HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 295 '. ID7-g-1D I LI:2 Lfo( f 2q5 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACfS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTV FORM,8007 (" AunOlO: 1lllS ACiREHMEllT SHOULD BE PREPARED BY AN ATTORNEV ANI) REVIEWED BV ATTORNEYS FOR SELLER AND PURCIIASER. BH~'ORIIlIIOI\.'lICl. THIS INDENTURE. made the 30th day of June. Two TbousRnd Five. betwftll CHARLES CISERO AND VIOLj,TrA CISERO. midillll 11135 MAYFLOWER ROAD, MA lTITUCK. NY 11952 parly of the first pari. and KEVIN MCGUIRE AND MERCEDES J. MCGUIRE. AS HUSBAND AND WIFE. I ANCHORAGE WAY. APT. IIIO.FREEPORT,NY 11520 pliny of the second pari, WITNESSETH, that the parly of the first plIrI. in considcnuion ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the scc:ond part, does hereby panl and releue unto the party of tho: second part, the hem or successors and llSIIigo.. of the party of the second pari forever, ALL tbat certain plot, rieee or rlU'Cel ofland. wilh the buildings and improvements thereon erected. siluate, Iyinlland being in the SEE SCHEDULE A AnACHED (DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES) BEING AND INTENDED:ra BE the same premiles a conveyed by deed elaled 6/4187 and recorded. 7/22/87 in LibCf 10370 at pase.SO In lhe 01Tu:e of the CIerIl: of the Counly ofSutTolk ir" '. C' . .:::'".,.' '. . .-. ...... TOGETHER'with ill right, title and intercll. ifany, ofthe puny of the first part in and to any streellland roads abuning the above d_ribed pn.'mises 10 lhe center tines the=f, , TOGETHER with Ihe appurlenanellS and all the .:slate and righta oflhe party of the fil'lll pari in and 10 said premise:s, TO HA VB AND TO /lOLD the pl'l.'mises bcn:in granted UDlO the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and llSSilllll of the party of the second part forever. AND the pany oflhc first part. covenantatbat the party oflbe fil'Sl part has nOI done or sutTered anything whereby lhe said rremises have been encumbered in any way whatever. exccpl as aforesaid. AND the party oflhe firsl pari. in colllJlliance with Section 13 ufthe Lien Law.cD\'enanlti lhallhe party of the linl JlRrI will receive tbe consick:nllion for thil conveyance and will bolcllhc righllo receive sucb consideration as a trust fund to be UJlplied lint for the purpose of JlRYins the COSI of the improvemenlllnd will apply the same filSl to the paymenl of tbe cost of the improvemenl before using any part of the IOIRI of the SDnIe for any olher purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "JIlIrlics" whenever the sense of this indenture 110 requires. IN '~1TNESS WHEREOF. the party ofthe filSl pan has duly excculcd Ihis deed Ihe day and year fillit above wrilten. IN PRESENCE OF: duJtI ~ CHARLES CISERO i \h o.~ tuu;lr- VIOLETTA CISERO NYSDA _ _ _ '....OllIlGt.Oocl.CMlO) -1- (:...,....c._ft. n.......... ~ Commilment # PI'ff .()5-0207 SCHEDULE "A" RE: 315 Mayflower Road; Mllllituck, NY 11952 All that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, situate. lying and being at Mallituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State: of New Yark, boundc:d and dc:sc:ribed a.