HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 660 , 10<6 ~~-I,LtLf 1litt:tF ~7J~ .. . 1f' '}J~-o UJ Lf02 r (do 0 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAllIlON: 11I1ll AGREEMENT SIIOULO DE PREPARED BY AN ATmKNf.Y ANI) RF.VIliWED BY ATI'OIlHEYli tllll SIiIJJ,R AND ~rn HEFORESIClNINO. THIS INDENTURE,IlI8de Ihe 2;J day of ~ \J~ 2005 betwem ~ JANET L LAMPAS aDd GREGORY M. LAMPAS. wire aDd bUlbaDd, raldlDcal J 15 Raebaell Road, Mat1llDek, NY 11951 party of Ihe firsl part, ond KATHERINE M, PENNINGTON resldlngal 5J9 MeKiD1ey Terrare, Centerport, NY 11711 party of lhe second put, WITNESSETH, Ihat Ihe party of the first pan, in eonsideration of Ten Dollars and other lawful considellltioD, lawful money of Ihe United Stales, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the serond pan, the heirs or suc:ccsson and assigns of the party ofth.! second part forever. AU thai certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvemenL~ thereon erecled, situate. lying an~ beingal Mallituck. Town of Southold, Counly of Suffolk and Slate of New York. SEE SCIIEDULE 'A' A lTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOf The &f8lltors herein are the same persons allhe llI'8Rtea in Deed dated 5114/03 recorded 8/22103 in Uber 12268 page 141. TOGETHER with all right, lille and inlcresl. ifany. of the party of the first part in and to any streelSand roads abulting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER wilh the appunenances and all the estate and rights ofllte party of the first patt in ond to said premises. TO HAYE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granlllll unlO thc party oflhe second pan. Ihe heirs or successors and assigns of the party of lite second pon f'orc\'Cr. AND the party of the first part, covenants Ihal the party of the firsl part has nol done or suffered anything whereby lhe said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND Ihe patty oflbe first part, in compliance wilh Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenonlS that the party of the first pan will receive the consideralion for this conveyance and will hold tho right to receive such considel'lllion IS a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying lhe coat of the improvemenl and will apply the same firsllO Ihe payment of the COSI of the impt'Ol.'Cmenl before using any pan of the 10111 oflhe samc for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be eonslturd as ifilread "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party ofthe fllSl pan has duly exrrutcd this deed the day and year firsl above wrilten. NY!IDA R_,1cI Ral _ F..... Oft IIoIUocs'l'I/llfIl .1. C''fl)rlfht (......ft. Do\'ek>pmtnJ ."'..- .. SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION '.<' . ~'" "t:'~;mY"""'" .' ; .... \. .;';.'. ."!! " ",": ,. . All that certain plot, plcce or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk . . and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southeast side of Rachae"s Road distant 365 feet southwesterly as measured '. along the southeast side of Rachael's Road from the southwesterly end of the .arc of the curve connectlng the . southeast side ot Rachael's Road and the southwest side of Elijah's lane; RUNNING T1IENCE.South 29 degrees 59 minutes 00 5t!conds East, 193.12 feet; . .. THENCE South 57 degrecs or minute 10 5t!CDnds West, 54.45 feet to.a monument; . ! THENCE SOuth 37 degrees 21 minutes SO seconds East, 71.47 feet to a monument; THENCE South 60 degrecs 15 minutes 40 seconds West, 22.58 feet; THENCE South 54 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West, 