HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 152 . v .' L- 11.3'67 frB) 11(0 -)-23 - . ~ 375'1/ ~. f~, eoo; (9199) -ZOM-lIorpin A~ SaIe'Deed, wilb CoveIIInII apinII Onouar' 1 AClI-lDdividllll CorponIioL(Iia&Ie"') I " NWIIR T WIt,. UWYIIA .~"JUnKIa:n"I"N"INlrr8ll11lRNT..THISL"""'UM"''VI'.1ItV:11 D _lIaRD W.....wvu.1W1 Y THIS INDENTIJRE, made die LI"" day of May 2005 BETWEEN NICHOlAS MlNUCClIIId RACHEL MlNUCCI. rnidiDa 11384 Slewul A_, Gardea aI)', New York 11530 IIId pony oflbe fIJSI pur ,&Dd ~ SYDNEY DUFTON UI IDCI DEBORAHI- DUFTON, raidi"ll1l707 Share Bach Road, NiIIequop, New York 11780 S 1111,00 ~ OJ-.rJJ /..-O~,oO pony oflbe second pari. WITNIlSSKTH, IhoIthe plltyofthe linl pari. illC0111idenlioa of.a doIIan IIId Olber\'lluable c:onaidaatioD paid by Ibe pony of the aecODd pari. does hereby pulllld le~ 1IIIlO the party ofll1ll aecond pan, Ibe beIa or Ill_andllllipaoflbc party oflhe__pIIlf_. ALL IhaI CCftIIin plot, piece or parcel oflluod. with the buiJdinp IIId impcoVemenIIlbcreon cm:1ed, 11_, lyiDa IIId beina ill the SEE ATTACHED "SCIIEDULI! A" lliE IIIIlIlOn herein lie \he IIIIIIC pmons who a&:quired title by daed oeconIcd ill Libcr 10078 P1ae II II. TOGJmII!ll wiIh all riabI. tItJe IIId inIemt, Ifany, oflbc pony of the lint pan, i11111d 10 DY _1IId IlIIda abulIlDa Ibe above-dncribcd pmnisn 10 Ibe teIIIeI' IiIIa Ibmof; TOOI!THER with lI1Il appurlClllnCCllIId alllbe _1IIId rqp. of Ihe pony of Ibe t1nl pill i111l11d 10 IIld pnmlaes: TO IIA VE Am> TO HOLD !be pn:miaes herein araIIIed 1IIIlO Ibe pony of the second pari, the beill or IUCCeIIIlI1I11d uaipa ofll1ll pony of \he secOlld purliJrm:r. AND _ pur ofthc fint pur c_lbat!be pury of_ fUll pill baa IIIll doae or aulfeoed laythina whel4b. aaid pn:miIcs have beea....1IIDbeoed in Illy way wbaIevcr, exceplu aforeaaid. AND _ pony of the linl pari. ia compliance ..ith Seclkm 14 oflhe Lien Law, _ lbatthe pIIly u( the lint pill will oecei"" \he ~nlioa for Ibis CCIII'~ IIId will bold \he riahllO oeceive IKb COlIIidentioD IS I_ fiuId 10 be applied t1nl1ilr _ JIlIIPI* of payiaa the COIl of the q,o'_ IIId .01 apply Ibe .... IInr 10 _ JIIYIIl'o'" of _ COIl of the iqmIvemeIIl belllle uaiac anypllt oflhe lOlIl oflhe 111111! for anyOlbcr puIJIOIC. Tho: ..VRI''\lInY''1baII be COIIIlnIed u ifit tad "paI1ies" ~N Ibc _ ofdlis llIdeDlwe 10 requinoa. IN WITNESS WHEREOf'. the party of the fUll part I1is dulyexeculld thil deed the day IUd year filii above wrian. IN PRESENCE OF: :% ~~ 1)2.11(\'15 ~ ANJ;tj,s Itlf " . ." ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ot land with the bUildings ancllmplOYements . thereon erected. situate. lying and being in the at Cutchogue in the Town of s.