HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12431 P 965 .' fS. t;~~ L IJ43/ . P LIC') ~ Dist: 1000 ] Sect: 111.00 Blk: 08.00 Lot: 020.000 CONSULT YOUR LAWVER BEFORE 8IGNING Tll8IN8'l'R,11MINT.nns INSTRUIIENT SHOULD BE! USED BY LAWYERS ONLY . .. .' i 11- '6 -.2 0 llElJ Q5'1L 0.1,% THIS ;NDENTURE,lII8de \he ).. ).. ~ day of ])euElI4 8,::IL. , 2001"' BETWEEN ROLLAIID L. REDFIKLD, nsidf.Da; at 1600 Brecknoc:k Road, Greenport, Rev York 11944 party of the first part, and AII'lIIOBf IlASSIIlO and ElLEllll IlASSDIO, bis vife, reBidina at 2515 Pine Tree Road Cutcbogue, lIev York 11935 party of the MC:OIId part, WITNESSETH, that \he party of \he IinIt pert, In COIIIider8Ilon of TIlII aDd no/l00 ($10.00) --- doIlan1 paid by the party of the second part, doee ~ grant end reIeue until the party of the sscend part, the heirs or 1l1CC88801'8 and II88lgns of the party of the 8lICOIId part forever, ALL that C8ItlIln plot, piec:e or parcel of lend. with the buildings end Im~en" Iher80n erected sllu8l8, lying end being _ at lIassau Point, or Little Hog lIeck,VSuffollt County, 11_ Yori--- snd known aDd designated as Lot ......er 163 on ~ entitled, nAaended Map A of Nassau Point, owned by lIassau Point Club Properties, Inc:, situate in tbe Tovn of Soutbold, Long Island, lIev Yorkn, aurveyed June 28, 1922 by Otto V. Van Tuyl, C.E. 6 Surveyor, Greenport, lIev York aDd filed in tbe Office of tbe County lllL..CIe,1c of Suffolk County, lIev York, Augusut 16, 1922, Pile 110. 156. ~; /I ~ -r1ILlYl tJ StJuJ'buq. HEIlIG AND IIITIlIIDED 'lO BE the S8lle preaises conveyed to tbe party: 'of tbe first part by deed dated March 5, 1982, recorded March 9, 1982 in Liber 9152 Pqe 32. :/ TOGETHER wtth all right, llIIe and Inlenlst, If any. of the party of the first part in and III eny lIlnIeIB and roads abutting \he above deBCribed premlMslllthe cenl8r Ilna thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances end II ths ....te and r1ghta of the party of the first part In end III sekt premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herain gl'llnl8d unlllthe party of the II8COI1d part, the hlllrs or IIUCC8IIOrs and 888Igns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part COV8/lBn" that the party of the first part haa not dona or 8lIffered anything whereby the said premlMs haw been encumbenld in any WIlY whatever, except .. af0r888id. AND the party of the first pari, In compliance with Sec:tion 13 of the lien Law, COV8II8nta thelthe party of the first part will recIIIve the coneldel'llllon for this conveyance end wi hold the right III receive 8UCh conAlenlllon .. e trust fund III be applied ftrst for the PUI'p08ll of paying the CCllIt of the Impnwement and wiN apply the IBme first III the peyment of the COlIt of the Improvement beI'ore using any part of the Illtal of the IBme for eny other purpose. The word "party' shal be construed .. If it read 'partie.. when ever the sense of this Indenture 10 requlr8s. C'" 'r". _, . . . ..... '...~ :'.)l!,.;tl"~""":'1rl.'I'."" IN WlTNESSI.i1.~~Q,;: l~.~.:~;tiie.