85.53 feet; THENCE South SO degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds West, 49.42 feet to a monument; THENCE North 02 degrees 31 minutes 43 seconds West, 285.n feet to the South side of Rachael's Road; THENCE along the South and southeast side of Rachael's Road the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. Easterly and northeasterly along the arc of a curve bearing to the lert having a radius of 175 teet a distance along said curve of 4S.20 feet; 2. North 5 t degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East, 22.47 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. . . . , . .... .' .', ..' .,'. ..,' . :.:..... ": :'. ,:. ?::)/.::::::::':~: ~~J<,:":. ' ,., ......~. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) 55.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On lhe 7.:, day of J ~ .2005, before me, the undersignc:d, ~rsonally appeared JANET L LAMPAS ..d GREGORY M. LAMPAS. personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basis of satisfaclOry cvidc:nce 10 be the individuals whose names arc subscribed 10 the within instrumenl and acknowledged 10 me that they executed the same in lheir eapacity. and that by their sillllllurcs on the in5lrumenl, lhe icalS, or the person upon behalfofwhich lhe individuals acted, executed the insllument. NOTARY~ (~ DEED Title No. Section 108.00 Block 04.00 Lot 007.044 County or Town SUFFOLK LAMPAS To PENNINGTON Return Mail To: DEBORAH DOTY, ESQ. P. O. BOX 1181 CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 ReR",e This S ce For Ule Of ReconliD Office' NYSIIA Raidlnlill RaI ....... _ on IIocDocs"19lOO) -2- C.."n,hl ,".,..ft" 0........ /~ J Serilll# RECOROED 2005 ~ 09 01:31:54 "" Edward P. RoIlIine a..ERK OF SI..FFttJ( CWlTV L 1lOOO12402 P660 Drt O5-o!436 Nu.r of 118&01 TORRENS Cenificate /I Prior Qf. 1# Deed I Monilia Insll'llmcnl DcccII Manpgl Till SlImp FEES Recording I Filing Slampa 4 Page /Filing Fee Mon&agl Aml Hlndling TP-S84 1. Basic Tax 2. Additionll Tax Notltion Sub Total EA-S2 17 (County) EA-5217 (Slate) _ Sub Totll Comm.ofEd. S~ SpeeJAssiL Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town DUll County_ Held for Apponlon ~ ^--r-;;- Transfer TaX '2UfLJ() ()j) R.P.T.S.A. ~= Affidavit GRAND TOTAL /.I)~ - Mansion T Thl propert covered by this mongagl is or will bl lin roved by a onl or two flmily dWlllllng y. Y orNO_ !fNO. sel propriltll8x clause 00 page 1# ,..-ofth inllrumenl. Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Tolel Othlr I Real Properly Tax Service At,ency Verifiwion Oi., _ '. Section B IocIc ~ ,... ,.... .... ooioi. pT s Pcwtt A Lot 6 Communi Preservation Fund Conalderallqn A s . ()() SlImp '44 . CPP Tax Due DatI Improved lnilials 1 SatisfactionslDiachargeslRelease.s List Property Owners Mailing Add RECORD &: RETURN to: Vacant Land DEBOIWI DOn. ESQ. P. O. BOX 1181 CUTCHOGUE. NY 11935 TO -10' m TO 9 8 Title Company Information Co. Name COMMONWEALTH Tltlcl# Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns part of the attached DEED . mIdI by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF 1NS1RUMENT) JANET L. LAKPAS AND GREGORY M. LAMPAS TO KATHERIIlE M. PI'jNNlNGTOII The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. SOUTHOLD In the Township of In the VIILAGE. . or HAMLET of ~il-i.tJ (~ BOXES 51liRU 9 MUST BE TIPED ORPIUNTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. fOVER) -. . 1111111~llmlmllllllllllll 11111111111111111 Su.-.oLK COO.".l:i CLBRK RBC01mS OI'l'ICB: IUIlCOIlDDIG PUE '!'ype of ZD.u-ut I nwwms/DDD "._"-y of pag.. I 4- Receipt .'