HomeMy WebLinkAboutAURICHIO, ANDREWAlbert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice Presidem Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~uca/st 1, 1996 Andrew Aurichio P.O. Box 2104 Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Andrew Aurichio SCTM # 56-4-16 Dear Mr. Aurichio: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees July 31, 1996: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees approve a waiver to construct a 22' gate across ROW, approx. 80' from Rt. 25, also to construct approx. 165' of split rail or similar fence on southeast property line as shown on map. This approval does not constitute any other approvals from any other agencies. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sidcerely, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK: jmd cc: Bldg. Dept. JUL-25-1gg~ 01:03PM FROM ACTION PRINTING EQUIPMENT To 9651823 P.81 ACTION PRINTING EQUIPMINT CORP. ~'8 GUY LOMBARDO AVENUE FREEPORT, NY 11520 DATE: ATTN:_ FROM: .- £ TOTAL ~;UMBER OF PAGES SENT INCLUDING COVER ~]HEET: .. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES PLEASE CALL US AS SOON AS PO~,SIBLE.'~"~ 516) 623-5775 . Fax (516) 867-5443 JUL-25-1996 FPOM ACTION PRINTING EQUi.~ENT TO¸ 765182~ P. 02 ARNOLD NEUER 87 SECOND STREET GARDEN CITY PARK, NY 11040 ROBERT SU?ERMEISTER 70 AVON P~ACE JENNIFER B. PIAZZA, ENCON PROGRAH AIDE REGIONAl, OFFICE OF MARINE HABITAT PROTECTION N.Y. STATE DEPT. OF ENVIRONNRNTAL CONSERVATION BUILDING 40, SUNY STONY BROOK, NY 11790-2356 DEAR SIR: ENCLOSED YOU WILL FIND CHECKS TOTALING $1500, AS PER OUR AGREEMENT WITH LOUIS A, CHIARELLA. THE FOLLOWING IS TO CONFIRM THE CHANGES MADE WITH HR, CHIARELLA'S OFFICE. 1, THE JUNK CARS CA~ BE REMOVED'MECHANICALLY RATHER THAN MY HARD. 2. THE OROUNDSBL BUSHES ARE TO BE PLANTED 10 FEET APART RATHER THAN $ FEET APART. AND ~ CA~J PLANT THE BUSHES IN THE FALL FOR A BETTER SURVIVAL RATE, WE ARE CHECKING WITH THE TOWN OF SOUTHNOLD',S ATTORNEY TO SEE IF WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUT UP THE GATE. WE ARE WORRIED THAT DO TO THE LONG ISLAND LIGHTING POWE~ LINES THAT RUN ACROSS OUR PROPERTY AND THE LONG ISLAND RAILROAD TRACKS AND CROSSING ARE NORTH OF THE PROPOSED GATE. AND WE ARE NOT SURE IF WE NEED PERMISSION OF THE ~AND OWNERS THAT WILL BE EFFECTED SINCE THIS IS A RIGHT OF WAY SHARED WITH THEM. YOURS TRULY, ARNOLD NEUER ROBERT SUTERMEISTER TOTAL P. 02 Telephone (516) 765-1801 Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Sou~hold. New York 11971 SOUTtIOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL JUL 0 1996 The following recommendation was adopted at the July 29, 1996.meeting of the '. Southold Town Conservation Advisory: WR-~3 Moved by John Hagerty, seconded by Bruce Loucka, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the Waiver Request of ANDREW AURICHIO 56-~-16 to construct a 22' gate across ROW. approximately 80' from Route 25, also to construct approximately 165' of split rail or similar fence on southeast property line as shown on map Main Road. Southold Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. Now York Sta'~e Department of Environmental Con~,o;vation Building 40 - $UNY, Stony Brook, New york 11790.2356 Phone (516) 4x. 4-0295 Fax # (516) 444-0297 ~lchae& D. Z~{}ata P, ommissioner M~y ~0, 1996 Mr. Arnold Neuer 87 lind Street Garden City Park, NY 11040 Re: Nov 96LC23 Dear Mr. ~euer: Tbs is to co~'trm your recent phone conversation with thy c/rice, r¢.-scheduling the Compliance Conference from June 2i~, 1996 to June ~17, 1996 a'~ 3:q0 ~.M. At lids time, it will be permissable for yon to cemove ~.be old ,'~t s. ~£ you '.tare any questions.