HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12365 P 849 \(/:R.2 "Rrv.'lWJ. ~ cunir(lf'J11 lICk.. Si.......r. N. Y.B.T.L:. Form 1002 . 10'6 -4-75;2 -......lII .. ~ o..L.idI c:........ 'Ilia... G..A""', A~~I_IDdiY"'u.lOl c.,..riM (...... iIINt) UIIII..'I' _lAwna_ ..RII_ ......._-___IIIO_.._IIY IA.... _Yo ~~1'D. ld- '\110/ ~ t' da)' al J ^"'" # J .inlbe~ar Joo'!:' THIlIINDDmJItE, made the .1...... U;23{d5 f 1, LfC1 Robert D. Toman and Su~an A. roman, his ~ife, both residing at 2165 Gabriells Court. Mattituck, NY 11952 put)' of the 6nt put, ud /111'\11 roM";) }.,.,., SC\\I~h..,tf, Dennis P. Schlessinger and Maryann Schlessinger, his wife, both residing at 2 Brundale Court. Wheatley Heights, NY 11798 puty of the -.l put, wrntI8EIH. that the Jl&rt)' of the lint part, ill .....lideratioD of Ten Dollars and other vaJuaIIIo ~ paid by the JlUt1 of t1ie ~ Jl&rt, cas IIenb)' IIUIl and reIeue unto the put)' of the IICOIId Jl&rI. the heirs or .__ora and uIipa of the puty of the IeiIaid put --. AU. that certain plat, piKe or puce! of Iud, with the 1NiJd1". aad impro- *- -=eel, IiIUIe, lJiac ud -. ill tbe ' See Schedule "A" attached:hereto'snd IllAde a part hereof. < Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by Deed dated 3/25/98 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk'. Office on 3/25/98 in Liber 11885 page 245. prJ""LJS v.."'ow^,.J\~ J" $ GA~rae./lh CourT {hfrrll"1lJe.-I<IV, TOGETHER with all rieht,title aacJ interest, if any, 01 the parly ollhe lirll pari in and to any ._ and nlllCla abuninc the above delCribed prenlilU to the ceuter li_ thereol; TOCib."TIIER with the appu_ and aD the ellale and ric,hto of the Jl&rI)' of the lir. put in and to lAid ~i_: TO HAVE- AND TO HOLI> the pren,i_ here.. ,ru,led unto the puty of the IeCDIld ~1I!!,J!:Ifiu ~....d lpa of the party 01 the IeCOnd part forever, Oil~,~ -.:, '" :>lq:r:,~ 0lHIU" '":''' ..n91-..,O f.ot,.,.,....." r:....... (;""Ul!IJl~ AND the part)' ollhe Iirst part covenants that the Jl&rly of the lirlt ~'1ib-.:..;t'.lW!"oI-1l.'{r~ anything r: ". ,'."~ _, -:he"'!!>)'. tbe~premises have '!ten encumbered, in any. _y whatever, acept as a1oraaid, ~ " l ": ~.AN.1~;t!'i'"'...~ the, lint part. '!' compliance w!th SeCtion 13 of the, Lien Law. _II !bat the put)' of the Iir~'parl'wll1 .-ave the consideratIOn lor this ....veyance snd WID hold the ripl to receive such conoid. ",. eration' ~.,~ \{l!lt fund to be applied first for the purpose 01 paying tbe COlt of the ialpN.~.~nt and will apply ; , ;-.. ,the ~~, ~'!I~ ,tr1the pa)"...nt ollhe ....1 of the impro.......t before llliac any pari of the total althe ..... ..... an)' other purpose. The .....nl "plIrt)'" ahall be construed as il it read "Jl&rlie." whenev... Ihe sense 01 thi. indenture 10 reqw... Dl wrJ'NESI WHERIXW. the parly oltbe lIrst Jl&rl has duly _led this deed the da)' .1IlI year lint abooe wrilten.. Ix .-xez OF: . STATEOF"'EWVORK) . STATE OF NEW YORK) )~ )~ COUNTYOFSuffolk) COUNTYOFSuffolk) TN T~ ~ Onthe~dIl)'or ::s/9/ll. inlbo~varbelbnlmo,"" OndleS dIl)'o' 3"0/. inthe~~_l'cn...."" undenipal...........l)'oppond Robert D. Toman undonipod,..........I)'oppond Su..n A. Toman po"o"'lI)' k-.IO me.. pnwod 10 JIll 00 .... booiI or_oIllclary -'I)' kmwn 10 me.. pnwod ID me anlho bolls o,..ilfaotoly evidence 10 be.... individaol(.) "'- --<") is en) IIIIlIcribod .. CYidcnco 10 be IIIe indivIdllll(l) "'- --<") il (n) IUbscribod 10 the willlin i_r.... ~ .. me....1W1hMhcy .... wilIIin inslnanmt snd odcnowIodpd 10 me dill hoIshollboy nOOIdod .... _In hillllallMir .....ll)'{ios~ 1IId.... by ..........Iha __ ill hiIIhorIIhcir .....Il)'{in~ snd thll by hirIhorIdlolr st...