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Wqr"~ Arti • r ar r:oriwr~tloa t'aYSU6TY01JN t.ANYFJt aEraRE SIt:?~I7iC THIS i!'ST'at:1i17+T • TtltS tXSTtnlt9t ~'T S}IaU1J7 aE l1iED aY UWYk1tS rXti1,X' TtCIS 1NDENTURE~ trade the ~~ day of t:ktaber, 2002 BETWEEN YANt:Y L. ±1lEYER, reaidiag at 709 Icottinger Drive, Pieassnton, CA, 94566 of the first part, JAMES BLAKE AND KAREN BLA1-1r, being married to each other, nth rxsiding at 8I-27 CJtopia Parkway, Jamaica Estates, NY, 11432 patty of the second part„ WITNESSBTH, that the parry of the first part, in consideration of TF.N ( dollars, !awful money of the United States paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the petty aCthc second part, the heirs or srtcccssars and assigns afthe party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of hlnd, with the buUdings and improvements thereon erected, situate, I,ving and being in the SEE SCiIEDULF. "A" ANNEXED HERETt7 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same prclnises conveyed W the party of the first part hr decd doted July 2b, 1996 recorded !a the Qtl'~e o[ the Ckrk of the County oPSuftalk au (lctoher 3, 1996 in Liber 11795 page d•il. EVER with all right, title and irltereu, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and abutting the above described premises ro the center Sines thet,eaf. TOGETHER with the appurtettanccs and ali thr rstutr and rights of the party ai'thc first part in arKi to said premises. TU HAYia AND Tt7 HOLD the premises herrin granted unto the pity o{the second pan., tha hairs ar sttcccssom and assigru of the party of the second part fatcvcr. °--®..•,e_ AND the party of the first part. covenants that the parry of the first part has not done nr sufftncd anything whereby the said premises have been i»cumbcred in any way whatever,. except as afvresaid. AND THE party of thr ftrst pan, incompliance with Section 13 of the Lirn Law, cavcnant,~s that the . afthr Rrst pan witl tretxive the tx,nsiderntian foe this runrryttncc and will hold the right to rarcivc such cansidcratian a.4 a trust fund to be apptied Frst far the Purpose of paying the cast of tM: improvement, atui will uppiy the same 6nK to the payment of the cast of the improvement befarr using; any part of the total of the same far any other purpose. The ward ''party"+ snail be construed as i f it rcwd "puttits" ~vhenevcr the sensa of this indenture so rrquires. ~tdV WITYESS WHEl2F.OF, the pasty of the first part has duty execuicd this dtti~d the day end year first agave written. tN PRESENCE QF: G`-~ ~Ge'Ss! NA1~tCY L!MEY~'~ . S'!'A"t'~ QF Nt: W YO1tK:COUNTY QI` SC1Frpi,k) ss; fan ilx; ~ day of October, 2002, before me, the undersigned, personally appeaml NANCY L. ttrttEYETi. petsattatly known to ntc ar proved to mean tree basis of setisfactary evidence to be the intii~~duat whose name is sub~ribcd to the within instrument and. acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity. and that by her signature an the instrument, the individual, ar the perm upon hctutlf of which the ind'tviduat acted. executed the ia5trument. Natan^ Public ' ""-`~. - Noi YpA ~rrliMira~ ~ ~'~" ~. ~. sf 1 ~~ t t ~E JUDICJAL • + t a+C. iNS~AiVCE AGEING { ~ Talc Ato. 58260F'A-S S~HEQUI.E A ALL that certain p~* pig or partaei of latul, witb the buiidiags and imt~aemeats ut f Southold ~~ Vim, 1yin8 ~d being in at Nassaq paint, or Litt1G IiQ ~ ~mY of Suffolk and State of New York aqd g , fiown part aF tat !59 aatd part of for t60 as shown an a ec known and designated as A of Nassau Point awttcd by Nassau point C'iub r~tra ~ catidod "Agterded 8~t~iti. I~422 ! New Yark' 6tcd to th~c pffice Stffaltc Cau ~ ° ~° as Map Na. 156. mare patt%ularly bounded and described as an follows: BEGINNING at a point at the interar~tioq farmed by the westerly silt of Nassau pairq Kaad wipe the southerly liar of I~at i54 as shown on afoaerttentiorud tihx snap. said paint atsd ,pie of baginnMB a di f Yhy -a ~ twin ata~ng , ~e m.tY 1is ~ of N paint Raaad the i to a Rtaacl; -Uterty Brae of C'arriggtaq Road with ttte westerly 1ifrt of N atxiaa au paim RtJNNtNG fiNENCE fmm said ~s int and place of beginnigg aia the sou of tot 159 on thr afaretr~ation«i a~I,~ ~p ~uttt 78 West a d" of 233 13 Pert to a ~ ~'iY fins point; $ 36 minutes 2t) secatttts ~ aF-Nfa~nurth Ot degtt:es 06 minutes 30 sectmds East throagh Lots 159 sad !60 oa tlaned map a distancr of Zpq,g6 to a paint oa the I-ortherfy titre of tat l60; ~ HNCE 'rasterfy along cite tmrtherly line of tat 160 oa the afaretrtentewtrd µ`e y firpe of N arGS 2f! seconds East a distaacc of tg3. i6 feet to a prose ~o~ as~u Poiut Road; fiKENCE in a saudKriy direction ai ~ gu~cottds East a dish ~~ ~~ awo t art t sat z dr8~sr26 mimttrs ranee of IUO.QZ t point-, 2• Satoh I3 degrers 35 rninutcs 4ti secontts East a distance of IOd.07 fret t+D the diviaiott tine brtwren tots 158 and t 59 as the afaremegtiaaed of BI~GIlVNING. map, the point sad place SAID prt:mrsrs being ktrowa tas and by strret address 69 Nassau Point Road. Ceuchague, New York. ~ The y to t» issaed ands thk ret+oN waX tnurre the tFae to auatr 'AMt%tNG amproaemante erected on the pnmd~se Mrh~ by law aar4thuta mal pt end Y FOGE'y}{)`p wlgt ati the r the tend tt'ina ~ ~• tlNa and tntarpt at the party of the tkat cwt. ar. &~ and to straat ~ front of and e~oaning aM p~emisae. page 1 E Number at Pat1~ TDRR6NS Serial CrttiCcate Prax Ctt. # Dead / Mtxtgage Inswment Deed J Mtrngage Tax Stamp t'EES Raiding t Fling Stamps Fagr i Fling F~~ _ _ _ _ Mortgage Amt. }tand)sng S. ~ 1. l3unit 'hrx ___.__. 2. Addititmal Tax Tl'-# ._ Sub Ttual ~~ NtMatims SptclAsstt. EA-S2 17 tCaunty! ~ Sub Ttn;tl tN Spec. lAdd. EA-5237 t5sate} ,~ TOT. Ml'G. TAX _ ___ R.P.T.S.A. ~~ ~ Daal Town ~ Dsaal Gxrnty Camm.trtEd 5. 00 :3ntmcnt r . rllix i AtfidaYit Munxn _ GertiCtid Copy r T~ P+~rtY trd by thie matgagc is ~~ ar will be im YCd by o one ar two Reg, Copy tamity dwelfin only. Suh Tixstt Ottrcf YFS ar NQ Grand Total tt NO, Fee 'ate tux clause ors p:sgc N of this instrument, d Uii:ittict Section Bkxk L.ttt S Comattxaity Dots 1l5uttti Real ltXm t + ~ nn . no rn rsnc nnn Property (~~~~ 1000 11100 0800 OOS002 Cana3deral:ion t $ ~, ~ lux Srrt~icc $ ~ T ~ CP ax t3ue s .3BQ~ Agcrrc'y R RTFf A Veriftcatian ti1Cr lmpmved X s3 Satix€~tionslnischurgeslRrlt:ases List Property Owatrrx Mailing Addre~; V~ant Lana 12ECORD & REl'UftN TOt TD It t.aure Saierna, P.eq. TD 345 East 73rd St. TD Ner+ York, NY 18021 ~Cn.Ncsme Judicial Title Insurance Agency IJ.C This page forms pun nt the ^rauu:trat Bargain and. Sale Deed ~ rn:cde tSPECtiI"CYPE OF INSTRUMENTI Nancy L. lfeyer The prcmi..cs herein is situated in St1FFpL3i COUNTY, NEW YORE. ~ In tltr Township trf Southold James BtAr[p end 3taren Blake In the YIL.LAGE or NAMI.tiT t+t Cutchogue 33OXES 6 THRU >i MUST RI9 TYPED OR PRtNTF.D tN t3LACK [N3i ONLY PRIflR TO RECORB3NG OR 17LtNC. tuYrf) ~~~~~~~~~~~~N~ SOX.R CO[1NTY CSC RECORDS O88'ICE RECORDING PAGE °rYE+a o! Iuatr~entn DDS/DDD Racordad: ll/44/2042 Nttmo~er of ~'~: 4 At: 47:56: 56 A!d 1'RANSF'ER T]1Y N glO3ER; 02-13864 bIBER: D00012218 PAt~: 307 LfiatriOt. $eQtfOII: ~' $lOCk; ~iOt= 1444 111,40 4e.4o 4o6.a4z Aam cHA RCea ns a»s Aaoaivad tDa Follovriag Bees 8or Above Inatsumeut ~"/H'il ~g $12,40 Exempt HO Handling $5 40 t HC3 $5.40 NO YiYB 84ECHG . $15.40 2i0 - $s . 04 x0 aa--~xr~a 52~ . a4 pro TP-584 $5,00 NO Cert. Copies $0.04 RO RP1' ' $30.40 NO 8C'Ad $0.00 IEs 2 ranafar tax $1,860.00 NO C~.Pras $5,340.04 NO TRAttSPt 42-13889 Fans Paid $$,252,40 THIS PAGE I3 A PA&T G8'fiHB INS Edward P.Aamana County Clank, Suf#ak County ALEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEM WRkTttJG ON FORM iNSTRUC7iONS: ltttp:t,? or PHONE. {51 A? 473-7222 I ~R i;(iUhlTy 415?" {`1Ctii Y CT, swls Cove ~~ ~ ~" REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT )t ~ ~ /~ STA7E OF NEYy YORK Cx. Date Deed Rsnwdrd rL 1 t ? '~G'~ STATE BOA~~P^.~(yD~Oyaf NEA1 PR/)O~YEFri SEgY?GE$ MT-h `U+Y rla~ ~ 1lR s ~Z~~ t'=~• lpy~ 1, C3. Booh.. C4. Paga [' <i 4J b ...,~` s_fH]: av~as a.Y kvr^ PRytPeRTY natnnxa nnlnx{ ~ Pr~a«TV 4430 Nassau Paint Road LOCm4inn' i'nCrr rtt.kACn_ •. _.... v-~tr xava -.• _._ __. _..... Southold - I Cutchogue 1.1__935 - -- _ ,~.. Y ftll?+ } a° I _Blake ~ _ r;nar r.ur* 4u hd kA .. ._.....~......~. .:JMR~twv ... Rai t..3. A. Tax 3naemw •vt.we *.u;rus Fax 93fik arc w ru ut't BmFrep d ntktr [har hayq{ aril +ms ia: W;;P.+nf a! "urn Add+axs ...... I.... . 31~. .RIC-.i ACiU i5'.:anSR. fi ... .. .......... ...„..__..-.®....~ '. 1n lYn'X i k C :iY ~CV}[" m. ifltliCHix t11f {14»I$M 6t ASSMirnalFl 1 {only A P#H bf m PdrC41) L`i1nL11 IIS If CY iPpfY Rall parcnb trmsxfar:ad on tha doed l.._....u_...,...._,,,J d o' 7`arcu,,e OR ~ Par. oP a Fareoi AA. Ianu nn$vd vPh uEsiww-^AufN)tFt{:::x ,{ ' 5. Oead ~ - 4B. b { nie VP+n+rro vus icq va f it i i t nw+ PrnPady .