~ please call me at the number above. Sincerely, Louis A. Chiartlla, Regional Man'ige: Marine i1 ~bitat LAC:kw cc: Town of Southold - Jill Albert J. Kmpski, Presidem John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 May 6, 1996 Arnold Neuer 87 2nd st. Garden City Park, NY 11040 RE: SC~ 956-4-16 R.O.W. Dear Mr. Neuer: In order for the Trustees to act on your request to maintain the above referenced right-of-way, the purposed area to be cleared must be staked. The Board would like to meet you in the field on May 15th to discuss the R.O.W. situation. Please let us know when the area is staked. The Board wants to get this violation rectified. If nothing is done by May 31st, the Board will direct the Bay Constable to right a summons for every day that you are not in compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, President, Board of Trustees AJK: jmd Telephone (516) 765-1801 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, April 22, 1996, the following action was made: No. 13~5 Moved by Allan Connell, seconded by John Hagerty, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL WITH PROVISIONS of the Wetland Application of ARNOLD NEUER 56-4-16 to clear road. The Council recommends approval provided the applicant secure an erosion and sediment control plan for runoff, NOTE: The Council recommends the applicant be fined for work already completed. Mill Path Road, Southold Vote of Council: Ayes: Motion carried. All ARNOLD NEUER 87 SECOND ST. GARDEN CITY PARK, JAN. 23, 1996 N.Y. 11040 ATTENTION: JILL DOHERTY or LORRY DOWD DEAR MS. DOHERTY AS PER OUR CONVERSATION I AM FAXING YOU A PAGE OF OUR DEED INDICATING THAT WE CAR MAINTAIN THE ROAD. MY PARTNER ALSO INFORMED ME THAT HE HAS PHOTOS OF THE LAND THAT SHOWS IT CLEAR. IF ! CAM BE HELPFUL IN ANY OTHER WAY TO CLOSE THIS MATTER PLEASE LET ME KNOWN HOW. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. ARNOLD NEUER COPY TO ROBERT SUTERMEISTER thenc,- easterly and floutherly amd along ~ark oE AJ~shae~omaque Poled Lbo to~low~q four cou~el ~ 4) South ~' 42; East 292.49 feet to the northor~'y [[~e of the ordinary high ri~ts of others ove~ s~. To ~e ~el~ ~11c rt~ of way being 22 feet vide ovec .~d N~l ~a~ ~ ~,~ u., ,~,~cond part shall have the right .~ mainta~ ~ ~e coast ~+~x~e~e of the ~ty of the second in LtL, er 1342 p. 350. tha~c~ ~l~ly ~ ilo~ ~ no~he~ly li~e of t~e L~g Island To~er V~ a ri~ of ray ovec said ~ill ~ ~d sub]mc To ~e nearest public highway ia~d ~i~t of ~ly ~lng 22 ove~ of ~a second p~t s~all ~a~e ~ ri~t .~ ma~tain ~d repair Hill 9a~ It ~e co~t ~.d e~ Of ~e p~rty of ~,e s~co~d part. in Liar 1142 p. 350. ~m h~ ~ ~u~- ~d~liwm~ed s~lt~eously ~/1~(, *' NOTICE Police Dept. - Bay Constable Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Date: ...... Please take notice there exists a violation of the Code of the Town of Southold, Chapter 97 Article ............ Section .............. at premises hereinafter described in that ................ £ ............ You are therefore directed and ordered to co~ply with the following: ............................................................. on or before ........... day of ................ , 19 ....... The premises to which this Notice of Violation refers are situated at: ...... ,_]__~_~ ...................................... fPown of $outhold, Suffolk County, N:¥. (Suff. County Tax Map Desig-nation: Dist. Section: ....... -~---Block: ........ Lot: ....... k Failure to comply with the applicable provisions of the law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprison{nent or both. NOTICE: You have the right to apply for a hearing before the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, provided that ~ou file a written request with the Clerk of the Trustees within 10 days after service'of the Notice of Violation. Such request shall have annexed thereto a copy of the Notice of Violation upon which a Hearing is requested and shall set forth the reasons why such notice of violation should be modified or rescinded.. Bay