HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-02/26/1952MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL' MEETING OF'SOUTHOLD PARK DISTRICT HELD FEBRUARy 26., i'952. Call Of the meeting was read by R. G. Terry, jr, Charles Van DUZer~was elected Chairman of the meet.~g. Chairman appointed E. L. Donahue secretary. Chairma~!appoihted 0. W, Averette and Fred Prince tellers. Motion made, second- ed andcarried that where there is one candidate, secretaEy be instructed to caSt.one ~ba~Iot. nominated, seconded and elected for a ter~ of three years. Edward Domahue was.mominated, seconded ar~ elected ~treas~er for a term of three years. ApproPiatiomn~ef$6000.O0 was voted on. Total ~SLcast se~en, all yes. Chairman declared budget carried. ~ Treasurerts report.for 1951-~s accepted as read. The Situation at the towacreek dock~was discussed~at lengt~ it waS~the concensus of the meeting that the CommiSsion sh~ contacmt the town board inregard t0a long term lease if the tewnwould do its part in improving dock. The wo~k to be done at the Founder's Landing durisg the 1952 season was ~isCussed at length. Chairm~n reported en subject of Community Hall and Light- house .~roperties, also Emerson property. Cha~rm~n reported on plans for improving Locust Grove Park Proper~y. Minute~ were approved as read. MeetingadJourned. Edward L. Donahue, Clerk 4! 3 ~INUTE$ OF TNE ANNUAL NEETING OF $OUTHOLD PARK DISTI~ICT MElD FEBRUARY 26, 1952. ~ house properties, also Emerson park property. Chairman reported on plans for improving Locust Property. Ninutes were approved as read. Grove Park Meeting adjourned. Call of the meeting was read by R.G. Terry, Jr. Van Duzer wae elected Chairman of the meeting. Chairman appointed E.L. Donahue secretary. Chairman appointed O.W. Averette and Fred Prince tellers. Motion made, ascended and carried that where there is one candidate, secretary be instructed to cast one ballot. Florence Moffat was nominated, seconded and elected a member of park commission for a term of three years. Edward Donahue was nominated, seconded and elected treasurer for a term of three years. Appropriation of $6000.00 was voted on. Total votes cast seven, all yes. Chairman declared budget carried. Treasurer,s report for 1951 was accepted as read. The situation at the town creek dock was discussed at length. It was the concensus of the meeting that the commission should contact the town board in regard to a long term lease if the ~own would do its part in improving dock. The work to be done at the FounderSs Landing during the 1952 season wa8 discussed at length. Chairman reported on subject of Community Hall and Light-