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Meeting of December BS, 1945
The Southold Town Board met at the office of Supervisor S. ~e~t-
worth Horton, at Green_port, on Friday December 28, 1945, The
meeting was calle~ to order at I:3O P.M, with the foilow~
present: Supervisor Horton; Justices, H~wkins~ ~ipP and,Caae;
and Town Clerk Booth.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and duly appr0ve~
as read.
A Iet~er was read 2rem the Board cf Trustees of the Village of
Greenpert, offering the use of the Greenport Jail to the Town
of S0u~hold for $2~00 per day or for part of a day per p~ise~er.
Moved by Justice Klipp', seconded by Justice Hawkins:
Resolved: That the ~own *lerk be instructed to notify the
Trustees of.the Village of Greenport that the Southold Town
Board accepts their o~fer for the use of the Jail for the
of~Southo-Id, at a rate of $2~00 per day or part of ~ day, per
Um~imously adopted~
The Orim2mal and ~ivitDoeke~s of the Justices of the Peace we~
au~i~e~ and a~p~eved~by ~he Town Board.
The Supervisor~s books were audited and approved by the Tovm ~ard.
Moved by Justice Case, seconded by Justice Klip~:
Resolved: That the annual Report of Supervisor S. Weniworth
Horton, for the fiscal year 1~45, showing balances as follows,~
be and the same is hereby approved:
General Fund
Southold Light District
Southold Fire District
Southold ParkDistrict
Orient Light District
Orient Fire District
Orient Mosquito District
Peconic Light District
East Nation Light District
East ~arion Fire Distric~
Outchogue Light District
Cutchogue Fire District
~attiluck Light District Nco t
Mattituck Light Distric~ No,
Fishers Island Light District
~ishers Island Fire District
Public Welfare
Smrplus ~¢CO~mt
Town Tax ~o~o~mut
School Tax Accoun~
Highway Fund
Bridge Fund
Machinery Fumd
Miscellaneous Fu~d
Obligations of the Town
Bonds -.Matti~ck~Park=District
~24 ~t83.8&
Total 161,447 ~ 13~
Three votes aye, Supervisor Horton not voting.
The annual report of the Town Glerk was~audited by the Town
Eeard, 5~ved by Justice Klipp, seconded by Just~e Hawkins:
Resolved: That the annual report of the Town Clerk, showing _
receipte and expenditures eT $4,203',21, be and the same is here
by approved.
Unanimously adopled~
Moved by Justice Case, seconded by Justice Klipp:
Resolved: That Bond No. 985V31 of the American Surety Co. for
Ralph P. Booth as Town Glerk be and the same is hereby approved
as to form and sufficienoy of surety,
Moved by Justice Case, seconded by Justice Hawkins:
Resolved: That the Southold Town Pc~liee be instructed te take
ou~ Sttre~y Bonds in the~amount of $500.'and the bills'be
presented to the Town Baard.
UnanimDmsly adopted,
Moved by Justice Case, seconded by Justice Klipp:
Resolved: That the annual salary of the Town Assessor's be
increased from $1,000o ~o $1,200~, effective ~anuary l, 1946.
Unanimously adopted.
~eved by ~JuStice Case, seconded by Justice Hawkins:
Resolved: That on the recommendation of the Board of Assessors
~he Ernest W. Me~rel-t Ghairma~ of the Board
ef for a term o~ o~e year fr~m January l, 1946~
U~mously adopted.
M~ved by Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Elipp:
Resotve~: That Irving ~. Rogers of East Marion, ~illard H.
Howell e2 Pe¢onic and Martin Doroski of Cutchogue he ~d the
sam~ a~e hereby appointed Dog Enumerators for the year 194~,
Unanimously adopted.
MOVed by Justice Klipp; secmnde~ Justice Hawkins:
Resolved~ That the organization monthly audit meeting of the
Town Board he held on Wednesday, January 2, 1946, a~ 1:30 P.M.
at the office of the Supervisor.
UnanimOusly adopted.
was at 3:40 P.M.
Ralph P. BoeSh