HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12228 P 718 . , " . L P ()-;) -;) f 716 I()~- ;2-l.f3. I 1-7:0Yi'vi' Porra 8005-8 (31001 11.70-6M- AGminislr::uur'. Dce4la.n.lc SMCCI CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT -THIS INSTNIIIENT SHOULD 8E USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE,madcthc 17 doy.1" AUGUST 2002 and BETWEEN MARYV. TANNENBAUM. aIkJa MARY TANNENBAUM, 1605 CENTRAL DRIVE, MATTITUCK, NY 11952 ... adminilltrator (nix) of lbe E5:catC uf ROSALIE M. C..oWEN I....r SUFFOLK COUNTY whodic:d...........",'hl: L" "'"yoI' O,.I,W zoo I PlIny oflbe finRJ'MI't. and MARY TANNENBAUM. 1605 CENTRAL DRIVE. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 ..., (1IIl1y (\f me second pari. WITNl:SSt:.'"TII. thai ..'berms 1,:ucr5 of Ildmindcral:ion weIC issued 10 the p:II1y of lhe first p3I1 hy rile SufTUUU1C's COlIn. SUFFOLK CUUnl)', Nil-OW Yoric. on JUL V 1. 2002 and by Yinuc orthc pcM'er.nd authority si,,'cn by Aniclc II of the EslalCS. 1'o\l.-cl'S und ~bI Law. and in cllllSidcnl.inn of TEN dol..... paid by the party of W K'Cnlld ran. doc5 hereby grant and rclc4sc: unto the pany of the second pcm.the disll'itnllec'!j; OJ' lnICCCSSOl'S and DlSiJpu oftbe pony oflbe lCC'ond pan fORwr. .I\LL lhalecnain plOI. pift:c orp3l'Ce1 of land, ....ith the buildinp and impro,,-nnmts lhCR.'\'h CRCIccL silWlU:.lyina unci beinK in the- SEE SCHEDULUE "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF TOGF.TtIF.R with all riam. riT'e and in~rca. ifuny. of the pany aflhe flfS( rart. in and.o un). 5tn::C15 anrJ N8d5 abulrillJllhc abo"'C dcKribed pn:miscs (0 the- ccnrcr I...."" ra'R:of; TOGETHER witlllhc appurtelWncu, and also 11I1 11M: est:Ile WIo'hi.:h the lAid decedenl hDd ut the lilM' ofclcceden..s death in llUid prnniM....:lnd allo the esuue therein. which Ihe- r:mY oflhe firsl pcII1 has or has poWlo'tt EO con"'e)' 01' di!'lposc "r. whclJR.... individually, N' achrrwbc: TO !JAV!! AND TO IIOLD the premises hm:in cranle\lllllhJ llac pany or the IC'atnd part, lhe disanbulees ur succcssnnc and 8$lIigDS oflhe puny of 1M M,'(,"UI'Id part forc""Cr. AND the party ollhe firSlIXl" CO"1l'nsnts IMllIIe: pany of me fusl part h3s 1101 done or suffered anytJ1inl whereby rhc IlIid pn:miscs ~"e bRn iaC'umbcred in any way whateYn, o:ccpl Wlo ufURJillid. Su~cr (0 the trust fund pmvisinn:l of acclion d'linCCl1 oflhe l...im I~w_ The wonJ ''p;uty"'' lIhall be COIlSINed AS if if ~ad '.pa.ni~" whcnn'Cf' Ihc K'n!oe (\( dlis indenNI'C so requirelL IN WI TN ESS WH EKEOF. lhe puty ,'''&he rIM part ha..1Ij .July Cxc."Culw IhlS dccd the my and yrar frrsa: abo\..c \l.Tittc!n. IN PRESF.Nl.r.: 01': -~~ ~ ~ ~TANNENBAUM - .' SCHEDULE A TItle Number: PL-2209808 Policy No. : Stewart TItle Insurance Company AMENDED 9/9/02 '. All thai certain 101, piece or parcel of land lying, being end siluate in the State of New York, County of Suffolk, Town of Soulhokl al Maltituck being known and described as 101 no. 134 and the northerly part of 154 in Block no. 11 on the map entiUed 'Map of Caplain Kidd Estates al Maltituck Inter which map was filed on January 19, 1949 in the office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County as map file number 1672, abs, 1697 and which 101 and part of a 101 when taken together are more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at e poinl where the division tine between lols numbers 134 and 135 intersects the southerly side of Central Drive as shown on the above referenced map; RUNNING THENCE southerly along ..aid division line between 101 numbers 154 and 135, 120.00 feel; , THENCE westerly