HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 114 ,... L j,:( ~ q ) ~ l\4 /7/-L{ g. if ...- NY UQ5 - BarpiulllllSlJc IleIdwichCo\ea.w..UlOnaIar'.AcQ.lndivldlllllnrCorpararioDtSiaJlrSIMNIIIN"iBllJ ICCII:!J l:1l~1;I.1' ml:K ''''\\'\"I'.R BEmIlE smSlSG 11lL. "'"!lTIIl':lIL'T .11lL'l L'I!lTlIllML"oT SIIOUIIJ) BE "SillIlY'''' wyo.' C)lo1.l' TIfIS INDF.NTURF1 m:Wo tho q'7l. ~ay "r .::r.... "" -i: . in tho)..... ,Jaos- BETW.:F.N DAREN PFEN;\lIG, resldlDc at 1905 Arbor Lane, Manltuek, New Yor'k pony orehe fi... pan. and M"S "';;::-.... DAVID PILOSSOF Bnd LINDA PILOSSOF." SI Summerfiel:il Lan.! North, R1vcrhead, NY 11901 pony "f tho ...."nd pon. WITNF.ssF.TH,1IuIl tho pony ..r tho fiFO' Jl'IIl. in "....ide""i... orT... llPll:u5l111l1ll1l1., ."........ c:oasidoration paid by I"" pony Drth. soonad pon. dooo """'by ""., ond ",Ie..., unlo the piny IIfthe llOCond pon. l""l..i.. or......,....... and as...,n....r ,... party "rtho....>nd pon r,,,,,,,,,, AU. """ oortain pIoL picl." or pon.,,1 uClund. with tho buildinp lIIIlI illlpNVClDCllllo 1I>l:roc>n....:u:d. .i__.lyinS and Irin; in the "SCHEDULE A ATIACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEFtEOF" BEING AND INTENDED TO Bt: the slme premises I. deseribed In deu made by Walter Gatz aad Marilyn Gatz hi. wife recorded Deeember 3, 2001 In L1ber 12:156 cp 135. TIlG.:nU:R with all riChL liU..nd inl.....L if any. of tho pony ortho 6... pon Df. in and 10 '''y MlftlJland nd, ubutlinQ 1110 obo.,,-dcs<ribcd pn:mi... In Ih. eenlO, lin.. tho....,f: TIICI':TIfER ",ith tho "",,"nonances and 011 ,... ...... and righ.. Dftho: pony "r I"" fi"" pon in and b...id pn:mi..,", m IIAVE AND TO 1I0LOlhe premi... ho,.in "",,1I:d un'" th. f1IU1y ufw ......,,00 pan. the ho:i,. or ..........'" and ...ips Df tho Jl'IIly Df tho _ pon fn"""" AND Ih. pony Dr lho fi... pon oovcnanl>th.. I"" Jl'IIl)' Df tho Ii... Jl'IIl has nnI 00"" nr >of/Cred anythillll W""",,by lho: ..i~ pn:mi5&:s M\'C been incumbered in ::any way wh~lcr. eJ.&:ept WI ar"n..,.id. AND lho pony "rtho fint pon. in.:omplia... ",ilh Scelion 13 or tho Uon I.AW. ,..""nanu Il... tho pony or 'h. Ii... pon"'11I n:ceive.ho ",wide""i..,, r...thi..""veyonee and will hnId tho riChllo '...."ivc SlICh ......idc:..iion.. u 1rU.. fund III bo IIppli"d filii' f,.. tho 1"''''''''' nf payirq: lho ...., of 'h. improvernenllllld will apply''''' ...... fi... "', tho PO)"ll101lI of tho "'.., Ilf lho imp,nvemrnl ""r..n: ..ing ooy pan of lho 'ocol of ,he ..mo for any nth", purp.... The ""nl"f1IU1y" .hall be <,.,.uued a. ifil n>od ''pOni..