HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12423 P 333 " - ;. }07- 9:,-5" L 12Y-n P 33~3 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACfS (INDIVIDUAL) STATUTORY FORM C THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING INSTRUMHNT. W NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, WE RECOMMEND ALL PARTIES TO THE INSTRUMENT CONSULT AN ATroRNEY BEFORE SIGNING. THIS INDENTURE, made \he tJOv'em~ 17, ,2005 Between FEI.IX and GLADYS DEERKOSKI. his ...ife, both residing at 2055 Grand Avenue, Matlituc:k. New York 11952 party of the fU'St pari, and GLADYS DEERKOSKI, n:siding at 2055 Grand Avenue, Manituck, New York 11952 party of \he second part: WITNESSETH, that the party of the first pan. in consideratiOll of one dollar and other good and valuable consiclcration. lawful money of tilt United SlBltS. paid by tht party of the Sl.'Cond part. dots htreby grant and release unto \he party oflbe second part, tbe heirs or successors and assians forever. ALL that certain plot, piccr or parcel of land, with the: buildings and improvements thereon erc:c:tc:d, situate:, lying and being SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. TOGETHER with all right, title and inltl'tst, if any ufthe: party oftht first part in and to any sln:ClS and road abutting the above described premises to tilt center lines thtrc:of: TOGETHER with the: appurttnances and all tht estate and rights of the: party of the: first pari in and to said premiscs; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto tbe party of the stCond pan, the heirs or successors and assians forever. And the party oftbe first part covenants lhat be has not done: or suffered anything whc:rtby the said pmnises have bttn tIlCUmbtrtd in any way whatc:vc:r. AND the party ofthc: first plU1/grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the I.im Law, covenants that the party of the first plU1/grantor will rcce:ive the c:onsidtration for this conveyance: lIIId will hold the right to rcccive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the COIl of the: improVCllltllt and will apply the: same: first to the payment of the cost of the: improvelJ\Cllt before using any part of the total ofthc same for lIIIY other purpose. The: word "party" or "grantor" shall be construed as if it read "parties" or "'grantors" whenever tilt sense: of this document so rc:quin:s. IN WITNESS W1/EREOI~ the: perty of tilt f\rllt pan has hm:unto se:t his hand and seal the: day and year first above written. ~~ t:f;~AJ. ~_ FELIX EERKOSKI, Stlltr ~~ /J,~~'..J...., GLADYS EERKOSKI, Seller In presence: of: KYSHA RaidlllliIIllllII .- _..,1laIIlOCI" (WOO) C'apJriabl CIpson- tlln...1opnI:n1 -I- . - SCHEDULE A PARCEl. II AI.I. that ccnain plot, piece: or parcel of land, with the buildinp and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being in Mauituck, Town oCSouthold, Suffolk County, New York. bounded and described. as follows: North by Middle Road; East by Elija's Lane; South by Long Island Railroad. and West by land of Boleslaw Krok. Containing I I acres. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE TIlE SAME PREMISES CONVEYT~ TO TIlE PARTY OF TIlE FIRST PART by deed dated Ju]y 18, 2002 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on July 19. 2002 in Liber ]2198 page: 366 as Pan:el II. GRAND AVE PROPERTY ALL that tract or parcel ofland Siluall:.lyillll and being at Mattituck, Town DC Southold, Suffolk County, Ncw York. bounded and described as (oJlaws: BEGII'\'NING at the intcrsc:ction oflhl: northerly line DC Westview Dri~ with lite westerly line of Grand Avenue and nmning alon8 said nm:lherly line ofWestview Drive. South 78 dc:grccs 42 minutes 40 seconds West 155A8 feet; thence along other land oflhl: parties oCthe fust pan, two COUI1iCl. as follows: (1) At right anglL"S 10 said norW:rly line of Westview Dri~. North II degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West ]00.00 feet; thenc:e (2) parallel with said northerly line ofWc:stview Drive. North 78 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East 157.96 feet to said westerly line of Grand A venue:; thenc:e along said westerly line of Grand Avenue, South 9 degrees 52 minull:S 00 seconds East 100.03 feet to the point DC beginning. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the parties of the lirst part of, in and to those portions ofWcstvicw Drive and Grand Avenue adjacent to said pn:mises to the center lines thereof. SUBJECT to covenants and restrictions ofrec:ord. BEING AND INTENDED TO BI TIlE SAMH PREMISES CONVEYED TO TIlE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART by deed dated December 14, 1953 and recorded in tltc Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 14, 1954 in Liber 3639 page 175. - Ac:lcno\\tledgment by a Person Within New York Slale (RPL fi 309-11) STATBOFNEWYORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) 55.: ) On thr '7 day of "YJ ~ ~ in the year 200S. before me. thr undnsill"Cd. personally appeaied FELIX &. G~YS D.IiliRKOSKI. pmonally knOll", to me or proved to me on the basis of sati8ll1ctory evidcneo: lA) be the individuals whose names an: subscribed to the within insllumCnt and IIcknowledFd to me that they CJl.cculed the same in their ell . ies. and thai by their sillllatures on the inslru1ncnt. the individuals. or the person upon behalf of which the i . d 1(8) acted, execuled Ihc instrument. ledllm.:nt) To P11RR1 G. WNDBIRG r-.lGtlIly PulllIII, ..... ",.... r,'Ct. .... 8ufraI1t Counlr i;o;;:'.lIo "'1I1r_ HeN. ao,... Seetlon lOr / 107 Block .1 I I.ot ~ S- County or Town Strc:c:t Address BARGAIN & SALE DEED Tit.. No. Return By Mall To: Pierre G. Lundberg. Esq. Smith. Finkelslein. Lundberg. [s[er & Yakaboski, LLP 456 Griffing Avenue, P.O. Box 389 Riverhcad, New York 1190[-0203 Reserve This Snac:e For Vse or Rec:ordlnl! omc:e SYSBA _.ill ...1 Ella.. FLfn... 1lolDocI" (9/001 -2- C"I')riJlI1 Cipoall" 11M1cp....1 . ;I ... . ,.. .' Num~rofJlllles ~ ~ TORRENS Serial II Cenificole /I Prior Clf. /I Deed , Mortp&e IDllromenl Deed I Mangage Tax Slamp FEES ~ ):0 3 Page I Filing Fee HlIIHIlinll ~ TP-S84 NOllllion <- 11 - 5V~ Sub ToIaI EA-S217 (Coonly) EA-S217 \~ R.P.T.S.A.~ Comm. of Ed. 5, ..l!lL Affidu\'iL Cenilied Copy Reg,Copy Sub ToIlII tJi-' Orand Tn:::} 1;;" OIhcr 1< 108 Block 2 Lot Ie 1000' 10800 0200 006000 1000 10700 0800 005000 Real Property Tax Service AlIcney Vcrilicalion 6 Salisflll:lion1Di!lCharpslRcJcasc Lis! Propeny Ownclll Mailing AclcIreu RECORD" RETURN TO: SMITH, FINKELSTEIN, LUNDBERG. ISLER &: Y AKABOSKI, L1.P ATTN: PIERRE G. LUNDBERG 4!l6 Griffinl Ave.. P.O. 801389 R1verhead. NY 11901 7 Co. Name nile /I RECORDED 2005 DK 02 02111.22"PIl Edward P. Romaine CLERK IF SUFFll.K COIJITY L 000012423 P 333 D1I 05-11664 R..'COrding I Filinl! Slamps MonJlllllC Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Alldilional Tax Sob TOlal Spec. I ,~..il, or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX ' Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Hc:ld lOr Appoinlmcnl_ l'nansfer Tax ''Q.. " Mansion Tax 6 5 The: propeny co\'CR:d by liIis mOlgllge is or will be impro\'Cd by a "nc: or lwO family dwelling only. Yr,S or NO Ir NO. lICe appropriale IWt claWle on page 11- ;tr1I~' Fund Considcr~lion Amounl S CPF Tax Duc Vac:anl L:md .TO -I.iJ-- 'TO TO Tide Com Information 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan uf Lho: ullac:hed deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPn OF INSTRUMEI'<'T) li"pll. &. l:1_ctys DHrknekl hi. wlfl! The premisis hen:in is silUllled in TO SUI'I'OLK COUNTY. NnW YORK, In !he Township of s..uthald In the VILLAOE G1R'b"s DHrk..skl or HAMLET of Mattltuek BOXF.'l 6 THROUOH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK IlIO'K ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (O\'CI') . Iln~III" III I1II1111 ~mlllllllll 111111111I111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OPFICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of J:n8trUlUDtl DBBDS/DDD NUmbe~ of PageBI 4 Receipt RUmbe~ I 05-0125517 TRABSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-17664 Recorded, Ac: 12/02/2005 02117122 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012423 333 Di8t~ict, 1000 Section 1 Block I 108.00 02.00 1n'~au JUII) ,.aRGIm AS roLLOWS $0.00 Loti 00&.000 Deed Amountl Received the I'ollowiag l'eeB I'o~ Above J:nBtZ'1Dll8Dt ....