HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 340 L- \)..)1' f 3yIJ ~';-' ~ ~ Dist. 1000 Sec, 107.00 B1k. 09.00 Lot 018.000 I' I o7-Q-( ?". Forni 1'002 (QJ9IJI) . ~M _ Sorpin and Sale DeN. whb CowelUllM" apirbol. CirllllOl"l Ac1A-lndividu1 or CurpunWod. (.in,1e *eI) _LT_I.AllTD----I... .IP'T-_"" _.laUUl"UUDn~_T. February and THIS INDENTURE. made Ih. 11th day"f BETWEEN OOR01'IIY. E. BOODIN, residing at CloveE' Place, P.O. Box 476, Aquebogue, NY 11931 2005 pany of lhe lilSl pan. und ....1.- ~~ Milo' JO ELLla:r1"and AMY" ELLlare his wife, residing at 1067 New ark, NY 10128 park Avenue - Apt. Ie, .. pony oft"" s<cond pan. WITNF.8SETH. rhallhe party ..f Ihc 1i...1 pan. in c:un.siderolian or len dIlllars and oIh<r valuable c:onsidtrarion paid by Ihe pany of lhe lI<<Ond pan. dot. IIcreby granl and release unto the pany of the second pan. lhe hein lII' sucecss<n and ...igns of !he pany of !he ....ond pan f""""'r. ALl. lhal cerlllin I'lL'll. pi,,,,. "r 1'""",1 "f land. with the buildings and impro".m<nl< thereon ereacd. siluate. lying and hoing in lhe SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED IIEllETO TOGF.TIIEH wilh all righl. lille .nLl illl''''<I. if .ny. of Ih. pany of Ih. fi"'l purl. in and 10 any .Ireel. and r...id. .bulling lhe ahc,.e-de""ribed premi... 10 Ih. ,-rnt.. lin.. Ihereof: TOGETIIER wilh the appun.n.nc.:. anLl all the e.tat. and righl. "I' Ih. pany of Ihe lirsl p.n in and 10 .aid premi...", TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe premi.... heNin gr~nled unlO the pilrty ()~ s~on'" ran. lhe heir!\. or SUCceSM1rs am.I BS!Ioi(!.ns of the J'ilny Df the AeconcJ pan (nrever. ',":' , I.... . . ,', ANI> Ih. pony III' Ihe'fi"n..:piin <o".n.nl' 11I'llhe pany "f Ihe first pari ha. nlll dnne or .ulTered .nything wh.reby the ~ic.l PrCnif~;,/huYe heeD encumbered in ilny way whatcyer. c,u:cpt a" UfUfC'!llili.J. AND Ihe party of Ihe fi"t part. in <"mpliane. with Seelion 13 of Ih. Lien Law. e,,\..nanl. Ihatlhe parly nf the firsl pan will reeeive Ih. <unsideralion ror Ihis conveyance and will hold Ihe ril,!hllO re.eive .u<h eonsiLler- alion as u Irust fund I.. he appli." first (Ilr the purr"se of paying Ih. c"S! uf Ih. improv.menl and will apply Ihe .ame firsllo Ihe paymenl or Ihe <"51 nf Ih. impro"emenl herore u.ing .ny pari of Ihelolal of the .am. ror any ulher purpt.lsc. The wnrd '.pan)'- shall he ~nnstrued a!\ if i1 read "purties" whcnevrr [he scn..e of Ihis indenture MI requires. IN WIT~":SS WHER..:OF. Ihe parly "r Ih. fi"'l pari ha. duly e..cul.d Ihi. de.d Ihe day and year Ii",. ahnve written. I~ l'IlI:SE'lo,;rll 1It=: ~,-e~ ~ Dora y E. Bug in{ ,. \. , AcIc_IIIIg._III..... In _York St8lll Slate of New York, Counly of Suffolk A~III""'ln NewYorkSllllll . .1: Stat. 01 New York. Counly of ,88: On lhe 11 th day 01 February In lhe year 2005 . befona me, the undarslgned. personally.appeanad Dorothy E. llu99in perlonally known to me or proved to me on the balll 01 saUalectory avidence \0 be the IOOMdual(l) whose name(1) Is (ere) sub8cribed 10 the wllhln InstRlment and aclcnowledged \0 m. thaI hellhelthey executed the lame In hlelh.rlthelr capaclty(lel). and thlt by hlalharllheir signatuna(s) on the instrument. the lndividual(l) or the person upon behaII 01 which the iOOM (I) a the Instrument. Acknowledgement by Subllc:rlblng WIln_III.....ln _ York SlIIlII On the day 01 . In the year the undersigned, personally appeanad . before me. perlonally known to me or proved to me on Ihe balll 01 satlafac:tory evidence \0 be \he IndlYldual(s) whose name(l) II (Ire) subscribed \0 tha within instrument Ind acknowledged to me thlt he/lhellhlY eXlculad the same In hlelherlthlir caplclly(lel). and that by hlSlhlrllhelr slgnlture(l) on the Instrument, thl indlvldual(l) or the person upon beha~ of which the Indlvldual(l) acted, executed the inslrument. Aclcnowtllllg8lll8nt lIIken out8klll New York SlIIlII SlIIte 01 New York. County 01 . . u: . Stlte 01 , County of , II: . (or Insert Dlltrict of Columbia. Tarrltory. Pos8es8lon or Foreign Country) On the day of , In the year tho undersigned. personally appeanad . belona me. the lubscribing witness to lhe foregoing Instrument, with whom I am pel80nelly acquainted. who being by me duly sworn, did depose end say. that halshallhay naside(l) in that heI8ha/lhey know(l) \0 be the Individual described in and who 8Xeculad the I Ioragoing instrument; thet said ILblc:rlbing witnesl was preunt end saw said execute the Ierne: and thel said wltnell at the same lime' subscribed hlelh8rl1heir name(I)_ a wilneee.then8\o. I I I "T1lleNo.:___ Dorothy E. Bugdin TO John Elliot lIlld Amy Elliot, his wife ,- Distributed-~ ~ L?DC8AO TItI.e !nsurant.'e C~.1 On the day of . in the year the undersigned. perlonally appearild perlonalty known to me or proved to me on the balll of satilfactory evidence \0 be the Indivldull(l) whose name(l) II (are) IUbsc:rlbed to the within inllRlment and acknowtedged to me that helshellhey executed the lame in hislher/thelr capacity(iel). that by hi8lherllheir lignature(a) on the lnalrument. the IndlYldual(l) or the person upon behell of which the IndlYldual(l) acted. executed lI1e InstRlment, Ind that such Individual made such Ippearence before the undersigned in the . before me. (Idd the clly or poIlt1c:sl lubdlvision Ind the state or country or other place the acknowledgement was laken). '. SECTION BLOCK LOT 107.00 09.00 018.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk RETURN BY MAIL TO: Charles R.. Cur;)dy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Zip No. III I I l!i ~ l!il I .. J J~ _ L._ !r- l Title Nu. 1..-277897-5 SCHEDULE A - .DESCRlPTION. Amended 2/1105 ALL that ccrt:lin plol, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Maltituck, in the Town of Soulhold, County ofSufTolk an4 State of New York, known and designated a~ Lot Nos. I and 2 and p\lfl of Lots 3 and 4, as shown on a certain mop entitled, "Amended Map of Manituek Heights". filed in the Officc of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on July 24. 1935. as Map No. 1184. said lots when Iaken together being morc particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Wickham Avenue (Middle Road) and the westerly side of Mary's Road (Mary's Avenue). RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Mary's Road, South 14 degrees 09 minutes 10sceonds Ea.~t. 200.00 feet to the land now or formerly of Munch and RafTell; THENCE along Said land, South 77 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds West, 136.38 fcello a monument and the land now or formerly of BamllY; THENCE along said land, North 33 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds West. 2011.39 feet to the southerly side of Wickham Avenue; THENCE along said road the following two (2) courses and dislanccs: (I) North 65 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds East, 20.89 feet; (2) North 77 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds East, 183.29 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. FOR CO:-i\'f:\' A"';CI:-iG O:-iI.Y: Togelh.r wil. .11 rlRhl. 