Constable, Town of Southold, NY Proper-T Permit Services POST OFFICE BOX 617, CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 734 - 5800 December 11, ~1~ kil 1660 , TOY,:,,,. ..... t Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Pre-Application Inspection Andrew Aurichio, SCTM No. 1000-56-4-16 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the required $35 fee for the Trustee the referenced property. /~es E. Fit~ inspection of . BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES T0W~ OF ~0U'I'tlOLD ~uthold, N. Y. 11971 N.o 12~ lA- · 34168' Date BOARD OF ToWN TRUSTEES Proper-T Permit Services POST OFFICE BOX 617, CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 .- 734 - 5800 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J November 14, 1990 Mr. John M. Bredemeyer, III, Board of Town Trustees Town of Sou/hold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York ]1971 President Re: Pre-Application Inauiry; Andrew Aurichio, SCTH No. 1000-56-4-16 Dear Mr. Bredemeyer: My client, Andrew Aurichio, owns property in Southold identified by SCTM No. 1000-56-4-16, and he is interested in determining the potential of the property for commercial development. Specifically, he has in mind a boat storage facility. I'm enclosing a copy of a recent survey which shows the line of the wetlands boundary as perceived by the surveyors. The DEC (Charles Hamilton) states that they do not mark wetlands boundaries, and yet it seems that having a reasonably exact delineation of this is critical to determining whether to proceed or not. If development is not feasible, the owner would be interested in knowing about the possibility of the acquisition of the property by the Town, or some other disposition which might be beneficial to both the Town and to him. I would appreciate it if the you would consider this pre- application inquiry and let me know when it might be conven- ient for us to discuss the matter. Yours~trutv~ .Jgm~s E. Fir. a subsidiary of THE PECONIC EASTERN CORPORATION Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfet, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765 - 1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Applicati¢ Wetland Permit Application ~_d~ather Permit Application ~aiv~/Amendment/Changes ~Recel~Application: ~ --~-Received Fee:$ ~/~>. -~ I~_C~mpleted Applicati6n 7~-~ Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I__.Type II Unlisted Coordination:(date sent) CAC Referral Sent: ~/~-~ Date of Inspection: 7~ "--~q--7~ Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination:__ Technical Review: Public Hearing Held: Resolution: Name of Applicant Address F~ Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 Property Location: ~ ~ Phone Number:(~'t6 ) ~77-- (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: (If applicable) Address: Phone: FAX~: -- ard of Trustees Applicati(v ~ GENERAL DATA Area Zoning: < ~ Previous use of propertY: Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? ~ No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): / ..,, ~ ,.X.L~t ,..,,..~ .~ ~lC~.;,.,.~.i: c ~, I , . .ATE OF NEW YOR~ ~EPARTIvlENT OF ENVIRONM~ ~AL CONSERVATION : ~ ~e M~er of ~e Vioi~ion of : ~cl~ 15. ~or 25 ~d 71. ~ ~di~ted : below, of ~c New York S~te ~v~en~ : Concision ~w, by: : Respondent(s) : ORDER ON CONSENT FILE NO. t- ---] WHYS, Article 15, Title 5, of the New York Sta~e Environmental Conservation Law (Protection of Wa~ers) prohibits conducting any regulated act/vities in any of the navigable wa~er~ or protected streams of the Staze w/thout the requisite permit, or in noncompliance with the requisite permit; and ~ WHEREAS, Article 25, Title 4, of the New York Sta~e Environmental Conservation Law, (Tidal Wetlands Act) prohibits conducting any regul~ed activities on or ~djacent to any tidal wetland w/thont the requisite permit, or in noncompliance with the requisite perm/t; and WHEREAS, cbc Deparm~en~ of EnvironmenOl Conservation (DEC) has documented a violation of said smu~, specifically Section ~S-OqOl.! . Section , and Section , in tha~ Respondent(s) ,'~u~ed and/or permitted to be caused, de ,- soo' ,,, ,to WHERF-AS, Respondent(s) ha.