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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12207 P 675WtT'!ri rhrx the aC' ~ P~ ~ ~' ~ nc~ peeti, daese tha !~'y oC Bra ~ the a rwd a#'dee:p~yat`tlne At3. that ~ ply, r~C laad. t6o gs and eae1~ ~kl "A* ANN AMi> 1?Ei3~ ~ flee smrea pr~emkrs to der PAY aC~ part ~'' decd dsrky Zfi and ~ cbc a£thrr Claaie aPdaa ~'S K t+n ~.300Q i~ t.~r E20d! ~ 319. sit ' pike read ~ ~~ lia~~ ~ ~ ~ rmd pc any.. rend roads .rand ' oC ~ aC tha ~' ~ rnd all c rho ~ to ~ kAV'I~ ~ '~ tl~.C? tho the aC stns fu>gt sass tha oC the has eat dteoee or ia+~5' *tr as aC that a! dre liras Fa 13 a(tfie i,sar, dart dMt pay of ~ firs paud wil! cr~reaidica Car deit caa m+d rovi#I hakl des a+ w~ io~a ~ a me b Ito ay'ipliod Car' the of U#a scat at thre iea sad wiU eq+piy rbc a Tina ®c cC aoat eC dte ieo to prat ~ the wta! al'the m ~ aaye aver '~ ++rord'f'" bo r~ i!'i~ t~et1 .. ~, ~ . ~' Ei?6', tb~c of the t°a~ #~ duly this dead tba day and yarr feeart •.., ~. tw " r Rt~d.l~tA1r L40'l4~- QO"90 0~1'~1't ~12,i.'A~8 4b0'~ tt ~R ~C /€t Y8 dG A 'C ~~ t !~L Qt _ iS`LE~ "8~1 Q21fEF L"LC tAIGI[ t&C #~T GIlr _ ~,,.~„ d~ G! 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I /1131 ~~~I~f cz. oat. Dead Raporaea ~ , Mon h Day ear C3. Book ~ G/ C4. Page~~ 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP-5217 RP-521] Rev als] ,. Propert/ I ~ `1 ~-'' C> I l - :1 f J LU ~>_7 ! Y~ J ~ C /1 _n I Location STREET NUMBER GTR ET NAME t ft" t .~~.'~ ~ ~~L, ~I ~~GfH L'(^r la t. wf.. '( 1 CITY OP TOWN VPLAGE ZIP CODE 2. Bever ~ ,} F ~1~' . ~. I (,Vl~ L 1 Ej r1'1 I Name LAST NAMEICOMPANV Flfl$T NAME LAST NAME /COMPANY FIRET NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bilis are to be sent _5 f _- ~~ 7 L ~ ~ w ~ ~ / 1 )- } /. y~1 L Billing if other than buyer address tat bottom of form) Address LAST NAME I COMPANY FIPST NAME ~ ly ~IL }-]r;l~i,u/~7 Ft~S ~~~~DI C'.~a T C'-I vtr(.tF~ IN ~ 1119~ti I STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OP TOWN STAT ZIP CODE 6. Indicate the number of Assessment IOnty H Part of a Parnell Check as they aPPty: Roll pamels transferred on the deed # of Parcels OR ^ Pa rt of a Parcel 4A planning Board with Subdivision Amhodry Exists ^ 5. Deed (//y ~ 98. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer ^ Properly ~ ~ X ~ ~ OR ~ • /' I /C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided ^ FflONT FEET DEPTH ACRES SIZE I ~`~/1~I-t-k'~n! ~ J(J5i_ l~H I s. seller Name LAST NAME/COMPANY FIPST NAME ~ {-{ALLj~J<.qrJ I Ca //vf~ I LAST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the hox below which most accurMaly dauribes the use of the property at the time of sale: Check the boxes below as they appty: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium ^ A One Family Residential E Agricultural I Com munity Service 9. New Construction on Vacant Land ^ $ 2 or 3 Family Residential F Commercial J Industrial 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District ^ C Residential Vacant Land G Apartment K Public Service 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating ^ D Non-Residential Vacant Land H Entertainment /Amusement L Forest that the property is in an Agricukurol District SALE INFORMATION 15. Cheek one or more of Mesa condhans as applicable to transfer: 11. Sale Comract Date I ti j / i!~ ~ ' / r~~ I A Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Monet Day veer $ Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business C One of the Buyers is also a Seller _/ 12. Date of Sale /Transfer I '~~ / / ~ r' / I-% ~ ~ D Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Month Day veer E Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Belowl F Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Belowl ~_! / ~/ G Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates ' ' O I O I_ L: 13. Full Sele Prica H Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price ~ ~ (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. I Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Belowl This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of J None mortgages qr other obligations.) Pleese round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate the value of personal properly included in the sale 16. Year of Assessment Roll from L=1_7 3, f ~ ~~ which information taken 17. Total Assessed Value lof ell parcels in transfer) I ~ ~~ 7 7 7 18. Properly Class L~ 19. School District Neme I N~~ ., i ~ ~ ~Sf r 20. Taz Map Identi8erlsl /Roll Idant~xlsl Ill more Man four, attach sheet whh additional idemifierlsll u~-t l--r .l c ~C ~ ~-1_~~r/r:,~r L1 ~r C'~>+ I I I I R LI >< K C,l(c ' T'0 ~_G`(" ~~ l (J • G~C:1 / :, ~ I I CERTIFICATION I certity that all of fhe itemsof ipformation enteral onthis form ar! true and rorrect (lo dle best of my kpowledge amt bellefl and I uEdersland that the making of any wHlful false statement of material fact herein wW subject me to Me provisions of Me penal law relative to Me making 9EId gHpg of false insirvments. BUYER 1~ ~ BUYER SIGNATUPE GATE _{. (gyp ~[~J \, STREET NUMSER STSEET NAME IAFTEP SALEI ` _ CrtV OP TOWN (f ST TE ZIP CODE ~ ~/ SELLER ELLEP SIGNATURE DATE ' BUYER'S ATTORNEY LAST ,NL/AME ) FIRST NAME APEA CODE /TELEPHONE NUMBER CTTY/TOWN ASSESSOR COPY