--t4. H ._ County of Suffolk and StBte of New York. being bounded and described as follows: . '.' , .. BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the norIherIyslde of New Suffolk Avenue with the easterly side of Meadow Lane; RUNNING THENCE north 13 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds east along the easterly side of Meadow Lane 190.00 feet to a point and land now or fonnerly of Ernest Case; THENCE south 76 degrees 58 minutes 20 saconds east along the last mentioned land 945.00 feet to a point and the ordinary high water ~rk of West Creek: THENCE In a genaralsoutherly, westerly and easterly dlrectlon along the ordinary high water mark of West Creek the following 88V8n (7) tie line COUI'lllll and distances: (1). south 05 degrees 56 minutes 50 seconds east 216.10 feet; (2). south 61 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds west 173.78 feat; (3). south 38 degrees 14 minutes 10 saconds west 78.35 feat; (4). south 01 degrees 17m1nutes 35 seconds west 128.54 feet; (5). south 25 degrees 18 minutes 50 seconds east 95.91 feet: (6). south 71 degrees 39 minutes 15 seconds east 101.44 feet: (7). north 87 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds &est 244.28 feet: to a point on the northerly side of New Suffolk Avenue which said point 18 at the southerly end of a tie line drawn from the ...dIeme easterly end of the r10ItherIy boundary line oftha preml8ell described heraln. and bears south 18 degrees 30 minutes 20 seconds east having a length of 629.22 feat; THENCE the following nine (9) courses and distances along the nOrtherly side of New Suffolk Avenue; (1). south 86 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds west 245.00 feet to a point; (2). north 82 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds west 289.06 feet to a point; (3). north 68 degraes 39 minutes 00 seconds west 110.35 feet to a point; (4). north 43 degleea 03 minutes 20 seconds west 105.78 feet to a point; (5). north 22 degrees 58 minutes 00 seconds west 333.43 feet to a point; (6). north 40 degrees 26 minutes 30 MCOndS west 70.98 feat to a point; (7). north.63 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds west 110.65 feet to a point; (8). north 69 degrees 15 minutes 10 seconds west 199.90 teet to a point; (9). north 76 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds west 15.96 feet to the easterly side of Meadow Lane and point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a free and unobstructed UM in convnon with other ownars of a Right of Way for passage with foot over a certain PrIvate Road and two (2) rods In width running from New Suffolk Avenue In a southerly dlraction to Peconic Bay, Said Right of Way being. bounded on the North by New Suffolk Avenue; on the east by land now or formerly of Beverly KIng; on the south of Peconlc Bay and on the west by land now or formarly of the Estate of George H. Case, decealled. 