1111. .DClIn.....I..r.I. .ad 10 ..Y .Ir.... .nd roads .buul.g the .bov. deserlbed p....m..... 10 Ih. ...I.r II.. Ihe"",r. . j Titlc No. L-277897-S TOGETHER with Ihe use of right of way eight fect wide, to and from Wickham A venue 10 Long Creek, a branch of Maltiluck Bay, 10 pass and n:pass on foot only, said right of way commencing at the northerly junction of Middlc Road and Wickham Avenue at a concrele monument; RUNNING THENCE in a westerly direction, eight feci; THENCE running in a northcrlydircction. 130 feet parallel with the boundary line of Hubert W. Klein and Gustav Bayer, to tbe mcan high watcr mark of Long Creek; THENCE running in an easterly direction along Long Creek to land of Hubert W. Klein: THENCE running in a southerly direction along the western boundary of Hubert W. Klein, ] 30 feet to a concretc monumcnt, thc northerly junction ofMiddlc Road and Wickham Avcnuc, to the point or pl3ce of BEGINNING. .' r.I,.2 J , " Number t.J pag.;" TOKIIF.NS ~ Serlll U . RECORDED 2005 F~ 23 03;55;24 PIl Edward P,Roaaine ClERl( (f" SUFFOLK CWITY L 000012373 p J40 DTI 04-30136 . . Cc:rlIRclte " Prior clr. U Decd I MllIIPIlO IIIS/runlelll DeN I MongillO To. 8'01111' FJ:ES It..,onJilllll Filillg Slomps 4 ''ogo/l'iIInS fee lIalldlillg TI'-~1l4 ) ~ 5 I MuI1pSO Alld, I. Basic Tax 2. Addiliollal To NOIOlioll R.I'.T.S.A. _ ~ _ Sub Tul81 ~= Sub T olal EA-~2 17 (Cuwny) Reg. Copy / /S Sub ToIal Sp:cJA..il. Or 81.... I Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Ihl.ITowlI lJuol Cllunty_ Ilold rllr ApP'lI1illnmell1 Trollsref Tax .2 :;}"L/1J- ..--- MunsiulI Tux '11.. pllll"'lIy clI..""fi,y IhilUlOrlgag. is or will ho impro.od by a 11110 ur Iwo ramily dwellillg Ullly. vr:.'1 nrNO_ I r NO, seo oppruprillo '"X clause ulI"age " _ or Ihis instrumelll. F.A-~217 (S'"I.) a.IUl'. or !:II. S(~ Am....il C.",ilicd t.:ol'Y OIhor ClRANU TOTAl. l Ik,.. l'roperty Tax Service Agency Veriiiealil.' r-.":--- -__IliZ.,..i,,"__ ___.lI.luck I..ut 05007684 1000 10700 olloooieooo '. I ~T~ : I RcwHA . B 6 CUIIIJllunily I'rcscrvillioll fund Cunslderalion Amounl ..() CI'F TUlC Du" Stalll" 1);110 1IIIIImvcd X Initials VO.IIIII.alld 7 S.lisf.,eliollslOisehargeslltelouses Listl'o'perty Owners Mailing Addres: KEC:IIKI) " ItF.'r\lltN TO: Charles R. CUddy. Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Rive:head. NY 11901 /7) 'I'D 'I'D TO 9 . Tille Compuny InforllluliclII ell, Name Advocates Abstract. Inc. Title II t-277897-S Suffolk COllnt Recordin & Endorsement Pa e '111is.J1Ugc IOlnls IX1l1llfthe alluchl:d Deed (SI'ECIFY 'IYI'E OF INS'IltUMENT) . m.d. by: Dorothy B. Bugdin 'I1IC premises herein is situall'll in SUFFOLK OOUN'IY. NEW YORK, TO John B11iottand Amy B11io~ his wife III1IIC 'lilW11Ship of IlIlhe VIL.I..AGE (lr l'IAMI.ETuf Southo1d Mattituck 1I0XI ~c; 5 'IlUU) 9 MUST 1113 'IYI'ED OR I'RINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO IU:('OltDING OR ('II.1NCi, (OVER) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRlt RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Znstrumant. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 5 Receipt NUmber . 05-0020294 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 04-30136 Recorded. At. 02/23/2005 03.55.24 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012373 340 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 107.00 09.00 018.000 "'lI'''MJ:NBJ) AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed AmouDt. $560,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Znstrumant B....""I;pt Bxlllllpt Page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO II:A-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'1'JII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,240.