through 101 number 154, 134 feel +/-10 the easterly side of Zenna Road; THENCE northerly along the'easterly side of Zenna Road, 92 feel +/- to a poin~ THENCE northerly and easterly along the arc of a CUNe bearing 10 the righl which curve connects the easterly side of Zenna Road and lhe southerly side of Central Drive, a dislance of 46 feel +/-; THENCE easterly along the southerly side of Central Drive, 136 feel +/-10 the poinl or place of BEGINNIG. D1&tric:l 1000 Sec:llon 106.00 Black 02.00 Lot 043.001 Schedule A lnckldes Page 1 of 1 (!) .' 1 : . ~l.:mber of r3g.o:s ~ RECORDED 2003 Jan 06 02:31:25 ?M Edward P.ROIIaine . CLEIlt( OF SUFFOLK COUHTY L Dooo12228 P 718 Dn 02-21960 TORREl'<S S~ri;)l. C~:tlric3Ee .. Prior Clf. :r Deed .. ~'onliille Instrument De~d I ~fort&a8e Ta.'C Stamp FEES Recordinl: fi!ir.g Sr.1n1r~ J P"'IioC I Filing Fce ~- ~- ~- !t.1onglgc AmI. Handling Tp.584 I. Basic Tax 2. Additiolllll Tax Notation R.P. T.5.A. 7- ':=v) /'<"7..... - .J.8,L Sub Tow :;7. ---. Sub Totol EA.S2 17 (County) Comm. of Ed. S Q.!L- SpecJAssit, Or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_Dual Counl)'_ Held for Apponionmenl~ TnnsferTax .}GI.-. Mansion Tax The propeny covered by this mortplc is or ""'r7i!- _ will b. improved by . one or two ramily ':.!:....Wi> dwelling only. . <:2 . YES_or NO_ . . . ~-~n /. If NO. see appropri8le laX. clause on pale" , . . "', _orthis il\SlJ1Unenl. l'" . ~ EA-S217 (S'..e) AffidovU Ceniliod Copy Reg. Copy , ,- Sub Tora! GRAND TOTAL Olher ReaJ Property Tox Service Agency Verilic:olion DisL Section B IocIc Loc 6 Communi Preservation Fund Consider.lion Amounl: S n S,emp 02037330 1000 10600 0200 043001 ~( CPF Tax Due s Date .lZ:!}J&z..t. nlUma 71 SatisfacliOllSfulscn....esJKelcases L.Sll'roperty Uwncrs Mailing AdcIr ...:J RECORD A RETlJRN TO. Improved /L(w'f ~"h._,," .- ,Ct,(;\C~t:(.,.I ~ Mq.M.~d { ,uy //JS"'L. /' Vacant Land TO 10 TO TO 9 Suffolk Coun . Title Company Information Co. Name TII'ell Recordin & Endorsement Pa ved (SPECIFY TYPE OF 1NSTRl.JMENT) This pIIBC forms put of the alllIChed made by: ~....t<t.A,...~~_ The premises hen:in is situated in SUFFOlK. COUNlY. NEW YORK. .~n ~;O"'nWpOf ~/c,( . In the VILLAGE or l-L"-'''1LET of -zr-.....J.... < """ TO UOXES S THRU 9 MUST BE nl'ED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONL Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILll'lG. lOVER) 11111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrumentl DEEDS/DDD Number of Pagesl 4 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 02-21960 Recorded I Atl LIBER: PAGE: 01/06/2003 02:31:25 PM D00012228 718 District: 1000 Section: Block: 106.00 02.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS $0.00 Loti 043.001 Deed Amount: Received the Pollowing Pees Page/Filing COB EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Por Above Instrument Exempt NO Handling NO NYS SORCHG NO EA-STATE NO Cert.Copies NO SCTM NO Comm.Pres Pees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $102.00 Bxempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBERI 02-21960 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTROMEIIT Idward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY _pi. SWIS Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS; http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT )<7, -;:,;;j, ~9'1 , .. ." '" . i ~;<~.~,. ... STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES C2. Date Deed Recorded /1/ Mdnth ~: RP - 5217 1 cP? 'nmr C3. Book I .~ d, -2, ;), 5fI C4. Page I PROPERTY INFORMATION ?: /, [<I Rp.5217 Re~ 3/97 1. r:~:: I . /' ~.