~aavc affirmatively waived his/her/its/their fight to a public hearing in this m~tter in thc mamler provided by law and having consented to the entering and issuing of this Order, agree(s) to be bound by thc terms and conditions contained herein. NOW, having considered this matter and being duly advised, it is Initial Dept. Resp ~ ~ ~ ' -I Page I of 5 Schedule A (Cont"d.) III. RE$OTRATION REOUrREMENTS: ' Wil'hin tJ~'t'y dny$ (30) from the dare of the ~xecution of this Order, Respondent(s) shall submit to the Department, art appwva~le restor~ion pla~ and time schedule for implLmentarion of said plan. Approvable in the context of ~ Order shall mean approvable by the DEC with minimal revision. Minimnl revision shnll ~ thnt Respondent(s) incorporate(s) the revisions required by the DEC and resubmits the plan for approval within fifteen (15) bnsiness days of r~ceipt of the DEC's commen~. This plan shall include: ] Reg.rn~[ng Plantings in disturbed area Upon approval by the Department, Respondent(s) shall implement the approved restoration plan in a~:ordance with the approved tim~4 schedule. Respondent(s) shall maintain iii resotrafion required undm' this Order for a minirmllI1 of five (5) yeal~ fI~m the d~e of tho completion of the r~toration. Said mnintema~c~ shall ~ a auee~$ ratio of at le~m 85 % ] No Restoration Req~Ured. Initial Dept. Resp.} I~t~rt' ~ Page 5 of 5 AD'tiOLD NEUEP :TIHY PAGE P,,~ ? Jt~ g-~g Town H~ll ugl Man Ro~ PO Box 1179 SOuLhol,::l, New York 11971 T¢lcpi~me (516) 76.L I1i92 (516) 765-1823 ~lancl ~ermi~ Grandfa~r permit Application BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ice use ~" AGIIIT: ,Phon,e:_ ---- A:'"~ ,~:'!994 1~-'.~ ~ 5167470962 APNOLD IIEUEP =Tilt,' PAGE improvemen=s: Date Ha~ a~y ~it/a~roval ~ver ~en revoked or ~u~ended by ~ ~ No Yes Project ~cription (use att~entS if nece~sa~): ~ ~ Z O3./l?/I'~B4 1~.,; Ii 516747o952 ARNOL[~ I~EI_IE~ ~ard o~ Trustees A~piication-~ P.3'7 wETLAI~/T]EUST~Z LAND~ APPLICATI0~ DATA ~r~ent coverage o~ lot~ ........ _. Closes% diltan~ ~tween ne~ei% D~ s~ructu=e a~ upl~d e~e of we~la~mt__., fee% yes, h~ m~Ch ma~eria! will be excavated9 e~ic yards feo~ ARNOL~ NEUER =TIh, PAGE ~.4.7 ~HORT ENVIRONMENTAL A~SESS~EN? FORM 04 SEC i i ~_~rd of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/~ IS THE A~PLICANT FOR '~ ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT,S') AND THAT Ar.~. STA~'W2(ENTS CONTAI1TEDHEREIN ARE TRUE ~O T~{E ~EST OF HIS/I{F~R KNOWI2~DGE ;%ND BELIEF, ~ THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DO~E IN T~E ~&~NNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS .MAY ~E APPKOVED BY '£~ SOUT]{OLD TOWN ~OA~D OF TRUST~S. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD ~ TOWN OF SoUTHOLD A~D '£~ TOWN T~USTEES ~[J~S ~ ~E F~0~ ~ A~ AT.L DAnCeS ~ ARISING UNDF, R OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PE/~MIT(S), IF GRA~'I?~D. IN COMPLETING THIS A~PLICATIO~, I HEREBY AUTEORIZE THE TRUST~, THEIR ASENT(S) OR RF~RF-~EI~TATI%~S(S), TO ~ ON'fO MY PROP~ TO INSPECT THE PRF~(IS~S IN CONJUNCTION WITH P~VIEW OF THIS ~%PPLICATION. SWO~N ~O B~FORa U~ Ta!S DAY OF ,19 ~ Notar ?ublic-- 7 eS (to tie /ines~] ; 26,070 sq. ~ft.) / 4T H SURVEY OF PR OPER T Y A RSHA MOMA O UE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000- 56- 04 - 16 Scale 1" = 30' June 19, 1990 the minimum ee tabliehed 'and adopted k State Land ,, ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENED TO N. G. V. D.. · P.O. t~OX'9O9 MAIN ~?OAD SOUTHO£D, N. Y. 11971