HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-07/20/1945-S A s~e¢iatmeeti~ of the Southotd Park District was held i~ Oommmu~yHati, So~thold, N.Y. on July 20, t9&5. The meet~g was called to order at 8:00 P.~ by To~ Oterk, Ra~pkP.~Boeth, who read the call for the ~eeting. The meeting organized hy electing Alvah B. Goldsmith Chairm~ and R~G~ Terry Gle~k. The Chairma~ appeinted Atfre~ E. Dar~ and Wilbur Pe~ty to act as .Tellers a~d they were sworn by Notary P~btic George G, Tez~y. A2ter considerable diacussiea of the vo~e was casl. The ballots were e~ed by the Telter~ a~d the resul~ an~ounee~ as Fer the prepositio~ Against the propositiom Blank ·otal vote 26 152 t81 ~Meet ing adjourned R.G. Terry Cl~rk LEGAL NOTICE S~OUTHOLD PARK OISTRICT Notice is hereby given, as pre- scribed by Chapter 234 of the Session Laws Of 1907 of the State of New !York, and the acts amendatory thereto, that a meeting of the legal Voters ef Southold Park District (the boundaries of which are the same as those of Southold Union Free School District No. 5) will be held at Community Hall, in said District on the 20th day of July, 1945, at 8 P. M., Eastern War Thne. At this meeting the following, proposition will be submitted:- Shall the Commissioners of theI Southold Park District of the Town! ~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, be authorized, empowered and dlrected to lease in the name of and on behalf of the Southold Park Dis- trict lands under water lying di- rectly West of the sea-wall of the land of the Southald Park District and Founders Estates, or Terry Road at Founders Landing, Southold, which lands will be bounded East- erly and Southerly by upland and a jetty extending into Peconic Bay and Northerly and Westerly by the Southerly line of the highway known as Terry Lane, for the purpose of dredging and filling in to make a Yacht basin and land far the erection of a club house, together with a small portion of the Northeasterly corner of said Park District property for access to the premises to be · leased to said Yacht Club upon the following terms and conditions:- 1. That the Park Commissioners obtain a grant from the State of New York of the lands under water of Peconic Bay within the boundaries set forth above for the purposes above mentioned. 0 2. That the said Park Commis- sioners lease said grant together with a small portion of the Northeasterly corner of its property for access to the premises to be leased to said Yacht Club. 3. That the Southold Yacht Club shall furnish.to the Commissioners of the Southald Park District an funds necessary for obtaining said grant, all costs including legal ser- vices and other necessary charges pertaining to the same so that there .will be no expense to be paid by the taxpayers of the Southold Park District. 4. That the said Southold Yacht Club will improve said land by i dredging and filling in as shown on l a map entitled, Proposed Plan for Southald Yacht Club at Pounders Landing, Southald, New York, copy of said map being on file in the office of the Town Clerk at South- old, New York. 5. That should the Southold Yacht Club cease to ~xist, or cease to use the said premises for a club house and yacht basin and other functions in connection with said Yacht Club, the proposed Lease shall become null and void and all rights of said Yacht Club in said premises shall c~ase. 6. That said laase shah run for a period of 99 years and that at the termination thereof, or when said lease shall be terminated in any other manner, all improvements made to or erected on said premises shall revert to the Southold Park District. And for the transartian of any other business as may properly come before the meeting. Dated at Southold, New York, July 10, 1945. Ralph P. Booth,- Town Clerk.