HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12420 P 990 /07- 7-1 '-rYl ~ R c.. "f </- - so -rr. :f .:) <j .., ;;>. t!.I' j: //3 5 ~ ~.,~ . _~lGCelslor.Inc.. NYC 10013 1I'IIIm!II' , UiIiim ' T e:91-~N.~.H.I.II. nonn'IIIlOZ: It..:....a......Ind. ..ldIco"nMI~rlUll"'~III.I.-lal1C"'" """"-':.11 W CONSULT YOUI LAWYEI IEfOIE SIGNING THIS INSTIU_ - THIS INsTlU_ SIfOULD IE USED IY LAWYElS ONLY L I 2 L} 2(; f C((C THIS INDEN11JRE, made on BETWEEN November 4, 2005 MARIA ANDRIOPOULOS, residing at 49-32 Annada1e Lane, Little Neck. NY 11362 party of the fint pan, and MICHAEL J. CONFUSIONE. residing at 16 Van Buren Street, Rocky Point, NY 11778 pany of the _oncl parI, WITNESSETH, that the party of the 6nt pan, inQlider.lion of Ten DoUan .nd odoer valuahle e-oi"'ntion paid by the party of lhe ......nd part, d.... hereb~1 '.nd releue unlo Ihe party of the -.I pan, lhe hein or .__n and _ips of. th~ party of th~ oecoiI~~lfolewer. AU. thai cert.in plot. piece or palUl .,1' I.~~u.! huildinjrl .nd improvr.menla thereon em:ted, .iiu.le. Iyin,. .nd bein, in lhe . ! l;7[~ . At Ma~tuck, in the Town of SoUthhold,.gI~ty of Suffolk, Slate of New York, shown on the Tax Map as District I ooo~o'n"i071io, Block 07.00, Lot 009.000, bounded and descri~ as follows: ~,,_. ~~ r ~~) BEGINNING at a monument set ~ the wJt~iy.line of West view Drive distant 456.14 fc:ct northerly along said westerly nile ~l,~'e~~int where it is intcrsecled by the direct extension westerly of the northerly li~ ofB~~er Road, being the southeasterly corner of land now or fonnerly of Jacob MOllic:IC~.AY;'?,. RUNNING THENCE along the westerly_lil!~_of_Westvicw Drive, south I I degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds east, 75 feet to a monument and land now or fonnerly of John Hurley; , THENCE along said last mentioned land, south 78 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds west, 163 feet more or less to the ordinary high water mark of Mllttituck Creek; THENCE northerly along said high water mark of Matti tuck Cn:ck, 75 feel or more or less to land now or fonnerly of Jacob Mollick aforementioned; THENCE along said last mentioned land, north 78 degrees 42 ininules 40 seconds east 162.00 feel more or less to a monument to the place of BEGINNING. Said real propeny commonly known and refeued to as 1605 Westvicw Drive, MallitucIc, NY 11952. TOC;ETIIEII ,,';Ih all ri"hL lilJ~ anol inl,,:....I. if .,,). ..I Ih" pa.ly "I Ihe 6.", pari in and I" any "'''''''0 .nel r".d. .I'uninl! 1M .hn,... dco'ribed prt'ftIi_ I" thr """Irr linr.. lhe..."f: TOCI:.THI::R ,,'ith Ihe .ppurl~..a...._ and allthr nlalr. anrl ri~hla 01 Ih. pliny uf Ih~ fint ,..n in .n,1 h. ..i.1 prem;_: TO HAVI:: ANI) TO HOLD llw 11rC!'lIIille$ herein grullted unln Ih,.. Jlart," nf the ~'II",I Jlarl~ lhe he-ir. lIf 'UI:t'I"1l"'I~ allef U$iJ!lUc nf Ihe lIarty C"lf ItHo M'f.:uOII,Ir8.1 fure,"er. . A ~U the ....rl). ni th~ fir!'t .IBrl ':nvenlnt,. that tilt" )I4Irt}" ur Iht" tint JhIrl ha2S not .Iullr flr tiouRerecl 8u}'lhin~ ,,'hrreb~ Iht' :said prrmUietl h.,'c heen r.ol:Ul1Ilworhl in un)' "'D~' Whalil!'\'er. f""'<'"e'pI 8S .fnreHid. ANI) Ih.. pan)' "f lhe fir.1 pari. in eompli.."", ..ith ~ion 13 "f Ihr !.ion taw. e""',,a..l. Lh.II.... "".1)' of thl' 6.11 part will I"et..-ei""e tlk- oonsideratiun rnr thill c:1ln"'tlyance Bnlt ~iII hulcl the risht In m~\'t" I'uch cOlllidt"ratifln .. a trult lund 10 Le .PI~ied fin-I for Ihe "ur"""" QI JII)'in@'thr '....1 IIf thr impro,,,nlelll Mnd will .ppl)' Ih~ ..me 6n1I" 11>.0 paymenl ..f 1M e.>S\ of the jmpro'~_ol !...fore uainll .n)' p.rt ..f Ihr I.~.I of the ..mo lor .ny olher I'urp...... The word "I..rIY~ ,h.1I "" cOllllrued a. il il rr.ad "pa.ti..... ,,'h..nr,'rr thr ..,noe 01 Ihi. indenlur" 10 rr.quireo. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe pari" ..I I:he fi..1 part h.. rllIl! ''''''lIled ,hil .i.....I th~ .1.)' .orl !....,. firsl uh.,... written. IN PlCEfi,ENCF. ....: ~~~ MARIA ANDRIOPOULOS _&I 1T.._YllIIII""TI!lRI'L-" . State of New York. Count, of (Q" t::I5"N S II.; On f'(oVI!SM8Et-. '5, UD5"bef~ mr. the undenigned. personally appelftd M Pt~;A- ,q."vb~i<!)rolJ'-o<.:, pelllOlllllly known 10 me or JIIll'Ied 10 me on the bais d IllisCae- 101)' rvidnlcr 10 he Ibe individUllEel wIIDIIe IlIIIII$I is.. I ~hcd 10 die within il1lb1lmem and acknowledFd 10 me dw he'WI...., euculed die same in Mlhcdlheir Clpllcily(ielIl.' and Ihat by'hiIIIheMhI:r ~ on Ibe inslrument. 1M indi. v~ or die penon upon behalf d which die individuaJts> 1ICIed. executed die insaume... . ~ :;hJ:"€. .o6/n ..,.........,"".... ...-.,...., Sh knopoulo~ V fl- e -- ....-llUTIIII; - YllIIII""TI! lRI'L'" Slate or Count, of II.: On personally appean:d bef~ me. the undenigncd. perSonally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basil of sati'l- fllClory rvidcnce 10 be Ihc iDdividual(_1 wIIDIIe lIIlIIe(l) i5 (1II'e) lIUblcrihed 10 Ibe wi!hin inslrurnenl and Idu10wIcdFd 10 me Ihat belshe/they execuled die _ in hislhelftheir ~..-:ily(ie&). and IhaI by hWherltheir 5iptature!s) on 1M illSll'\llnel\L Ibe Indi- vidual(.). or die penon upon behalf of wbich die individuaJ!s) atIed. execuled Ibe il1lb1lmenL and !hll suc:h individual male such IlJlJO....I...., befcft Ihe undenigncd in (ifufrrrity.,.ptllincwl611ha1h;jir",lIItd""" fir t'.wa(Ytlr ell,," plat., ...~.,- ~",l"" Ii......... """ ..g;c, of...tMd.../taAiftJr ...._~, ....in .nIl 6aJr .. "no eo.....lIT Ac.u_ ClIo........ ACII II No. ANDRIOPOULOS TO CONFUSIONE ACKNDWI..IDGMINa' --lKflJ.IJG WITt State of Counl, of IIDJ I".: On . personally appean:d ho!fore me. fhe undersigned. Ihc subscribin, witnes5(e5) 10 the f_,.,ins ill5lrumcnl. wi!h whom I am personally lIt'Quainled. who. being by me duly _worn. did depose and say !hill he/sMIthey .."ideU) in 111,hI ,.., nf wllt/rM, ,,, ;11 " f."i,.t:. i..m./r dw IIrrr' 0_ lIrW, ~ ".",.,"""", -t-:a... that helshet!hey knOW(xl 10 be the individuaU.) described in anal who executed Ihe fore- goin, il1lb1lment; IhIIl said subscribing willlesS(esl was (we..,) presenl anal ""w said execule !he same; and !hal said wilness(es) III the same lime subscribed hislherllheir IIlUIIC(s) as a willless(es) dIe..,1O. ( C! fila""''''''' Nnr r,lIi Stull' Nil"" ,'11):"" ,..",rinI'......litirNll mttl ,II""" .......-y......,.,..~........14._....... And Ihat aid lIUblcribing witnexs(es) IlIlKIe such ........w..~ before !he unde..i,ncd in Uilt'lflllltlt IM&l nJ1kt f'./ iltJavidaal_iII, fIti.""""NpmtlJ SEC110N 107 BLOCK 7 LOr 9 COUNTY OR TOWN Southhold RBTURN BY MAIL TO, Zip No. ,; . a I i IIC 'll .. I ~ i i ~ i ~ . Number of pages TORRENS 3 RECORDED 2003 Nou 21 10:54:10 AM Edward P.Roaaine CI..ERI( OF 5lIFFWC COUNTY L D00012420 P 990 DT. 05-15883 Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mongage instrUment Deed / Mongage Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Stamps 3 NOIBtion EA-52 17 (County) 5 _ SubTotal EA-5217 (SIBte) ~ R.P.T.S.A. ~ ,J{ Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for APPOintm~' _/} Transfer Tax ~ Mansion Tax _ The property covered by this mortgage i~ or will be improved by a one or twe family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this iitrUment. ,. I -01{- 0 J Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5, ...Q!L 5- Comm. of Ed. 5. ...Q!L Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other Grand Total_ ~ Jt95. Jl{q- 15. 00 Sub TOIBI 6 SatisfllctionslDischargeslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: TO J"ir{:re,:/ B. /-Iu [SE', ESQ. TO 900 Ri:I....lI/ TO 5u:,te. .2<..5 "......ppauae. fl~ 1I'"1~8' N '" - I J 7 Title Com an Information . - ...