HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12424 P 533 ... ~ ~ ~ () ':2 L- 1;4;ZL/ P'533 12 '2-4--1; SlPIard N. Y. B.T.U. ram 8002 IlIrgUI ond Sale Deed . oI1h""",,** agoiIst 6nnIar's ~ crCorpanllan 15lge 5heeI) CONSUI.T ''OUR IAW'''RRS IIIlI'ORIl SIGNING 'rHls INl\T1IlIY1lNT - TIllS lNS'rRIIMIlNr SHOUI.D BIlI:sllD BY IAW\'EItl; ONL". 'THISINDENTURE, ~ade tile :~_~y of _(!j ~~ i~ the yt'Ir tWy.tbbu"nd and five BElWEEN CHARLES W. KLtilN, the surviving widower of CAROL KLEIN, residing at 20 Euclid Avenue, Dix Hills, New York 11746 party of the first part, and CHARLES W. KI.EIN and DEBORAH L. KLEIN-PACE as CtMrUsteeB of The Cfk\RLES W. ~~!t:EVOCABr.E l'RUST created by Trust Agreeme~t executed on the ~day of ---oJ 2005, rosiLlin& .t2O Euclid Avenue, Dix Hills, New .York 11746 and 10. Newton '. Avenue, Wesllslip, New York 11795, re5(lCCtiveJy. parties of the second part. l~- WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, In consideration, of'len :;~;;~ :i~. oib;; vaiiia~le consideration paid by the party of the second part, don hereby grant an" ~e~ unto the party bf tl'e second part forever, . .' ,I , .! I .' ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the bulldJnp snd Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being st Mattituck. In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and SIBte of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument formed at the comer formed by the intersecl:ion of the northwesterly side of Ole Jule Lane and the southwesterly side of Channel Lane (unimproved); RUNNING THENCE lOuthwesterly along said northwesterly side of Ole Jule Lane the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) South 52 degrees 35 minutes 40 s<<onds west, 15.00 feet; and (Z) Soulh 46 degrees 35 minutes 40 seconds west. 50.00 feet to a monument and Isnds now or formerly Philip and Marie Friscia, Edwsrd snd Claire Kalletta and Richard Kalletta; THENCE north 55 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds along said lut mentioned land, 152.39 feet to the mean high water mark of the "Dredged Canal"; " THENCE northeasterly slong said mean high water mark of the "Dredged c..naJ" on s tie line buring north 31 degrees %1 minutes 20 seconds eut, a distance of 119.66 feet to the southwesterly side of Channel Lane (unimproved); THENCE south Yl degrees Z4 minutes 20 seconas east along said southwesterly tide of Channel Lane (unimproved) and puaing through a monument 182.93 feet to the <01'IIer at the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all right, title and Interest. If sny. of the partY of the fint part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described praml... to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the plIrty of the fin! part In snd to said premises; TO '. HAVE AND TO nOLO the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. the hein Dr successors snd s..ip of the party of the second psrt forever. AND the party of the fint part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered snythin" whereby the said premises have been encumbered in sny way whatever, e'xcepl as aforesaid. AND the party of the fint part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the flnt part will receive t"e consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to ",ceive such consideration u a trust fund to be spplled flnt for the purp.... of paying the cost uf the improvement and Mil apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the totsl of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If It resd "parties" whenever the sense of this Indenture 10 requln>a. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the flnt part has duly executed this deed the day and year fint above written. ~zt/ ;J~ CHARLES W. KLEIN 1 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTYOFNASSAU) 1&: . On the ~~ay of to d':. in the year 2005, ""fore me, IIIc undersigned. perlIonaUy appeared CIIARLES W. Kll!lN, personally known to me or pruv...J to me on the basis of satisfiICtory evidence 10 ~ the individual whClse nante is subscribed 10 th.. withio instrumt'nt and acknow1cdgo..'CIlo me that he t!"""'ulo!d the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the in.~trumcnt, the individual, ur the J1"I'SO upon boh f of w h individual acled, el<l!C the ins ment. , S 0 and Office of individual IlIking acknowl...Jllment IRA S. 8CILse_1llIIIl NClTAIl'f 1'WIIll- 8fII(Il! ,. ..... I -;l!.,.... QuI/;:JaI kl _ ---.. ..__r.-..... :...._3'.2C:JI 1:7-"-'-" -~ IJljl.~J!JI and ~<E. f[)'E!FJ1) With Co\oeMnl Against Grantor's A.IS ~... (' Se<-lion 122.00 Block 04.00 1.01 017.000 County Suffolk Town Southold Titl~ No. 6'5-~" .. .. _...n .-.. CHARLFS W. KLEIN TO -.- CHARLES W. KLEIN and DEBORAH L. KLEIN-PACE as co-truslees -..- _.. .-- - -- RImJRN BY MAIL TO: -- IRA S. SCHNEIDER Attorney at law 863 Jerusalem Avenue No. Merrick, N.Y. 516-483-4112 Zip No. 11566 2 , . . . [i:2 , , ] ~ tri;:" , -. , 3 RECORflEto 2005 Dee 09 10110: 11 ~ Edward P. RoIlail'lE' ClERK OF ' 5lFFOl.K, COl.tffiI L ??oo12424 P 533 ' on 05-18586 NUlllberorpugC$ 'I'OllRIlNS Serial n Certificate n Prior or. U IJecd I Mortgage Inslrumelll Deed I Mortgaaa Tax Slamp FEES RCl:onling I Filing Stamps . I'agol Filing Fec -t- /- :C( )IV Mortpao AmI. Handling TI'-584 I. lJasic Tax 2. Addilional Tax NOlolion IU'.T.S,t\. -=3= Sob Tulal ---11-_ ' ~' ;L'-L Sub TOt81 '- EA-52 11 (County} EA-52 11 (Slate) SlamI' 10 . -~~ SpccJAssil. Or Spec:.IAdd. TOT, MTO, TAX Dual TaWil Dual Counly_ Held ror Appurtiolllncnl TlBnsror Tax ..g.-- Mansion Tax Comlll. of &I, Affidavil Certified Copy Reg. Copy Olllor l Renll'niperly 1i1x Servico Agency Verilicalioll Disl. , . n Section 0 lock 1.01 - - -- ----- 1000 12200 0400 017000 CJ>I= Tax Due s Dale Improved Inllials (OJ. 7 SalisfnclionslDischal1l eleases List Properly Owm;n; Ktailing-A"dllrcs RECORU '" RETUllN 1'01 IRA S. SCHIIBIDER Attorney At Law 863 Jerusa1e111 Avenue Borth Merrick. BY 1is66 Vncanl Land -' /l> , TO TD TI) 9 Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e B Title CUIlIIJOIIY IlIrorllllllioll '111ia pug. ronns pw1 orllle alllll:bed DEIm (SPEClFYTITE OF ~1RUMENT) made hy: . ClIARLBS W. KJ.H.lN. 'llle premises herein is sitlllllcd in SUfFOLK. COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO CHARLES W. KLEIN and ilBBmiAH 1.. In llle Township of Southo1d In llle VIllAGE or HAMLET or rolL!' ". . KI~IH-PACE. as co-trustees OOXES 511 UtU 9 MUSl" BE TYPED Oil PIUNTEO IN DlACK INK ONLY ..mOR TO ROCOIIDING OR FILING. - - _.________ _____ - - , - - - ._ - .......n.( 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1101111111111111 mlllll SOFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OPPICB RBCORDIIlG PAGE Type of In.t~tl DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Page.. 3 Receipt Number : 05-0127952 TRANS PER TAX NOMBBR: 05-18586 Recorded. At. 12/09/2005 10.10.11 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012424 533 Di.trict. 