HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12386 P 957 .. , . . C ~.~7~k ~~I ~~. Ill-I- I~,;Z ,,. ,• tX1NBlLT YlXal LAYYYHt BEFORE SKitQ10 THIS NSIRUAt81i•THIB aiBllaaBJT 8t10lILD BE USED BY LlWYyHa3 ONLY i TNIS INDENTURE, made the as of the 18 day of March 2005 BETWEEN JANET A. GOLD AfK/A JANET GOLD, residing at 755 FiWlermen'a Beach Road, Culcltogue, New York 11935 party of the oral part, and PETER GANLEY AND MARIA GANLEY, husband erW wife, residkrg a< 23 Fairview Avenue, East WBblon, New York 11596 party of the second pert, / VNTNESSETH, that the Pe R(titq tirgs,pgR. In cortslderetion of (jry3 prao0. oo~ ' One MUlbn Four Hurldredr~Fiyh}'f husband and OOH00 (51,438,000.00) doNare paW by the party of the secant rt, cues hereby grant and release unto tits party of fhe second part, fhe heirs ar successors and assigns of the party of Ute second part forever, ALI. that certain plot, place or parcel of lend, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. TOGETHER whh all right, tltie and Interest, n any, of the party of the first part In and to any streets and made abulfirlg the above described premises to fhe center Unes thereof; TOGETHER wnh the appurtenances and et the estate and lights Of the party O( the flr81 part In and f0 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the bets or wxessors and assigns of the party of the aecorxJ part forever. AND the party of the Orst part covenants that the party of tits firer part has not done or sulfated anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In arty way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the firer pert, In compliance wnh Sadlarl 13 of the Lien Law, covertartts that the party of the first pert wUl receive the conaWeretlort for tiYa conveyance and vAl hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund b be applied first for the Purpose of Paying the cost of the tnpmvanrent and wlp apply the same first to the payment of the coat of the Improvement before using any pert of the total W the same ~r any other Purpose. The word •Party' shag be conswed as n n read •paruea• when ever the sense of rota Inderdure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duy executed this deed the day and year first atx>re written. . IN PRESENCE OF: i JANET A. GOLD SErrdard N.Y.&T.U. Farm tW02 • Bargain and Sala Deed, wan CWanant against Granlola Aeb- Uniform MlmowkdgrneM Form 390 I y ' • ~ ,• . ' • •Stewart Title Insurance Company Schedule A Description Title No: N~•1S-IN-11351 Parcel l AI.1, that certain plot, piece parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Nassau Point or l.iltle Hog Neck, in the Town of Southold, Count' of Suffolk, and Sutte of New York, known and designated as wE ishcrman's Beach", I.ot 12 on a certain map entitled. "Subdivision Map, Pcmnic Bay Pn~pcrtics Inc.. surveyed Ncbruar}• 6 1931, by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Surveyor', and filed in the Ollice trl'thc Clerk of the County of Suffolk April 15, 1931, as Ivlapi, said lot being mom particularly bounded and described as follows:~1~ #7~6 131?GINNING ut u point on the southerly side of Haywutcts Road where the santc is intersechxl by the division line betwa:n Lots 11X. 12. said point or pl;tcr ol'beginning also being at the north east comer of premises herein to be descrilx~d. RUNNING 'I'HENCL•' from said point or place ol'beginning ulottg the division lint first about mrnliorud scwth 3R degrees 27 minutes 10 seconds west 282.58 I'erl ur Cutchoguc Harbor (which is the mean high water malt us noted on a survey dated 5/7/x)8 by