___0'- _." , ___J 5 CommuDity PreaervatioD FuDd ideration Amount $ &' 01 $ 11.35(.."'0 Improved --I2.a.-.::> lOCO /Oi.OO 4 Disl. Section Real Propertl Tax Service i Agency Verification ------ ----- Vacant Land " " A " -S.' & Endorsement Pa e 8 Suffolk Count Recordin .DEE]) (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: This page forms pan of the alIBched H~R.;a' A 1>JDR;OPO-LI-OS Tbe premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO --11) /ll-llltt.-;T. CoJJ 1=1.1 SI DAJe- In the Township of So ()TJ+Dt,.t) In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of m /J TI nvc (t:... BOXES Ii THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLIC COUNTY CLERlt RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORD:IRG PAGE Type of :Instrument: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0121061 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-15883 Recorded: At: 11/21/2005 10:54:10 AX LIBER: PAGE: District: 1000 Section: Block: 107.00 07.00 "'''JaNBD AJID CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $717.800.00 Deed AmouDt: D00012420 990 Lot: 009.000 Received the Pollowing Pees Par Above :Instrument Bxempt Bxllll Page/Piling $9.00 NO HaDdling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2.872.00 NO CODmI.Pres $11.356.00 NO Pees Paid $14.377.00 TRANSnR TAX NmlBBR: 05-15883 TH:IS PACilB :IS A PART 01' TUB :INSTRmmNT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Bdward P.Romaine COUDty Clerk. Suffolk County . . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMlY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.Stala.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY . r:r/J I REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT I y.,?.,] ,,, ,fl.rl C2.DnI_~... _ I I~ ,:2..1 /t!?s-I ditih 5;' V..r C3._ V ~ ,yo ~,nlC4."-1 PROPERTYINFOR~TKJN C1. SWIS eo. ITATE Of IIEW YllIIK STAn _ OF...... PROPiRTY IERVIl:ES RP ~ 5217 ......7.. .m "::=1 I~o 5' 1ITIIIi'1~ W,"'So'T"I/ i 6\.eJ ...... - l>...iVE; CITY"""'" So"''''''' "C~ "1'!IIi'"TLlGk.. """ ic:.UAEL ...,...... I \ \ 9'521 ....- 2._ ...- ~~t <;, oN'!:: I JJJft' - u, LM' .... llCQWMlW AlSTIirIAW I. T_ ~""fuhnT.".q.be.. I ..... K__ buvor_lIl_ oIlonn1 _ - 11~~~~!l'~T~ c:.. oN~" 'J,,{O ^' e. lAIT""~ I"'\ic~#t-E/...' '-,.JIMW: i.~1 BIn ._.FaI 1 xl ...... 10111 "1CfCI" . 11I1."11J~SZI If AI" ;argg; 1CInIr.-"'.--......_ OA.I'Ionning__S''IlcIi.IoIoo.-..av_ 0 .. -""""""' - RoquIIOd lor T.._ 0 C......._IorSU__....._ 0 blt\ V 6" ~~""Tvc."" .........................~rrlll ..- Roll ptII'CIII bi_4f_...4 .... 1M .... LJ 'of,,",_ OR D POTtol.,,",coI 1.- - !1r~,'~.!eu !A> M P,,f... i~ ,.....-..,.. LMT ....,CIl*PMV -- A~One Femlty RIJI111mllt B 2 or:l Ftimily........... C __01 v..... ~nd D Non - ........ VIC8nI ~nd , SALE INFORMATION I 1'..... ConIr_ OIl. E ~ AQrlcuhu,oI I ~ CammunIIy"_ F com_I J""""" G Aportmon, K PubIc .._ H En_nmonl/Am_ I. _ -....--......- .. CIwnoroIllp T_ 10 COndoml.... .. _c-..- an V..... UncI '110\. "'-" IA>co1od _n..~_1eI ,..~_._.._I--. dill... Pl'OPIftr ill In .n AgrkUIInI DiItrkI o o o o 1. CMct: die ... bIIow ..... ........ ....,......... __ of "- ......., . 1M tIm. at __ oS, z..O , o:S" I IIIlnIh DIIr v.. ,..CI-*_.....,.aI...._......__ ..- u........-: ,1. am. .. .... I Tr.... 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CD - 009.()oo ---.J I I CERTIFICATION I 1...."._.. "'......."'..... ...._ ..l11li_........_ _.10.110_"'.., h._ . ""_ __1_. ............... cI....__ . ...,_....._wlllouhJo<t............... "'.............._............_..."'_......- 18m!! BUYER'a A~Y ~~?1i =-',/11.,1" -1I~ I ~~: ~ _II . , WTt~...... ~C''(:d ~cr'--('" I eft I H""~ cnv eM TOWN IA'. ". CCIOE BEWR . ( ~~ .....T l..ttU.};..L ~ ~tt..... Nlr.- y- b..3J ~ ... ..i~Q~ ... ,- -- NEW YORK STATE COPY u ' 't:i?L ....