HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 910a..R.k..a Sde Dad wIW Corewou Aplon Gmmr9 AeY - rodhidu~l ar Corpoaliou Cn.~S1iLT L'aCa LAw1'ER BEFONE SIGNI~C 771LS R'4TRl'NF.Nr -771151\'STRt!Nk:NI' SIWULD aF. I~SF;U Bl' r.nw-'lrLti UNLI' TH[S INDENTURE., made the 2~ day of July, 2005 BETWEEN CARRETT A. STRANG and BARBARA A. STRANG, being married to each other, both residing et 605 Highwood Road, YO Bo:1412, Southold, NY,11971 UX parties of the first part, J r~+ ELYSE ROMANO and ANTHONY ROM~NO, being married to each other, b residin at PO Bor277, Orient, NY, 11957 b2 a'S ;Sr ~ ... !~.•~,~,,,. ~! ~ 9 cr~f . /C.aod6...e, -. . of the second part, that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN (SI0.00) dollars, lawful money of the United States paid by the party of the sewnd part, dots hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, te, lying and being in the SEE 3CHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by decd dated May 20,1999 recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on Junc 1,1999 in Leber 11966 page 316. TOGETHER with ale right, title and interest, if any, of the parry of the first part en and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and ail the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the parry of the sixond part, the heirs or essors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. the party of the fast part covenants that the party of the fast part has not done or suffered anything by the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND THE party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, cevenants shat the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement, and well apply the same first to the payment of the rnst of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be mnstnrcd as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. Schedule A Description Title Numbgr '1`1084-DBS Page 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 8, on a certain map entkted, "Map of Highwaod-Bayview" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 30, 1970 as Map Number 5547 more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Highwood Road; where the same is intersected by the division line between Lots 6 and 8 on the aforesaid Map; RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of beginning along the division line between Lots 8 and 8 South 66 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds East 115.13 feet to land now or formerly of Wall; THENCE along said last mentioned land, land now or formerly of Chingos and land now or formerly of Hoenig South 25 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West 190.78 feet to the division line between Lots 9 and 10; THENCE along said last mentioned division line North 68 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds West 84.05 feet to the easterly side of Highwood Road; THENCE along the easterly side of Highwood Road the following two courses and distances: 1. North 21 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds West 64.64 feet; 2. North 23 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds East 145.