- ",hon.,,,, lho """"" Drthl. indonll."'''' n:qui.... IN WITNF..'iS WHERE()F. tho pony of the lint pon has duly ..eeuloU Ihi. deed the day and yell' Ii.., obu.. wrill"n. Is PIIF.IIE-"CI! OF: fO \... Fidelity National Title Insurance 'Company . TITLE NO. os- 7404~ II s)-SUFF '1 SCHEDULE A-I (Dat:r/plltm) AMENDED 6/3105 ALL That certain plot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mauituek, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New Yark, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the Southwest comer ofland now. or formerly of County of Suffolk intersects the northwest comer orthe premises about \0 be dcscribed herein; said point being also diStant the folllMing aight couises and distances from where the division line between the easterly side of land now or formerly ofMets Home Inc. and the westerly side of Wirtz intersects the Southerly side of Sound Avenue: 1. South 77 degrees 34 minutes 38 seconds W~st 520.32 feet as measured-alon'g t)Je southerly side of Sound Avenue; 2. South 21 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East 172.50 feet; . o' 3. South 43 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds East 141.15 feet; 4. South 26 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds East 324.08 feet; 5. South 24 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds Easl496.97 feet; 6. South 20 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds East 740.80 feet; 7. South 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 sec.onds East J 15.50 feet; 8. South 01 degrees 15 minutes 00 secondi W.est211.00 feel \0 the true point or p1aceofbeginning; RUN NING THENC~ ftom the said tnJe point or place of beginning along lands now or f01rmerly of County of Suffolk the following seven courses and distances: . I. South 87 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds East 544.94 feet; 2. South 22 degn!Cs 49 minutes 40 seconds East 281.28 feet; 3. North 89 dean=es 41 minutes 00 seconds West 110.86 feet; 4. South 86 degrees 56 minutes 00 secoiIds West 230.31 feet; 5. South 48 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds West 190.75 feet; 6. South 81 degreCs 23 minutes 10 seconds west 126.72 feet; 7. South 48 degrees 52 minutes 50 .seconds West 74.02 feet to the easterly side of land now or formerly of Suffolk County Water Authority; . RID/NING THENCE along the easterly side of land now or formerly of Suffolk County Water Authority North 01 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds Easl489.00 feet \0 the point or place of BEGINNING. . TOGETHER with an easement for ingress and egress oyer the existing dirt roed adjoi;ning premises on the west and extending northerly to Sound Avenue. 7'HE rouey TO BE ISSUED under /JW commit"..", will ins",. thft IiIlc/o _h buildifI&J and Inlp/'tJWJlllclIIl 011 lhe premi.slll ,,"ic" by law CllIUrllUIC real properl,V. . ,..OR CONVEYANCING ONL Y: TngIIlIwr wll" "Illhe rlghl. lille and illllltVl a/lhe ptlI'ly aflhe ~J/ ptlI'l. af i,,'and 10 IIIIi land'lylng in the 1/IWl1,,/rtml 0/ and adjoining laid premi6a. st:IfEOUI.E A-I (V<:<<:npllrm) Rev. (03104) USliAUATJM~T_VIUIUIW..mUNNBM' flJllJ<.\'TATI!ONLf: loUI. orNew YnrI<, Coanl)' or 5 u F Fo/ It ,.., On drq'7l<day "r JUDe in Iho Y'.... 