HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-12/28/19453O Meeting of December BS, 1945 The Southold Town Board met at the office of Supervisor S. ~e~t- worth Horton, at Green_port, on Friday December 28, 1945, The meeting was calle~ to order at I:3O P.M, with the foilow~ present: Supervisor Horton; Justices, H~wkins~ ~ipP and,Caae; and Town Clerk Booth. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and duly appr0ve~ as read. A Iet~er was read 2rem the Board cf Trustees of the Village of Greenpert, offering the use of the Greenport Jail to the Town of S0u~hold for $2~00 per day or for part of a day per p~ise~er. Moved by Justice Klipp', seconded by Justice Hawkins: Resolved: That the ~own *lerk be instructed to notify the Trustees of.the Village of Greenport that the Southold Town Board accepts their o~fer for the use of the Jail for the of~Southo-Id, at a rate of $2~00 per day or part of ~ day, per prisoner. Um~imously adopted~ The Orim2mal and ~ivitDoeke~s of the Justices of the Peace we~ au~i~e~ and a~p~eved~by ~he Town Board. The Supervisor~s books were audited and approved by the Tovm ~ard. Moved by Justice Case, seconded by Justice Klip~: Resolved: That the annual Report of Supervisor S. Weniworth Horton, for the fiscal year 1~45, showing balances as follows,~ be and the same is hereby approved: General Fund Southold Light District Southold Fire District Southold ParkDistrict Orient Light District Orient Fire District Orient Mosquito District Peconic Light District East Nation Light District East ~arion Fire Distric~ Outchogue Light District Cutchogue Fire District ~attiluck Light District Nco t Mattituck Light Distric~ No, Fishers Island Light District ~ishers Island Fire District 58,148,59 82.9? 86:,85 33.96 44.02 8.9? ?.62 63.I1 3~,29 86.~8 13.01 94.I4 39.60 lt~&l Public Welfare Smrplus ~¢CO~mt Town Tax ~o~o~mut School Tax Accoun~ Highway Fund Bridge Fund Machinery Fumd Miscellaneous Fu~d Obligations of the Town Bonds -.Matti~ck~Park=District 1,646.39 766.65 11,820.05 9~950.75 24,000.00 22)552.50 48,13~07 408.t0 ~24 ~t83.8& Total 161,447 ~ 13~ Three votes aye, Supervisor Horton not voting. The annual report of the Town Glerk was~audited by the Town Eeard, 5~ved by Justice Klipp, seconded by Just~e Hawkins: Resolved: That the annual report of the Town Clerk, showing _ receipte and expenditures eT $4,203',21, be and the same is here by approved. Unanimously adopled~ Moved by Justice Case, seconded by Justice Klipp: Resolved: That Bond No. 985V31 of the American Surety Co. for Ralph P. Booth as Town Glerk be and the same is hereby approved as to form and sufficienoy of surety, U~mouslyadopted. Moved by Justice Case, seconded by Justice Hawkins: Resolved: That the Southold Town Pc~liee be instructed te take ou~ Sttre~y Bonds in the~amount of $500.'and the bills'be presented to the Town Baard. UnanimDmsly adopted, Moved by Justice Case, seconded by Justice Klipp: Resolved: That the annual salary of the Town Assessor's be increased from $1,000o ~o $1,200~, effective ~anuary l, 1946. Unanimously adopted. ~eved by ~JuStice Case, seconded by Justice Hawkins: Resolved: That on the recommendation of the Board of Assessors ~he Ernest W. Me~rel-t Ghairma~ of the Board ef for a term o~ o~e year fr~m January l, 1946~ U~mously adopted. M~ved by Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Elipp: Resotve~: That Irving ~. Rogers of East Marion, ~illard H. Howell e2 Pe¢onic and Martin Doroski of Cutchogue he ~d the sam~ a~e hereby appointed Dog Enumerators for the year 194~, Unanimously adopted. MOVed by Justice Klipp; secmnde~ Justice Hawkins: Resolved~ That the organization monthly audit meeting of the Town Board he held on Wednesday, January 2, 1946, a~ 1:30 P.M. at the office of the Supervisor. UnanimOusly adopted. was at 3:40 P.M. Ralph P. BoeSh Tow~Glerk