~ri.t ~ haa duly executed this deed the day and year first above . ~..... -. .....A....lf.. written. I.U~~. t.C,h'. '1:l MESENCE OF; \!:;~ L ~~7~ I Slandant N.Y.B.T.U. FOIllI 8002 -1lIIIgeIn end.... o.d,.... c:cn.nn.1nII OnI_.Ada-l/nIIonn~ Form 32llO . . . " ,.,.,.. .~ '1 TO BE '_n ONLY WHEN 'THE ACIC_ --EIfT ISI1AD1! IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of New 1=011<, Counly of Suffolk III: On the W _ of ~tEtIt~ the Y"er 2oot'" bel'onl me. the undM8lgned. pnonllly eppeered IIOLI.AIm L. REDnELD perIOIlaIly known III me or praved to me an the besIII of ...11 r :1110 f evidence to be the IndIvIdIl8l(ll ...... II8IIl8(I) 'e .-> lIubealbec1 to the within lnIlrument _ ac:IcnclwIedged to me lhlIl heIaI1e/lI1ey 8llIICUbId the tI8IIle In hl8IIIDIIiilf cep8d\y end _ by ~ 1I1gnebn(. an the 1~"'lItthe pnon upon behalfofwlich the i1J. ;rJJ:, lnetnJmfllll. ~ ~'-~ (1Ilgnlllu,und oIIIce Oflndlvldualllltdng nawlIIUl'l'.lIIlIl) NOrMY PUBLIC PErER J. C(l81Il1AN IIaImY PubOO, 8_ 01 New 'Ibrll No. 01C068Urao. SulIoIk CounlY (lr)IM1IIIIIIon ExpIrn OCl\lblll' S1, 100I SllIIII of NlIW York. County of On the dey of . In the YIIIII' bel'onI me, the undIInIgned. pereanally eppeered pereanally IcnllWll to me or praved III IlIII on the beIIllI of ..IlldIo..h..J evIdIInce to be the 1ndtvIduIII(1I) whO. neme(lI) III (11I1I) eullacrllecllD lhII within InIIIrumIInt IInd lICk_JIB IIgI1d lD me thel. heIIIheNler IIIlIIICllI8d the ..... In hllllher1lhel, Cllpeclly(lllll), end thIIl 11;' hllllhlll'llhlll, Iign8lIn(II) on the ~ the Indivlduel(lI), lit the penari upon behIIIf of which the IndIvIdUel(lI) 1IdIId, IIIlIIICllI8d the 11lIIIrurnent. ..' . . (IIIgnlllUr8 IIIId oIIIce of Indlvtduell8ldng lICknawIedgmlllll) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 181fJ>- OUT8IDE NEW YORK STAT!! SllIIII (0' 0tlItrlct of Columbill. Territory, lit FolIIIgn CotmIry) of ..' . . Onlhlt IIpp11_d penaneIIy known lD IlIIIlIt praved III IlIII on lhII beIIlII or .UlfIIctoIy IlVldenoII to be lhIIlndlvldu8l(e) ...... MmII(II) III (lire) IlUbeatbed to lhII within InIItrurnIInIIInd IIdrnowtlldglld to IlIIIlhIIl hIIIIIheIthey IIIlIIICllI8d the ..me In hlll/l.,l1I... CIIpIIClly(IIIII), end lhIIl by hiII/herIlIHIIr IIIgneture(lI) on lhIIllIIIIIUmlllll. lhIIlndlvlclual(lI), or the pereon upon behlllI of which the IndIvIdlllll(lI) 1IdIId, _lid the Inllrumlllll. IInd lhIIl lIuch IndlvldUIIIl1lllcllllllldt lQIPIIIIIBIlCII bel'onlthe underelgnllcl In the . dllyof In the yIIIIr bel'onIlIIII. the uncIerIIlgnIId, pel80lllltly (I_rt lhII City or other poIiticelllUbdlvlelan) In (n InIIllrt lhII Slnt or Country lit other piIIOB the Bknowllldgment_ _") (1Ilgnlllure IInd ofIIoIl or indlvidlllll IlIIdng ecknowIq.._1II) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS . na."'o. 0591-03555 REL5 Title A8eney IIOLLAIlD L. REDnELD TO ARTIIOIIY MASS1JIO & SILKEN MASSDfO DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 111.00 BLOCK: 08.00 LOT : 020.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk/Southold STREET ADDRESS 2145 Vunnveta Road Cutehogue, Rev York .11935 8'MCDMD FOIUI OF NlWYOIUC BOARD 011' 'Tm.!. \llDER'L1JJI~..EIUI Recorded at ReqUllII of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Tn. OIIlrIIluIlIdbJ O Commonwealth . .'J .I.1.