HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12414 P 254 IIi-Lf-J./ L \ '2 ~'llLt ~ 2- cJLf- CONlULT YOUR LAWYER RFClIlE IIGMNII THlIINI1RUIlENT.nu INlTRUII!NT IHOULD IE UlED BY I.AWY!IllI ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ott:. dllY of May, 2005 ~ H. THORP, residing at 77 S. Park Avenue, C 29, Rockville Centre, New York. 11570 party of the first part, and PATRICIA A. THORP, residing at 154 West Newton Street, Boston, MA, 02118 party of the aec:ond part, . WITNESSETH, IhaIthe party of the llrat part, in conslderalion of Ten -------------------~-------------------------______________~ . paid by lhe party of the aec:ond part, doe8 hereby grsnt and releaM unto the party of lhe uconcf part, the heft or IU~t.lloraand aulgnaofthe party of the I8CORd pan forever, ALL IhaI certaln plot. piece or parcel of land. with lhe buildings and improvemenlllhereon erecl8d, IItuaIe. lying and being IQdlteat Nassau Point, or UttIe Hog Neck, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York, known and designated as lot number Three Hundred and Nine (309) on map entitled, "Amended Map A rJ Nassau PoInt, owned by Nassau PoInt Cub Propertles, Inc., situate in the Town rJ Southold, long Island, N.Yo" surveyed June 28, 1922 by Otto W. Van TuyI, C.E. and Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y. and filed in the OffIce of the County Clerk of Suffolk County, N.Y. August 16, 1922, file No. 156. BeIng and Intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 9/16/80 and recarcIed 9/17/80 In the Suffolk County Clerk's OffIce In Ilber 8883 page 382. Grantor, ~LORES H. THORP, specifically reserves onto herself a ute Estate In the above premises. The party of the first part hereby reserves a special power rJ appointment, exercisable as often as she may choose, to change the remalndennen as follows: To or among any one of more members of a class consisting of the party of the first part's clescendants, in any degree, whether presently living or born hereafter, In such proportions and amounts, without regard to equality, outright or In further tnJst as the party of the first part mI!Y direct and appoint during her lifetime by a property written and acknowledged Instrument, and recorded In the OffIce of the Clerk of Suffolk County prior to delIth, making spedfic reference to this power of appointment. The party of the first part mllY not appoint herself, her estate or her creditors or the creditors of her estate under any drcumstances. Said premises being known 8S 825 Haywaters Road, Cutthogue, New York, 11935. TOGETHER wtlh aU right, tiIIe lIRd inler8al. If any, of the party of the first ~ in and lD any IlreeI8 lIRd roads abu\llng the above described premiles lD the center Unes lhereof; TOGETHER wtlh the appurtenancel and .. the lIIIaIII lIRd rights of the party of the tInIt pari in and lD aeld pIMIises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premlaea hereln granted unto the party of the second part, the helrI or IIICC8IIOIS and alllllgna of the party of the _d perl forever. AND the party of the IIrst pari covenants IhIIt the party of the first perl hes not done or suffIred anything whereby the aeid premlaea hew belIn encumbered In any way whal8ver, except es aforesaid. AND the party of the fiI'II part, in compliance wtlh Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants IhaIthe party of the IIrst pari will receive the considerelion for th!s conveyaRC8 and will hold the right to recelve such CllIllIkIer8tio .. . trult fund lD bnpplied first for the pulpOle of paying the COllI of the Improvement and will apply the lIIIIIlIl first lD the ~nt of.the cost of the im~lfriient before ualng any part of the lDI8I of the aeme for any other purpose. The woid "party".ahaU lie conl1iued as if ~ read "parties" when _ the ..nae of thia indenture so raquilllll. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part hll duly executsd this deed the day and year rl/'llt above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~/.P-; cy. ~.&~~~ DOLORES H. THORP ., S...