~ /?C:s , ..../ STRffTNUMEI.fI , / T~ AME /t/!'A ~?/c: crrY OR TOWN -t'~';r'^"-.z;;-Y)~,..., ~i./"""" VILLAGE ~E~ //9?J'-;< liP CODE 'Z)y J v-<- 2. Buyer Name LAST i'lAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3 Tax Billing Address Indicate wher~ future Tax Bills are to be sent if other than buyer address (at bottom of torml LAST NA..,E I COMPANI' ~IRSTNAM&: STrtEET NUMllER AND STREO NAME CITY OR TOWf\: STATE ZIP CODE 4. Indicate the number of AssC$5ment Roll parcelll transfen-ed on the deed j I # of Parcels OR D Part ofa Parcel iOnly if Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 48. Subdivision Approval w~s Required for Tr~nsfer 0 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with MilD Provided 0 5. Deed Property Size 5. Seller Name 10RI f/~od::{ . I X I FRONT FEET O~PTH ...1"~ b~ ~.....,.......n~L/........ - LAST AME I COMPANY .~Gry" 1/ LAST NAME I CO'vlPANY FIRsrNAME 7. Cheek the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: Check the boxes ~Iow as they apply: 8, Ownership Type is Condominium 9_ New Construction on Vacant Land 10A, Property Loc~ted within ~n Agricuttural District 108. BlIyer received a disclosure notice indicating thatlha property is in anAgricultur~1 Districl D D D o A[ne Family Residllntiill B 2 or 3 Famiiy Residential C Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land E~A9ricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment! Amusement I ~ com.munity Service J Industrial K Public Service I. Forest SALE INFORMATION 15. Cneek one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: I IiII} / / . Month 0., y~, :1S" 1 17 1 C?;2. I Month 0., Yea, S(lle Between Relatives or Former Relalives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business Ol"le of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending InstitlJtion Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale {Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable St<Jtus and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 11. Sale Contract Date A B C D E F o H I J 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 13. Full Sale Price , , ?J. 0 0 I , , . IFuli Sale Price is the IOt<Jt amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods. or the assumption of mortg~ges or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole do/far amount. 14. Indicate the value of personal property included in the sale ASSESSMENT INFORMATION . . {j, 0 0 I , , . Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 16 Year of Assessment Roll from I I A -' I which information taken .I/'! 17. Totill A5seSSed Value {of all parcels in transferl ..-, ,S- 0 ,Q , 18, Property Class r-z. , l 0 I-U 19. School District Name I .:.:;1 V , , fU~th,0.JL .. S 20, Tal( Map Identifier/Ill! Rollldentifierlsl (If more than four. attach sheet with additional identifier(sll IOC/u c;;,z _C/"", L. fO".""'", C; '13. c;c-/ CERTIFICATION I 1 certif)' that all of the items of infnrnJatioll eoten!{'] on this form arc true and con-ect (to the be!>t of my knowlet.lge and belief) and I understand that the making of liD); willful fals~ statement of material fact herein willlluhject me to the DrOyisions of the venal la\\" relathe to the making and filing of fal~ instruments. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~. //(l:'Li-j BU~~I< !'Gf<ATVRE ~t/ __ .....F" -." '----~-10U--rL I ~--;l) 0' f MA- LAST NAME FIRST NAME ~~If:N~:EA r:;hkA)J..lv--L STllEETNAMEIAfTEII'SAlEf TELEPHONE NUM~EI\ AREA CODE ~!Jjq~Jh/-vCK- ~ NEW YORK STATE COPY " \.J/... ,/ ,~ ,,,-Lt.-A' *--#':-.,/ I:'/l- '- SE fASIG......rURE {' ,;;;;;c: