HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12410 P 477 , LilY I.b : fLl77 Dist. 1000 Sect. 106.00 Blk. 06.00 Lot 034.000 " )OG- ~,-3Lf CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNINO THl8 INSlRlIIIENT-lHISINlTRUMENT SHOULD BE U8EO BY LAWYERII ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 31 dey 01 August , 2005 BsnNEEN Badenchini Realty Associates II, LLC, with an address at 37 Countisbury Avenue, Valley Stream, New York 11580 party 01 the IIrst part, and Robert Buckingham and Beverly Buckingham, his wife, residing at 5550 West Mill Road, Hattftuck, NY 11952 party of the &eCOnd part, '. . WITNESSETH, that the party 01 the first part, in consideration o! Ten ($1 0 . 00) and other valuable consideration------ -------- -- -- ---------- - - - - - - - -- - - dollars paid by the party 01 the second part, does hereby grant and rel~ unto the party 01. the second part, the heirs or successors and II&Signs 01 the party 01 the seoond part forever. ALL thai certein .plot, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvemenl& thereon erected. situate, lying and being In the See attached Schedule A Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the firet part by deed dated September 18, 2002 and recorded in the office of the Suffolk County Clerk on November 13, 2003 in Liber 12283 of conveyances at page 648. This com'eyance is made in the normall:course of business on the part of the Grantor LLC. TOGETHER with all right litJe and interest il any. 01 the party of the first part in and to any streel& and roads abutting the above described premises to the cenler lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances end all the eslele and r1ghl& 01 the party of the first part in and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors end alligns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideralion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall be construed as If it read 'parties' when ever the sense 01 this indenture &0 requires IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this daed the day and year ~rst above wrillen. IN PRESENCE OF: ~-~ / Badenchin1 ReaLty Associates,:I:J4(LLC ~ u~q anchini, Member SlandllJd N. Y.B.T.U. Farm BOO2 - Boogoln IlI1d Sole Dud. wlIh CovonanlllllUlll Gnl_'. _ -1Inofonn Acknowlodgmont Fonn 3210 i . . '. ... .," '.. ..:............ .. ....;"1'...... ......'1*...................', .' " """'!" ~"'''Ti~I;'N~::TIsji'2-1~'''' -. . . ,I ~". :...". . ..,....: sciUi:iml.E A . .... . ALL Ihat cerlain plot, pieco or (larcel ofland, situale, lying and being al Malliluck in Ihe Town of SOli III old, County ofSufTolk and Slale of New York, known as and by Part of Lot Nos. H & Ion a certain ,"ap llI)tillcd, "Map of Shore Acres" and filed in Ule Office oflhe Clerk of the Counly of Suffolk on January 3,1914 as Map No. 41, which said part OClols when laken logelher as one parcel, are more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on Ihe nordlerly side of Bay view Avenue distant 210.84 feel easlerly ITom Ihe easterly end of a eurve whieh connccls the northerly side of Bayview A venue wilh the easlerly side of North Drive; RUNNING THENCE Nordl 00 degrees 16 minules 00 seconds East, (North 00 degrees 16 minules 00 seconds West - Deed), 216.13 feet; THENCE Soulh 89 degrees 44 minules 00 seconds Easl (North 89 degrees 44 minules 00 seconds East - Deed), 95.23 feci; THENCE Soulh 01 degree 00 minutes 10 sCCOJlds East, 213.97 fcello the nortb side of Bayview Avenne; TlI ENCE Soulh 88 degrees 59 minutes 50 seconds West along tbe northerly sido of Bayview Avenue, 100.00 feet to Ihe poinl or place of BEGINNING. AMENDED .' TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE State of New YOlk. COUI1ty of ~"'i2''''''''' IS; On !he J." day of m, 6.~'" in !he year .wo (' " before me. Ihe und4!fIIllM.!l. pemlII8Uy IPPllo8red ..ktJ,', , IJ-/t"IF,I<.U.", personallY known 10 me II' prllVlld 10 me on !he _ of satisfactory evidence 10 be the individuaJ(l) whOl8 name(l) il (Ire) IUbleribed 10 the within inlllUmenl and IICknowIedgedlo me thIIl hefoheIlhey 8>l8CUlecI !he same in hilllhlrl\heir ClIpIIGity(I8I), Ind that by hilllherltheir oignaturll(l) on thl ;~~~~l':::!'~:::= behalf of which ~ -- (1lgnature and oflice of Individuell8king acknowIedgm8f1l) , . State of New yOlt, County of On the day of ' . in the.Y8l!" before me, !he undersigned, perIOI18ly Ippeared personally known 10 me 01 proved to" me on Ihe balil of I8IiIfactory evidence 10 be the individual(a) whose name(l) il (ere) IUblIcribed 10 the within instrument end lICknowiedged to me thIIl heIaheIIhey _ed the same In hialllerltheir cePllCilYfI8l), end lhel by hilllherllheir lignelure(l) on the Inalrument, the individul~I), or the person upon behell of which tha lndividue~l) _. exec:uIecI the inotrument. II: (1lgnalutll Ind office of individual teking adcnowIedgment) ..-AhR,A".rwa.rr.. '. NDII,L f'u!1!.Io. Slalll el NewYadI ~ 01~'''808lI51' c.. . .....e:....~~.JRp 7 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Stele (or Oiatlicl of Columbia. Terrilory. II' Foreign Country) of u: On the dlyol in the year before me. thl undeIIigned, personaUy Ippeared peraonlUy known 10 me or proved 10 me on \he beIiI of .....fecIory evidence 10 be the individual(a) _ ruwne(1) is (are) lub&cribed to Ihe wI\hln inalNmenl Ind lICk~edged 10 me thet hellhellhey executed !he .....In hllIIherl\heir cepeclty(iesl. end thel by hialherllhelr IIignetura(l) on the Inllrument, tha individual(I), or !he perIllI'I upon behelf of which the Individual (I) _, lWlCUlecI!he Inltrumanl. Ind that ouc:h Individual made ouc:h appearance before the undersigned in !he in (Ind I/lIIlft \he 51818 01 Country 01 OIlier pi... Ihe ack~anl_l8ken) (,....Ihe City or olher poIiticaloubdivllion) (1lgnature end olflce of u'dividuell8king e-..clgment) Badenchini Realty TO SECTION 106.00 BLOCK 06.00 LOT 034.000 COUNTY _~8l6Itk Suffolk STREET ADDReSS Bayview Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 BARGAIN AND SALE DEeD WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TllIlINo. BUCkingham (j) SAF( HARBOR TITLE AG~NCV LTD. 1529 Main Street Port Jefferson, NY, 11777 Allen M. Smith, Esq. 737 Roanoke Avenue Post office BoX 1240 Riverhead, NY 11901 r I 8 II! l!i ~ " o .. .. ~ . ~ ~ ... III " .' Number or pap TORRENS 4 Serial II CertifICate II Prior CIf. II Deed . MorIpgc Insllumenl Deed , MOfl&lIIll fu Stamp I-""EES 3 Page' filingl'cc ~IO Handling 5. ..!IlL :) TP-584 NOIaIian ~ 'b ~ da- SubTolal 6l'7 ~ HA-5217 (Counly) HA-5217(SIaIC) R.P.T.s.A. Comm. of 1Jd. 5...IllL Acrldavil Certified Copy Reg.Cqly Suh 1\l1a1 !(),5 I 15.= Orand Thlal Other 106.00 Block 06.00 LoI Section Real Propcny Tax Service i Agency Vcrific:alion - 1000 10600 0600 034000 ~ SaIi.raclionlDiscllarBcslRclcallc Lisl Pmpcrty OwIlClll Mailing AdcIroKs RECORD &. RRTURN TO: Allea Smit", Esq. PO 80s 1 Z40 RJyerbead, NY 11 !l01 RECORDED 2005 Sep 21 09:44:00 AM Edward P.ROllallle ClERK CF SUFFOLK COUNTY l 000012410 P477 Dr. 05-07649 RcconIing , filing S1ampa Mon&a&cAmL I. BasicTa. 2. Addilional Ta. Sub TOIaI Spec.' AssiL or Spec. , AcId. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Thwn _ Dual Couaty_ Held rur Appoinl~'YI.....-:'1 TranlIrerTu ~ _' Mansion Tax The propcny covered by Ibis lI1Ill&8lle is or will be improved by B DOC or IWO ramily dwcllilll ooly. YES or NO If NO, liCC appropriate laX clause: on pI&C II or Ibis ins mcnL Commu PreservaUon FlUId S 465JItlO.1IO S 6..l16.l1O Improved Vacanl Land _ TO~' TO TO 7 11t1e Company Information Co. Name Nortb Star 11tIe A nile II L2531178 8 SutTolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa e 'lbis page rorms pan of Ihe allacbcd llllrula '" Sale Deed (SPECIFY TYPH OF INSTRUMHNT) made by: .........hlnl ReAlty ........t.. II 1.1 r.. The prembis berein b .ilullled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In Ihc Township of Soathold Robert Burkllld'am '" Beverly