HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12407 P 142 U 2lf{Xl P \L~2 ~ B t lC<C- 3~ -1 I Standard N.Y.B.T.U. Farm 8IlO2-2OM IIIIgain II/1lI BIle DeocI_ C...."."I..lI.lnoIGnInlo(. __UlII orCorpcnIlan (lingle-I) CONsULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING lHIIINSTRUIIENT.lHIIINITRUIIENT IHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS DNL Y THIS INDENTURE, made the 3-D dIIy of June, 2005 B~EN ALICE RENGEPIS, al lurvlvllllllpouse of CHRIST RENGEPIS, resJdlllllllt clo PlIIIY Renge", 22 Centrll Drive, Port WuhllllllDn, NY 11050 perty of the first part, and PERRY RENGEPIS, ...Idlllllat 22 Central DrI~, Port WUh1llllton, NY 11050. and JAMES RENGEPIS, ...1d1llg.~;i2~~!I!'PrIvB. New Port R1c:hlIy, Fla. 34852. al tananll In c:ommCl/J, . . . party of the 1ICIC0nd part, WITNESSETH, lhat the party of the fil1ll part, In c:onsldanltion of ten doUars and other valuable c:onsideration paid by the party of tha IIClCOnd part, doas hereby grant and rei_ unto the party of the second pari, tha heirs or suc:cessors and assigns of the party of the sec:ond pari forever, ALL that c:er\aln plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon 8IeCl8d, sltuate, lying and being In Maltituck, Town of Southold, Co ~n\V of Suffolk and Stele of New York, known as lot #156 on map entitied, 'Map of Captein K1dd Eslatea", filed In the 0IIic:e of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk as Map No. 1672 on January 19, 1~9. Subjecllo covenants and easements of rec:on:t, If any. Being and intended to be the same P1emisas c:onvayad to tha party of the IiI1ll pari by Deed dIIted January 17, 1964 and IeCOnlad in OffIC8 of the Suffolk County Clark In Llber 5488 at page 262. Premises bein9 known as 395 CenlrSl Drive, Maltituck, NY 11952. TOGETHER with all righi, titie and Interest, If any, of the party of the IiI1It pari in and to any straels and roads abulling the ebove described preml888to the center lines theIeof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the eslate and rights of the party of the first parlin and to said P1emlsas; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the P1emlsas hel'llln granted unto the party of the second pari, the helnI or SUGCIIIIlX1l and assigns of ths party of the sec:ond part foleV8r. AND the party of the first pari covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said P1emises have been encumbeled In any way whatever, excepta. ero..sald. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Sec:tion 13 of the Usn Lew, covenants \hat the party of the Iirst pert wHlleC8lve the conslderation for this conveyance end will hold ths right to IeC8lve such c:onsldaration as a \nIst fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the ClOIIt of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before uslng eny pari of the totel of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If It read "parties" when ever the sensa of this Indenture 80 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the Iirst pari has duly executed this deed the dIIy and year first above wrlllen. IN PRESENCE OF: aha rR.e'Wt-f ALICE RENGEPIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT tHen In New York Sl8tlI Sla18 of New YllIk, County of NASSAU , as: On 1/18 ~day 01 June. In 1/18 year 2005. before mal/l8 undersigned. ALICE RENGEPIS pllI8lIIlIII1y appured P8I*Inelly known ID me or prowd ID me on the balIIa of IIlIlIIIllIctl:ry lWidenc:e to be the IndividueI(a) wholle """",(a) Ie (ere) IUbIcIIb8d ID the within InaInlmenl and lICknllWIllcIgad to me l11li1 helaheIlhey lIllIIC:uIlId Ihe _ In hIaIhertlheIr cepeoIIy(lee) end lheI by hlelh8rllhelr e1gnalunl(l) on Ihe 1_, 1/18 1nd1vlduel(1)orthe pereon uponbehelfol_ th ndividuelt ecI8d, lIllIIC:uIlId the InalrumenL &- ............ ..-- .. ......-..... ~ I . ....