~ follows: BegiMing at an iron pipe on the westerly line of Mayflower Road, distant 300.00 feet north~...ly us measured along said westerly line from the northerly side of Brower Road, lillid point of begiMing being thtl northeasterly comer of land now or fonnerly of Deremer IInd from said point of beginning; Running tht.'IICe alllnllll8id land now or lormerly of Deremer. south 71 degrees 42 minutes 40 sec:onds west, a distance of 150.00 feet to an iron pipe and land now or formerly of Flatley: Thence: along said land now or formerly of Flatley and along land now or formerly of Klein, north II de:gn:es 17 minutes 20 scc:onds west, 100.00 feel; thence along land now or furmerly of Bekina, North 71 degrees 42 minutes 40 sc:c:onds c:ast, 150 fc:c:t to the: westerly line ofMaytlower Road; thc:nc:c along said westerly line of Mayflower Road, south II degn.'CS 17 minutes 20 ~'c:Onds ewlt, 100.00 fc:et tu the point of beginning. SIBIL: 1000-107.00-08.00-020.000 Acknowledgment by a Person Within New Yorlc Slate (RPL g 3l19-a) .r; ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) IS,; COUNTY OF SUFFOLK )... :: , ' On thc ~ 'day of June. 200S. before me, the undersigned. pcl'llOnally appelll!'ed CHARLES CISERO AND VIOLETTA CISERO, penonally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory cvidence \0 b.: the individual{s) whose name(s) is (are) subolc:ribed 10 the within instrUment and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacily(ics), and that by their signature(s) on the instrument" thc individual(.). or the person upon behalfofwhieh the individualCs) acted. executed the instrument. (~"'""__, MI'RlClA c. MOORI NlIlaIY NIIIlI.... ......-.- IuIraIIl CIIUnIY..... -,....~ 1... Gur"'llft-......... ,..~ 1o:''SBA _..I Reoll!stale Forms..II~' t9lOll) -~. Copyrilflr l'....,lI' IlcYdupmm, Mortgage Amt. I. BUlIie Tux 2. Additional Tax Sub TOllaI Spec. l Allit. or Spec. l Add. TOl: I\IITG. TAX Dual Town _ Duul County _ Held for Appointment~./ Tronsf~r Thx -I ~ _ Mansion Tax 1br pl'Openy eovllrtd by this mOlgage h or will be improwd by " ooe or twc family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. sc:c appropriate tax elallSC on plIgIllI of thiH jnstrUmenl. /' /, ~ 3/)~O:> .010.000 5 Communit PreserYlltion Fund -, '. . Number of JIII&lllI TORRENS Serial II Cenificate II Prior C1f. II Dcc:d . Mortgage Inslrollhll1t Deed I MoltJlUlle Tax Sramp FEES 3 Pug.: I Filing Fee ...........- 2- Handlinll 5, JIlL >" ......- TP-:'i84 Notation ", J1r EA-52J7 (County) Sub Towl , EA-5217 (Stalel R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. ..00.... Afnclavit Cenified Copy Reg. Copy Sub TOIllI /s/= Grand Towl Ott..r 4 DiML"! 1000 S~etion 107.00 Block .AU "0"2'00' 00 .-- 700 0800 Real . 050 - 524 1000 10 Propeny \ ~s Tax Service' P A RcwH Ag.mcy U Verification 6 SutisfllC\ionIDisdllllgcsIRelcasc List Propeny Owners Mailiog Addre15 RECORD &: RETURN TO: .~UIt\J~~ mI6U1{( :' 3.1$-txn~J\OIU.t.. ~d _ \'J\C\.~- \.ALr.. ,I\! \.{. IIq ~"'.J.... IlECORDEt> 2005 Il'l! 02 01105:37 PIl Edward P.RoIIIailllt CLERK OF :5UFFC1J( COltlTY L 000012401 P 295 DTI 05-00363 R.cc:ording I Filing Stumps CPF Thx Due Considc:l'lIIion Amount Vacant Laod TO IbOD TO TO 7 nile Com ny lDfonnatlon Co. Name POINT ABSTRACT TItle 1# PNT -05-0207 Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 8 SutTolk Coon This page fcmns pun of the llIIIIchc:d DEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) _ Tht premisis ho:rtin is situated in SUI-'FOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK.. In lhe Township of SOUTHOLD In tho: VILLAGE orHAMLETof MATTITUCK CHARLR.l;l CISERO AND VIOLETTA CISERO TO KEVIN MCGUIRE AND MERCEDES MCGUIRE RnXI'~'; TURn! J/1U II MII.'lT R" TVPF.n nR PRINTRn IN RI ArK tNK nNt Y PRlnR 'm RFrnRntNrl nR Fit .tlllr. 