HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12392 P 103 II !J- ;,12- r 10> DIST. 1000 SEC. 137.00 BU. 02.00 LOT 019.005 I~ 7~.~.- je/. s- ... r.."'P RfVJ.! ,"")1'1 - Jot.1 - ttarJllin ....5I1e r'lald. \lo,.It.o.\WlllllUlapI" (.......... Acb-lftlliYidlud... OIlf'CWllinn. ,".. Well ~ UU' YOUR u.......... ..~_......... _ T.... -'l1li8""""" .......... _ n IAWYI.. 0IIL1'. THIS INPF.NTURE. IIIIIde rhe 2S'" day nt May 200S RF.T\VIo:EN t... SALV A TOR~ ~RBVOLA as surviving tenant by the entirety 60 Knollwood Beach Road Huntington. New York 11743 and ""ny nr lhe r."" ""n. and THOMAS SHINE and LINDA SHINE, his wife 118 Nusau Boulevard Garden City, New York II S30 ""ny nf.he ....c1l"d ""n. WITNF.'iSt:TH,.hol.hc ,,"ny "flh. r.",. I",n. in "....i...l1Ilinn ,If..n dnIla", nnd ,~..., valunhle ."n.ide'ut;n" ""id "y I'" ",,"y nf 'h. ....,,"d ""n. dI..... he""'>' 8nllll and ",I.a"" mllo the ""ny or .h. .....""'1 ""n. the "'i", ,.. .,............... o"d a..il:n. nf.h."any ,.flhc "''CO'''' JIlIn f."""",. . ALL Ihat ..nain "k~. "~,,, ""n:cInf land. wilh lbe bUildi"", and lmpnl\'emen..t..."...... C/'CC1td. .illla... Iyillll alld heing in the Town ofSouthold. County ofSulTolk and SI81e of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the nor1hc:asterlysidoofPequash Avenue (Fleet's Neck Road) distant 347.1 S feet northwesterly fivm the comer formed by the inllraClCtion of the northwea\erly side of Stillwster Avenue and \he northeasterly side ofPequuh Avenue (Fleet's Neck Road): . RUNNING THENCE a10nathe northcaa\erlyaideofPequaab Avenue (Fleet's Neck Road) North SO degrcca 16 minutes 30 seconds West, 78.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE Nonb 44 degrees 19 minu\cl SO acconds East, 237.11 feel; RUNNING THENCE South SO deareea 16 minutes 30 seconds East. 78.00 feet: RUNNING THENCE South 44 degrees 19 minutes SOacconds West, 237.11 feel to \he point or plaee of BEGINNING. Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the grantor by deed dated SI24I01 and ,I recorded 6/4101 in Liber 12121 pap 903. TClGETIIER wilh aU ,iMh'. lill~ and inlAltC... if any. nf th. "uny of .h. fi... pan. in IInd ,.. u.y 01...,.,. and ,nu.l. abullinl! ,''' .hc.....dOllC!'ihtd """mi..,..o Ih. C.III.. Ii... lhe....f: 1llGETIIHR wilh rhe .""IIr1.na".......II"d .lIlh., csla.e alld ,i~hl' or ,he ".ny..r '!le fil'lll plIn in ,md I" ..id "remillel: TO HAVIi ANDTO 1101..1) .he "n.mi..... he..in granlC\lullln the pari,! "fl"" 5"""'114.1 ran,lhe h.'in. I" 1'1I"'-':CII.I&nn; an,. DQilnl'..r Ih~' f'Dny nr the sc.."f'tnd r11n rnreVL", coW!'n.i~I~" E)") -r.:2 ~;::.1""'-!" ~J' seD'" AND II", (1Il" nf.he fi"'t"ark;l~ill~.ih.it'l~.p.;~y:i.'r.h. finu ""n h.. .", done ..,..n".red allylhi.