HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 225 .' p I l () ~9 7 f2Lr I '() f ~ If- 7 . <+9' BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8007 CAUTION: nn5AOllEEMENT SHOULD 01: PREPARtiD .,Y AN ATIOKNEY AND KEYIEWED8Y ATI'OItl'EYS FOR SELLI!R AIID PURCIIAllI'JI HFJ'ORI! 51"01'1110. THIS INDENTURE, made die"" day of July, 2005 between KEVIN G. MURDOCK AND BARBARA M. MURDOCK, bodl residina al2370 Gllbriellll Coun M,n;;~U( N/( Ilf~ pany of die firsl pan. and FERRUCCIO M. PERONI AND KATHLEEN M. PERONI. boIh residing 81 56 Paqualuck A Vc:rlue Soudl, WI Moricho:s. New York 11940 party of lhe second part. WITNESSETH.lhallhe party oflhc firsl pan. in consideration ofTEN DOI.J.ARS 1510.001, lawful money of die UnilCd Slatea. paid by Ihe pany oflhe ucond part, docs hereby granlllnd release unlO die party of Ihc second pan. Ihc hein or successors and lIISigns of Ihc party of Ihe second part forever, ALL dial ccrtIIin plol. piece or parcel oflllnd. widl die buildings and improvemenlS Ihercon erecled, silualC. Iyinll and being in die Town of Soulhold. al Mlllliluck, County ofSufro]k and Swc of New York, being known and dcsiana1ed as 101 no. 3 on a certain mllp enlilled. "Map of EI ijllhs Lane Eslales, Scc:Iion Three" and filed in Ihe Ollice of lite Clerk of Ihc County of Suffolk on 1018196 as map no. 9913 bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING ala poinl on the norlheulerly side of Gabriella Coun. di5lanl448.04 feet nonhwCSlCrly as mellSurcd along Ihc norlhCllSlerly side ofOabriclla Court fivm Ihe exlrcme nonhweslCrly end oflltc lire ora curve connecling die IIOJthcaslolrly side of Gabriella Coun and !he nonhwcslCrly side of Tabar Road; THENCE nonh 37 dcgrccs 4O.minulcs 40 seconds well, lI]ong the nonhcaslcrly side of Gabriella Coun 24.25 feel; THENCE northerly along Ihc caslCrly side of Gllbriellll Coun IIlong Ihc lire of a curve bearing 10 lItc righl having II radius of25.00 fccIlI dislanCe along said curve of21.03 fcellO a poinl of rcvcrsc curve; THENCE conlinuina northerly and nonhwC5lerly along lite arc of anolber curve bearing 10 Ihe len having a mdius of 50.00 feet a dislance along Aid curve of 120.59 feci 10 die nonhellSlCrly side of Gabriella Court; THENCE nonh 37 clegn=es 40 minules 40 seconds wcII, slill along die northeaslerly side of Gllbriella Coun. 29.84 feet; THENCE nonh 52 degrees 19 minulcs 20 seconds ellll. 284.11 feel; THENCE soudl 38 degrees 14 minules SO seconds CUI, 160.00 feci; THENCE soullt 52 degrees 19 minules 20 seconds west, 260.70 feel 10 die northeaslerly side of Gabriella Coun III die poin! or pla.:e ofBEGINNINQ; BEING AND INTENDED TO BE Ihc same premises conveyed 10 Ihc party of die firsl part by deed dalCd 8120197 and recorded on 8129197 in Libcr 11849, pai:'llll. TOGETHER wilh all righl, lille and inlCRSl, ifany. of lite pany of lite firsl part in and 10 any SIrcc15 and I'OIIds abulling Ihc above described premises 10 die cenlo!r lines dlcrcof, TOGETHER wilh lite appurtenances and III1Ihc es\lIle and righls oflhe part)' of lite filSl part in and 10 Aid premises, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD die premises herein aranlCd unlO lhc party oflhe second pan. die heirs or successors and assiJIIIS of die party of Ihc second pan fon.'VCr. AND !he party oflhc firsl pan, covcnanl5lh11t the party oflhc firsl part has nOI done or suffered anything whereby lite said premises hllVC been encumbered in any way whlllCver, exccpl lIS IIforesaid. AND !he party oflhc firs! pan, in compliance wilh Section 13 oflhe Licn Law, covenanlS Ihallhe