-o(sl an1he io..t>_.....~ \hi illdlviduol(l" ..the hillhorldlcir ~I) on tho .........~ tho individusl(l). 01' tho ....... upon """"o'whic:h tho illdlvldual(l) -. oxOCUled the ....... upon ......., o'whioh tho individual(.) 1ClaI. oxecuted tho inlll'1lmenl. instnanent. MAACWlEl'C.~- - _J(~. ~""::-1:\\~~~~~d OlI\ceor , QuIIIIld In IulIaIk CaunIir ............ ......llCIcuwlod.......t e... ~ t..... J l . Ol....I . ..........2227 "^~~4We.-\ C' . F...ob..........II_...N..,Vo...Slate. Ill' 3-01 I-~-..Te~. Y'(li S1pllDneodOllk:oor Iadlvld..'__ ............... .. Stoll, DlllrIoI orea....... Tonttery, Po .... er FonIp en.try MNIGI'JlE1' C. II\IIICDWIICI -., I'uIlIIll, ... III NNl'-II No.'f 1 I fto --.t In 8ulIIIII Cla!IIIIIr Q....' 11m EIphe.......&.ef'7 ) Do: On tho _ cloy 0' in tho ,.. _ bol'cn me,the UIIdonipod. -'Iy oppond _II)' kmwn 10 me.. pnwod .. me anlhe bull or _1&oIory evidence 10 be III. IndlviduoJ(.) whoso liliiii(1) is (n) ..bombed ID !he widun I_I IIId ................... me..... bofIheIIhey OX....1ed the.... in hisIhorIthoir _il)'{ia), .... by hilihorltholr 1i1Oll1l/O(1) on tho inIIrulllllll.the indiYiduol(l~ or .... ....... upon -., o'whioh lhe individusl(l) lCIed. .....1Id tho 11IIIfIIInOII1. ond dIIllUCh individual.... sucIlopp --. beIbnlthe IIIIdonipod in.... .(1II1II1Il1o .'l)' or oIhor poliri... ..beIl...ian and ......... or COUllII)' or other pi... tho ooIuIowledJmont _liken} SIp.tln eo. om.. or ...1YId..11alda1.....""'""-' .. Fo.._.................... 0._ .,"'... y.... Scale. Robert D. Tomen and Su.an A. Toman 0,..-. (tJ~o SICTION 108.00 II.OCII: 04.00 LOT 007.052 QIIJNTY __ of Suffolk ..... ulII "e .eell WIIH CoviNANT AGAINST ClAN I OI'S Acn nruNo. S~'ff)~\ TO Dennis P. Schles.inger and Mar ann Schle.sin er Re_ AI Roq... of PIaIC _11fIo I_~ 01 Now Y.... UTUa.. a" IMIL TO: .,~ ~ Of NIW ... ..... Of ftlLl F II __._ _6y Finl AlIIIl'icolI Till, IlIIIll'tlrtel CoIllPOll, of NftJ lflrA: ~ Garrett P. Hopkin., Esq. 300 Rabro Drive Sui te 110 Hauppauge, NY 11788 ZIp"" I I a I I I , ! I . ., " '., . ;:.:.-....:.:..:.~..:..--_~.:. .-- ... . '_._--==.. .. - .":" _n ":... _ ...-.:.--..- .:.-:.....-:.:..:.....:-::....::::..::..- .--':~-': -..---.... ..---- ...,."...~......._- .... .-.- .. ".~>-:-: ..~-:- ..,' I ..,~ .....J:.--..... t'~?--:. . I . ". ...,-... . I .- _. .. ....... . ';1... ..~\. """;..-,," .,..._~ SCHEOOLE ^ - DESCRIPTION " " AU that certain plot, piece I1l1d parcel of land. with the buildings I1l1d Improvements thereon erected. situate, Ii I, fl' !I;I I I ~! ~." . ...