~ wherehy ,h., ....id "..mi..... haye h..n 'i.'!lY,"~ i~ ~"f...itY;~!\9'I\\Y.(.a."(lI.' afo.....id. AND Ih. """y of .he r.... plIr1. id'~~\\i~iia'ii'j~ ~i1" S<!crio. 13 (If.he Lien Law. ."v.nanl..hallh. parlY or lhe fint purr will rc,,'civu the cnn",idc:nllinn fur .hill C'nnvrynnL"C' and will hold the riShl In receive ,"uch cn..,;idCf.. ..i..n a. a 1'.0' flllld ." h. """Ii.... fin" f.., .h. "IIrPO". "f puyinl! .he cn.. of rhe hn",o,oeme.' :11111 will a""I)' the same nr!lol hllhe pUYlM'nl or the cnSI nr the imprn\'~nu:nl hefun: using Dny ('-1.rl nf Ihe h11ulur Ihl:' "'lime ,." any nther purpn:tloC'. The wonl -"uny" .hall ... ."n.rrlled M if il read "",,'"CO" whenc IN WITNFA~S Wllt:Rt:OI': .he """y of rhe Ii... "un hM duly \\'nUtll. (If Ihi,. indcnlurc ten I'ClllliN$. and year lirs. uhm,'\. IN rKB.~I!"'(.'" Ufo-: Actmv..l~dgUMlIlI flllaln In New York StllfII slefllolNew~.CountyOI5vf+ "'l\L On IIle 25th dlIy 01 May , In thtt yee' 2005. b8IorII me. the undttralgn8d. IMIIBone11y epp8llred SALVATORE PREVOLA perlOnlllly known to me or proved 10 me on Ihe bael. 01 HIIlIIlIcIoo Y evldellce 10 b8 lIIlI lnclMcluel(.) whose n_(.) Is (e"'l .bbectlbed to lIIlI within Ill8lrulll8lll end 8da4~'!:Ill8d to me Ihel h8l.httIlhllY _uled.he .ame In hlslherlthttlr capec"Ylle.,. and thaI by h,lIIherlthelr.t alure(.) on Ihtt InStrument, the 1ndIwkIuaI(1) or lhe behd 01 which IhD . lICled. lJIlIICUlecIlhe w I!lAIII! IIIlM'f PUIuc.ITATE OF NO.01WHI01124 lllI'...~~,.8AU ACIln." ~11I11llld by 8ubu 1bI"l1 wn.._ tIIIaIn In New York StlIIe SllIle 01 New 'lbrk, County 01 ACIlnawled""merd l8IaIn In New York StlIIe . II: S'alo 01 New 'Ibrk. Counly 01 . ..: On Ihe' dlIy 01 . In Ihtt yeer Ihe undeIBIgned, P8'IOnally eppeared . befo", me, per.onally known to me or pro....d 10 me on tha ba.l. 01 IIItlslllclory lMdenco 10 be Ihtt IndMclual(.) whose neme(.) Ie Ie",) subecrlbecl to the wilhin Instrument and ecknowledged to me thet he/.helthey e.oculed the ..me In hlslherlthelr ClIplIClty(I8s). end thel by hislhe,Ilhttlr .lgnalure(I' on 'ho InSlrument, lIIlIlncllvldual(.) or the IMIIlIOII upon beha. 01 whiCh the ~at(.1 ac:tad. IIllIICIII8d !he Instrument. ACIl._""",,",,_,1 tIIIaIn oul8lde New York S_ . s.: . Slelll 01 . COllnty 01 , II: . (/If I_I OIsIrlcI 01 Columbie, Territory. Pos....ion or Foreign Country) On the dlIy 01 . In !he year Ihe undeIBlgned, plllBonal1y appured the lubllcrlling ...,.. to Ihtt ""egolllg Instrument, with whom I em poI'IIOIIlIl1y ecquaInllld. who being by me duly eworn. dkI depoee end sey. IheI heI8heI\hey IlIlIkIe(slln o. befOte me, IheIIWs/lsIlIIey kncM(.) to be Ih8 indhIIdI.8l ~ In lInd who lJIlIICUlecIlhe loregoO '9 