1000 Deed AIIIount: Section. Block: 122.00 04.00 BXAIIIRBD AND CRARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 017.000 Received the pOllowing' Pee. Por Above In.t~t Bx8lllpt Bx8lllpt Page/piling $9.00 NO Handling' $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO MYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIIl.Pre. $0.00 NO "ee. Paid $149.00 TRA1IISPBR TAX RUJIBBR. 05-18586 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB IRSTRlJJIBIIIT ~S IS ROT A BILL Bdward P.Roma.ine County Clerk. Suffolk County <<:3._ PROPERTY INFORMATION 1'-/, 7..3. g, g ~ f I .L~ 1. I~ . f- C4. ""...I~, ..3:3 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWIll CuM C2. DII. Deed Rla.arded STAlE Of _ YORK STAlE IIOARlI Of lEAL _m 8EIMCE8 RP - 5217 1lN:17 _ ;yn 1.=, 2980 .'."1 ...-" Ole Julc Lane IR'''''.:AW Mattituck tin mI'I'CMto WI"" li952 I lWlXlOC 2.--' Nomo Klein, as co-trustee I.AIT tJMI! I COIIM"n Charles II. ~1""YIi Klein-Pace, as co-trustee Lo'SIIIAM..ICUIIIIA'W Deborah L. .... ..... 3. Tu Indlclte wIwI fuNre T. BHII.. to be II1II I ...... H _ "*' buyw _lit __ <II IormI . -- IAlT ...../COIlHt.t rNTIiIMII: II'I'IIRT .......11 AND ....,. NMII! en" OR lCMN ..... ,.""'" 4.~tMnu""oI" -- l D RaIl ,..... h_..A~....4 on 1M ..... I . . I, of hreell OR rlrt of. Pen::el ~k~'J<.'~.~r'~ 1(4t.'S'1fI! t~.<?~' 5.:::-, I . Ixl IORI ... I SIn PIOo'...r. DII'III ACN:I 10nIy K _ '" 0 _ CI-* _lhoy opplr- 4A. PIe"""'" ......_ Subd_ _ E.<IoIo 0 ... __ Appoovol_lloquVod lar Trw/or 0 4C. Pan:eI Approwod for c:.............an with Map ProvIded 0 5._ Homo Klein, I A5I' loAM' I toM'A"n' Charles II. ........ lo\lThMlP/~'<< ""or_ J. CNeklho__ _..- .........,._...._"'..._ otlho_"'_ "'~Ono ."",Uy _.1..1 H 2 cw 3 Flmlly AeIicSorIUI C __oIV__Lond D Nan-Rnldentlll V.:.nl UncI I SALE INFORMATION I 11.___ F.~Aaril:u_ I' c:amn-:.ot . G Aoo_ II Ente"""",_ 1 ~ Community SOrvico J Ind_ K Public_ I. ..... _lho__ulhoy_ L OwnerstIlp Typo 10 Condoml"""" .. New ean.trucIIon on V~ U1nd _ "'-'v LcuN _. on AQr......'llIIIriol _Iuyor'-""o___ng IhoIIho _ ;0.. on AQrlcullurol DiI1rIc:l o o o o 'Ii. a..- _.. __ ".... c ....._. .. - .. to InnIIIr: 12._"'_/T_ , I I g;:a; tMr v.' 10 7 p~ .... ~ v... A 8 C o F. I' (i H I J Sola -. _Of Formor_ s.Je IItwoen AoIatad CamPi_ or p.,.nara in ...~ Ono of 1M Buycn II aleo _ ...... _ or SoI1or 10 GCMlIlImonr Agonc:y 0' Lending _ Dood Tw>o .... __ Ofllargoin ond Solo (&poc;fy _, Solo of .,_. arloA Ihon ....1_ ISpocIIy_ SIg_ a._In ""'- _. ,_ __ ond Solo DI100 Bu...... II Included In s.a. Pric8 U...1UOi F_I AII'octino _ Prlc:e ISpocIIy IIeIDWI - ~tr ~ ~ 11___ 10. 0.0 . 0.0 , 0.0. 0,0.0,0 I . ".. lFuIl SII, PrK:lillhl loiii1 amount peid for IhI properlY indudlng pet'1OIII1 property. Thlo _ moy be In.... farm 01..... _..- ar goaclO. ar.... _PIlon 01 I'nOI"tQIDft or 0Iher obIlQ1tloM.l ".., rountIlO "..,.,. """* doIIlT MJOUlII. lC.='::.:::::: I Q 0.0,0.0. 0, ~1I. 0 I __ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - o.u. ohOllId r8IIoct thl 1_ Final -.nont Rail Ind TIX Bill ,..y..oIAullI ........... . which.... .._doll. .... 17. ,.... _ V_I"''' ....-",_1 j M..Ac-~ ~ ~5~9 , IL"-a.. ~-LJ IL___I ... T..__/RoI.....IlelItlIl____._____, Section; 122.00 Block: 04.00 I Lot: 017.00 ~~T. \rrn I CERTIFICATION I I..." .... . "'.... '- '" _ ...... .. ... ..... .... ..... -' __ U..1hr .... '" IDl' k-'""llr.... _ ... I ......... t.... IIIal "'" ....... ar..,...UuI_...._"'_llIcl................._....... _.........."'.... _.... -.....""'--....1liioi"'....- !!!!m BUYER'S AnORNEY ~ Schneider, Ira S. ...... ,,.,...... .....,- Deborah L. lUein-Pace 10 R~nn Avenue 11"'1~ 'rRf"~tAt"IIU1.11 516 -.- 4111-4112 IH........_. "sat IsliD. c:rTY0II1CMt11 BY ITA" 11795 ""..... ~ NEW YORK STATE COPY ">r- .....,........ Ch4r~e8 W. Klein r ,