HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12440 P 851 , ID1- q~/~ B~GAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (IJ1iDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTV FORM 8007 CAUTION: TillS AGREE:,,\lf.lrlT SHOUl.D BE PREPAIlt;n B". AN ^1TOA.~V AND REVIEWED BY A1TORNE\"S FOR SELLER AND "LINeIIASER BEFORE SIGI'liL"'G. '22. THIS INDENTURE, mado Ihe betweeD day of ~~lWO thousand ond n.,( Terri Ann DiVeJlo, Frank L. Raynor and Bertha E. Raynor, His Wife, Reserving a Life estate, 3370 Wickham Avenus , MatUtuck, New York 11952-1620, party of the first pan, and Terri Ann DlYeJlo, Frsnk L. Raynor and Bertha E. Rsynor, His Wife, AD Joint Tenanlll," 3370 Wlckhsm Avenue, Mallituck, NY 11952-1620, party ofth. second part, WITNESSETH,lhat the party orth. first part, in consideration or -e- . dollars, lawful money of the United Stalos, paid by 1h< party ofth. second part, does hereby llf1Int and ...1.... unto the pany of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party orthe second part forever, ALL that I:crtain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon ('reeled, situate, lying and being in the SEE ATTACHED SCHEIIULE 'A', This Deed's for the purpo88 of removing Grantors' Life Estate TOGETHER with all right, title and im....5I, irany, oflhe party of tho first pan in and 10 any stn:elS and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenancos and .11 the ..ta'eand righlS ofth. pany of the first pan in and 10 said premises, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD tho premises he..in"granted unto the party of the s..ond pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party orthe s<<ond part forever. AND the party of the first part, covenanbi that the party of t.Iu: first part has not done: or suffered anything whereby the said premiscs have been encumbered in any way whatlwcr, except as aforesaid. . A.ND the party urlhe first part. in compliance with Section 13 orlhe Lien Law, covenants that the panyof &he first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance ;and will hold the right to receive such consideration 8S 8 trUst fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost oflhe improvement and will apply the same first to the paymenl orlhe cost oflhe improvement before using any pan uribe total afme same for any other purpose. The word "parry" shall be construed as if it read "partics" whenever the sense Oflhis indenture 50 requires. fN WITNESS WHEREOf", Ihc party orthe first pan has duly .,""uled this deed the day and yoar rllSl above written. In Presence Of: :\...: b ~\Jl'gD~ Terri Ann DlYeJlo ~ ,;f,e~ Frank L. Raynor tfJh~ ~ /1; ~ Berths E. Raynor L }.). '-/'-10 P s s- / Sta.. ~r' rk"rJ~ f1LlL ) County of SJ~"'" l 55.: On the 1-l...._dJly of ~'rY'ft)'L in the year 7IJD5 before me, the undorsigncd. personally appeared Terri ADn DIVello, FraDk L. Raynor aad &rth. E. Raynor personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuaI(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within in5lrUment and acknowledged to me that hcJshclthcy executed the same in his/hcrllheir capacity(ies), and that by hislherltheir si on the instrumen~ the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, cxecu cnl !:".1'.