HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12205 P 683 NO N.T.S. TiW'ISFtll 'fAX STAHPS ll.:EQi:IREtl L I d,J06' P 1{P 1,3 ,",,'flU ;.;j1l1~ '~,\.NI :;I~1 f1o.1fldfll)ll.i,!Soiik Lii.'fd. "'lmCf'l\~>t~"'ifWI filwtlI4'''&'b '~I'(Hfpur,;tlh., l~.~l .." Y(IIIJa ......... n.-. MOJ r "".. -4 N U .w.. __ '--_ J!......." I-..,.......... nflS Il'iDF:I\T1.:ItF:. 1ft"'"' ,,'" ,;(1- 'If. dap.; Kf."tWF:F:N JAMES H. OOIlrIlO'1l and RUTR ANN M. COlINOR. bllS rife".. Ilotb 1'...141111 at l390 Country Club Drh.-, CutchogulI. New Tot"lr. !Jill:;, AugWlt 2002 ..... IOC[ -3-a, ,S-" p:Jl1y (1t ~;~'"~ ti r..;! ~_ ;:tnd: RUTH ANN 11. ,CONlliOR. ne1d1llg at 1390 CoUlltl'1 Club Dr1v". Cuccbogue. lie.. ~()rk 1!93~. ",an Y j ,I tj'lt" ~~~l,)nd pur1 Wnl\'I<SS"'~TH.,h"'1hc p_r1} ,,{.h. fiN! l""'. 11\,~"'''drr.lli''''''fl..." .JuILllts..ld..h.....lIl....w.:.~t""'t"Iillhy ihe p;lrl} ,.t tho "'~oodpp". doc' fl<'I'('tty f,T1ml """ relt~-.e U4l1nlho """,,,,(Ib. ,.....~"..J,pIIrt. tht """"or_,...,.."f1,~nd A....i.lf.1h df lJ~l' r;JfH nrlh\"~ ","'cutW P;111 (~'If'l*W1', AU. Ilk,' c':!1 am 1'''''' "ic,-~' '" l"'nxl ,>I' laoit!. ..'ilh in.: ....il.filltl" 11M In'p""~"",,!""'Ib:A'l1A ''M.'1CII. .ilwIl'. lyillt!...,1I '''''"'lC~ at Cut.:l1oguc. '!0101ll of Soutb<>14, t()ullty of Suffolk ud Statl! ofNn YO'rk, 1m""", by and d ell1 sue tee $s Lot 110" 20 011 8 certain up eaUtled "!up or CowtT)' Cl"b EMat05" o."d CUed in Un. OCHe" of the Cluk of tbe COWIty of suuon on 10/17/78 8S Hap No. 6736. laid lot l,dt\jj, bounded 1UId. dllscribad .. followa: ~ ~t;Glh1l1NC; lit. po1llt 011 the ...u.dy 1114e of CoIU1tI'Y Club Orive Wen tbe SiIlIJ2 ifl iuter...c ted by chI cUvid1.nS UI:UI betw... lots 19 and 20 ee ehawrl on tbe ..ro.en.,,,,tloned ""Pi IUnOIIIlG THENCE South 16. ,~' 50" W.at 24\1,,33 f_t;. THItIICE North ZS' 50' 00" IoUlMt 118..61 rut'; tllEHCl! North 59~ 04' 30" kat 253,,11 fHt to tho "c" t or l.y dd. 0 f Count ry Club Orive.; .rt!lIIl(:l: 51011& tbe 'Querl)' .U. of Colml:.ry C11,1b Ilrive tile following tltru (3) COUTdll ud dteunce.~ 1. South 30' 55' 30" tan 2(,. J7 het; 2. SOl.Itlun:ly alOl:l8 th. arc of " curve be..rilll to the r1&ht bllVlns .. t'Ild!u. of 540.00 het. Ii leolltlt of 168.2-8 fee.t; :I. So.utb U~ 104' 10. Eut 3.00 fe..t to the poillt or pl..ce or B~GI.l\lWUIC;. I Il1:TNG AII!l INn:JmEO TO liE the -- pr....lll". cQ'Rvey.4 to J_a H. ComIor . lI.no Ruth ,~nn 1'1, Connor, his ..He, by Deed dlllt'ecl Septe4ber IS, 1997 an4 rlllcorcled 1n the Suffel" C""tlty Clule'lI Offico Oll S<rptlnllbel' 23, 1997 ill UJler 11853. pilla- 11m Tt)(,rTltrk '....It.'1 ,fll n,rtH IHk ..lfht f11lt.~r\...t, tI a;n:v.\~' 11)(' pan)' uf 1m: YlN ('!tft. fa:m" I" IiI!'lY ~I"" ~ud r.lili.I),> :tl'JUtHn. Ill,' ;)h""'k'-Jl.'