2005 ""'ClJ'O lilt. lhc uncImiJlncd. ...........Iy IIp(l<OrCd Daren PfrDnlg . ...'IlOlIIIIIly knuwn 10 "'" or pmved 10 lilt ClIl dr ...... "r WIIisf"'*"Y evidona: 10 be.... individuoll51 wbooc n.m.m Is ,,,,,,I Mlocrilled UIIhc wilhin inouun1Cllllllld ockoow~ "' me Ibot hcIshcIIhcy ....1Il<d Ihc """" in hislhodllloir '....,..,KyI....J. und Ihat by hi......rIIIM.'ir sipIII.......1 ... tho inlllNn....l. .110 individual,.). ,.. tho penon upon t..ofIalr"rwhic:h 1110 individuolZlllol~monL U N-.yPubllc-.::r.;w- No. OlD 17 QuIIIlIod In.... ~ Co._......... ElcpINo 0IM0r"'~_ AI'IiNt'..l.Jo:JKiJUNT f'f_ FUll USF. ""miL> Nllw fllla !>'TATIl (}A'LV: INrw y,lIt ~ R"ilwIllAtilrt,.ift/J1IWJII Ctrtljlc"url SllIIe orNew "/Irk, Coalll)' or ..., On Iho day or in Iho yoor bor"n: mo. tho undo:nip:d. """"",,Uy "PI""UN Iho lIUNoribi.., wi...... '" Iho r,...fUinI: inSl""nom. willi "'born I rmi ponMlIIly ""'II'lIi1lllld. ....... b<'i"ll by "'" duly ""'NIl. did dopow: and say IhaI """"""",,y ,,,,,id,,ul in f iJ,h~ 11hlc~ t(rrsiJf!lIa!;~ ;11.1 diy, uh:lutw ,lit. slfWlUIIJ s'""" IIIUN""', if""". ,/rr""of): Ihat hoIlihdIhoy kno..,., Ul he Iho i..Jividual dooaibod in lInd whu ......'UU:d ,110 f~ in.<lIWIIOI\l: IhlI1lCl1id .lIh.,..rihilll willlOSll ..... pn...... and..... 5lIid .... UIU1M.'K.\'f1W/.IiDGMIllITFOIIM Rllw.....mIlNNIM )'IlUSTATEo.VI.V: SlaleorNew "nrI<, cOIIIIIy.r ,...: Ond", day'" indr)..... IIoran: 1IIO.lho ~ .......lIIl1y IIpPOIIIOd .,........ny known Ul me or JIIO"'d 10 me ,.. Iho ....i. or OOlisfilOlOlY evidonc." 10 botho individua1fslwilluoo _sl is (...,lsubsorilled IOlhc within insuumom lIIld aokIK.wlNl!'-'ll "' me IhlII hd>hoIIhoy ".....lOd Iho ....., in hiiilhomhoir L'IIjllI"")'",s~ lInd Ihat by hislhorl1hoir !IlUJlllWll'Csl ... tho iD>uumonI. 11110 individuol(.~ ... Iho ........ uJIl" bc:halrorwhloh Iho individllllll'):OO\Od, .'"""""<<11110 in>l",mont. ACIl.\"..V:lltaJE.VT f"l&v mil t'SIlOl'llilIlll.YAW flN/" .\'TAll'lo.VI.f: /r.,(SNtrN "iwi". r.",MII Ni:lrtr~ c,,,ifIa."lllr1 ...............,...,..........................., ..I...' Ie".,." Vf'JfW ......sw.r, CCMW".. PMWt>,."M~I1) On.... day"r in lhc)'Olll' hofon: me.1ho 1lIIden.ij;n<d. po""'....I). _"",d ponanally kNlWII Ul me .,.. p"..:d Il> mo 00 1110 buoi. '" ..u..........y ovidollL" b' IIoIho iadi.idlll~') ...1..... namo(ol;,. (arel...Morib<-d1l>1ho ..'iIhIa inoIrunlOlI1 .... ""knowlodp:d Ul mo IhIlI """"""",,y ...,:UUld Iho """'" in hiwh.,ddll.'ir ""poc:ilyli..~ lhal /ly hWhorf Iholr slgnatuMol .111.... ill!lllUlIIOIIl. .... individual(,,~ or.... JIL....... ".... behalf'" ,,'hk:h 1110 indIviolua1lo1 ""..'<I.........,s II.. ill!lllUmelll, lInd 1hIlI........ individual modo ...... "I'I"'lIIIIIIL'C ...r..... .110 undcrsi...... in Iho exc..:ule the NlRIC; unci IhaI said ",iLnCSS Ullha: umc lint&:' lIoUbsc.1ibL'd flllSlt1fIh.'r;'."tll'fll..,,.I/il;nll.(illhJi'';$;'IIIUlulthc.(nut''"C'fJUIII,,,,,, hislherltheir namc(s) as D wi~" I.henetlt. ,JIM" p/utY ,hr _WN...itdpwnl ,'"'US 1l.IIuw). B"RllAl~ a S.....I': DF.F.D "'l11t0)\'IIN......." Nlo\DB1'CJlA.IIltII.'ll M.U Tm.E. No, Darrn PfenDl1l TO David Pilollof aDd Linda Pilossof FIDELITY NATIONAL TrrLE .1l\iSI;RA~Ct: CII)IPAN\' Iltt.l."