HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-02/20/1945
the annual meeting of the 80utho1d Park District was held at the
office of the 80uthold Town aleI', in said Park District, on Tuesday ~....
eVening, February 20, 1.!\J45. \
T1lemeeting was called to order at. 8:l5 P.M. by the 'fawn ~lerk, whO' ".,...,.
read the call for the meetiJ!lg.andpresentedaff'idavitsto show that "':'\.
the m~et1nghad been duy advertise~ .asreques.ted by law.
Dr. S.B.i'isher was nO'minated and duly elected asa~hman;heap- ,
pointed Ra.J.ph P. Booth as alerk aJ!ld Earl Hagenoon and Ma;x .NeVi0old as ..~
Tellers. 'fhe offiee:t"s of the meeting weJ?€! sVllG1:j:-n' in by Geo1:"geo.~ .'J;€!J?J?Y,
; Esq. 0 i'" 1
The ((;halrman asked for nQmtnations for a commissioner for ateI'm of ,I L,.
I '0;
three years, in the place of Rensselaer G. . Terry, whose term of ,,,;~;I
office then expired. Mr. 'ferry was nominated to succeed himself', . '''1
the nomination was duly seconded and on an unam.inious vote of the .....~
m.eeting, the nominations were closed and the Cil$rk was inst::rp1,cted "'J.
to cast one vote for Mr.']ern. The vote was du.J.y cast, an1if(j\i.nced by <--
the tellers, and the Chairman declar.ed ~'IJ;'.Te!I'ry elected fo:)C<,8t term ',;A
or three years. ...~...
The Ghai1,".man ann.o'Wlced that the Qol'lmti:.ss:i.oners were askingi'o:!1" an ~...
a:pp1,"op:t":t.aU-on. of: $2~500. fo:t' the maintenanee of: Fark Dist:t"iet . ~
The meeting then voted on the appropriaUon, 6 votes being cast +--...,
all in the affirmative. The ahairman deqlared the approp:t"iation 'r
du1.y passed. ,!o--~
Motion moved,. seconded ,and, carr-ied. 'Fhat the ofterof (feorge$!nith ~-i
~ the al11OUIl.t o'f $35. O~ far the escall.Q'p hause own.ed bythe~k. .-1-""
~istJ?iet be ~~ce:pted. "f'"
Tn.ere was a lengthY di.scusion on the Youth. Cel!.ter moveI!1'e'n't: oocupyi:ng ~
aom~ni'ty Hall. 10--
. . -~
A.djo1ln"nm:ent was at 9:::15 II .
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RalphP. .Booth f.
Town <;ler-k 1~;
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