~'(~~(',d rtfl;'nd!'ol.:lI h~ Uk.' \','nCCf Hm:,.: 1)I(."',,"iIit':'f(')(;ETfll;R .iU. dM:' :lppUR<Il&llk."t."$ and ,.n the ("-..1 <.Ill.' i.i11,J; n~Jll 'Ill tht' {t;j 11 ~ 11 ( lht, 11r)Ol ran in :;.uHf IH 'llhJ rntmi:w>: TO HAVEASDTO HULD 1hc-rn.~nU_'~ h,,-t\."'n f,!r,'IHh..'d IJIHu frh' fl'~in~ or I h\' ",'..!IllY r::.l:tI. !l,^,' 1'k"i~ ,~r !",,,,,'.:,..'S:<\l~ !Su.l a..",ittfl'- 1trttw r:.ny .If.ht.. ~~wf1d ran 11lfl.:'1icf. ,.\NI) tltt" p:m~ I-I tho.' nr"'~ P:J.I. ..-II'-I."J1IWt... Ih.ul th~ f~r\~' (tl' u". J1Di fl-un ~\"' H5t(\k1il'k" ,.. ~t1fft't\'\J an~lhll~ wh..'1'\,"~Y Ht<.: ....;Hd IIr.;lHl"'L'~ h;I\Ot:' horl\ .:nk7mnb.trlild i.n J:n~ W~) ,,'b-m~V\.". ~"\-:f,'r' ;.ui, oiI.'.lt1.~1\.ilW. /l,NU lhL' pUI';'~ ,1111,\, !I('11 r:.lrl. !n .....tlurt~4itlo..~ Wtth Sc~'lluU L\ ,.1 the- L'J;it ;....w. l:uiJ\1nuub nUll Ullt JHt.rl~: tlf ,hI.: ~il...1 1"';,;"1 'J. i II (~'\.'Il'I\',.: lh\.' l'\~n"I.J.~..u.h~n ftl.f lhi~ L.\'n\'C\'.;mii:~ udd will t1HltIllk" tillht ft' F\;"('l,;'!j\:C s~k.~h ~'.i";iiil.h,'r"" i;;[tllU,I'" d Inl'.; hH1U ltl ke ..ip'frUed tth>J hu Ihl; rU"lH1Jlil.~ ul pa,.:tn~ tbe CU-l'11.lJ Tbe bnprH"'i,mt>enl ':..01 wiU :ttlrty ltlt." ":JIHL' fil.'.! hltlh' f1:J~ l1lt'nl t~f t~c ~'n""l Hllb~1nq-n\:\'~Ul\'n. ~fnrt' USt"'a::Ilt1'1'p;MtI .,(,hi" httal u(thio: "'~M\' rut' any 1~i"l" pllrplh..... Tfl..i.' "",.rd . r-:rf\\" "t1:,dl h.c ,.:~;tlMntlW.J:1' ~r.1 ri:ad ~'r~ln~l!'Jj;~'"".tk.'iIJI(,\'''~t' dl"',,~n~ it" th!>- ttlitk"DtUfC'SII m.t"1n.~.. 111: WIT~tSS WHt:at:OF, ,,",' ['.1t1~ '"~ the 'It" PoT! bw. duly ~.c.:uf...cllbi, J...:d lhit cLlY "lid year €in! Q....'" :::':::, , ',. ~.. 4,~ H.Co_ ~~_ tl..-. )n, ~ ltUtb ,\1m It. CO_I: Pale 2 of 3 ,.A:I .._Iio<II_~I" _Yon<_ Sill. 01 _, VotI<. c...,,,..,. 01 Suffolk On ~ 'i., 01 Ausuat . In IM)'"I' 20'02, beIore me. 1M_.eIg-...,.-tyllppIlNNII Jalu H. CQanoj: &l:l\l Rutb Ann M. CoQrIor 1M_oily Imown 10 me Of p<<mIG 10 m.. on 1M bu11l of .... "-1(; ,__ II) 1Ie1ll.lIlllIiIIIdUII(a)....,. MIM(., ill !8lellUb8CrlllecllO lIIO _ ~nt atJd 8li.lWllla~llOCI III "'" liIIal "'lIahailtl4l)' _MI 1M uma '" hlallla</lhllI, ClIpacllY(iiHlJ. .1Id 1lla1 by -.rllllttlr alillnllll...c.) on lIle InIIn.nwIt. .. lnclMduIIl(e) lit ""' IIIDl'" U$'O" 1~ 01 wIio:h U.~I"adIct._;;~.,~ bHc ~:1 AcIlM..II rIlI- br SiId).,., 1Ilt.., WIl_ _011111_ YlHll_ AckJK;,,_I.....~nt Ulken In New. Yont Stat. . ..: Sl1ll8 Of He.. Vtl,k. Covnly Ql , $:f.: On the day 0' f11 In. Y1H'J' ,"" """"".Md. p.ll'Sonally "l''P''.",{l , , belote me, p."on"lly kl>OWtl to mo or l~tCW~d to m. 01'l the b.... 01 RlIIlIOIllty _ '0 be Lilli "~'liduDilI'l """- l'IlltM(Il "' I_llutlscribed to 'he wllhln InSI""".nl """ _.o"lod(lllll '.0 m. U"" 1..,lllI>allhOy """"UlllO the .om. In h'slheflth..,r <:~t"l, and 'h., by l1;,Jhorllh." ~,"{., on the I~ thel~l{.) 