....",.",..~ b~...~.~""" Fiddity 11'11';'.."'- ~...........,..,..."'........ r o I I IL o ~ ~ ~ c III ! Ii ()L'iTIUCT SIiC"TIOl< BLOCK WI' <:0IJ~"fY 011 TOWN RECO/lDED~T Rt:(JUurO" fIdoIIl)' Nad...lI11de I......... ComJlllll)' lU~ruNN Bf MAti. 7U Tlleresa Qullll~t.. Esq. F,\RREI.. FRITZ et 81 PO Box 1980 BiidaellamptoDI, New York 11931 nde Company Inronnatlon F:',iL/,' ~L "I,Tt.l' D:s- If. & Endorse.ment Page Number of l"'8e. ~ TORRIiNS Serial It Cenilic.1C /I PrinrClr.1t Deed . MonPlle Instrumenl Deed , Mon88lle Tux Stamp FF.1'.s 3 Page I Filinll F..., Handlin, 'i ..l.KL TP-Sll4 N.XllIion E"-5217 (COUnly) Sub Tal.1 EA-5217ISlaIe) beJ- R.P.T.S.A. Cnmm. of Ed. 5. ..lKL "mcbvil Ccnified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Tutal GrundT(llal~ Olher 100' 4 Oi.ari.. Re.1 PmJ'Cny Tax Scrvic Allency Veriliealion O~~5 1000 (RSFL A) {8..JUN~ '- -'1 __ "" 12100 0400 008004 6 S.tisraclionlDi..,h.rgesIRelew;c Lise Property Owners M.i1ing Add"",. RECORD '" RETURN TO: Theresa Qulllley. Esq. ....rrel Fritz et II PO Boll 1980 Brldgehampton. NN" York J 1932 7 Co. N.me 11llell 8 Suffolk Count Recordin This page folTl\ll pan or !he .1Ia.hed deed RECORDED 200:1 J\Jfl 17 11102:34 An Edward P.RooIaine CLERK OF SlJ'FOUC COUNTY L DOOOI239:J P 114 DTI 04-45331 R..:onIing I Filing Stamps Mongnge Ami. I. Ba.~ic TIut 2. Additional Tax Suh Total Spec. I Assit or Sp.'C. I Add. TOT. MTCl TAX DualliJwn _ Du.l Counly _ Held (.If Appointmenl _ 1r~n.<rer Tox ~ /00._ y Mansinn lllx The propeny o'Overed by Ibis mOlPlle i. or will be, improved by . one or Iwo ramily d.."lIin, only. YIiS __ or NO If NO, .... nppmprill1C lax e1ause on if PUF /1_- or Ibis in.~lrumem. 5 Community Preserv.tlon Fund Consideration A,mouna S < ~ a::lt). CPF Tax Due s~- Improved Vacanl Land .-- m ID TO TD {SPECIFY TVPF. OF INSTRUMENrn made by: Oar.n Pf.nnig The premisis berein is silUaled in TO SU"''''OLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Thwnwp of Southold In Ibe VII.IAGE D.,'ld PI.GUnr and Linda PUOIIOr or HAMu,,"r I'YJA?T/r"".:k BOXES 6 THROUGH II MUST BF. TYPED OR PRINTJ::D IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (overl 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I11111II1I1111111111 StJJ'POLIt COtnITY CLBRlt RBCORDS OPPICB RBCORDING PMB Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 R.c.ipt Numb.r . 05-0064448 TRANSPBR TAX NDMBBR: 04-45331 RecoJ~d. At. 06/17/2005 11:02:34 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00013393 114 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 121.00 04.00 008.004 B7_WJ:HBD AlII> CBARGBD AS .OLLOWS Deed Amount. $525.000.00 R.c.i ved the .o11owing .... Por Above Instrument Rv-.pt Exempt Page/Piling' $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO RY8 SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO Bll.-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCl'H $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2.100.00 NO C~.Pr.. $9.000.00 NO Pee. Paid $11.342.00 TRANSPER TAX HUMBER. 