HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12446 P 475 . BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACI'S (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FOHM 8007 CAl1I1ON: 11115 AtiREEMEln"SIIOULD BE PRErARF.l) BY AN ATI'ORNEY AND R.EVlEWED BV A11'OD."EYS FOR SI!l.Lloll AND PUR<., lASER BEFOltE !;IGNING. THISINDENTURE.mod.the'l-~ dayo1S:;)c.t."'~"" ~'1 be_n NICOLE D'EMO nlWa NICOLE CHAMBERS raldln.at 102 c-al Street, Port PlaiD, 1ft 13339 party oflh. first port, and MICHAEL MALTER and DARYL MALTER, buabltlld and wlf., raldln.at 44 Gnee Cnurt, 1IrcJoI<I7a, NY 11201 party of!he second port, WlTNl!SSETH,lhat the pony of the fim port, in coaaideration of Ten Dollan and other lawful c:onsidendion, lawfulmonoy oflh. Uniled States, paid by !he pony ofthe second pan, doe. hereby grant and "'1....lDlto the pony of the second port, lb. heirs or............ and aSlip of the party oflha second pan forever, ALL thai oenain plOl, piece or......1 of land. wilh the buildin... and imp"'.....n.. the....n em:led. sit..t..lying and beingal Cutehogu.. Town ofSoudloId, County orsufl"olk and Stal. of New York. SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The grantor bel1!in i. the .._ porson au.. grantee in Deed dated S1J179 recorded S/III79 in Libel' g623 JllI8OS99. . TOGETHER with all righ~ title and intel1!S~ ihny, of.he party of the first pan in and to any streets.1Dd roads abutting the above: described pmniscs to the cenler Iin.. ._f. TOGBTHBR with th. appurtenances and .11 the...... and righls ofth. party oflha first pon in and tel said premises, TO HA JIB AND TO HOLD the pl1!mi... hel1!in granled unlO the pony ofth. second pan. Iho h.irs or .uc:cessors and ...isos of the pany oflh. second pon forever. AND the pany oflha first port, co..nants that Iho pany of lhe first pan hu not done or sufl".l1!d anything whereby the aid premises have been eneum.beTed in any way whatever, except as .fOl'eAid. AND Ih. pony oflho fim pen, in c:omplianc:e with Section 13 .fth. Lien Law, eovenantslhat the party of the fU'St pon will .....i.. tho oonsidlntlon for this <onvoyanee and will hold tho righllo ....ei.. such <ODsidoration as a trust fund 10 be applied first for the purpclOCl of payins the COSI of the improvement and will apply the ..... first to the payment of the c:ost oftll. impmyomonl bef.... using any pan of the _I ofth. ..... for any other pu_. The word "pany" shIIU be construed as if it rnd "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHBREOF,Iho party .f!he first pan hu duly .,,,,euled thi. deed lb. day and year fim' above written. ciii~co~tI);J~ C. NYKIIA ..ideal... AnI EtWc F~ WI HotDucl" (woo, Cop)'ri1hC CllpSOftl Dn"dlJpmcnl -I. 111- - 7 Id-.Y4/o lfl) ...._------ r 'Tiile ;""'mber L4117.212 I ..... ..-. ~-------. .. ...- Schedule A DesCription Page 1 Alllhat certain pIol, piece or parce, of 'and, With the buildings and improvements lheI90n erected, snuate, lying and being al Nassau Poinl or llllle Hog Neck, Town of SOUlhhold, Suffolk County, New YOrl<, and known and designated as lOI Number 27 on map enlitJed, "Amended Map A, Nassau Point, owned by NasSau Point Club Properties, 'nc., situate in the Town of Southhold, long Island, N, Y." surveyed June 28, 1 922 by Otto W. VanTUYl, C.E, & Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y., and filed in the Office oflhe County CIeri< of Suffolk County, N.Y., AugUSl16, 1922, file No. 156. TO BE REVISED UPON RECEIPT OF SURVEY -- . ~ r '. ; ,.. r ". '. , ~:: ,. , " , !. STATEOF NEW YORK ) )ss.: ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On d1e.1, day of J'_~ /INS'. befon: .... d1e uodenilP'od. penonolly .ppcared NICOLE D'EMO 1IiIII. NICOLE CHAMBERS, penonolly knOWlllo me or pnmd \0 me 011 d1e bui. of soliofilclory cvi_ 10 be th. indiYiduol wllOlC nom. io .ubscribed \0 th. within instrument end ocknowlodgcd 10 ... tlIlII she ""..lIlcd the ...... in her e.....ity. end ,he! by her .iJlllllUrO 00 d1e iollrunlonl. the individu.l. 0" the penon upon beholfofwhioh the individuol..tod. cxec:lIlcd lb. illllnUllODl. ~;~:fa~...,./N'~- pa.Prf~ """""",w",... ....,~~.....,.. ...