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pres $8,200.00 NO Fee. Paid $10,595.00 TRANSFER TAX NUJlBBR. 04-30136 THZS PAGB ZS A PART OF '1'HI!: INS'l'RtlJIDI'l' THZS ZS NOT A BZLL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County --~- PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.slele.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS ~ I 'l.7.,~ 8'g,91 C2.Da1e_~~ '61/~3~QSI C3. Book II ~ C4. .....1. ~,Q ,lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YOIIII: STATE BOARD OF REAL_IEIMCES RP - 5217 1l1'A17....J/fn PROPERTY INFORMATION 1."-1 '-- 3770 &,..,,-.. Wickham Avenue .,..., NAIll Southo1d crrv...- Hattituck ...... 11952 ..""" 2. Bu,. -- Elliot lASTIrMMI/ClOfMVIII John ,.., .... El1~ LM1NlMr.' ........ 1 To 1ndk:8bI.... fuItn lllBllli ..10 blMIIt ...... W____III_.oIlann)I -- IMT __/CWIMIft' ....- C1lYUIIIUlIWI IT_ .cxa .I1lHT........NilD....' NMA 4.1ndiaIa.... .......... 01 a___ ._4 RoIIpo..._on...._ t.=.,. I IIzo -..... Ixl "".... IORI -' .6, 81 -.-",.----- M. PIonning _ wi'" __........, ExIolI 0 ..S.obcI.'__I_Rlqui........T_ 0 oc._....,."....",,__Mlp_ 0 .1 I, of P.relll OR D "-n of . P.n:eI &.s_ - Bugdin IMT NAllll:/tuMMNf Dorothy E. PIIIT __ LAIT NAMlI COIINN'I ~, ..... A~ OnoF.mlly_ B 2 or 3 F.... _1111 C RuHlo/lllllI V.... Iood n _V....loncl I SALE INFORMATION l 11.....__ E~Aarlcultll..1 F Com_I G _ H E_,_ ~ Communlty_ J 1_ Publlc_ L F.... -....--.-- &. o..-alp Typo 10 c:ar.mlnl..,. .. Now c:an.rucdon on VlCIl'lIl.Ind __l..-d_on_1lIoIrtco _...._.__1-... ........ _loin on..........._ o o o o l. QlllaII the... ...... which ..... <<... ...... .......... 1M .,.... PrOI*tY -' 1M tInw 01.... 1 - 112 ""' I 05 - ,.. a.aIr. _ _ ...... at _ _......_ ........... tD tnnIfw: ___or__ _ _ _ Campo""" or _In lull.... an. '" 1M .... is .Im . ..... Buyer 01 w.r iI Gov.'nment ~ or Lending InIIiIutIon Dood Typo... W......., or 1lorgoIn.1Id _lSpocIfy_ _ of __ art-. _.... _18pocI/y_ lliI-Chongo In PrvPIf\Y _ T_ __.1Id _ 0.. Soloor_II_InSoIo_ 01"" U...... _ -.. Solo _1Spod/y_ - 12._"'_,_ 2 - III Cor I 05 v_ I..FuI__ .5,,0,8.01 , , . IFIID Sell Price. ow tolIl amoullt peid for U. prapeny Including per10nII pmperty. TblI PIYIMnt.,.., be... form 01 cuh....... properly or ~ or.... ~ af morIgIIpI or ...... obigIdonLl """',ound to 11-.,.".. __ doIW oImGUIJt 1.._.....-",....-. 1 ,0, 8 , 8 I ~ inaIuded In the.... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0010 Ihould rolloct 111. 1.111 Fino! _..I Roll and T.. Bill 1&.:..",..=-'.=....104, 051 17.T__V_I....po.-ln_, lL"-'Yauo ,2.1, Or-LJ '&.___1 No. 12 . . .7,3.0 01 , , , h? /J.-rT1 Tt.a.,? . ... T..__oI, __Iall.........._. ____noI_J 1000-107.00-09.00-018.000 1 I CERTIFICATION I I ..r1If1.... . "'.... ... '" _.... -.... .. ow. ram.... _ and.....- Clo........ "''' ............... _ oad I "".' ............... "'_ _ _ _ "'_... _ wID.............. ...._ or........ low _~ Iotllt __.... ...."',. b_._.... 'BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~- hot (f Amy E1ll t: -t.. /&t?_ 1 ~~'~~IAW.APT Ie!- NeW Yo& crrv..~ zft//d5 I J-h 10'" IMTI I ' CUddy -- I Charles R. ....- 631 369-8200 -""" -- I JJY .r..." /Ol,;)..r I>'CODI. r H!.W! NEW YORK STATE COPY A~A~_r Dorll~' in lo1-//~.s- .."