-...~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Subscribing WltnMelllken In New York State State a' New YllIk, County of ,Ill: On tha day 01 , In lI1a year. befgre me, the underllgned, personally appeered the subaaIbInII wi"- to 1/18 for8goIng Insuumant, with whom I am personally acqualnl8d, who baing by me dulyawom,.dId .dapo8lland lI8Y,lhaI helaheIlhay rulda(l) In lheI heIIh8I\IIlly knoW{l) ID be Ihe IndivickIaI daacribad In end who lIXlIClII8d the foregoing lnatrumanl; lhIIIuld aubacrlbIng wilMA was preI8nI and I8W said alCllQl181/18 18m8; and IhBI aeId w1lnaa at lha sama Ume 8UbacrIbad hle/llarllhelr nama(a) 88a w11n888 therelD. . ~. - .: . ,I I" . . I -i BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TIllE NO. AUCE RENGEPlS, . as sullliving spouse of CHRIST RENGEPIS ,'. TO . . ~. . PERRY RENGEPIS and JAMES RENGEPlS. as tenants In common lJTANDARD PORII OF NEW YORK IIClARD Of nn.E UNDERWIUlERlI Distributed by CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGMENT taken In New York Sl8tlI , .' s'tata of New York, County a' .81: On 1/18 day of undaraIgned . ,lnlh8y8l!l' , before mal/l8 pelllllnaUy appured paI80IIIIly known ID me or pnwed to iiia on the beeIa of aaUalaoIDry avidanca ID be ilia 1ndIvIdua1(1) whoM 11IIII1lI(1) la (ere) IUbscrtbed 10 the wIlhIn InItrUm8nt end acIcnowIadllBd ID me l11li1 hallhaIlhey lIllIIC:uIlId the ume In hIeIh8rIlhaIr capaclly(lH) end lhIII by hlalhllrllhelr e1glllllur8(l) on the Inalrumant.I/I8IndIYldU8~I)orthe p&IIOIl upon behalfofwhlch Ih8 1nd1YldU8~I) acI8d, llX8CUl8d the InaInlnanL NOIlII)' ~ubli. Ac!mowledllJllllnt takan oulllda New YorlI '&1818 0' , County of , II: '(or II-' DIaIrIcl of Columbia, TanlIIIly, Po....,lon. or Foreign Country) On the day 01 , In lha year, bafore me, the undarIIgned, peiaonaly appaarad plIIIIlllIlIIIy appa8l1lCf pellllll18Dy known 10 ma or proved 10 ma on the bula o'lIIIIIafacIDry avidancato be Ihe IndIvtduat(l) who.. nama(l) II (lII'B) lubllcltbad 10 the within In8bUmlInI and ac:knCl'o'lttoa'Ilo mathal halaheIlhay aXllCUl8d ilia _In hIaIhar1lhalr capac:lly(laa) and that by hlalherJthelr e1gnaluta(l) on the inaInlIII8IIt. lha 1rdvIduaI(1) or ilia p&IIOIl upon behalf a' whIcII the Indlvlclua~l) acI8d, tIXIlClllacllha illllllullWll, and that IIICh Individual mads IIUCh appuranca baIonIlhlllRlanlgned Inlhll (add the city or poIlt1ca1l1Ubdiv1aion and 1/18 IIlatlI or c:ounlly or other pIaca lha adcnowIedgmanl was takan). . "'.. SECllON BLOCK , LOT 156 COUNTY OR TOWN . Suffolk Recordad al Request 01 CHICAGO llTLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAlL TO: HOWARD S. KREBS. P.C. 425 Northern Blvd., SUite One Greal Nack, New YorlI Zip No. 11021 " ~ I I ~. ~ ~ 2 ! I - Number of pages TORRENS 3 Serial # Certificate # Prior Clf. # Deed, Mortgage InslrumeDl Deed , Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES 3 Page' Filing Fee Handling TP.584 1- .)/0 5. ..QQ.... '1_ Notation EA-52 17 (COunly) 1) _ --.-J5_ EA-~217 <Stale) ~. J1 Sub TOlal R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit 5. no Certified Copy NYS Sun:hurge IS. 00 /!Jvj jJ./9 Sub Total Other Grand Total I ~ 10600 0300 021000 '-, ~o~~ 1000 RewA A - Real Property Tax Servicc Agcncy Verificalion I , __ _J 6 SatisfaclionslDischargesIRe1cases List Propcrty Owner!' Mailing Addn:sl; RECORD" KETIlKl\1 TO: Ho""o,;vJ 5. .\:.,~, p -C~. ~~ f\.Iodi\.VfV\ 'f.:>\I/~ . -s:x. 01\)1--' /lJr enJ\ f\t td: I N 1. \ \O~ \-r, / Suffolk Count This page fonns part of \he anadll,d Iffice.., R~5"'\,,\'5 The pn.'1tIises herein is shualcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK:' . RECORDED 2005 Sep 02 10131:02 RM E~ard P.Romaine CLEP.KOF SUFFOLK cwirY L 000012407 P 14:<' DTjj 05-04964 Recording 'Filing Slumps Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpccJAssh. or S~'.'