5~-A , " . . .. '\ ., . m HI! USED O~L y WilEN 11111: A~~OWI *~MD.T IS ""'DK IN NIIW YORK STATE SDkolN..Vn,Ceul)'oI.lI'.... .. '0. lIItllt, 01 ,eC+r...be .,.r4IJ ct' Wwe ... lilt U~...,..,( ..... .---'If ..~~,Qa~~., _w.c.y........ .. be lIItllMllvlduel(.)...... ......) II (1ft) l' I, d .. lilt wIIIdIl-.....l.... ....MI'IJ..... .. _ ....1IIIIIIoItIo1)' ..........._1. lIIIIIIorM*npodIJ(III),_1IIot .,~ .. 17-.(.) _ _.......... lIItlodlYldul(l), .. lilt .... ..... .... 01....... lIItlDdlYldal(.)....... n........ ..........-. -&~-:- IIA11A~Jll-'I'ol1I NaWy~ ,.- ~=ElIPI*"~ 'or 5101..(111... Vorlr, CGuI1 of a: 00 lilt 11I7 01 II"'.,... ............ PII ""If ........ befen... ... .... \If....... - or......... _ _ !be...... 01 ........, .......--- .. be lIItIlllt:H--l(II)...... "-<0) II (lre)..., r r ......!be wllllll ~......- .......... .. _!bel......... _lid !be.... ............ -or '11(110), _11IoI" _11_ .......1'1(.)_11Io 1uI...... !be....... '(I). or lilt po.- .........,01 n~lIIt~)"""'a__"'~ (5........ IIId oIIIce or individuoI ....... 1duIow..........) TO BE USED ONLY WHI:N TII": "~NOWI.I:DGMIINT IS .'''01: Ours,DE NEW YORK STAn: OaIH .. ... .,... 51111 (01' DIIIrtcI oIc.hIlIIIIII, TtntIOI)'. or FOI'IIp C_II)')" IIIt'en _ ... --............... 1Wl' -I~r........ 11I701 .. pe-u, ..... .. - or......... .. - _IH ...... .,.......--., ......... be !be1DdlYklal(i) w.... ....) II (.n) -' .I_...............~...--..~ .,.._IIIII........,'IIIUI'...._..~ CfI*IIIr(IIo"... ...., IIIIIIbertIIIoI ~ _ !be w. .. lilt....... '(1), or tile .... .... bIlIIIf., wIIIoIt lilt ......~-l(.I...... ....... tile ~ lid tal 1IICII1IIlII>'IdItII..... ucII ........-elotlln!be u............. lilt ill (iaIon tho Cil)' ow oIhcr politicollllbdlYilloa) (1IIId illlCtl lb. S- ow County or IIIe other pi... die oeIaIow......' _liken) BARCIN AND SALE DEED 'I1I11No. ~eA - 3~s<;1 NICHOLAS MlNUCCI AND RACHEL MlNUCCI TO SYDNEY DUFTON, m ItId DI!IlORAH K, DUPTON IlElIF.RVE TOil SPACE FOR USIl or KECOtIDIHG OFFICE (-..-.... oIllee ofilldividualllld.. ...._....._d) DISTIUcr: 1000 SECI10N 116.00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 023.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SuIIllIlrIBnIoI S11tE6T ADORESS 210 Hotbnlot Rd. LIke R-"-........ NY E'I1JRN BY MAIL TO: DenaiI DeAnerlil 1011l1'L SIlonp Road. SIe. 103 Nanhpoct, New YlIIk 11768 'I ".i-,..' -..., J I RECORDED . .2OOl5.1l.1f,j 1301132:39 PH EcIIIIrd' P.RoIIaine CI..ERK OF SUFFllI.K COl.Im' . L 1)QOO12387 P 1:52' DT' Q.4-40742 .... III..... TOR JUN. SIIIII' c.c~, . l'WarQU Dr:-I"'.r~ v" .1 .lJl!ld/.......... ..... , JIBBI . . p - "......... 4 ~Fbt,.. . 'l'P-J14 - 71\ ........ AIaL' L IIIIIIl ni: 2......,... ITa . tIuII T.... - ........;..:... - - IfaIIIJ. IIA..52 17 (CaalllJJ IlA-DI7 (BIUIJ JUI.T.I.A. c... arid. . , AIIIdmI CIICI/Ipd Copy JUs. Copy: - -. _ Iub'nal ,11.1 . 5WL- lI&KIAIIIL Or .....,Md. '. TOT.HIQ. TAX o.J.... '. ........ ,\I I r - LeI . eo.,.Jd..alan CPII'r.x DuD 'DIIII c.., I ~t'.t'.l.~ Ta " . JII. ~ -- III ............ II.. .. '. II,. "'III' llro lUlU) NO . .. . fa..... . , . 6 Fund -..: 011I11' - MTaIII 0KAND1OTAL ~~ .~ - f v......... ...... n.r. ..... .]] Sllll&ci1anllD"'J J-q!' .... n.rPiiiiiiitYOIiiiiii~' . . UCORD.. RJ:1'UM 101 . .. ....... -a ...... llfJ1 'I 1/), ~'~~/, & 7' IS- s+~,"ro~ u.,Cl..t s..i f-a..u.lu.t, JJ'I 1/9:33 . TD. m. m . 11... COlli Illro.....iIo. s.Y~IU~ I"" ~ I::,O>'VI JJ. . TO · ~V) D.<..i..~ n 171 Co. M.., 11de I. Rccar' & f),u& . . . " (l!I......... fnPB~.IN!I'IRIJt.IM') , . , 1ba~-"'''t(".... -" Ia SlJlIR1IC.ax.NlY, NBwYaUC. Ia 9- TOl1IIIIUp ~ ~A'; I Cl . Ia Ibo 'YILI.AaB or~<<: .~~M~ eI11P.nt ~ Suffolk .coon . nu JIIie baprt af'!I- ~J-I ......1Iy: I .N ,'cA,'1'l1 o....Jl <fA,' flJA,. t' ~ IlAct..D.I AI " ti..t..t /' ..ID; . , r . IJClXRC; ~nmJrQ""'UIT'RIl~nn 1II1n.~""...... ~"""'",r,... ..___ _ '!"'______ __ __.._ 1II1IIIII1III1 1IIIII1II SUl'FOLIt COOII'J.'!' CT.'II!-Jt :ucoaJ)8 01'1'1(3 RBCORDD(G I'AGII 'l'ype of XIUIt~tl n....../I)Dn ...-..r of Page. 1 6 a.ee1pt .u.ber 1 05-00518'8 'J'RDS1'BIt 'l'AX IlUllBBRI 040-400742 a.e0zde41 Atl 05/13/2005 01132131 I'll LXBDI 1IAG111 D00012387 152 ni.triatl 1000 Ilec:tiolU 116.00 Blookl 02.00 Lot 1 023.000 :Deed Amalmt 1 w"lt-1rnIIR\ AlII) 1"11'''l1l.I_''' AI ft)LLOWS $"0.000.00 a.eeive4 the ~llowiDg I'ee. ~ ~ XIUIt~t IlF ~ t ~...~t. Page/l'ilillg COB &A-cn 'fP-586 IlP'I' orraD8fer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $2.560.00 110 110 110 110 110 110 _.wut1i11Q' $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.300.00 $16.102.00 110 110 110 110 110 110 ftS ncJIG &A-SorAD Cert . CClSIie. 8C'l'II C-.Pre. 1'_. Paid TRAII8I'D orB ........1 06-60762 '1'11%8 PAGB :1:8 A PAR., OJI IJID DI8~ft"-~-"" '1"JIJ:S %S 110'1' A B::ELL ~ P..---~~. Colmt:y Cleft. 8\lffolk Colmty I 'I. 1. 3; g, i. 1t' " cz._Deedl" 6<1 I ~ d.!J ,6~1 -- - .,.., ca._ I J .4,.3.t,.11f:A.P_d ,.5,~ PROPERTY _lION 1."-"1 ,a'5S'.s-1 ~\ n.Fi.-L- ......... ..-.- ~ I~~\d L ..,.. I T"\ '\C~..... No_~ C1.1W18 eo. U1. 1- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT n&nOl'__ n&._OI'__.._ RP - 5217 . JIIIoIIIJllwllW ~~JIV..Q.~ - I\~ I . ~~ 1ili..D:::.hM1 h k I ..........., III" -- .- ----..-..- ~ -:~ ..... _____111_"_ .. -~~J1.I~~A .L~~~~~LJ' (~I'~VO: u 0 llIoIw.-".___Ihor_ . , ",...... 011 IWt at. ParsII 011. .......1DIrd.... .. ~~. .. AuIIIarIIr E.- 0 ~."~--- 0 ._.g:~ c.Po.Jl+-_........._........_ 0, .. ....... die......, . ... I 1IIII,...~_....~..4_.... :~.:~J - _I" 1...1 I.MT'-I~" ...- 11.....__ -..----- a 0wnItINp Tw. II, c.._~"'..... =~ :":';:1 : ~ =- ':::"'co:=..:::-.=._ o _ K -- -Iuwor-.__-'" H __,_ L _ ...._."'........._ ..... ... --.. - -~ -.............. A ___..__ I ___~..-I.__ C 00001....,..._._ D Iuww....... 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