Burlcll12b.am In lhc VILLAGE or IIAMLET or Mattltuek BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RIiCORIlING OR FILING (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUP POLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0098833 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-07649 Recorded: At: 09/21/2005 09:44:00 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012410 477 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 106.00 06.00 034.000 1ZvaKINBIl A!lI) CHARGBIl AS POLLOWS Deed Amount: $465.800.00 Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument BJr-.pt Exempt Pagel Piling $12.00 1110 Handling $5.00 1110 COB $5.00 1110 1IIYS SRCHG $15.00 1110 EA-CTY $5.00 1110 EA-STATB $75.00 1110 TP-584 $5.00 1110 Cert.Copies $0.00 1110 RPT $30.00 1110 SCTII $0.00 1110 Transfer tax $1.864.00 1110 CQIIIIII.Pr.s $6.316.00 1110 Pees Paid $8.332.00 TRANSPBR TAX 1IIUMBER. 05-07649 THIS PAGE IS A PART OJ/' THB I1IISTROMBNT THIS IS 1IIOT A BILL Edward P.RoIlIaine County Clerk. Suffolk County It.{, 1...3, ~, t.11 cu.. Deed -- I.:i. I i.11~f'( 1:3._ I 1.t:(.4. 1,,011;4.,_ 'f 7: PROPERTYINFOR~nON 1645 c" 8W1S CadI it REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STA11iOF_'tOIlIC STATE IIOARD OF REAl. _IV IEIIVICE8 RP - 5217 .N.217 ".WI ,. "'-' I ~ Bayview Avenue 'rMl~ Mattituck aTVORTOW'Il Buckingham LAIT JWII/CiQIMWfY Buckingham IAlTMUK'_ .Ai! IJJl&iflfAlao 11952 ........ Z~CIXI: z."pr No_ Robert ....r..... Beverly -, .... I. T.. 1___T..IliI",...bo_ I ..... K llIhlT _ bu,.-Idd_ 10I __.._ -- LAIT......./~ flIIlITJIM.: ........'_RAllDI....'..... cr.v 0Il1'OMl aT.." ....... ..Dood -. I Ixl IORI . 8Iza tllOlll1U1 1IlU"J'., '$ Badenchini Realty Ass6ciateS, LLC LAlT......'COMMttr -- " 5.0 I 1IlnIy.-"'.--..-...." 4A._..____E>1IIo 0 ... c."-''l1tIion AppnMIWM Req..... ... T..... 0 OC'Po....~...Su__Mop_ 0 .. Indicat8 the number of ""IIIMIU RaIl ...... .. . ...d on the ... 1 I.of P.raI. OR D PtIn of. P.n:et .. SolI.. - ,..,...... LAlTIoIII&'............y ...,,.,.. A~ Onof.m11y110_ E~ ~_~ R 2or3fomly_ F CammooaoI (' ....leIlIal V_ntllnd (j Aponmont I) Non-RIIiderINI YKlnt lMd II Eilllrlllnmlflll AmuHmlflt I SALE INFORMATION I 9 22 04 "._-- I I - ... y- 'Z.Doto.._/T_ 8 I 31 I 05 - ... y- -....--..-...." ..~T_Io~1um I ~ Commu fty SeMllI .. NM' CanIIrucIIon on V...-: lMId J 'Old""; __~_......_I_ K Publlc_ llII.Buv-_.__1ndIcoIlng I. _ ......._iol...__ 1.. a.k _....... .. __ -. _..........1nniIIIr: &olo__or__ &010_ ___._or-lnllull.... One Dr Iho IuyIIII .11110 .1I11er &uy.r Dr &.1_" Ghv.,..tOo.. AIIfIfI:tI or Llndino Iftltilution llood ~ ... W....... or 8oogoIn _ _lSpooIIv _ _ ul f_ or Lou..... ....1_lSpooIIv_ SIgnIllclnl 0I0ng0 In "'-'" _ T_bIo _ ond &010 oa.. &.I, or ...... IIlnc1ud1d In SIll. Price 0Ih0r ~_ F_.. -.g &010 PTIco I-'Y ....., - o !XX o o 7. ChIdl ,........ whIoII moet........ ~ the... of tbe properly M the tIrIUI at Ale: ,4,65,80,0,0,01 , , . ll'uIlSOloPrlooIl..........mountpold......._-._._. ..10 _ _ bo In.... ""m 01_ DlhoT _ or...... or "'" ...mpolon 01 _or_abIlp1ion1.) __.,Iiw........___ ...-...........,..- I , 0 , 0 I --......- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Ooto Ihould ronllCltho IIIIIt Flnol_' RoII..d To, In! '11'01__ ,.. "-" au. ,~L,D'_LJ 11.___1 , , Mattituck/cutchogue/Laurel No. 12 7 .0 , 01 '''V_'''"''V''-'_''__I 0,4 I 17.T__V_lafoll_..._1 wNch ..4................. IO.T..__I__II......__.____..._.1oI1 1000-106.00-06.00-034.000 I ---.J I CERTIFICATION I 1_7 _ 011.. 1M _ ..1..........1oa __ .. .... ...... ........ MId....... flo ... ... vi..., ......... MId boIon ... 1_. ................. .._ ,,1IIl'uI1lW_ur_ foci __........ ......... .............ur.... _..... _..... -..._ ......"'.....__ BUYER llIYER1I ATTORNEY ~~- I i"/a '/cJS. .... Smith Allen ....- -- 1~~5 Bayview Avenue ............... ""....., 631 727-3947 1111111,1_11 -.- ,........ - Mattituck, NY art'1II fOWM ..... 11952 ...- ~tvr NEW YORK STATF. COPY 8EUER rA.(;,' ~ -