instrument: IhII said subscribing witness WIll ~ and_said ..ecute lhe ..me: and thai ..Id wiln... al the ..me lime .ubIIcrIbed hlslher/lhelr rMtme(.) as a .........lherelO. lltle No.: 8-9543 SALVATORE PREVOLA aa aurvlvlnl tenant by the entirety TO THOMAS SRIN! and LINDA SRlNE, hi. wife ". '- Distributed by CIiCllgo ntle IlllIurance Company On the day 01 . In Ihtt year the undeIBigned. pelBOnally appeared . before me, personally known 10 me or proved to me on Ihe ba.l. of salls!llclory lMdence to be Ihe Indnlldual(.) whose neme(.) Is (enl) subIcItbecI to lIIlI wilhln InslrUlll8lll and acknowledged to ma thai he/shalthey ell8Culed the ume In hilllherllheir capacity(lel'. thaI by hi.lherlthelr Ilgnlture(.) on the Inllrumant, the Indvldual(e, or the pIIIBon upon behell 01 which the IndIvtdual(e) eclld, lJIlIICUlecIlhe Inslrumanl, end thaI .uch IndIvIdu8I made IIUCIl appuIBnoe bsIore Ihe underslg~ In the (llCld lhe CIIy or poIIlIaIllUbclMIlon and !he .latlI or country or oIhe, piece the ecknowlldgemenl wee lekenl. SECTION BLOCK LOT 137.00 02.00 019.005 COUNTYORTOWN Suffolk County IlET1IIIN IIV MAIL '10: John Raymond Hibner, Esq. Car.ey & Hibner. P.C. 230 Hilton Avenue, Suite 201 Hempateed, Nev York ZIp No. 11550-8116 I I ~ ~ ~ i ! .1- ~ .- '" RmRlED 2OO:l Jl.n 13 02: 52111 "" Edward P.RoMi,.,. CLERIC IF SlIFFU.K COlIITY L DOO:lI2392 P 103 1>11 04-+IS62 . Number 01 JlIIFS TORRENS 3 Serial II CcrtirlC8lC 1# Prior elf. 1/ Deed I Munpp IlIIlrUment 3 Deed / Mort&DF Tu Stamp FIlES ReconIinl/ FilitJa SlIImps Paac I Filinl Fee Handlina TP-.584 .5. ...Q!L 1J Monaaac Amt. I. Basic: Tax 2: Additionul Tax Sub Tolal Spcc:JAIIit. Notation or EA-.52 17 (Cuunt~) EA..5217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.},. Comm. of Ed. Sub 1bIaI Certilied Copy NYS Sun:haIJc _ . Other 1.5. ...Q!L Sub 1000 O1'lllll1blal~ ~ Spcc:./AdAi TOT. MTO. TAX Dual1Qwn _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer ~ _ MlIIII' Tax pmpcrty coyen:d by lhillllOltJllle is will be improved by a one or two family dwcJlina only. YES or NO NO. see appropriaIe tu dausc 01\ . Of~ . I. ty .5. 00 ~-' Affidav;1 Real Ptopcny Tu Service Aji:nc:y VerifiClllion Block 0 2.. Lot \ q ,5 Conaidera CPF Tax Due s , Satilrlll:liotu/Dilc:h;qaIRelealcs LIst Propeny Ownen MaIling AcIdreu RECORD A RETURN TO: TO I 0 IN 'CJ 0 h f'l \-h b f)cg. ( [~ : -y-- ';<30 \1,'~\) ~\JC, r- b a. { A6 f\ (A.!tj II. '1 \ \53t1 SutTolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This JIlI&C fonns JllUI of tIx: a1la1:hed .0 -e e.. ~ IIIlIdc by: I ~ ^ 1_ C (SPECIFY"TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Sa.)~(e. ~ ~O)<A The pmnilCS benlin iuilWllcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. -rhnri~'::> . . ~ J n '. 