John C. Ehlers, I..S.I: RUNNING '!'HENCE along the mean high ~valrr nwrk of Cutchoguc 1•larbor the lirlluwing tic line course of distance, North SS degrees 27 minutes 16 seconds west 81 ~0 I'~•el to the division ling hrtwrxn lots I2 & 13: Rl1NN1NG TI IF.Cf: along said division lint north 41 degrees 41 minul<s SO seconds east 284,84 feet to southerly side of I laywaters Road: and THGNCL`• along the wutherly side of liaywaters Road South 54 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds east 61.00 1'rrt to the point al'placr of IiIiGINN[NG. 1'arccl 2 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and bring at Nassau Point or Little Hug N~~:k, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and Slalr of New York, known and designated os "rishcrman's Beach", Lot 24 on a certain map entitled, "Subdivision Map, Pecrntic 13ay 1'ropcrtics loc. surveyed Frbruury (i, 1931 by (hto W. Van Tuyl Surveyor' and filed in the Oftice ol'the Clerk ol'the County of Suffolk April I5, 1931, as Map No. 786 of Msps. said lot being mare particularly bounded and described us follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Haytvatcrs Roud where the same is intersected by the division line between lots 23 and 24 as shown on the aforesaid map said point or place of beginning being at a southwest comer of premises herein to be described. RIJNNING'1'HL•'NCL' from said point ur place ul'beginning along lhr division line first above-mentioned north 30 degrees 09 minutes SO seconds ra.W 54.59 feet to Haywalers Cove (which is the mean high water mark us noted on n survey dated 5/7/9R made by John C. Ehlers, I..S. ); _. ` ~' . ~ 'Stewart Title Insurance Company RUNNING THENCE along said I laywnters Covc dtc following tic line course and distance: South 75dcgrces 23 minutes U2 seconds east 75.31 I'txt to the division line between lots 24 ~ 25; RUNNING, THENCE along said division line south 32 drgrccs 09 minutes 50 seconds wrest 80.93 feet to the northerly side of Haywatrrs Ruud. and; THrNCfi along the northerly side of I laywaters Road north 54 degrccs 50 minutes 10 seconds wrst 70.00 Pert point or place of BEGINNING. v~ TO BE USED ONLY tMiEN THE ACKNL>!~!s ~!MEM W usne IN NEW YORK SATE ~' ' " , . State of New York, County of I k. sa:, . On the I6Nway of ~ ~ V iln the year ~~ for4 me~h~gneQ, gerwnaly appsared personally nown b me or proved to me an the basis of satbfactory evklence to be the bidividwl(e) whose name(s) k+ (are) subscribe~ the within Instrument and ackrawledppsd to me that ev exended the seme.ArlllIDll>~tlrelr M~ Stale of New York, County of ss: On the day of in the year before ma, the urxlarelgned, personaly appeared personally known to me or proved W ma an the 6ssis of aadefactory evidence to ha the indivWwl(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed 1o the within InsWmeM end adtnowledged to me that he/shallhey executed the same in his/heddtelr ppadty(ies), and that by hldherMelr signature(s) on the Instrument, the IrMividual(e), or the parson upon behelfafwhich the Indlvidwl(s) acted, executed the insWment. (signature and office of individual taking acknowledgment) State far Disbid of Columbia, Territory, or Foreign Counby) of ss: On the day of Mena In the year 2pp5 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Janet A. Gold personally known to me or proved to me on Ne basis of sadefaaory evWerrce to be the individwl(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to dte wlWn IMWmeM and ackrtowkdgsd W me Ihat he/aheAhey exeadad the same In hlNherfltteir capacily(lea), and that by Nsfiedlheir elgnature(s) on the InaWmeM, the IndWkiuai(s), or the person upon behalf of which the Indlvktual(s) acted, executed the insbumenL and that such Individual made such appearerroe trofae the undersigned In the (kreert the CJN cr othx poatlcal wb6vhbn) SARGAIN AND SALE DEED YYfrN COVEN~A\NT AOCAWST GRANTOR'S A^CTS Title No. lU~-1~~~'`- ~~.''Y~~ Fbrida (ane lrgert the Stale cr Counsy cr ether place dr edurowladprrant was taken) -- lslpwna::~w enc. a irMlvkkul taklrrrp +d~edsnrenU JANET A. GOLD AIKfA JANET GOLD TO PETER GANLEY AND MARIA GANLEY, H&W Foert or New THE JUOCYLL NBIfiMICE AGENCY LLC t%0 MAYARONECIC AVENUE ltAlttttn0l{ NY 111518 nt~u1-eTOO • wastn.rtrLE DISTRICT 1000 ' SECTION 111.00 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 031.000 and 017.002 COUNTY OR TOWN CUtChO$Ue STREET ADDRESS 785 Fisherman's Beach R Recorded at Request of THE JUpICIAL TfTLE INSURANCEAGENCY LLC RETURN BY MAIL Tt} A. Trabucchi, Esq. Marcus Avenue, Ste. S285A Suocess,New York 11042-1011 W ~ - ~' W y i y r SIIFFOLK COIINTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iastrumeats DBEDS/DDD Recorded: 05/12/2005 Number of Pages 5 Ate 02:39e33 PM Receipt Number s 05-0051434 TRANSFER TA8 NIINBER: 04-40596 LIBER: D00012386 PAGE: 957 Districts Sections Block: Lots 1000 111.00 01.00 031.000 53311[INSD AND CHARaBD AS FOLLO-iS Deed Amouats $1,438,000.00 Received tha Following 8eeo For Above iaetrumeat 8xempt 8xeeopt Page/Filiag $15.00 NO Haadling $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NY8 BRCSO $15.00 NO 8A-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-STAYS $75.00 NO TP-564 $5.00 NO Cart.Copie^ $0.00 NO RPT $50.00 NO BCTM $0.00 NO Traaefer tax $5,752.00 NO Naneioa Tax $14,360.00 NO Comm.Prea $25,760.00 NO 8ee^ Paid $46,067.00 TRANSFER TAS NONBSRs 04-40596 THIS PAQ~B IS A PART 08 TS8 INSTRDMSNT THIS 28 NOT A SILL Edward P.Romaiae Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty 1 2 ' ~~ Numhcr of pages REGORGED 3005 Mau 12 02:39:33 PM TORRENS Eduard P.Rawinv CLERK OF Serial # SUFFOLK COUNTY L D00012386 Cenificatr # P 957 DTtY 04-40596 Priur Ctf. # ' 1)rrd / Mortgage Instrument Decd /Mortgage 'lox Stamp ~ Raording /Filing Stamps 3 rrrs Mortgage Amt. Pugr /Filing Fcc 1. Basic 7tut _ Handling 5. W 2 Additional .lox _ TP-584 ~~_ Sub Total Notrliun SprcJAssil. ~ or EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total ~-~ Spy, /A~, EA-5217 (State) r /~ TOT. MTG. TAX _ R.P.TS.A. S O ~ Dual Town _ Dual County Held fur Ap)utintment Cumm. of Ed. Affidavit 5. 00 ~'' ~ • - ~ - Transf M ion Tax / -oN Cenili~d Copy Property rnvernJ by this rttortgagc is will be impnrvrd by a one or two NYS Surcharge ~ I5. 00 S b T ~ '- f dwellin onl 8 y Other u otal ~ ! /~jf J ~ ~0 Y ur NO Grand Total /~ G 1F NO, appn:priatL tax clause on ' ~ o , ' I / f ; page # of this ' ~ ~~~ 4 Dist. Section Block L.ot 5 Cotamtini servatioa Pad Resl Property X501 1000 11100 0100 031000 Consideration otmt $ ~ .JO ~ TaxScrvice A enc ~ T S 1000 11100 0100 017002 R '~7(0 oa CPF T 5 °~S D 0 g y LPA q , ax ue . , Vcrificmiun ~~ e ._ Impmved~ Vacant Lund 6 SatisfactionslDischargrslRcleascs List Property Owners Mailing AJJness RECORD & RETURN TO: TD X000 ~t o o ~ r2 a b v c ~.ti ~ G- s o` TD Z un 1 W1t4~ ~~~ f~~ 1'h-S Z61'-Ir1 TD~ ~Ca I: t, Sv c c t1S Nr - w ~o•k ~ 'IStle Com Information / ` mo 1 /~ 07 ~ '~OI / Co. Nome ~/0'..