pony oflbc rltSl part will rcceive die consideration for dlis conveyllnce and will hold Ihc riablco receive such consideration as a IIuSI ftmd 10 be applied filSl for die purpose of paying Ihc cost oflhc improvemCRl and will apply Ihc same firsllo die paymenl of die COSI of die improvemenl before using any part of the 10181 of the same for any olber purpose. The word "party" shllll be conSlnled as if it read "panics" whenever Ihc sense of this indenlure so requil'llS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, die party oflhe firs! pan hIlS duly cxeculCd dlis deed Ihc day and year firsl above wrillCR. L~~~ ~ 7n ?utwLl/1. , " STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the Z day of July, 2005 befon: me, the undersigned, a Nolllry Public in and for said Slate. personally appeared Kevin G. Murdock and Barban M. Murdock personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose name an: subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacities. and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals. or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. :SS. KENNETH 8. ZAHLER Notery Public, State of NfIW Yorlc 8uffolk County. No. D1ZA4517818 Term Explru FttbrUlll)' 28, 2007 /cI-/< Jp/ -,- /'? C6: tI"';? ~ 087.049 5 Communi Preservadon Fu.ad Considemtion Amount $ 550.000.00 CPI'Tax Dur S 8.000.00 Imprc)\'cd .. " . 3 NUlllher of pages TO.RRENS Serial It Cenificale It Prior Of. II Deed . Mortgage In..trunlelll !ked I Mnrtpge Tax Stamp FEES 3 Page I Filing Fee Handling 5 .!IlL 5'_ TP-584 NOlalilln ~- ~ BA-S217 (County) Sub TUlDI d..~ BA-S217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Comlll. of Ed. S. ..!!L Affidavit ( ~~enificd:!;9P.Y~ 5""-1A /30 ..... 15';" -k!. Reg. Copy OIlier Sob TOlaI rS-_ Grund 1blaI 4 Dislric:t 1000 Section Real Prnpeny Tax Service Agency Verification 108.00 Block 04.00 Lot 10800 0400 007049 ~ SalisraclionlDillCha'leslReleL~ list Properly Ownelll Mailing Address RECORD" RETURN TO: JULIE McGIVNEY, ESQ. P.O. BOX 776 SOU'mOLD, NY 11971 RECOROEl) 2005 Jul 12 03104159 PI! Edward P. RoIIllll'l11 CLEIil( OF SlIFFOI.K COUNTY L 1lOOO12397 P225 OTl 04-48630 Rec:an1ing I Filing Sramp.o Mortgage: AmI. I. Bask Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlDI Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Cuunty _ Hcld for Appoinlment_ Transfer Tax ;; , .:J n tI -=- Mansie'll Tax The rmpeny covered by this motguge is Clr will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only, YES or NO If NO. _ aP(ll'llJlriate lax c1aullC on page 1# of this inst~""6:f" VlICI1nt Land _ TO TO TO 7 nile Company Information Co. Name A UEBOGUE ABSTRACT TItle" A 5-5-1174 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns pan of the allllChcd DEED made: by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMRNTI KEVIN G. MlIRDOCK BARBARA !\t.!\tURDOCK The p.emisis herein is situated in TO SUffOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. FIiRRIJCCIO M. PERONI KATHLEEN!\t. PERONI In the Township of SOllTIIOLD In the VIU.AGE nrllAMLETClf MAlTlTUCK BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN SLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING 1 ~Imlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11111111 ~m 1111111 SUJ'l'OLlt COmr1'Y CLBRJC RECORDS OrrICB RBCORDING PAGB 'l'ype of rn.tZ'\DeDt I DBBI)S/DDD Number of P.ge.. 3 Receipt Number I 05-00722t8 TRANSI'BR TAX HUMBER: 04-48630 Recorded. At. 07/12/2005 03.0t159 PM LIBBR. PAGB: D00012397 225 District. 1000 SectiOll' Block. 