-n,\NPJIII"'..A""""'oq' CeJMNl""'"W&\I.1'H l~nTlI1J! 1N!AIIlANDtCnMPANY MIC1IAEL J. RICIGLIARO, ESQUIRE Hargiotta & Rieigliano, LLP 99 Quentin Roosevelt Boulevard Garden City, Rev York 11530 _..-."~. ........ IlH!IM! IIlIIIIIPM:E I'OR IlIIe Of IlI!I:mlDlID OFFICI! '. . .. G::2 .... ",' .' J " r ... " . Number of JllI&es TORRIlNS RECORDED 2006 Jan 23 11133124 Al'I Serial N CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012431 P 965 DTi 05-24344 Certificate N Prior Ctf. U Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgase Tax Slamp FEES Rceording I Filing Stamps 4 Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 5_ 5 Mortgage Am\. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax NOlalion RP.T.S.A. ..:5 ,,- 7~_ '3() ~ Sub Tolal c9f~ Sub Total EA-S2 J 7 (County) EA-S217 (Stale) Reg. Copy .- / 5 - Sub Total -l OJ :> GRAND TOTAL Specl Asli\. Or Spec./Add. TOT. Mm. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment _ Transfer Tax :J. 000 -=- r.tansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two fam i1y dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax claule on page N of this instrument. -~8 . oS- 6 Communi Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ _~(j[)() Comm;.DfEd. Affidavi! 5 <20.- '" Certified Cupy Other 5 Real Property Tax Service Agency Vcrilic:aliOll Dilt. Sec:\ion B lock --. - - . -. - I ,~2375 1000 11100 0800 020000 lw RLPA A I ~ Lot Slomp Date , , I , I" , ., $ 100Q.:: Improved ./ CPF Tax Du Initiols acant Land 7 Satisrnctionsl(;,n",;:mU81C:11IWI~" LlI.U" ....,-....J v........... ....-.....0.. ..___J RECORD" RETURN TO: m~J.n~~~,uq~~ MAIlCIOTI'A . RICJClUII(). LLP 99 QUl!NTIM ROOSEVELT IIODLEVAIlD GAKDEIl CITY. IIY 11530 TO /0 TO TD 9 Suffolk COWl 8. Title Company Information Co. Name Title # Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns part of the attached DEED (SPEaFY lYI'E OF INSlRlJMENT ) made by; ROLIAIIIl L. UDnELD The premises herein is situated in SUFl'ULK COUNTY, NEW YORK. SOJmlOW TO AIn1IOIIY MASSIMO AIm EILEIlIII MASSIMO. In the Township of illS WIn: In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of curcaoouE OOXES SlHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. (OVER I . 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COONTY CLERIC RECORDS OFF:J:CE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument I DBBDS/DDD Number of pagess 3 Receipt Number I 06-0007076 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: .05-24344 Recorded I At. 01/23/2006 11.33.24 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012431 965 District. 1000 Section I 111.00 BXAJlIIIBD AND $500,000.00 Block. 08.00 CBARGBD AS LotI 020.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Page/Piling COB EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $2,000.00 Pee. Por Above Instrument BxBlllpt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling !lYS SRCHG BA-STATB Cert.Copies SCTM CDIIIIII.Pres Pees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $9,149.00 BxBlllpt NO NO NO NO NO NO Received the Po11owing TRANS PER TAX NDMBBRI 05-24344 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUIIBNT THIStS NOT A BILL