-.pt b:-.pt page/I'iling $12.00 RO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 RO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA - C'l'Y $5.00 RO D.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-5806 $5.00 RO Ce~t.Copie8 $0.00 RO RPT $50.00 RO SCTM $0.00 RO T~lID8fe~ tax $0.00 RO CQIIIIII.P~e. $0.00 RO I'ee. Paid $172.00 TRAlfSnR TAX NUllBBRI 05-17&&4 THJ:S PMlI J:S A PART 01' THB J:NSTRtJIIBN'l' THJ:S J:S NOT A BJ:LI. Bdward P.Ramaine County Cle~k, Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httf'~1 www.orps.stBte.ny.uB or PHONE (5181 413-1222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY 4, 73.;' cR, 11 /",.If ,IJ.>' I IIDnUI Dey WI' C3._ I j, of'.'-f, t(...?JC4......13.~ cz. Dete DeIId Rllar'" STAlE OF__ STAlE _OF IlEAL ...0.-.. _ Cl.__ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 1lP-JJ17....JIIII PROPERTYIN~TKlN 1.=, I~ .r.., (fJl.. 4 B l...u .... al?a. tfl0S5 Grand I\.V&I'''_ Jie,Uf:hD] d DIVali ~1tuck I 11952 a..... z.~ - .BWlfBUI t:T.a.nv~ -- LAlT NMII!!/QMWIII'r rJIIIT-': 3. T.. 1__""""'T.......lDlIo_ I ..... N _.... buyw __101_ <II Iooml -- lAIr UIIII' ICDIINIIY .... NNA cr.v 011 ';OWN ITA'll! ZPQD I'." NUMllftM'D IJIIlIIT NoIMI .. ...... the .......... at . ._.1 ReI PII'" ._......... an 1M deed &. =::..v I - FwaNrMr Ixl DU';M 10111 . .9. .J.5i ",,,L ..:/.,S I FELIX ....,..- 1OIoIy.-"'......--_1RIIv: 4A.l'Ionn.._~__AoohorllyE*l D ...SU_~I_.......tor_ D 4C. .... ApptawcIIor e.,-'- .....-".-, wi\h .. PrvvIdad 0 2 I 'oIP_. 011 D P."a1.,..... 1.- ...... DEERKOSKI IAlTMK/~ & GLADYS ~..... NIMI! 'QM'M'I I'IIIr ..... ,3.....__ . .~, , , . (1'ull 5010 _ 10.... _ ...... pold lor lhI_rty Including _ p_. Thlo poymor&....1Io 1n....1arm "'_ _ _.. _............Illion 01 ",... _. or oIhIr abUgIdanL) ......1OfJIId1o rite.....,........,."." .0 .0, III _....~--_1RIIv: I. llwnonhlP..... 10 ClIndomlnium I ~ CoI'IlmUllllLy s.rvIca .. NM' COrwIruaIIarl an V_rw. Land J Ind...,,,, 'IlIA. "-1.ooIIod_.. AI- DiIIricI K ..-50.- uaeu._.__-. L _ _Ill _Ioln............._ 1LCIIIIIr._.....",..... -L__.. - .. ........-: A 1110_ _.. F.""",_ B ___QlmlJlllill.._'nB_ C 0n0"'....s-r.1I_._ D 8uyor or SII.... II CD.l...iIMI."""" or unding INlItuIIon F. DIId T_.... Worronly.. ...... .... _18pod1y-' F _oI_..a-........_IIlplolfy_1 c; ~nt~1n ,,-_ T__end Bolo DoIao H 501001_1. I_In __ I llIIlor u...uol F_ -... .... Prico 18podIy_1 J _ D D D D 1. CIIIcII. .. ... ............ mo.t -- ..Ad............ __ "'..... .......,. d" dIM f1I ala: A~ CnI F.mily_1II H Z..3F1mlly_1 C _I V....lMId D Na.._'" V.... Lend I SALE INFORMAnoN I 11. _ CaaInct_ E~ AlrIou_ F c......_.:IIl c; .......... II En.......nmDl'lll AnMIment - , ... , - 12._"'_/T_ 1/, /712005 I - ... - ,..._..._..~ I 0 0 I ----.....- ~ . J\fS"SS~NT INFORMATKlN . DMllhould ....001...1_ FiIlOI_ont Roll .1Id T.. 8111 1..Y_'" ......--IO.SI17.T....__IaI....,-In_1 whIdI 11.4... .1Ia ...... . ; 1J . D.tJ, , ,1.",-,",_ I J .~.Ol-LJ 11.___1 Ma.tf-;'nu."- I... ,:11 () .. T.. ... ......."" I ... . -.....a Of............... .......... willi ............ ~I 101 -.:<-(p I /D1- (-5 I CEIITlFICATKlN I ICII1If) _."..._"'..... ...._ .......r.............._c..tbr....,,_ ...__...... __ad ,. . ......01 _.......... oI..,.._lIIIooe_oI_......................... _" "...._....._..lD..............oIroioo__..... BUYER BUYEII"S ATTORNEY >>,.~./d.f.e,~:~ , "JI7Jo~ G!X~~DEERKOSKI MIl . 2055 Grand Avenue,PoO,hox ~48 .........~ S"""NAMlIN'1tIIWIJ LUNDBERG ,PIERRE G. LAIT.... ""1'''' 631 727-4100 MrACODl 1D1I'II:N.___ ""'00- '1"1. 11 1952 ..- Hatt1tuck NY HYill NEW YORK STATE COPY \.