108.00 Ot.OO V'II'''IJIDlBI) AIm CRARGIm AS I'OLLOWS $550.000.00 I.ot. 007.0U Deed AIDOUIl t . Received the Po11owillg rees ror Above rnstrument 1h:-.pt Bxlllllpt p-sre/rilillg $9.00 NO BancIl ill9' $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCKG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO D.-STATB $75.00 HO TP-58t $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Tr_sfer tax $2.200.00 NO CoaD.pre. $8.000.00 NO ree. P.id $10.35t.00 TRAHSrBR TAX HUKBBR. Ot-t8630 mrs PAGB rs A PART or 'l'HB :tHS'l'RUJIBR'l' '1'Hrs rs NO'l' A BrLI. Bdw.rd P.R......~_ COUllty Clerk. Suffolk CoUllty . PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpl.lIta1e,nv.U8 or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONL V ~ SWI8 CoM I _fiL D-. DRd Rill 4Id I''f, 1, ~ g, g, ~I ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ,; I 7 1.1 ~ ,&.::. 1 IIOnUI ..., "- /'" ca._ r I, ~.3 '1, 11C4.,...1e7, t\>, .s, PROPERTY INFORMATION STATE 01' _ YOlII STAlE BOAIIt OF IlEAL PRC)t8IW IERVICEI RP - 5217 .NZI7"'1IJI 1."-1 ..- .~JJS- ~1. Cnurt cnvl'~" t-....... ...- l'erruccio K. ...T....... I 11952 ..... I. ..... - LM'&w~~_Y Peroni LAlT_/c:o.IMNY I. Ta .......... -...... Tu ... _111 be MIll' .... U____IoI_oIlannIl -- ..IIii1111!!IP-ft M. I.MI.....'~ "'1IAIl/I: .._._IING.,...'.... " CI:'YQR'IUW"I , If AI. .. .... ... ....... the....... 01 &---- _I IIDII ...... ._.......d.. ...... , , of'...... 011 0 Poll 01. ,.n:oI ..=.,. I - -.... 'xl '""" 10111 ....i .9. 4 , tooIr.-...__......_ CA......lng__..~_---.e-. 0 ... IZII,L.2 -.sn AppnMI_ AequiNd for T...... 0 C.__....II~__Mlp_ 0 1.- ,..". Murdock lMI'...../~ ..... Kevin G. owr_ ~/~Y ,Mar. M. 7. ctwdI.... box..... wIIIdI .... - ....... ____........ of....,....nr.-: thIt..... "'IIIM: 11. FIll .... ..... , 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0 I , , . . IFull S.1o PrIoo I................ poId,.,.1I1o _lncIudl.. PllIOIlIi ""'_, Thil pIYmInt mIy be In .... torm CJI-". othtr praparty. gIIdI. or'" ......... at morl'lI'111f or othIr obIlgItIonI.J "... tOUnIl (0 ". ,..,.. wftoII dGIIIr........,. -...--......- I. CMnonh;p Typo is ~Ium ~ COmmunily .....Ico .. Now Co_ ... V..... LInd J 1_ IM.~~_.n..-.._ ......- lII....._.d__-. I. ..... ......._1010......-_ 11. GIIIII_.. ..... 01_ -.. _......... ta ~ A __""_or_RoI_ B -__c:orr._orPo_ln_ C OIIool","_Io_._ D ..... or _10 __...., or l.oncing I_ I: Dood Typo _ _Illy or IIorgoln ond _1SpocIIy_ F -"-"~""''''I_IIltIooI/y_ Cl IIgnIlIconIChongoin-"_T__ond__ H _..__IoI_in__ I 0IIw u.-.oI ....... _.. _ ......1IltIooI/y_1 J _ o o o o A~__iIy_101 R ~ AQrIoul1urol B 2or2__, F ComrnonlIoI C _I ,....!MId (l _ D Non'_1 v_ LInd H EnterIIlnmanll Am..... I SALE INFORMAOON I ". .. ConIdn:... 03 1 25 / 05 - ... - IZ._"_/T_ 07 1 07 1 05 - ... v.., '............._-..-_ I . . . . . I O~ 0 . 0 I ......, 11:..... !I !I I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ~ ... Ihoukl ,.... tM Iatftt Finel .a 1""" Roll and TI. 1111 , II - ...._ {J4/05 II. - I ,111.T___IoI........In_1 ...... ...........61L. ...... . , , 4, 7 6 71 , 11."'-_ I', I, II-LJ 11.___' Xattituck a Tu..... I.!J .- IW J RaIl ~ c........ 'IbM .....IItIIlah................... _~w. 1000-108.00-04.00-007.049 I , CERllFICATION I .....,. ... oS "'lIle _ "'_ -... _II1II_ 1ft _... _110... ..... '" m, _........ _.... .. . ....... -.. "'1Il1--_fIl_lIdhonln........_..lIIt _-. "'Il1o_..._.......-.........."'__ ~ 8UYER'tI ATTORNEY Kn~ "V.. r- m.P. I Kathle~ M. Pero 1 J~~JV~ I J'Yi - -. ""/ ~.... 1~~ r.om_ I''''' JM.- W'MlM,A, I ~~ 1:~ I'~i/;L ,. MlUIIIaIlnUIII 010. Kevin G. Murdock Barbara K. I'.urduck ..- NEW YORK STATE COPY