~~i9~~ as Lot No.6 on a certain map entitled "Map of Elijah Lane EstateS. Section 3" which map was filed I' ; in the 0fII~' of.t~;.Ci~.d.d;~nty..oi.SuifOjk..ori.c:iCiober'8. '1996 as"Map No; 9913.. being. more .. " II : particularly bounded and described as follows: . , I . BEGINNING at a point on the Southwesterly side of Gabriella Court dlslilnt 246.30 feet Northwesterly from , the intersection of the Southwesterly side of Gabriella Court and the Northwesterly side of Tabor Road; ~; . I RUNNING THENCE South 52 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West 263 feet: lying and being at Mattltuck. in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and THENCE North 38 degrees 31 minutes 50 seconds West 15\.90 feet; THENCE North 52 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds East 264.45 feet to the Southwesterly side of Gabriella Court; THENCE along the Southwesterly side 'of Gabriella Court. the following two courses and distances: 1. 2. South 37 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds East 95.82 feet: Southeasterly along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 1957.49 feel, a distance of 56.27 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. [\ <" 1000 ~~c-; IOtb.il Qu< (I~ IIlI J r) ~ (o-r(J(r:.IJ~~ I. ARST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Of NEW YORK SCHEDULE ^ .. DESCRIP110N ~ ..., ~2 '3 . Number of JII&CI TORRENS Serial II REOOlOED 2005 Jan 13 11156,49 All Edward P,Rouimt CLERIC OF SlFFOlJ( COUNT'" L ??oo12365 P 849 ort 04-24326 Certificale II Prior af. II Deed / Mor1p&e InJlrumeDl Deed / Morlpae Till SlIIIIp FEES Recorclina / Fillna Slamps 4 Pqe / Filina fee Monwe Ami. Handling TP-5g4 I. Buic Till 2. Addilionol Till NOIIlion Sub TOIII fA-52 17 (Counly) fA-5217 (SIIIe) _ Sub TOIII Ccrtilied Copy Reg. Copy OIher Sub ToraI GRAND TOTAL IS,;r SpecJAssiL Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual Counly_ Held for Appoltionmenl _ TronIfer Till 6l (d--O _ Mansion Tax _ Tho property coven:d by thil mortpge ilor will be Improved by a one or IWO family dwellina only. YES orNO_ If NO, ICe epproprllte lax claule on Pl.e II _ ofthil inslrumenl. 5~ R.P.T.S.A. Comm.ofEd. .30_ Affidlvil ./'II SlImp DIIe RaI Property Tilt ServiCll Apw;y Vcrifieation . .Di... JWor.tinn _ _ R lock _. _ _..Lot 05001825 1000 10800 0400 007052 . ~) : '---. , 6 Communi Preservation Fund Conlideralion Amounl S 530.000.00 Iniliall ~. S 7,600.00 Improved .)( CPF Tax Due Vlnnl Land 7 SalisrlctionslDischlrpslRcleacs List Property Owners MailioS Addrcs . RECORD 6c RETURN to: . ('D Garrett P. Hopkins, Esq. 300 Rabro Drive Suite 110 Hluppauge, NY 11788 TO TO TO 9 ~ g Title Company Information Co. Nlme Continental Abltract Corporation Title f# IIAB-S-3483S1 Suffolk Count Recorclin & Endorsement Pa e This page fOlll1S part of the aIIached Deed (SPEOFYTYPE OF 1NSI1UJMENf) mede by: Robert D. Toman and SUlln A. Toman " The pmnises herein is situa1ed in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of SouthDld Dennis P. Schleuinaer and Marvann Scbleslinge,Jolhe VILLAGE or HAMLET of Hattituck BOXES 5 lliRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINIED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. (OVER) IO~-lf-75) LIJ305 y' ~ Lfq IIII~IIIIII~ III~ 11111111111111 ~1I11111111111 /111111111111111111111111 SUPPOLlt cOmrrY CLBRlt RECORDS OPPICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of Xn.trument. DEEDS/DOD Numbar of Page.. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0004981 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 04-24326 Recorded. At. 01/13/2005 11.56:49 JIll LIBBR: PAGB: D00012365 849 District. 1000 Section. 108.00 BXAIIDmD A!ID $530,000.00 Block. 