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. -= IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. PRESENCE OF: '1~ GARRETT A. STRANG ARB~STRANG STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: On the ~ day of July, 2005, before me, the tutdersigned, personally appeared GARRETT A. STRAND and BARBARA A. STRANG, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names arc subscribed to the within insinuneat and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, end that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or The persons upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument Notary Public CATHERINE W. PUGLffSE Notary Public, Steee of New York Na 01PU5055636 t]uelified in Nassau Counry/10O(P Comm. Expires February 12, l~t.~,o,,~ o~.~ ~ -b~ f~ ~2r„r. ~Za,.,•,.,Q,~ 8~5_ !~. coo S~oJcttx" fFv?~ 6'a„~,„ ~ , iUJ ~~~ 3J ncv.nonen 1 2 ~ 2005 Sep 19 11:90:39 AM Eduard P.Raoalne ' CLERIC OF umber of pages '~~K CAllHTV l D04012409 TORRENS P 910 DT# OS-07199 Serial # Certificate M Prior Ctf. N Deed .Mortgage Inswment Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Pogo /Filing Fee ~ Mortgage Amt. _ I. Basic ibx Handling 5. ~_ _ 2. Additional Tax _ TP-584 ~~ Sub Total _ Spec. / Assit. Notation EA-5217 (County) ~ '~,~ Sub Tdul ~ or Spec. / ~' ~7 _ TOT. MTG. TAX ~ EA-5217 (State) ~ ]_ Dual Town _ Dual Ccwnty ' ~1 IGP.T.S.A. _[~Z Held forAppoinr eat Transfer Tax ~ _ Comm. of Ed. 5. ~ ~ ~ Mansion Tax _ AlTidevit • - • The Property covered by thix molgagc is or will lm improved by a one or two Certified Copy family dwelling only. ~S• CoPY Sub Toml ~ O- ~ YES •or NO if NO. sec appropriate tax clause on other ~ _ crane ~wal 5 -~ page # of~i insYmment. 5 4 District1000 Section 078.00 Block 09.00 Lot 050.000 5 Communit Preservation Rund Real ~~~~~ 1000 07600 0900 050000 Consideration Amount S 615.000 Property N T S 300 ~ Cl'F Tax D S 9 Tax Service A ~ i uc . CVHA Agency ~ Improved % Verif cation i ~ ' - - • - ~ - - • error L .and 6 SatisfactionNischargeslRelease List Property Owner Mailing Address , , RECORD & RETURN TO: i D Scott Banks, Eaq. TD 1100 Stewart Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 TD ,~ 7 19Ue Comlmny information Co. Name G Title tl 17064-DBS $ ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms prn of the attached Bargain and Sale Deed ~ by; (SPECIFY TYPE ON INSTRUMENT) Garrett A_ Strang and Barbara A_ Strang The promisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. 1'O !n the Township of Southold Elyse Romano and Anth ny Romano In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Southold i i SUFFOLK COUNT7[ CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDINC~1 PAGE Type of Iastrumeat: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 09/19/2005 Number of Pages: 4 At: 11:40:39 AN Receipt Number : OS-0097729 TRANSFEItt TAX NO~ER: 05-07199 LISER: D0001 2409 P71C3E: 910 District: Section: Hlocke Lott 1000 078.00 09.00 050.000 nrauTUx n AND CBARWED AS FOLLONS Deed Amouat: $615,000.00 Received the Followiag Feae For Abo ve Iastrument Exert Exea~t Page/Filing $12.00 NO Eandliag $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCSfi $15.00 NO EA-CTY 55.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-SS4 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTN $0.00 NO Traaoler tax $2,460.00 NO Camm.Pres $9,300.00 NO Fees Paid $11,912.00 TRANSFER TAX NONHER: OS-07199 TEIS PAWS I8 A PART OF TEE INSTRDNENT TEIS IS NOT A SILL Edward P.ROmaiae County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYP OR PRESS FIRMLY WH G ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stete.