etti>>~nts that the party of the flrs part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold t:itP""U6 ~~chC:Onslderatlon au trust fund b be applied flrst for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same nrst to the payment of th, cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If It read "parties" whenever the sense of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party written. ted thIs deed the day and year ftrst abovl IN PRESENCE OF: STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ) 55.: :OUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK . . On the lSth day of July In. the year 2005 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said State, personally appeared ANT1IONY CITERA known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory !vldence to be the Individual whose name-Is subsa1bed to the wIthin Instrument and acknowledged to me that ~e executed the same In his capacity and that by his signature on the Instrument, the Individual, or the person - ..... "'....the '''''~d"""",. --;;z:;;;' NOTARy'Pt::::! 1WalLG.~ -~~-=~- 1: . ')[1- .~_~=.. ) ) ) 55.: :OUNTY OF 5UFFOLK On the 15th day of July In the year 2005 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for iald State, personally appeared CAROUNE CITERA known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory !vldence to be the Individual whose name Is subscrtbed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that ihe executed the same In her capadty and that by her signature on the Instrument, the Individual, or the !)erson upon behalf of which the Individual acted, ex ed the Instrument. e B8rgaln and Sale Deed WI1li COlll!NANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS ....... G.IIOONEY NaIIrv NIIIo; .... crI tt.-.... .. "No. .. r=bt O.rJld In =. 0. n...., i J.'.O Ii _ i.. .e; TO SECTlON 109.00 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 015.000 . COUNTY OR TOWN - SUFFOlK/SOUTHOLD TAX BIWNG ADDRESS: 24545 Main Road, Cutchogue, New Yorl< 11935 1TTlE NO. ANTHONY OTERA and CAROUNE ClTERA CAROUNE ClTERA R!1U1IN BY MAIL TO: - ~ ". "MS. CAROUNE ClTERA 24545 MAIN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 .., RESERVED FOR USE BY COUNlY Q.ERK '.. Numhcrofpqcs TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Nov 03 10140: OS All Edward P.Roaaine CLERK OF SUfFOU:: COUNTV L ??oo12418 P 280 DTI 05-13752 Serial # Ccnilicatc # Prior Of. # Deed , MlIrtgagc Instrument Deed , Mmtgage 1'.&X SllImp FEES Recording' Filing SllImp; 3 Puge' Filing Fee 9_ Gr.md Total 15<{ -IL Mongage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additillnal Tax Sub TOIllI SpecJAssit. or Spt.'C.'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dulll TlIwn _ Dual County _ Hcld for Appointment Transfer Tax 0 Mansion Tax The pRlpcny covered by this mortgage i or will be improved hy U line lIr tw, family dwelling nnly. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate IlIX duuse on page # of this in.~bUment. Hundling S. 00 oC)_ 1'P-5K4 Nlltulinn EA-52 17 (COUnlY) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. 5" ,1)_ ~O - -- - Sub Tnlul dY-. ("'l11m. nf Ed. S. 00 Afiiduvil <&~ified C::J NYS Surchargc Olhcr ~. , - I \ . IS. (lO Sub Toral 4 Disl. Section Block Lot 5 ComIDUDity Pruervatlon FwuI Reull'mpeny Tux Scr..kc Agency Vcrilicutinn O~733 1000 10900 0100 015000 ~ ,. P T S' ~~~ ---- Consideration Amount $ o c> CPF Tax Due S 6 SutisfaclionslDisclwJlcslReleases List PnlJlllny Owners Mailing Address RECORD a KETURN TO: / Improved ~ Vacant Lund _ TO e.a.ro\ i" e.. e; ~e..("~ a 45L15 ).{a i ^ ~d. ~l(tc.h08'LJe., /U'I w~a, TD TO 7 Co.N TItle # TItle Com Information 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa This page fOnTIs part of thc allnched ~ 'l; ^ 0... tl t=;' a. Ie. \')e.e.d. (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENT) made by: '!be premiscs herein is SilUllICd in SUI'I'OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of So Ll..f:h.ol.. {\ a.... I'D I ; (Ie (! ~ te...r c.. In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of C-u. +L hl"'ld I J.O BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN'IED IN IILACK INK ONLY PRlOR~RDING OR FlUNG. 11111111 1111 1111111111 IIW 111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OP'PJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Xnstrument. DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt NUmber : 05-0115725 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-13752 Recorded: At: 11/03/2005 10.40.08 All LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012418 280 District. 1000 Section: 109.00 BXAIIINJm AND $0.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 015.000 POLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Pol1owing Pees Por Above Instrument Bx8lllpt Bxer Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCRG $15.00 NO &:A-CTY $5.00 NO &:A-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $154.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 05-13752 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMENT THXS XS HOT A BXLL Edward P.Rama.ine County Clerk, Suffolk County . CT. IIWI8 Code I 'r?' ~8',$,? I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPOR1 cz._o.dR........ I 11,03 ,OJI IGiIi DIr v., CUo_ I ../. J.,. Sf, I,?I cU_1 I;;) ,'0 I . PROPERTY INFORMATION STATE OF__ STATE _OF _.......-.. _ RP - 5217 IINIJI'.... "", 1'~1 ~ i.~5 I ~i.Q C.~tr)gll-L CllYOIIJ C!. i ~ra.. LMI_/alIIPAIfY R-na. d. ~ ...,.. - -~ ~~ I,' f\-E... ~ LQI'..../~ ...- :t. T.. _ _ Man T.. ... I/O III Ilo on I .... W__buior_...-.fIllarmI. - I ......_MGI'IIIIIT~ LM''''',COII/NIIIY rJIIIT.... ... ........ .... ........ .. a___ ,..... 110II...... ..........4 on tile deed cm'0II1'011ll1N , I . 01 ......10 OR 0 PIrt of I "'rooI . SIAU .caDI! I.=-I - Ixl ........fIlP' ,it~o.- .c~ -- lOR I \c.u. . 10nIy .,.,... 1_ _....., oppIy: 4A. PIannIIlIl_ _ 50_ AoIIlorIIyE-. 0 ."~~_ApprlIllII__hdfarT_ 0 C.......~fars.bd'.ioIon_Mop_ 0 ..- - a.rrlhDny ~~O {:nQ.. 7. a..-... boa 1MIIow...... ..... -- .twlt --- ...... the 11M............, .r.... time r1I Mia: ^~Flmily _mlal B 2or3F1mily_oI C _IV_lJond . D Non "uldendll V.... 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ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DIrI Ihould reIIoct the ....., FInII ~1lI Roll ond TI. Bill 11. V__.. au ~._.I" hm I which .............__ I n.T___IaI..~.._1 , ; - G.,~'oO~ue ; 11.~_ I 2;. \.0 I-LJ II. _ _ ~ I ('{\ o..~d"c.t .. T_ MIp.... - Ita I" .....__.. .................. ........... wtIb -'--, "'1dInIIIIICaI1 LJ09.00-01.00- 015.000 I I CERTlFlCA110N I ......,....."'..._"'--......._.........IlId_'.........."'...,.......... 1lId1lololl1lld1' ._...._ "'''' -- - ......_~.. or a....w... - "1IIIIJo<t .. ... ... _'~ "'.... _ low _ ...... -...... ..... "'.... b..oL__.... BUYER BUYER'B ATTORNEY dtk: ililA,.. Ca.ro I "t I ~("Q..... Ol ..,~ ~I\ tU. I1MIT -......,.... UIAI I i:I- 15-dj .... -JJ()Qn~ ...,- ltJl -.... I ~J9-1 Ot~(OO m.r...... ...... 1., , 1-1"-1'"11) NEW YORK STATE COPY