-...-........ , c...n1BlDn__-..-' ..WI DEED Title No. ll{ 'h. ~\ ~ CHAMBERS Seelloa 111.00 Block 09.. Lot .7.000 Coaaty or Tow. SUFFOLK To MALTER Retum Rv MaD To: WALTER EDELSTEIN, ESQ. LEFrKOWITZ.. EDELSTEIN 444 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, NY loon Reserve To Sn_ For UIe OfReeord..... Olllee NnBA ResldMI... RaIl=-- ."CMmI OIIllod)oat (MO) .,. CapyrIahI C'lfIIDft"lleYdopmmr . - "., C!::2 . Number or PIlI" TORRE 0...., Monpae IlIIlrument Deed, MorI_ TIx SIIn1> fEES RECOROEll 2006 "'r 21 10:27:08 A~ Jucli'" A. Pascale ClERK OF SUFFllIJ( COUHTY L ??oo12446 P4~ DlI o:r~J6 Reconlins' FiUIII Slam"" .s.riaJ~ emmealll " Pnoror. ~ 4 PalO' FlIinB Foe Hondlina Tp.514 =I Mod.... Aml. I. Basi< Tu 2. Additionll TiU Notation Sub Tot.' EA-52 17 (County) EA-s'!17 (S_) Comm. of Ed. 5~ SpoolAult. D. Spec.' Add. _ Sub Total R.P.T.s.A. ~' IniliI!J Sati.roclionslOischarsaJRe'- Us! PJwerty Ownen Mlilin. Add RECORD" RETUilN'10: IN , by is mort.. is or d by . one or two ram ily Affidavit Ca1lr.... Copy 11<1- Copy ~ SubTollI - ORAND TOTAL lSd- Of- Other SIonop llIIe WALTER EDELSTEIII, ESQ. LEF'rKOWITZ & EDELSTEIN 444 HADISOII AVE. NEW YORK, IIY 10022 Vacanl Lind " TO /(,"J.- TO -- TO -- 9 8 Title Company Inrormatlon Co. Nlme COIlIIOIIl/EALTH CASE ABSTRACT) Tide' L497-212 Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page: funns port of the IIlllIChed DEED Inade by: (SPECFY TIPE OF INS1RUMENT) IIICOLE D'EMQ n/k/. IIICOLE CHAKlERS The pmnises hemn is silualOd in SUFFOLK OOUNIY, NEW YORK. In the Township of SOUTllOLD In the VILLAGE orHAMLETof C"~~f! IlOXES S lllRU 9 MUST BE TIPEDOR PRINIED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO MICHAEL HALTER AIID IlAIlYL MALTER iOvEiii 11111111111111111111111111111111I1111 1111111111111I1111 . SUI'POLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OPFICE RECORDING PAGE 'l'ype of :Instrument: DEBDS/DDD Humbe~ of Page.: 4 Receipt Rumbe~ : 06-0040262 TRAHSPBR TAX huftDSR: 05-35636 Recorded: At. 04/21/2006 10.27.08 All LIBBR: PAGE: D00012446 475 Di.t~ict. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 111.00 09.00 007.000 lI!vaJaNBD JUm CBARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amowlt. $2.112.500.00 Received the l'olJ.owing 1'_. I'o~ Above :Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/I'iling $12.00 NO BaI1dling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce~t.Copie~ $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO T~lII1.fe~ tlUt $8.450.00 NO Mansion Tax $21.125.00 NO CcmD.P~es $39.250.00 NO I'ee. Paid $68.977.00 TRANSI'IUl TAX HtJIIBBR: 05-35636 TU:IS PAGB :IS A PART 01' THB :I1II'STRt1MBNT TU:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Judith A. Pa.caJ.. County Cle~k. Suffolk County 14:1. ;;,. J', 1// I C2.__"'" 1 . '-( I 1:/ Itl~ I ....... y cs. _ I j. ~ 4.1.t" Ie.. _1.1. 7, s: PROPERTY INFORMATION ':_74425 .- tt=t~~) I. ..... Malter ....... """_1 Jf ,jt REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ITA" 0II111!W"'" ITATI MJMD (II IlEAL MDPIIn'Y"""" RP - 5217 -.011" .. SaB8au Point Koad .I~~ ~ Cutcbogue - Michael "'1'_ ---' I 11935 l.CUU' MAlter Daryl ---' ---' I__/~ '..r_ .. TM ~........... Tu aII..1D '-.. L"...; .... ..........Iluyw.....,. bDaDm oItDrmI ...... I _,~ L~J.:.~~J!.:,,1 1 t%!,t!b" .. ..................... ... 0 .............................. I I.ofhn:.ll OIl' Plnol.hl'Oll ----L ~....- ~ _.__ ,111'1, 1('2.~/, ~ "~I - Jxl _rur moPltl 1..1 - .'\ 1J IOMr . ,.. .. . ..... CI-* - .... ..,tr: 4A.............,........... 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