0< lllCI peBOn upon _ ol WhIch 1M il'l<IMdwII(s)~. _ lIle i_um8'>l -1IIlIfI8lMnt _ ""'sI"" _ V<<k _ 81m 01 N"", 'lbfl<.. County 01 . Sll: . SlIt'" at . C<l<m'y <>1 . $$. o (C111t1Mn 0l$111<:1 <>, Columbia, Te"I'<>r~, P","SOU.on or ~ C<wnlrr) On 1M day 01 0 In 1M :fMr Ill., u' ,,,,,.OIw'-. p.nanelly a;lPM>ad before me~ lM 1MltlIlrlri1lO1lIl """'- 10 1M begolog _monl. willi -.. I _ ptnIQI'Il"" nlIUII~. wIlo bIIIng. by mil ~Iuly ....,m, did <lllpclJoand say.11lIII ~ /HIR(.) ill lIMIt tlMI!IIr1Illfl' 1l1lClWlS] II! brlllIIe ....lIdUrSllllllllleclln_ wIlO ~ U. 11l~1I911ino Itwlrumllllt 1hIll1llld ~ _ WU ....-.1_ s_ SIIId .-.en 11'1. some: _ ilia! .SId wllrreo lit ""II lIlIme 1_ lIlJbIcrlbod "isIt18f111le1r -l.,,, II wllMIls 1M,1IlO. TMeNo.:___.. ..JAHES It 0 00I1III0Il end tUTU AIm It" COlIIiOIl:. his vif.. TO RUTH AIl1ll It. o::tHIIOa. C;"- ] Distributed by I Chk:all~ TlUe Jnsuram:e Company . . I I ~ I I I ! I .. ." " On."" tfa~ 01 .n Ill<! y<!~' !1Ie undt<f'!\1Olld. p.lroo"oJ1l' "ppenrnd bofoPlll"4!. peTtonell)1 k:n:I:JWI'I to 1f\G o~ ~lt(l>J(td to me on thebe... or uliS_ry _ 10 be .he "'"''''duall.)......... nomll(sJ l:l !-l ~ 'ollle ...1Il1" "'lIru,",,"' ,,0<1 _~.o m. ,hs' helallelltlel' 1I0e"'II.<I lhe ...me In tl1s1ner/ltlQ:" "apa<:Uy(ia.,. 'ha' by h.$!h.r/tho.. "9".11.1'.'_1 Oil Ih" ItlIlII\lmenl, IIl4 itVJMckI.M(sl or II'" P"""'" upon tIeIWliIt of _I> IIl4 irflll_~"Il(:!Ild, __0 tIllI ,m'I'umIlnt. ot!ld IIlIll IlUCh I~ mede 1IUCh _.ratl(:.!' t>>I/>,. It,.. "n~..oo '" lhe <add IIl4 Cll'J' CIf pollllCl>l _W.'$lQ" ""'" .hoa NIB at munlry Of _ plece thIlIlCll<rlCl'<lo~"n' MI$ '.""0). SECnoN 109, DO IllOCK 03.00 \.Of 002.015 COU!.IrY OR TOWN So..thold RnI.IAN IS' MAlt. 10 ESQS. ._~, ] J935 I l.A1!X & Fat. rs , P. O. llOX 91l CIJ'l'Cl:lOOlJE. NY Zlp No, ~J ~ r"'~f2~11 ",,,8f;:;J. ~~> J'V ,:5 '<'x.'....., ~~~~\f\rl? ....J b(...,..j _ ~ -<: i ~ i .. J I~ 2 , .-, iIECllllllElI 21m AuIJ 27 10,0..141 RI'l EdWard P.~ll'llt l::tERJ: OF SlI'RII..t: COOKf'l L DllOO122l15 P 683 Ill' o:l-<MOo\2 N.rnbcr of jJq'" TORRf'NS SCriaIS____ C"Hr."",c ~ ____~_._ Pr,mOL /I ~cd! Morlll.l'a< Instrument 0l!t'II1 ~ fu SI..... Pl'r"s ReconlioIc Il'iIina liIampll 2J ~.I Fil'''t r;.. --~- 5" MoirI&IP AmI.. find Iiq TI'.Uo! )" I. IliuIeTlx :2. AddiIloImlI Tn Nouui(lt'l Rea. l.'Of>Y Qtl.... flY S ..- $..T_ Sp<<JAAlI. IN Spcc./Md. TOT.M1U TAX DwlJ Tow_ iJrIaI C_y llcld l'ut Appurllu_ TrImI'<< T.... _ 4 MIlls"'" Tu ,_ The JlI'QflClt)' &1O\!a'Cd b)' llIit........... ., or ...iII b~ llaptowcd \\Y I aM (>r lWO ramil)' dwcl",aaIy. YES Of NO lfNa, _lpllIfIIIltlaJ~lU c1.....1IIl F*ee /I fJt Ihis iluIruImcllll. EA.32 nl,Cuunty.! ,;,;- Sub Tolal /)Lf - H..I'T.SA --4. -- ----~~- EASZ l7 (SUl"e} Cumm of Ed SIlL- ^lftdavl' C<nlri<:d Copy l)' ------ s"b Total 7') '1t:t - , Communit Preac:rvaliotl Fund COtI.id.raIIOtl A:mounl s..o- GRANO TOTAL :D Rellll'mpel'l)' TilX SmJCt' ~ VllriflClltlctll , UIl J I Sali.rocl i"nlllOischarg....Rc!eJlSC'l List Property 0.......", Mailinll. Atld:rc$ RF.CORD " RETURN TO: 02031801 (~~!~~ \J!.A.UG~ .----- 10'00 1090'0 0300 002015 IAT> . ro1t8, Euq.. P.O. B"" 973 CutthOS"", Nt 11935 $-0- :;ramp Cl-'r '"_ Due 1.1.,. .X I 001 i:l" _,I.. 10 v 'I'D 11) 11) =:J I Title Compauy lafonnatiou CO. Name '1111011 Ibis pag'=! Iirn:" p;m or LIY attached Suffolk Coun~ Recording & Endorsement Page Deed made by: TO (Sf'IDFV TVPE OF INS'IlUJMfNJ' ) 'ilK: pn:mia'$ hcIl.'in iuilllllled in SUFFOLK COUNI"Y. NEW YORK. In Ibe Townsbip of SOllthold In th; V1I...LAGE or HAMLET of C"~cbo",e Jtnne:a H ~ Conno,r- and Ruth Ann M. C,OfUlOr. ~1.. wUe, Ruth Ann H. Connor I~O.xl'S 5 'fIIRt.: 9 MUST BE TYf'ED OR l'lUNIED IN BlACK INK ONLY PRIOR 10 REC.'OROIN(l OR "'lUNG. (lMiftl PIlS" 1 of 3 ',' 1111111111111 1111111 ~UltlrV.LB: ~~-S cr"'1IJC RECOtt08 0.. ...ea RECOttDDIQ PAGB 1'Jpe o~ I_t~t: D1lBDS/DDD ~ o~ P....: 3 'l'RM1m'D '.fAX pr1MI:l'Q;: 02-04042 Dlet.n.at: 1000 SeaUon: Bloak: 108.00 03.00 EXMaJlEtl MD ~~ AS .1OLLQIr8 '0,00 Recocd8d: A1t:: LJ...al 1W:JII : ~t;: 002 .015 08/27120D:l .10:04:41 11M J:I00012205 " '*3 DeacI ~t: Pag8/i'll i.f19 CQE EA-cn TP-584 IlP'1' 'l'nn.fiR tax JWOlIl'Wld the l'ollowill9 he. I'Oz Mcmt %q~t In IJltl.t NO kMlilll' NO RY8 8UJl( w NO IA-S'a!'B NO cert,<lop1.. NO ac,... NO CCiaII. PNIt hU Paid $S1.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 15.00 811.00 '21.00 e..oo '0.00 to." '".00 ,~ .t- 10 NO lID lID 110 lID 1'RMl8nA fAA t<<l.lMBZR: 02-04042 TmS PAGB IS A PMT OF 'ld l.a~~, ,;.<f Edwud P.. ,,_ COlmty Clerk, BuUcW: Calmt;y !):~ '\.,... .;ire,.. . C~"PLEA5E TYPE QFi PRESS FIRPifvWHEN'VVRrrtNG or;tfORr~r~-~~-r-"c- INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.usor PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERl'Y1'IW4SfER REPORT ~"C'...~'_'~_ '~~.J1i,o/NEW.Yo,nK/ /j STATE IllWlb OF REAL I'IKlP!Itrv SERVKis RP - 5217 I. P_ Location 1390 Club Drive -c;;-..... (\ O<.l+hold STREET NUMBER Cutchogue CITY OR TOWN VIlLAGE 2. Bayer Name Connor LAST NAME f COMPANY Ruth~ M. FIRSTNA E 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I Address """,,, LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME P.O. Box 1240 STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME Cutcho CITY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Ron parcels transferred on the deed 1 I # of Parcels OR 0 Part of a Parcel 5. Deed ~ Size FRONT FEET I X I . :.....;. ACRES (Only H Part of. Parcell ChICk as they lIIPPtr. 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 4B. Subdivi.ionApproval was Required fpr Transfer 0 4C. Parcel' Approved- for SUbdivision with Map PrDvi.ded 0 DEPTH lOR I 11 ....... 2[ 6. SeRer Name Connor J8lIles H. lAST NAME f COMPANY Connor. FIRST NAME Ruth Ann M. LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME 1- 7, Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~. One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land --- E~ Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Enterta;nment I Amusement I~ Co~m unity Service J . Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check the boxes belowv .s they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9". New- Construction on Vacant Land 1OA. Property Locatedwithin an Agriculturaf District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property. is in. an Agricultural District o. o o o 15. Check one or more CJftbese conditio.. ...pplcilbl. to transfer: A Sale Between Relatives 'or Former Relatives B Sale Between Related Companies or Partrtet$ In Business C One of the Buyers is also a Seller D Suyer ~r SeUer is Government Agency or Lending Institution E Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sal~ (Specify Below) F Sale of Fractional or Less thafl Fee Interest (Specify Below) G SignjflCtlnt Change in PropertY Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates I I I 0 I 0 , 0 I H Sale of Business is :Included in Sale Price , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property igcluding personal property. I Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price lSpecify Below) This payment may be in the form of cash; other property orgood$, or thensurilption of J None mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. ~~~~~~~;:; ~~~81r.ty) 16. Y..rof~- ....rtROUfrom I 0 2" 1 1 1 1 0 0 I which informatio~ taken 17. Total Ass~ Value (of all parcels In transfer). ; , ; " 18.~C1_ [2, ~ OI_U 19. Sehool Dimlet Nom. I Matt1tuck/Cutchogue UFSD 11. Sal. Contnct Date Month IN/A / Day Yea, 12. Dat. of Sale I Transfer 8 I 26 Month Day I 02 Vea' 1a:. Full Sale Price 20. Tax Map ldentlflerfsll RoIlldentifier{sl elf more than fOur, atmch sheet with adcfitional kfentlf'l8rls)J 1000-109.00-03.00-002.015 1tP}-3-~.JS I --- I cet1lfy that all of lite items of 1nf0l1Dllll00 en_ OIl tIiis fonn'are 1rue and COITeCl (to lite best of myknowlOdge and lJeIief) and I ~ !~lIte making of any wIIJfuI false staWment of material fact herein wDI subject me to lite .ro>lslons of lite _.... relative to tho making and QIiPg of false instrume.... BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY 4;u;; ;1, . BUYER SIGN~TURE )1; II 11'-).' I' ( .l- 8/26/02 Folts lAST NAME Mary Lou FlRSTNAME OAT> STREET NUMBER P.O. Box 1240 STREET NAME \AFTER SALE) 631 AflfACOQE 734-6807 TELEPHONE NUMBER Cutchogue CITY OR TOWN NY 11935 ZIP CODE ST.,. 18/26/02 OAT> ."""'",-".._---