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual COUDlY _ Held for Appoimmenl Tr.msferTax -91----- Man.~ion Th.~ _ The property eovered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or IWO family dwclling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrument. 5 CommUDitJ Pre_rvation Fwld Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due o s Improved Vacanl Land TD~_ TO TO madeh)': Su.Rr'l\A TO In 1M Township of J oL{" ("i-~(ff \S _-Jr In lbe VILLAGE ~1M.'9- ~"........1tr5 orHAMLETlIf BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST T PED OR PRINTED I~ BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR F1Lll'G. (lI\'er) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFJ'OLK COOIl'l'Y CLB1Ut 1Ul:CORDS OFl':ICB 1Ul:CORD:I1IIG l'AGB Type of :IJ18trumeDt. m:BIl8/mm P-"er of Page.. 3 Receipt .'M~ . 05-0092555 'l'RABSI'ER 'l'AX ROIIBER: 05-0&96' Recorded. At. 09/02/2005 10.31.02 All L:IBBlh l'AGB: D00012'07 142 Deed AmouDt. SectiOD I Bloclu 106.00 03.00 ,.y~ AIIJ) CHARGED AS I'OLLOWS $0.00 Loti 021.000 Di.t:dct I 1000 Received the FollOlllliDg Fee. For ~ :ED8trumeDt Bx-..pt --..pt Page/FiliDll' $9.00 110 BaDdliDg $5.00 IlIO COB $5.00 110 IIYS SKCBG $15.00 IlIO BA-cn $5.00 110 lU.-S'I'A'rJI $75.00 IlIO 'I'P-586 $5.00 110 Cert.Copie. $0.00 110 JlP'l' $30.00 IlIO SC'l'II $0.00 IlIO 'I'ran.fer tax $0.00 IlIO C_.Pre. $0.00 110 Fee. Paid $169.00 'l'RAJISI'D TAX IIUJIBBlh 05-06966 'l'H:IS PAGB :IS A PUT OF 'I'D mS'l'RUJIBII'1' 'l'II:IS :IS IlIO'l' A B:ILL B4ward P.RClIIIlli_ COllDty Clerk. Suffolk COllDty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . .lI\lSTRUcrIONS; http:// wwyv.!lrp8.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWI& Cade f-I,"l3,FigQ, * C2. Oat. DMd IIecorded I' q I 2 I O~ .. 1 MDnfh Day Y.r 1:3._ I ,~l/,O,'lIc.......J f-{.J:' I '" . - ~=INFO;qON C ~o.-.l u._ .... - ~;~ ...._~/..s .. IIuyor - I. T.. IndIcIII....fuluflTaxBWI...lDbD.... I __ W__buyor_lol_oIfonnl. -- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE or NEW YClRIl STATE IIIlAIID OF REAL.........., T SER\IICE8 RP - 5217 1IP-!:.a7~JI'II v e--- f~ry '1Q. ;')1.e,.S -- ..- LMT tr.AMI! IetM"AhY "-'hMIIi ITllilir_ANUSIIlilIIIAIR CITY mE TQWN I I 1m. lrc;aJI 1CInIr...."'.__.....,opp!y: ..-........-"'- Roll....... _ on...._ ~ 'of PII"OIIII DR D Part 01. P.reel u. PIIMing Bon wbh . ~1NIIon AuIhoriIy &iIII .. Doed I Property - Ixl IORI FllGNTF&T DliI"lH """" ~~iS ....- 1..- ...... LAlTNAIIII!/~ o .... s.tlfdlkln AppravtI MI AIquI" far TrandIr 0 4C.__"".."'~__Mlp_ 0 _ :l '51 A;l!..ee... 1. CI-*........ below which molt - ..1ll.1. ~........ the property .. tIw tIm... ..Ir. ...-r.... A~ Ono FlImIIy l1li_ 8 :I: or 3 Family Relidentlal C _1lI1 v.... lind D Non R'lld,MIII Vacant lMu:I I SALE INFORMATION I 1'.__'" I!~ AUde."".. F ConunOldol () - H EIUftIinmInI / AmUllmlflI -...- -.- oppIy: I. ~ 1W>o 10 Condomlnlum .. NIIW CorwIrucIIon on VleII11l1nd 'UA "'-"t.-- ..___ ........ -.- __no ....lIlo........,.In..__ o o o o ~ Communlly_ J Ind_1 . PuIIIIc_ L _ . ,,0.0.0 I , , . IFul1 SII. PriclIs ....1UIII1mOUId paid far the pIaperIV Including PIIrMn1l property. lhiI.-vment may be In the form of CIIh, .If propIrty Of goodt. 01 the ~ Df morIlJIDII or ocher obIlptktns.l ",.... round 10 rIw netnMIt'" dol,., ImOUtIt. ...-.....-"'-- I .0 .0 . 0 I __In"'_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Date should _"'.1ot00l Fln.1 _nl Halt.nd lox Bill ,.. v.... of ~I III'.... AlII..... ~ 11. ToIII A..- v-.. Calli................... I which ..,14h..A6....... #1'B~\l- I "'" I - - 12. DIll. at .... IT'...... 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M'. ~ ~ I t!~ Dtlillt" SUINT_II IIIII!T.....W"'II.IAI.II ibd-Wo.~I~III~ Q1YOIlTOMl ~ ZPCClOI SEUER ~(Q, ~L~ fILIU1O--lfI,~t ~en9(.pis .... &,-us --41!!. ,fIoll.JO.RLS -...- 11/~-tJoqtj -- NEW YORK STATE COPY '-.