04.00 CEARGED AS Lot. 007.052 JrOLLOIfS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument B7-.;>t ExBlllpt Page/Filing $12.00 RO Hazldling $5.00 RO COB $5.00 RO IIYS SRCHG $15.00 RO BA-CTY $5.00 RO BA-STATB $75.00 RO TP-584 $5.00 RO Cart.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 RO Tran.fer tax $2,120.00 RO CamIIII..Pr.. $7.600.00 RO I'.a. Paid $9,872.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 04-24326 THIS PAGB XS A PART 01' THB XlrSTRIlIIBRT THIS XS NOr A BXLL Edward P. RoIIIaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpl.ltate.ny.ul or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONL V C1.8W18 eo. * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT IYo? L~.I,q.i' cz. - - R...,delI I 9" (,3' c:::. tI C2. _ I /...J, 1, ho rTl:4...... PROPERTYINF~1lON STAlE OII'_YIllII ITAlE _ao_-.rrt_ RP - 5217 1IPoJ,Z17 ... ... "~I 2165 -- ~JiI'-' Southold CITY CMlIDIIN Gabriella Court .....T t.AI/II Mattituck ...- 11952 N'QmI ..- - Schleuinger I.AI'I'NU<<'~ Dennis P. ...-TIIAIII Schleuinaer I.AI':' NMII"/8IIIIiw I. T.. ~ whn ,,*,QI TIX ..... to be.... I ..... .-.....IIuier_C11_IIIIorml. - Iti.:Wn UlTIlAtlll/IliIIM'M't -- 'rMl-T_"'sr~1IIlW5 ClTYCIl'ICM"I "An .CXlU( 4.. ................... GI ... ._11 RDII ~ 1lo_.A_.-dI.. '1M.... 1 I '.,P._ OR D ,.".,.,..... ..=... I - -... Ixl --- lOR I MIll,' .9 2 I 1QoIy'_II.__._1lIPIr. 4A.-..____"""-(_ 0 "SlJxIhltllon~_""YirldfarT"'" 0 c._.-...-.....~__....._ 0 ..- - Toman LMrN..-/~ WWD. Toman .........-1_"" Susan A. ,..,..... 7. CheIIl: ... laM ..... whIoh ...... - ............... __., 1M ......., . ... .... aI ..Iia:: -..--.....1lIPIr. .. OwnarIIIIpT_1o ~ ~~ ~:::II ~~ :=SI~ ,:'==':n==,..~ Cl....... K PubIIc_ '''__._.._-... II (......In.....,Am......... L _ ........ _ loln...-.-_ .. CIIIIII_......" _ -. _......... 11''''''-': A ___..__ B _ _ _ CamponIoo.. __;n....... C 0... .,... ....... 10 1110. _ D Buwr Dr Seller II toIIOI.....ar: Agency or LendIng InII'IIutIon I! _1VPa.. w._.. ....... and SIlo ClIpacIly _ F ..IIIF'_..La....... Faa _tlpadlr_ a ......- Chango In "- _ T_ ___1lNo II ..1II_1s1nol_1n........ J 0II10r u..-I _ AIIoctina.. _1IpocI/y_ J x NoM o o o o A~ One F....Iv_II B 2 or 3 Filii'!,;, RlMtenlill C __..~ D __V_..~ I SALE INFORMAnoN I n..... __ I 09 - , 10 , 04 DIr Y.... '.._III_/T_ 0\ - I () CD , 05 DIr v_ ,5,3.0,0,0,0,0,01 I I . (full SIlo PrIce ill l"'IDtIII .mount .d far.... prapll1Y Induding PIfIIO"" prapcNtJ. Th. ~ mIY blln ... tDrm of GIIh. III_ praperty or gaodI. or dII ~ 01 _or_llbIIgoooal __..IfIo____ '''-:'':=::::1, ,,0.0.01 ....-rIY I I . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dota -..cI_Ihe..... F1nol_ Rolland To. BI'I 11.""__ '''V_ct. .....-,0 ,4 117.T__V_....._In_, ...... ...h....._..... .... , ~ 6. 3. 2. 0 I I ,..,,-_ 12. \, llI-U '''___' Mattitu~k .. ,.._~/...._II-_-.----_1 1000-108.00-04.00-007.052 , j CERTIFICATION I ImtII)'....III"'..._"'.... . -......._......IIIIII_I........."'IIQ"_......... 1o?iioi)11III1....... _1lIoIU."", "'XlI)''''''''' - "'_... _........ _....... .....~ "'* _ law _........... ad... "'.... ~_..._ .!:IIDI! elM.... A1TORNEY ~fA14 -r..~~\)~ Hopkins -- Garren P. -,- .,-, -? . ~/I4I1T!!.t ....CIO ,Ku/JJlJ))Jrl.L aTMD.....tu"IWI..... ,.-r 631 MlAIXIDI 232-5706 -.... II~ I IJ.Y ITA'" 117f~ ..- IIIYII! ~~~A0 NEW YORK STATE COPY /-S"-oS' ....