- N.Y...T.U. Fonn 1OO2.1III1gIin""_ Dood, wiIII~"""",,, Gr_._-~_OU.,fl-... Form 3210 .. . '''. TO HI! USED ONLY WHEN THE AekNOWIIIDGMENT.. MADE IN NEW YDRK 8TA~ S'-leofNawYDIk,Countyof Nassau OntheZ'tf.yof May Intheye&r 2005 before me. the undersigned, penonlfly IPlNllred Dolores H. Thorp . Pll8Dnllloy known to me or PnlVed to me on lhe balia 0' IIliIfIcIory evidence to be the Individulll(l) -.. rwne(l) il (1II1l) IUblCribed to tile within InIIrumenl Ind Icknowledged 10 me IIlIl IlIIsheIIKI\r elllCUled the l81l1I In:tllllherllllQ: ClplldIy(III). end thlt by hl""'erlllleir lignelurll(l) on tile Inltrument. the 1ncIiviclle1(II, or the perlOn upon bellllf of which the indlvldull(l) _, IIlICUIed !he inllnnnenl. (lignz.::;Uor~~edgrnent) THOMAS J. MASON NaIary PubDo, Slate of New York No. 30.2573520 QUlllfleclln NUlIU County CDmmlnlon Explrel Sept. 30, 2O.!lC. II: Ste.. of New York, COUnty of II: On the cley of In !he ,"r before me, tile undlreigned, PlI8DnllIIy Ippeered Pll8DnllIIy known 10 me or """""' 10 me on !he beIia of lllilIflClory evidence 10 be !he individuel(l) _II nlme(l) II (Irel IUboc:rtbecIto the wtthin inltrumentlnd IcknlMiedged III me !hat l1eIIheIIhey _ the lime In hillll-..r C8P1ci1)1(in), Ind lltal by hi""'erlllleir IignetUre(I) on !he inllrumllll. the individuIIl(I), Dr the perlon upon behelf of wIIlc:h lIle individue~11 ec:led, execuled. the inltrument. (Iignllure Ind ofIIce of indIVlduellllcing ICknDWIldgrnenl) S'-le (or DiIlrfcl of Columbie, Tentlory, Dr Foreign CCIlI1lry) of TO BE USED ONL V WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE II: . On tile , dey of in the yelr before me. the unclenlgned, penDnllly lIppeIred _elly kllDMl 10 me or pruved to me on the b8IlI of IIIIIfec:tory ...idence to be the indivIduel(l) __ neme(l) iI (_) IUbeatbed to the within inl_ end ....nowIedged to me thet h....1leIIhey execuletl !he l81l1I In 1liIIIIer_ eapeciIy(ieI), IlId IheI by l1ieIIIerllheir Ilgnehn(l) on the InalJumenI. the Indivtduel(I), Dr lIle _ upon behelf of which tile indMduel(l) 1Cled. _tile lnatrument, IlId lhelauch incIlviduel rnecle such IplNllrance before the undenigned In the (.....IheCily or _ pofiticel_lion) in (Ind_the Stele orCounlr)'or_ pllce the -><ll...-d__l (lignetuII end offICI! 01 oncINidUlI.....ng _mid_d) DISTRICT 1000 SECnON 111.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 002.001 COUNTY OR TOWN Suf folk STREET ADDRESS 825 Haywaters Road BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS ntle No. DOLORES H. THORP TO PATRICIA A. THORP ~.., I Tn. TOPAZ A88TRAcr CORPORATION I Thomo..& -s: ~n E~, '1 (, \>\a.ncbme. ~ ~\'\~s.se-t N. ~ ."030 I I u II !; .. .. ::> I!i .. g .. .. .. ~ .J Il! & Endorsement Pa e \3 . Number of pages TORRE..'l/S Serial # CertificlllC # Prior Clf. # Deed I Mongage Inswmenl Deed I MOrlgage Tax SllImp 3 FEES Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 I 5. J!!L NOIalion EA-S2 I7(Cllunly) Sub Tlllal EA-5217 (StaIC) R.P.T.S.A. 30 ~ Comm. llf Ed. S. J!!L Affidavil Certified Copy NYS Surcharge OIhcr IS. J!!L SuhTlllll1 jft; - {In.U""' Grand Tow Section Block LoI Rcal Properly Tax Servicc Agency Verificalilln 05031843 1000 11100 0400 002001 t~ 6 Sali.'fllClionslDiSl:hargcslRelew;es Lisl Properly Owners Mailing Address RECORD'" RETURN TO: 8 ~ \ ho('(\~ ~ \-'\o.sO\'\ [~ . '1 0 ~ 'a"(\~ome. ~ ~ ~~ \J'i- \ \ d~O Suffolk Count 7 Co. Name: Tille # This page forms pari of Ihc IlItaChcd / ~ fl. ...::II A-<. In J I - RECORDED 2005 Oct 13 11: 18:3' RI'I EMrd P.Roaain. CI..ERJ( OF SUFFOLK COUIITV L ??oo12414 P 254 DT' 05-10632 Recllnling I Filing Stamps Mongage Anll. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual CoonI)' _ Held for Appoinlment TnlRsfer Tax 1;;?) _ Mansion Tax The pmpeny covered hy \his mOrlgage is or will be improved by a one or lwo family dwelling only. YES or NO S CommUDity PrellervatioD. lI'wld Consideration Amount $ 9J" CPF Ta."l: Due $ Impmvoo )( Vacant Land TO I J..-6 0 TO TO Title Com an InfonnatioD (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: The premises hercin is silUlllCd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NliW YORK. In the Tllwnship of ~.edb /L ~ In \he VILLAGE or HAMU:T of BOXES 6 THRU i MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ~-.) tf.^~Altl' (over) . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SOFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFP'I:CB RBCORDI:NG PAGB Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0107405 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-10632 Recorded. At. 10/13/2005 11.18.39 AX LI:BBR: PAGB: D00012414 254 Deed Amount. Section. 111.00 BXAMINBD AND $0.00 Block. 04.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 002.001 District. 1000 FOLLOWS Received the Pollowing lI'ees Por Above Instrument bempt Bxempt Page/lI'iling $9.00 NO HaDdling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CClIIIII\.Pres $0.00 NO lI'ees Paid $149.00 TRANSlI'ER TAX NUMBBR. 05-10632 THIS PAGE IS A PART 011' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ;-___n_ . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I. '-I. 7,..3. ~ tf, ~I .....- C2.o.tIl__ I .1&/ /..3,.~"::>1 ManUI DIy v., C3. _ I J. ~ /../ / ,411:UIlil. . .s: - PROPERTY INFORMATION STATE OF NEW YlIIlll STATE IIOARD OF REAL PRllPEIITY SEIlVICES lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWIS Cad. RP - 5217 .P.Nll.... JWI I. "-" I W ~ - H1Y.:wci~S ReAd Ly.fi~~n 1 n 2. ..,.. I THORP Name LAST ...../CDMMN1' ....... _OD PATRTCTA A -,- LAlTNAlll:/c::awAN't I. TIX IndicIIIwherefuturaTuBiJII..lDbo.,1 I ..... __ _..... __..._ oIlorml . - 1 77 S. Park Avenue . ....n...-.. 1101\10...... NAIll( ''''1 NAMI THORP LAIT MAIlE I COIIIWn' DOLORES 11. -- I. =..., I - ~flilr ~xl 40Q,.,. lOR I "",,' . ~1.. .11J,;.lP lOnIy...... 01. _ _ _...., oppIy: OA. PIInnng ____E*- D "51IbdMllDnAppr'CMl_~lredfDrTfIRIfIr 0 4C. PorcoIAppnMd lor_wiIh Mop - D ... ..... _11IImb." ^-_.-A I -........-......- I Rockvi11e Centre cmOR"iOililiIi I ,a1_ OR D P.rlaI.P.... I. Sol... Nome ~... n~~~R" LAIT IIMII/CClIIMN'r -,- A~ OnoF.mlly_ B 2..3F__ C _ Vocom LInd o No_I v...m LInd I SALE INFORMATION I ". _ Conlrool 110Io Il~ Agrlcullurol . ~ Cammunllv_ F Cam_ J_1oI G Aportmonl K Public _ H EnterIIlnmenll AmullmOfll L ForOIt -... -....... -...., oppIy: .. OwNrIhlp Type is CondominIum .. _ ConoIruaIoa on V_ '-I lIIA.",-,,~_.._"'lIIIria ---.--..-. 1hII""'_.In..~_ D D D D 7. a.ct. .... boa below which ...... -. ..... ___,. ... or 'die praperty . tIw time rJI....: 12. 110Io01_1 T_ MaYI 25 /2005 1 MDnIII o.y v.... 1&. ChIcIL ... or mor. '" ~ - ~. _ _.........,........ A X &olo__or__ B &010 _ _ CamponiDo or"""'" In BuoI_ C Ono 01 tho ...... . _. _ o Buwor or -. II Gown...... Agancy or LoncIinO II1IIiluIlon Ii Doad'Typo ... Waml"Y or lalllllln ond Salo ISpociIy"'owI F .... aI _onol or .... ""'" Fao _.. tllpodly _I G S1anlb.. CI1ango.. "'-"" _ Toxablo _.nd &oil _ H SoIoal_.IncI_In&oll_ I 0Il100 U......I F-.s A-.g &010 ,,!CO ISpooIIy _ J None L:,:vl 1,5 12~.25 I . . 0 n. no II . II 1 , , . IFuD &oil PrIco II... _llIIOlIIIlpold lor... _lnducllllll_I_. Thl. PlfmII'll may be In IhI form of cull. OCher P'DPIftV or goodI. or the ~ of _or _obIlgotlono.l _ round 10 ..........___ '.._llIo_al-", I .. 0 0 0 no n. II 0 III __In"'_ ,. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dalllhould .....oel tho Iotaol Fin.. AooasImanl Roll .nd Till Bill 11...1_...... 11. '1_01__110II_ 103/0417. TouI_V.....loIoII,-...-11 which u'"...~... Mattituck I 2 1 Ol-LJ ...___1 , ; School District 6 9 ; o 0 I ,I. "- Clooo lO.Tox__/Rol_II___._____1 A7~RRQ_'1' _4 _? 1 I I CERTIFICATION I ....-,..... . of... _ III _ emond oalldJ _ .... _ 011II ........ 110'" ..... III.., kMwIodp ... _ ... 1_ .... ... ....... III-r .1IIIW1lIh<_III.........""'....... will......... 11I<"'" ~..hI....arl"'~ ...._..10 Ib< -'011II ...ar__ BUYER 8UYER'B ATTORNEY ~7:::.~' ;. n.Jt1. ~ fi-VfJ.J.S'/05. 1U'ftII......TUIt I DA , MASON LAO'_ ~ TRnMA~ ..T. -.- 825 I Haywaters Road 1I1Uf..... STIlI[T NAlllIAfQIIlIMQ 516 627-7572 .....coa: ..I.IoI'NONI....... Cutchogue OrtClllfOWll I NY 111935 ITATP . COOl /" BLWl ~~ -~-h - I ~ '" 'P.:J .". I NEW YORK STATE COpy