1111111111111 II ~III ~IIIIIHIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111 mil 1111 S'O'l'roLlC COtJJl'l'Y cr.lI!Dl( RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGB Type of In.trument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Page.. 4 Receipt BUaber . 05-0080147 TRAHSI'RR TAX ROKBBR: 05-00363 Recorded. At. 08/02/2005 01.05.37 PM LIBRR: PAGR: D00012401 295 Di.trict. 1000 Section. Blook. 107.00 08.00 .......XIHBD AIm CRA1lQm AS FOLLOWS $380,000.00 Lot. 020.000 Deed Amount. Received the Following Fee. For Above In.trument Bx8lllpt 110 110 110 110 110 110 Page/Filing COB BA-CTY TP-584 RPT Trall.fer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,520.00 lI->1dling ftS SRCRG BA-STATB Cert.Copie. SCTK ea-.Pre. Fe.. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,600.00 $6,272.00 Bx8lllpt 110 110 110 110 110 NO TRAHSFRR TAX HDKBBR. 05-00363 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF TBB IHSTRmIBNT TllJ:S IS HOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County I L/. 7,38,3,<1 I C2. IIato DMci Rill - I 55', C 10 61 -. r..- r- C3._I/~.l.{,o, 11C4.""leq,{~ PROPEIIlY INFORMATION Cl.__ ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSfER REPORT lIT"" OF _ YGIIIl lIT"lE IlIMlI OF IlEAl. ........... IEIlVICEI RP - 5217 "".11' .. .., "=:::I 31S Mayflower Road II......... .I....~ Mattituclt CII'\' .. ..... .IMIt' \1W J.~ - MCGUIRE LAIIT_'~ MUN '. MCGUIRE LMY..../~, IlERCEDES ..., -- I. T_ .................. Ta....... ... 1 _ -____111_01_. - 1AI1'....,~ ....- 'I"'I~""P"'''' gl"-~ . IIAII ZlPCOOI .. ................. " . ., ......... ~....A~..4.. '1M.... L =:..., I - .AfI r_.rtrr pi -. . 1OnIr._0I..__......,""'" .....................,,~.utM.\AulllarllyEllilll 0 ... .lIdl ........... _.......... T..... 0 c._......-.....u_._...._ 0 11 '01_ 011 0 _01....... ..- - CISRRO UIlP....,~ CllARLBS J .-.- 11. FuI .... Nee CISBRO --==- VIOLBTTA UlIIT_, _~ 7. CIIecl.... .... ... ........ ....... .....r......................,..... II.- ", __ a.Il... __ ...... .....1fIIIIF .. Ownonhip T,..._m "__...V_Land 'lit. PIrDpMy L..a wtIhIn.. Apilu...... 0IIIricI: -..,.--.---.. ......._.~....-..- '1. CIIIIII_....... _ 1 - . . .........-...IIr: ---..-- -__~.._inluol_ _0I...~._._ ...,.,...... iI 00 JISIM_d'" Of' Lending InICIIudon Dood1Woo___..........IfId_~_ _al_..Lo._Foo_llIjIocIIy_, -.- Chongo In '-" __ .......nd_lloIao _al...._._ in _..... um.uoI F_-.. 101o.....1lIjIocIIy_ - E~ AgnauIluIoI ~ CommU""_ F _ J_ G _ PuIIIIo_ "_'Am_L _ o o o o A~__;Iy_ B Z .. 3 PomIIr _Odol C r" l"J'v..ntLancl D NoR - .. "I' v.... Und I SALE INf0llMA11ON I "..... c........ 105 - , 20 , .... 05 I ,. ,z. Dele of..' Tre.... 1 06 - , 30 , 05-1 IlIr v. 38000 0 . . . . . , ,0,0 I , , . IFuP_I'rico.....__....""...._~.....noI_. ThII__...lnlllolowmol-.__............. .' 01 __.._obI__, __"'Il1o____ '''-'''-'''- I 0 0 0 I --.....- i i' ~ . I.~NT INFORMATION ~ 0.. Ihould rwfIecIlhe IMIt FI..I'&1I I iatm Roll Md T.. BIll ''':::'''''~. d .'=-104.0511J.T__V...IoI._.._' , , .4 ,3 0.0 ,..-.a.. 12,1. Ol-LJ ,..___1 Mattitcult-CutchORUe .. Ta .....1dInIIIIItCIrI1 Hal T J un W II.... ..... .... ...... .... ..... .......... ~I . 1000-107.00-08.00-020.000 1 I CERTIFICATION ~ _ I arW)'''' III.,... -.,- -..... II1II.................... c...... ... "'" k_..... ....1doII... I' . .... doo -... ",..,___"'_1iIct ............,......doo __.' ~-rllIlI_'" _......................,___ ,1i:fr'fC{:'~:0,,;bJ ~.uv 1 J.. I Anchor.._ Way. Apt. 1110 .ncrr...-. 11IlIIT..w....UtI'l IUYE.... An'OIIIIEY HECHT CRAIG ""- -- (631) -- 744-8300 -..... ...n 11520 ...- r Freeport ""'..- BY HJ.I.II! ~.~.~ ......- CIWlLE J. CISEBO .... NEW YORK STATE COPY .J