\:'IF. J. A1'muws : ,'h\':\' "l:l;L1C. t'l'ATI OPN!WYlIIlIt '- ~I I c! U.,.;'..:'''''''X.;.SUFFOLKCOUN!'Y 0 I .A Nt} v<:>S7l;U "":J:",","',~ 1:XJ'1IlES NOY...., o individual taking acknowledgment) 1'1 f\TALI!: ::J AIoJDrl<iI.US State of County of ) ) 55.; ) On the __day of in the yeor before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshchhey executed the same in hi.Jherltheir capacity(ies), and that by hislherltheir sigoature(s) on the instrumen~ the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. (signBlUre and olliee of individual taking acknowledgment) TO BE USED ONL V WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW VORK STATE SIBle (or Otslrict 0' CoIu_, Territory, or ForoIgn CounllY) of u; On the dey of in the year before me. the underwlgned, personally IIPpe,red persanaly known to me or proved to me on the basil of satisf8cl:ory evidBnCI 10 be the Indivldual{l) whole name{l) II (ate) lubla'ibed 10 the within InItrument and ecknowI8dg8d 10 me that hellhell:hey executed the .Ime in h1l1herllheir ca,.cttyr..). and thBI by hiaJherllhelr s1gnalure(l) on lI1e instrument. the Incividuel(I), or 111. penIOn upon behalf of which the Indlvldull(.) acted. executed the instrument, and thai such Individ~1 mede luch Ippearance before the undersigned In the in (i'sert the City or other polilic8l .ubclvillon) (Ind insertlhe SI8te or Counery or other place the dnowledgment was liken) (lign8lure and omce of indlviclUlI tllOOg acknowledgment) Record and Return To: York Title Agency 235 Main Slreet. S" Floor White Plains. NY 10601 RE1'067.16 , NYSBA PRACTICE FORMS lIOJ \ \ ooo'cla .LO': 00'.0 1CQ'II: 00"01 IIOI:.oa. OOOT .l:)RUIO ,en: nJ. '1bQ.l1lU .~ ~ DJO al a.OlIOOZlI 'liLt.,.,. .un 1IOOS azm.1 IOOl/tE/EO G:I~ ....0... lLII'I .. fMIlIIAlIZ'SllI ':u::ta II. ......u 'z n.I.atl CIIIY -...W ''I. 1bNlILI .... ana I. OTISAIO 111ft' ra:u. 01. O:lUA*X) UU'iIOlN IMft ..... IbIUn 't'11 'eM..,. n IiEU'U 11llL' 110 a:JI&IO ..ore ~ ~ .t CJrJI.I .'smJ. AD .~ ~ 'E)nI.UoIo.w If 'ae :IA'tuoc ..0 ~O"U "&1:01" lCmIou.1._ ..0 .... amlIImft. 110 1'D1O 01 CIft' . 'OIl 'WI n aUUlDUaG GIft' ..... '001.... .~ rIOMtl. 'JUM),I, ~ 'E:Il:I.IoIU_ "'''Ill tIIlJa. an l1li.1&'1 'Uwnl.:t. .~ IIO:IftU 1UDa.'~-- .. IO.:la'1Ul11 SU '.11" 'CICYI .0 "!EXW. 'lICl :ell. '.ID'!ol 'I"~ ,,~ Tn' nunto-o. .y" rula1IJC)S 61'<:1:"" GO 1/4 PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp~1 www.orps.Sl8le.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FO:;~"::E ONLY I Cf.? 3. f. 8: 7: REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~--- '9?'~~'O@ ~ co. _ I I. ;J.l.f.C(. C4. _I 351, I ..." PROPERTY INFORMATION ,.=; if~~n(~~ 1.- 11>;Vtl\O ...... ....,_/aIlIIlIWIf I ~"'ro.-- ~W:::'-" I.Tax ~~""'IIiII"1D"..n _... It aItIer IhIn buww ..".. III baaam of forIN I ........ !.MTNlWIIl:ltW1Wn STATE OF JiEW YORK ITATlIOMD.., RIAl. PfIDIIIRTY IIIMCU RP - 5217 Rl'4JI7"'1M ~ Il~~ =1i;".i k", 1- I t:n;.~ 1.... ~t:r I -.... 1ITJIU.......aMIl1...'1MMI 4. Mdlatll..........oI___ RoI,-........... on 1M dMd """'- fl'ofPIrOllI' OR 0 Plnaf.PaICeI II..... ~lDa ..~I ... _,..u Ixl ..... 1001 f-(- (0 "". acw, ..............a.u....,..... ..........-....-__ 0 .!IutldMlIIun~_RiIqllhdIarT...... 0 C.PIn:II~fDfSubdivll\anwilltMlpPlvo1dld 0 A~_~_ R 201'Ih"""......... 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AfIKdng $I" PriIa esp.cify a.IcM) I "- Irk ~-b~~ , 21.~~LI , ''/. lFtlI 51.. Price IItMtaIIIlllTIlIunt..1d rar Ill, ptapeny Including ~I pnIPIftY. ThiI~....,blinltllfonn Dfcah, all.-praplftyDl'DDOdI.DI'thI__Dnol ~DI''''''obIiptIonL, "...rr;urdlo"..--......-w. 1.................._......... I . . , . . . .0.0 I .....-rtY...................., I . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0... should refIoct the II18If RNlI AsIoIIrnem Roll ,Ad rlx BIll 1 11. o.c. _.. , T,..,.. II.FuII......... ,.. ~af,=-='" ~ n. ,... ____v.lulIaI.. ................ 1 , , C( 5.0 0 I , 'L__ 12..\ .Ol-LJ ,L......__I ~h..u::. zo. T. MIp"""""" I RoIIdIrIIIIIJIrfII ......1hIn............... wIIII.................1 ("ao - lOT - <1-15"" I 1 CERTIFICATION 1 I certJl)'u.ldoltk ...."'.............tnIft1d nn IIIk run. _he.... rurnd ...... bIN.,"'1 ~...IaItII...I..........IhIIt........ -d"" ................. oI........w.............tdId...... the ~ 01 the llIII!IlIII 11.. nlldhe......... ad..... "'... inII~ L'--~ Q ~ . \ Cl. \ ~=-- \OS BUYER'S ATTORNEY .~ .;J'"~ /o/-Z.v&a- ~~ 17- l%-i~/.P~ n1.2 1m rkh~ A.e- ...... STIIIllTIMMI IMW ~~ 1lJv\ I IIQ5".,l.. d-.~~~~ n'l'C)..,.:~~. . - -..r ."9ti~~-~.~c/ _ I /AAo/'.J w,_ ....... -- --- NEW YORK STATE COPY . . 1mbcr of pages TO ~ .' ,j , RfCORDEO 2006 Mar I~ 03,14,06 PH Judith A. Pascale ClERK IF SUFNl.K COONlV L OOOOl244lJ P 851 D;I 05-31l901 ~ril1l " trtifie&tc #I nor Ctf. If. Deod . Mortgage In.\!Umen, Deed I Martgnga Ta. Stomp . ~"'ge I Filing F~e i,ndling 5 .lllL. rp.584 SecdOD lo?r ' , J Blbck' Lot ("1 Mortgage AmI. 'J. Basic TDX 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Sp..., A"Il. or Spec. I Add. TOT. r.iITG TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Hold for Appoinanant ~ Transre~ Tax _ ..t:::Z- - ML"ion Tax .- The 'property covered by Ihis mOlgace i, or will be improved' by a one or IWO .ramily dwelling only. YES ~orNO _ If NO. see appropriale taX clause on ale II, or thi ins . -fOUUiOLl I I ;A.521? (CoonlY) ?A:~2n (Slate) ~.p'T.S.A. . I, Sub Tolal ~omm. of Ed. 5, .Q9- j;) ~~ffidavil CeMified Copy Reg, Copy '91her Sub'Total ~', . Orand "i"otal ! , 'I Ro.' P(opcrry Tax Service 'Ag~ncy Vedfication ~366 1000 10700 0900 pT~ RRSK :-) .3::Y~ 015000 :,6 SadsfacdoolDia~h""'~leue Li" Prope.'ty O,!",erI Mr' lUng Address , RECORD'& RETURN TO: , TO 10 7 ' Title Company Information Co. Nam. York Title A ene Inc. lille r, YT A- \. :;3" Suffolk County Recor ':ng ~ EndQrsement P,l:!-g~: I ".1 I I TO York Title Agency, Inc. 235 Main St: ' . 5th Floor White Praln., NY 10601 .TO '. S. Thl, palO lol"!'1' pitt of th~ lutachcd made by: .' ' "-Gm V; i.Lllr:>..fm~ '&'1A.v; t f....f.l{L " " ,e..'1i..W' ' {fPECIPY TYPE 01" lNS'IRUMEl'IT> .Tho Pr~Jil herein iJ -6itUDc.ed. in. . SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In lhelTownshiP or ~\J Fn,' 'r;;;,Vt{(",' fi,C(~ ~"~/AW; Inlh~VILLAGE ; , T' &r:ri.L 'fi;,L!'-try- , or~TOf l'-\~t: BOJrtS 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BEn'PED OR PRlN'I'BD BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR Fn.lNG I ' '" (over) . . 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I1111111 I111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Znstrument. DEBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages, 4 Receipt Humber . 06-0026746 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-31294 Recorded, At, 03/16/2006 03.14.06 PH LIBER: PAGE: D00012440 851 District, 1000 Section. 107.00 EXAKIHED AND $0.00 Block. 09.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 015.000 POLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Bxempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Coum.pre. $0.00 "NO Pees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-31294 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THB INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk. Suffolk County