-~r I 05-008286C "1'IUUlISI'BR '1'AX 1ItJIIBBR: 05-014.36 Recorded I 08/09/2005 Atl 0113115C .. Di.trictl 1000 8eotiozu 108.00 Bloolu OC.OO LIBBR: D00012402 PAGB: 660 Loti 007.0U 1PW'V-._".. MID CID...., AS.-aLUMS Deed. JmD1mt I $515.000.00 Received the PollowiDg ..... Por Above ZDat~t -- ...:t: Pege/l'lliDg COB BA-Cft '1'l'-58C R1"!' o.rrAD.fer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00. $30.00 $2.060.00 ar.Al[t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .-"~lizacr II1'S SIlCIIliI BA-S"AR CeR.Copie. &em ea-.Pn. 1'... Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.300.00 '9.512.00 ~ 110 ~ 110 ~ 110 TRAIII81'D '1'U ......-1 05-01U6 'l'IlXS PACD :IS A P..." 01' 'l"1li: DB'....u",.'"'l' 'l'IlXS :IS IlO'l' A .:ILL I!llSwazd P. -Q'""F I... Colmty C1U'k. 8lIffolk Colmty ~ - - - -- -. - - - PLEASE-TYPE OR-PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp;(l www.orps.Blalu.ny.uB or PHONE 15181 473-7222 1?"?'3.r.~'fI it C2.De18_...'JIod I e!,t:JZ ,~ .' 1:3. _ I ../...2.. ~ 0.:2 11:4. '...1 . ~ t!!:' .01 " . PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR coumv USE ONLY C1. _ CoM "-1315 ~ ...1''''....... I RaciJ: Road - 2."" ""- ~~i;!JM.l.l' I "-swafie':... I I.Mr~,CIDIIMIft' I. T_ ~""fuhnT"_lU'ItobelMl I -. .__....._._01__ -- ur.III.....'COIIPAIII't .,....__AfCJ.I....I~ C11't..,CMN REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF _ YOIIK STATE IIOARD OF IlEAL .-TV _ RP - 5217 IN:I'...JIIJI Matt1tuck -- 11952 ...- Katherine K. ...- ,......... FIIa'..- ~~;.- ~D ~7'$ -. I ...bo I .. .... 1lloIr1_0I._____ 4A. .............. wfth SlAld~~., Aud10rity EJdItI 0 ..... IfIIan AppravII_ AIquirIcI tar,.,..,., 0 c.__ro._........_ 0 4. ............ ....... III . -4l .... ..... ._.A.....4I... .he.... L:::", I - Ixl ...,..., ..... L_ - ~,- L..pa. ....I.....'~ Janet L. ..,- Gresory K. . 7. a..- ... boll ............ ..... _....,. ...... .... ... ............-nv ............ .. ..... ...,- Ii~_.'" I~Comm__ F eommo..101 J _rIol G _ K__ H 1__1_" I. _ A~ Dno FomIIv _"101 R 2 or 2 F....._.. C Rooi_' v.... LMd D N__ v..... LInd I SALE INFORMATION \ II. _ c:ona.t_ :~:; - :~ ,- 11.. ~... of....',.,...., ... ,5,1 ,5,0.0.0 .0,01 , , . (Full Solo _..... _ ....... poOl far ,.. _Includlng ..- .....ny. nil ~ rNIf bI i" tho ktrm aI aM. ClCh... pl'Clpll1y or goodL or the nunplion of mortglgll 01 CIdtIr obIigIIiona.l ,.... trlUltllra ... ........... MtDIIftI, 1J.FuI__ -...----- I. 000nInIl1p Typo .. Car*mInI... .. Now c......___'1Ian an VKMl Lind - - ~_.. on AgriouIInI_ -......-.__I~ . .......- ~.. ...........- o o o o .... 0IIII_. __ 01_ _ -. _......... to........ ___or__ ___~or_;n_ _............ 10 _._ __ or _.. -......,..,.., or Landl",__ Dood Typo.... __ orllqoln ond _1Spod1y_ _.._OI~_F__.__._, ....-a..... Pto__T__ond__ BoIool_"_ ..BoIo_ OItlorUnuoull__",__~_ M._"'_"_ 1 0 0 1 --.....- ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION .lleuIlIIould _ tho .._ FInoI ~ Rail ond Ta BUI I I I 7.T__V_lofll_"'_' . . . b.:S,o 0 (ji 11.___1 .R,(~~6t. (,~ 1I.Y_af. ... whIIh ........ . ...... o II. ,,-a.. ~ 1000-108.00-04.00-007.044 2G. Ta... ......I~ I .. ...."."bJ ...... tUn.............. willi eddIIIonIIldlt..ttI", I L I CERTIFICATION . mGI) .... 011 "'... - "'..... ."- -... ... lbillnnn ...... _ _'10'" .... alllQ' ....._h... ond -., _. -4. . .... ...--. alOO) ............._"'_Ilod ................_10........,.'. altlw_....._.........laIt...lIiIIIlal_...._ BUYER'S ATTORNEY IU't'IIIt 1IIhA'rUIlC ~ '/::- ~( (}J t1IYGR 10lMI BI.I.IIl - ...i::b\", I_I..... ' iU..kr. L -,- -'"3 q -1..Lq..y" .---- 6''3\ -- NEW YORK STATE COPY