18 the Towasbip of c.c.;t C ~ ~ ::~:EcSovt~\d BOXES 61l1RU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINO OR F1UNO. Improved v.aw Land A::pmoo ~0;;D8 '1(8t:) A::a1lllO:) ... t--... p.z'WApII OO.'IS'Lt P'PtI .~ OR OO.OOI.'U .e.:I4[.-.J 011 OO.O'JI.'t' xr.a .ze;_.z.r. OR 00.0' IUo:)8 OR OO.OE' oW1I OR 00.0' .e'fdoo.:a.ze:) OR OO.S' 'J8S-U, OR OO.SI.' UYM-ft OR OO.U .L1i:)-ft OR OO.St' fB)d sa OR OO.U IICX) OR OO.U .ltlztLr--_ OR 00." JSafn.l/dIIt1 :aJ ~ :aJ I" :a-...z:a-z -~-qy .zo,I .~ JSafaotto.l eq:a peA'Jeoq '1'1:1:. Y ol.OR 8% 8%JU. .'I'"'--......sm: lII&Io .10 ili1n'tI Y 8% I:fJYtI S%&'5 r:lIS'J'J-'JO I............ ~ ....SRlrJ. OO.OOO'SE'J' l:a~ peea SOO..tO 1 :aOOJ: EOl I BY4 ~6Enoooa 1Da&,".I. IUIO'1'JQI n ~.\t;... CI1I'I' ..,..-.-...... OO.EO IJI-t. OO.I.Et 11IOJ:aaes OOOt I:aD'J.z:a.'Ja .. tt1r:SIEO l:ay SOOE/Et/IO IpepoZODeW nsn-,o ID8IIft'. D.1i lI&I8JIVK.1i r:tI.ElIOO-SO 1 --. .. :acIJeDQ E I""'. ;0 _. _ aaa/su-... 1 :a~-z ;0 ecU,r, BY4 GRICI1IOo:n E)I.uo SCJIIO;)D m.iia-'w ~-.,~O 3IrIO.I..na 11111111 IfllllllllUlI1 . PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpil_.orpll.lt8te.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNry l/SE.OI\ILY C1.__ 1'-/, ,.3. g, g, '11 ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT cz.__p .t.d . .t, , I ~,G.$'j ~ u.r .,.., ca. _k 1 ", ci1..3 f..:? 1 C4. ,.... L I. f9. .:5- PROPERtY INFORMATION "=1 ~c;l..ii I ~~.......""' ~'Ir.....""~u,"- z.= ~~j }.~~Q 11 ITAlI 01'__ ITAlI_OI'__..__ RP - 5217 u.DI7.... JII1I ~"L."~L - \}~ ~_...... \...'c-.~ 0.. ~~ I..... ___Tu.........._ _ _____.._"'_1 - I __._....mwa,.... 10M' ..../~ ~. .-... CrrYGII.... I I ...111 JlII'CIIIIlI L=:-, - NGNI'NlIif Ixl -- IIlIII '/ad . 1OoIv.-"'._____ tA.1lIInrMg ....... 11111111II1II01. AuIlarky E.- 0 .Co........Van___-.....IorTr.... 0 c.,..___..----..............PnMIIId 0 I ,of_ IlII D -"'._ .. ...... 1M ....... r ......... ..........4........ L_ -- ~... ~...\"..c II! um'''''~ _.. .......... "~OnoF__ B 2D1"3FamUy-" IlIIad C 1IooI__~ D Nan....- t.IiIIv..nr..... I SAI.E INFOIIMATION I ..._-- F.~Atl_1 .. eo.._.... o ..... H EnIMd:I ..1..1lI1 &-. 11--._ I ~ Cammunly_ J _ K __ I. F_ -..----- .. 0wIwINp TWII II Co ..lL ...ium "__.._Und .. -., --.............-.. -...-._-~ .,...............In..,.. ....-lI1IIIrIa o o o o J. CMcIr. the .... ............ __ -- -Mt.......... _ .............- ........... aI .... ,z._.._,_ I 4 ,~ ,O'S: I ..... T.- 15 ,Z),dr ... a.r v.... 1LCIIIIII___"_ -. _.............-...: ___ar__ ___~.._In_ _ ofllla ........... _ ...... or....... II GI .h.......",."., or 1..andIng........... 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