04-45331 THIS PMB IS A PART OP THE INSTROKEHT THIS IS HOT A BILL Edward P. RoIIIaine OouDty Clerk. Suffolk Co~~ty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// WWW.Orp8.8tate.ny.u8 or PHONE (5181 4'73-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I <f,~,3,J!, ttz.<:fl cz.om_........ l.t:fl '?/~I Co _ I '/'.J.. J ,cr, ~I C4...... PROI'ER1Y INFORMATION C1._Cado STAR 01' NiW YORK STAR 80MD 01' 1lEAL..-.n, .1ERVlCE8 RP - 5217 1IP4J17 ......, 1."-11750 ........... ..........-.. Pr1vabe Road .,........... I !fa t tituck ""'...- -, ,,- SQUl"HoL"-C\ -- 11952 Df'ClD .. ..... l'11assaf ....... lAITfIMIllI/c::cM"AM' Dav1d -- rUassaf UIlIIJ""~ L1nda "....... I. Ta lrdclIII....fubnT....tabe..... I 8IIIIno .___-III-.al_ - LMI....../~ ..-,.... ..=.,. I - -.... Ixl ...... IDRI . .4 _ 7 2 I -- I I 1T111 ZIP COOl IDnlyI_.,o'_____ 4A. PIonnIng ....., wi.. __ __ 0 ... Cr~riIIan Appraval_ RIquINd for Tr"'", 0 C__d..._wllhMop_ 0 .11lI.El M.-.r AND .,...... ~ art GlIUWIf .. IndIute the ....... .. .. _.1 RoI.......IlMiII'......d all the.... I " or Parcell OR 0 PIIrt of. '--I ..- -- Pfenn1i I.MTIMIIW'~ Daren ...,.... LUT""~ ..., .... 1.._al_/_ 4 I 20 I 05 - ..... v_ 6 / 'I I 05 - ... v_ -...-.---- "_lyPo"~'" J ~ CarnnuIIIy _ .. _ '-alon on v..... 1.0... J __ lOA. "'-'t.....1Id _.. AtrIcuIIwoI_ K"'-_ 1GIL Buwor _10_ _-.. L _ ......._...IIIn..~_ ,.. .. _.. .... of..... ........ .................. A .... 8atween ReIMivl. or ronn. .....w. B ...._ _,~_...........In....... C Ono"''''~''''''o_ D -.-.. _.. Go_ Asonav" LondI,.,_ E _lypo ..ow.....,..1IorgoIn ond _l8pocIIy_ F ...."'_..,_.....,.._l8pocIIy_ o ......... ~ In "'-'v _1_ _ ond.... DoIoo H _"'_..In_'nSolo_ I u_ -.-"11.... _1SpocIfy_ J N.... o o o o 7. a.t: 1M.... ..... whklh .... _. ..bII................... praperIy III: dill.... III MIll: A~ Ono FomiIy_ B 2or3FomIIy_ C _V.....Lond D Non - .. ... VKlnt Und 'SALE INFORMAnON l 11.__- I!~AIIrlcullu"l F Com_ O Apln_ II E_/_._" 525000 I I I" 10.0 I , , . ffull 1111I PrIr:a II the IOIIIIIIIDUnI paid for the .-.Ity Indudl", penonIl properly. Thla peyment ".., be In 1M form of CIIh, orhlH property or gDOdI. or lhe ...,mpdon of nlOlllg..... or __ obngaltons.1 ".... tound to".,."..... do&ramorcmr. ,.. -...-.,....- 0 ---..- ASSESSMENT INFORMAnON . Dolo ohould .- Iho...... Finol _, Ron olld T.. Sill 13. Fal .... _ 1"'_"" .....'RoII-IOI{<!h117.T__V_IllI.___, ..... ........Me...... , , .3 7 0 0 I , 1"_a.. I ~ , I. 41-U 1"___ I Matt1tuck 2O.T..__'__tII___._____, 1000-121.00-04.00-008.004 I I CERTIFICATION I ......,-."'..-"'-. . -.......----_......._"'..,...... \, ...lboIoII...._.....dle..... rllIJIf .............. fA...... r.r....... w11111bj1d _..... __.' I- .................................... "fllltlw1._'" 1IUYER1l: AnoRNEY Cui.dav .....- 'l11cres8 -- -..!:.~' 6.\)0 d~ ____ ~__ WnltlMll f'N--T+i~c..{.. I tl"\ (mI' at TOMI IT"" 613 -.... 5~7-3100 ...-.. -- ..\l1 ~ "t. BY&!! ~~ e-h /.r- .... NEW YORK STATE COPY