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY CT. SWIS Cod^ ~ r~ ~3~r_91I Ct Wiw D^wd RweoltJAd ~ d wr Ca. Boob I / 1 r' Y 1/r ~ I Ca. P'tgw REAL PROPERTY TRANSt~R REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVIdEB RP - 5217 t. Rop^rgr { 605 I Hiahvood Road I lootlen r r 11971 ....... ...... ~ a~ s. BuY^r I Romano I Elyaea nd Anthony I Nrrw WTr4rrr /COWIIW Mir IL11Y I ' I I ii. iwtf~i xr mT'7uc 7. Tn YrNrate wiwra fuh^^ Tw B'ilA ^r^ ro M wN BEBnO K olMr tlun buy^r OEdr^w 1^1 hatlorrt al bmJ I I I ~a~ AdGw ~- I r^trr ^~re I I *^r~ wo~^ r rv r~r • d I 1 I ^ (ONY E P^A d ^ P^rwll f9ret ^^ tMY+VWY W a I W ~tMtl / f P b R l .n^ p^n wr an ^^ o ^ra O Mh n ^ P^roN Y ~ ih 8 B d hd l A A i E i ~ rr o^r u vw orr W or ty ^ a^ 5. D^^d Y. SIbAWYbn Aaprar^I rw Raqu4d br Tr^rW^r I aR I .~ PraP.nY I~.J K { . 4 . ~ I IC. PaW Appror^d for &r~MKm rAN N^P Prwitltl ^ ~ B~. ~~ { Strang I Garrett A. and Barbara A. I Ntun^ t.wrxu~f •rr I ~i I I ~raur/twrMr r t 7. Clt^eA 1M Ao^ Allow whM maw ^wt^^t^ty d^wW^ tir uw d tM tuaP^rtY w tlr^ tlm^ d Wr. txweA ill hota^ Mbw r tlr^Y,rply: L Otwrw^hip Tyq 4 CpgomlNt^n A One F^milY RaW^miY H Ayrkuhunl 1 Community S^rvka A fiwu CarrtruOlon an V^um IaM B x ar a FMNIr R^^W^m4t F COmrMrilN J ~ ~ IrWufA41 1tK Pmparty Laawo wNNn n Apr4rrWrY Omin C RwrWmi^I Vw^m L^rd C Agrtm^nt K PubNe S^rvka 7aL Brry^r r^wir^d ^ debwrn notiw irdnWp ^ D Noo-RwiMm41 Vion fall H EnmrplnmMt / Amummsm L FaM Ntl tlr araP^M A h w AyieYOU^I Dirtrkt SALE INFORMATION 15. LTr^rA orm or mon d tlt^w aarrdtlpr^ w ^Fpii^AY m atr/t•: n. aw coaw.ie Dw I OS / 23 / 2005 I A Sw fblw^^rt R^btir^^ or Fant^r WIWrw ^iw R SM^ Roowar RN^red CompuYr or P^nnrs in Ru^irww n 07 I 2005 C On^ d M^ BuY^n 4 aAO ^ BNbr / I / tX 1x. Imm d S^m / Tnndw ( D Buy^r or S4br b Govarrinont Aprrey or l,^rdinS Artltution N^nat t>ry rw• r Dad Typ^ rwt W^R^mY or B^rgb ^rW Sob ISporJly Blow) F SW d FrwtbMl a L^w tlt^n F^^ bwwt ISPwiN Bmwl 6 1 5 0 0 0 (: SIBniEum Chrp^ b Progrry Blwwt T^nMe Smws ^nd Sbb Oalw 1x. FuY SW Prla f 0 O I~ i I SNe of Buavrw^ K bdutl^d in Bb Prio^ IFWI SW Prks A th^ tool umum qid far tlw prop^ny InahgYtp grwwl gapMy. 1 Ollt^r UnuNW Fwctor^ ARStlrtp Bb Kira ISlntlfy Bowl Thii p^yrrr^m m^y M In the bmt of ewh, atMr properly a Bood^. a the waump6an W ) fwn^ mplB^pp ar Om^r ^ylgtiorol Pl^^w rauW ro NN n^NW tNr^le oblW ^rnotrm. ts. eiaram tlm rtlr d pr^rrl I NONE 0 0 I ' . . OraP^rlY Irmirrditl N tM ^r/^ . . . to r. rh(Aaamtkn~mAppRwr ~ ~J 77. Taml A....a vrw (d.u p.r^w Ar a.rrwl I I ~ . ~ . ~ I f f P u Propwly 47^i^ l 2, 1 0 I-U to 8etraW 04ttlct tl^rn^ L Southold m. Tu My Id^rwlB^rit4 / Rd N^rrtm^r14 W mon th^n bor. ^vdr Nwt YrIN ad~tl^rrl N^rrWbrl^11 1000 - 078.00 - 09.00 - 050.000 cEtmFlcAnoN 1 atYtly tIW ^B d fk Mols d idarm^Ilow awaa^d oo W4 Twm ^rw the otl mrr^rt lm the Am d mT Arwwadpe ^^d 6da0 ^od 1 mWerxmud tMt tM mtAArR d ^pl wYmd h6e mMmr^1 d mwerlol artt Aoein wiD orbJee tab 1M QnnfxAtm d tk wnrW hw ntrWr^ m tA^ ttukirR ^ro111ErY d hBe fo^truroe^tr. Bbl CEH I BUYER'S ATTOiRYEY rota ^murr^w an YO Box 27~ srtuartuwew arc^r rurr wrM tuwt Orient INY I 11957 crnarowx non aoxe ~ ELLER . ~ ~ ~•t S ^RlM ^1^M~rYI{ M JJanka, Eaq. Scott N, wtrrrE I nsr wrc 516 I 222-2333 ~oow rruMO^^uuwro NEW YORK STATE COPY