- ~ ~. 5.m `"'n~` {[ _ A I ` hFn{ 14R ~ ncx'c-J_~.'S tG.?a_. Fsprc:.rA n Oat 4ae {.. .: 3 hug^prv:aCd ~ saiwr Meyer ~ Nancy L, Hama ~•r ..,,~< _ _ _,. __ _ _I ~bT AR.Ati ..... _.._...... ....._...... X. Check tha box beMw whfah mabt aseuFafely +tebm9bax 2hY uW of Hie Proparty u[ thY tlnra pt aWe_ Ctlaok tM Iromm Irytlnw m, they alYyly. B. Ownerarnp Typa .S London•.in4uerl ~ ~0 ;ar 11t h¢5 tnElld } +Ay r 7 C mMpMN °iCNS'3 ~~ 7 r'w eD shi{CUO QC VdCa"=11-d rtt $ 2 r a F r 4f s cer.?,w (~ i j t du+N13f IOA. ap ap mataA m a Ag~{cal uE U 11 m ( dn'v Vma t Land (i ';Oa n f( X Id+„ Sertiyr 1tl& 9 ya vvae 9 d s. xt is oli>? f dni}~'1~Y.0 j3 aua.R BC¢v1e .2 Lre.nt lard }) i, r ,n nrr ncr-Act vy!Ymene )~ PPr u I t RIIrvy>:!{F s. th AOt Cn9ero ymir]t GALE iltiFaRNATIaN i5. IYlkq mla w mars of thew wn&liorpb as aplameabla m trnmM: ty. Sa?a ConYrecx patx Q(~ ' t]1 + Q2 i :\ Sat!. Gety. ^i 9t~. ,ali.ns or Fnrrne+~e+lnt;vey rfiax. _...®.... + _. ise =ar E1 $ail: (3(.QW?"n Rotnr:;d K;tr Ixtl~~nti fu Flmnrr+. rn Rax:wsn 1~ (" ©cc of sal Use-s.:a eL:a n SoCta~ T2. Pmea o! Sala Z Tnp{tior ~ U Dswor w 5r yr s KJmyrnmam A4arcY rr I atc++.;~ I*+arilvCim{ ~~ticr-m oa. .,~s E Cored Tyla not WerennN o¢ RaryTain arsd fiats, C$~,:;tY #yid'HI f Snlµ ea P0Cb6na1 II! i•.~ pfne FM• Inze{~t {5p6ci!y EIe1oWi 73 Pnii Sata Prdee F S 9n.fcpr e t„{ntrv~n it {4ocanY SeCwrvrn is%Dh{>? $ttltua xnd ftula @btes p ~ ~ • H 5lk el R s n nx is tnrJVin i rr 5ni¢ Pu:x ~ x ... { 1 I~It ORS .a{nt W¢P 1~ Cf{~ p{;app tY uUUdisg Ao o aa~ .~eonpfTT 1 on+t' U{ k on F-dGf6rE hFI9uY xtg j+Nt 1'44 'S(m::hF 9@~.;w) n tux -r7y {n. yin-n- N r . )y M W'zr 4rna he ax,ampuon as c ,, x{r 06'f l .ygat n_ P .r,... n=.nG ,a ? a ,.,!xnn. da Aaf pnavm. 1 Y:wx fa. Intl:nata fire raWa 4t persooai Nai14' .. _.... ....._ _.__. P«+atnrary ingndod in d+o. ula a `--- ~ -_ t . _~l..,. 11 ,. ..... _. 1S Your sf ASTaxxmani Roll Irorrr (} ,2 tvhiph informatFon liken i 7T Tofal Awnt#ed balue (ni aJl parcNS m franskri I _-, ^ p ~ . b 4 (1 I: '-- P 7 _._. ' _........---..~ re. Preparfy Dtanx I Z, ~~ O - _ I rs. Scnonr DiFrda2 N:mla 1 _._ Cutchague 1 ffi. Tux Mup wantarrertal t RnU kRanmargs7 il[ mma than Pour, aetaeh aaeot withwRYltianal idanWiadxfi t 100(1--111.E-48 U4-IJfl6 IX}2 ~..,..__.__.. ~ I _... cePnFicAnara _ _....._ __ __ __..._._ i ax+rNfi~ that nil of thr itcat~ oP infrirmatiun artulM nn @dx Fntm an+ Irnr Ivttt a sry*ei rt !ha bea rtl m~ krv.e ieelgr and hcl&1Y unA f endrmauwl tAmi Als~ mnknr~ nt am n41Mn1 Tal n~ cwermeni nI narbvtini Ban hercm ettl all?}sxr ttrr in dl, roarv rnr ul_tb~enal tna rNtnUn• In thr making and Iliin: nl' fblx~ inxln{mrntx. N.__. BUYFR I FUY~R'S AT[OiiNEV ~* a F L` F-? ^:ieM16IFh yTxP pt}6. {xr~fP T„y ).~ / {} s~u~~F n..= Saternor FG#^ [,sure 212 2&9-$531 r' C'C7PY