~1t „. Titlr # -tt ! This page fornts pan of the attached U Z~~ mode by: ~a h~~ 1'a G ~ ~ ~ The premises hrrcin is situated in SUFTOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of -f ' ~ N) s~/~ PeT~ _ + Y-7 q *Z l q r p ..I qtr In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU S MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED [N BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORllING OR FILING. ' ~P i rover) ' PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpJ/ www.orps.fltate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 f-0R COUNTY USE ONLY ~ y 9 C. CtYde L `1 /~31 ~Igl ! I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT •~ tJ• sTATE OF NEW YORK (;1, pea pyd Rerorded ~, f .I ~ O S~ aTATE 60MD OF IIFJLL PIK1Pg11/ BERVKiB C8. Ilooh I l . ~7, 3, g, I Ca P.se sl'1 „ 7„ I c- RP -• 5217 1• ~I I Fisherman's Beach Road I auYrea Iix~oe ~Cutehnoue I I 119'15 I ones roww veU« scoot 1 sWar I rexr.xY I Pr{TRR I Netne wr ws/ Iwer ueee I GANLEY MARIA I wraere/eae.er 7. Tu bdi«u whwa lour Tea sW en b a ra eibo Ran. thrt btper tddnto Ir bemnt d lannl L I I ~~ wlaar /oolewnr - rwlraw I ilrer MYeiaNr elrY1 r1Y1e I [T'eY 1riY~ O1A1C-~F~ I a. bu.eeta eha numher d Aweenrd IOr11Y s Per d. Peraep Gleeh r tlry epplr Roll percab tratrfarrad m ale ded ~.~ . aI ParcW OR ^ Pen d ^ Peroa ^ aA PW Wlq Bord with &bOwWon AulhpiY E+Iw 6. Deed ~! Subdnhlart AppwrY Yrr Re1Y~led for Trnrlr ^ ~~_~ ~ Prglvty -rll~ ~ X L~J OR I I aL' Petett AppaYed for SuhehYr with M.p RovNed ^ Wze a S.wr I COLD I JANET A. I ~~ lAe'N.YeIWYMYY r I I wTaYYw /i9V1YW rwFr 7. Ohrk tlr bo11 halew when rnwt emlrmty daeer6es ate uee d tM PaPaIY e1 tlM tin e d eels : 1JIrk ate bow baler r they apply: a gwwWp n'P b Cerldorrrlllan ^ A Olr FeMly ReeidentW R Ayicuhurl I Camminiry lblvp a Nwn rerrerleolan an Vann lard ^ B Z «J Fandy RudW W f ~ CemmortlN ~ Induprlol t0a Proglry lauud whin m Apiq/Yud gYrip ^ C Reeltlontbl Vrea 1e/tU G N a Aprbra PuWie se1Yi[e lea IhNer reeMe a tWlrtlro rtha Illtfta611p ^ D on NeWanYel Vram lan0 H Er4Mrnmw / AmuYellr/rt 1. Font Ulr er paprry h b an ApkullunY O'Wfrt SALE INFORMATION la LYleeh err «mon d Illaea eendNor r epplirbb b tratleler. m` te 11. sW Ootleaat Data I- r / I A SW 9wwearl RebNer «rvrmar RabVur - IAN' ~I°~ R SW Bdwwl Rtl.rtl Canlp.Nr «PeMpe In Budnme 16 OS 03 / C tMe d tlr slly«e b alr ^ SMW / / I ti Ode d 8eb / Tnnebr I D arv.r «sdiw: cowmmea Ay.nw «L.Idirq nwtltwen ~ V Y rr C. pail TVw roe wemmY «s.rpdn .Id sera (spslly aebwd 3 ~ c / AR y0 F SW d FnalorW «l.«e than Fr heeraat ispeafy Ba1ow1 ~z / 3 G SlsniRran f]larq. In Property tWUron ToxaNO sour ere sw Owee 11 idl Bab Pllp I 0 . 0 I -f~°Y ~ eyeye ; H seb a ihlalltr. b InautbG In sw Prn ffJ SW Price b tlr rul emdlm pro for the property Indudinp paaaul popery. I Other Uttueud Factor ATlrlirls Sala Pelu ISprlly aetowl TnY pernret may G in er blrrl d ratll, otlrr wopery «POOde, «tlr erlellpion d ! Ner mensaer «opw obrgwiax) Neer /owd ro the nwrm while delhr errant fa Ylmeeab the wnr d lYreelnl pepMy bYLWd b 1M eW 1a Yw d Aepernrrl Rill h«n I /1 . 3 117. TdM ArwW Valw bl YI prda b ba1r1 I ! ! ~ U a U vellbh Y.arrllallen rkwl iJ r 1a Petgrry Gan I~{_~J-t.-I 1L Bdrd Oleulee Nrrr I S b'-T ~ o) ~ I fro. Teo aE.P W.nWl.rf+l / Rm NrroR.fy a nler. uen 1w• earn elred wilt atltltlorW lewferwl I 1000-111.00-01.00-071.000 and 017.002 I I I 1 twNy Ort as d the Nlaml d ierarwtlae eobr.d m tbk farm w bra soil carreaY Ib We 6ea d ttV boowlldRe ad be140 ad 1 ulderebod thit 16e reklnR d eRY word Eehlr alaerrt d mdntY Oct henht w0 todSea{ orb 1M aruYbdww d the owW low rebaye b the otaHep eo0 RWtR d hie IIW etntYNi J o ouunoe a ~1.~ I ~ A ,0.Vlw f}~v f,p¢rraarra atwrr eue urree NLn 4SIVER'S ATTORNEY ~~~ W1~It1~~• I N'1 :I iir~f.C un/ox iaax rte sotwc n sea '~ wlantae un NEW YORK STATE COPY