HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 560 .c ;( o ./ L il)~31 I r' FjlcO TuMap DaiaDllioa Iltw. J(X)? 5<<. /(J1.00 BIk. /I.d; Loas. f:XP .tro IOl-) )-) ;}-/QI-qX9-- NY llO5 -Ibrpi..... _ Dml willi C.............. 0........' AcIlIIodIY1duol...C'orpIIIlIIiorIlSiq!e Sl1ceu fNYB1\J BOO:!I COSSm.T YOUR 1.\ WYER BEFORE SIGSISI; TIllS Il'Ilt"R\j~It:.~,.. TIllS INsrRlJ)lFJO' S1KlUJ.D BE tllED BY I'" WYEIIli IlNL~' THIS INDF.NTUKF.. made the 5~ HETWEEN FRANK A. HLADOS. JR.. residillJ: 1I11415 Villa&e Lane. Malliluck, New Yori< 11952. day of rn CJ.'f . in the yea, 200S pony of lhe lirs\ pori. ond FRANK A. HLADOS. JR. AND DENISll ARNOLD, .....iding all415 ViII"", Lane. MauilUCk. New York 11952. pony uflhe ...:ond pan, WITNESSETH, thll1 the pany nflhe fi...~ part. in COlISidellllillll ofTen Dollars and Olher valuable eons~ion paid by the plIIIy of lhe sec:ond ron. cIae.. hereby 8flIlll and nolCllllC unlo Ihe pony of lhe sec:ond pan. the hein or s.......oors and ....;... of the plIIIy of lhe second plIII f"",vcr. ALL IhaI....Din plol, piece or p:uceI of land, wilb the buildinp and irnplll\-crnems Ihen:on .....Ic:d. oillWl:, lyillll and bebll in Ihc Malliluck. Town of Soulhold, Suffolk CoonEy. New Yurt. known and designaled a, LoI No. 10 on map .nritled, "Map of Village M3J1ll'. at MallitU<:k.. Tllwn of Soulhuld. SuRolk CounIY. New York" swveyed July 23. 1962 by 0110 W, Van Tuyl and Son. GRCnpun. NY, and filed in the Suffolk Coonly Clerk', OffICe on Octobe, 24. 1963 as Mop No. 3669. HElNG and intended 10 be the'same premise. as ac:quiJed hy .ranlo, by deed dated 03126/1997 n:conled 04108/1997 in Libe, 1 1824 pIIllC 46S in Ihc OffICe of Ihc Clerk uf the CounlY uf Suffulk. PREMISES also known.. 1415 Villag.l.a... MalUUlCk. New York 11952. TOGE1'HER wilh all right. Jill. andinlcrc5l.ifany,oflhe panyuflhc fin;( ponof. in ODd 10 any 51rcc1li and IOllds abWlinglhe ~bcd premiscstulhe .."nler lines Ihcrcof: TOGETIIER with lhe appuncnanc:es and all the esllllC and rights ohhe pony of the fiflll pan in and 10 said preml...: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premlles herein granted unlulhe pony of lhe ....-uI pan. lhe hein or ....."""'" and ...ijUIS of the pony ur the seconcI pan fo",'." AND the pony of the firS! pan covenan..that the pany of the fi... pon has nut dun. or ...ffcrcd anylbing whcn:by the said prom"" ha.. .....n incumbered in any w.y whu....." ....pI as af"",said. AND lhe pony orth. first part. in complilllK'e with Section I) of the Lien Law, covenants that the pany of the firS! pan will .....ive Ihc .onsidcllltion for this eon..yan.. and will hold the right In ......i.e such COIlSideralion as alnlSl fund 10 be applied fil'5l fur the purpooe uf payin. the COOIl of the impnwenwnL and will apply the ..n.. fim III the paynleDt IIf the <051 of the impMI"""'nl "'fore ..ing any pon "f the lOIal "f the ..me for any othe, JlIIl'IlOR. The word .pony" shull be C:On51rucd .. if it ..... -pani.s- wheneve, the sen.. of Ihis indenluno so m&uircs, IN WITNE!.S WHEREOF.lhe pony "fthe firS! pon.... duly ..eculcd Ibis deed the day and y.ur fi"tabov. written. IN PRIlSI!NCll OF: i~j~)~ t:yO~ A. 6\Odo&Of. . , 1 'NH-nes~ :j USEACX1o'OM~_T~VI/JIBF.WWll7THI."NIMYUJlKSTATIlONI.Y: Slate of New VorlI, CouDlyof .tJ/).~~ Iso.: OnIhe~YOr rflD-'f inlheycar .;J. ber.... me.1he uodorSigood. 'penonotly appe:>mJ J~K A. BLADOS. JR. . Jl"f'5'lDI1l1y known 10 me or proved 10 "'" m "'" basi. of salisr...1Ury evidence 10 be tho individual(.) whaoe nametl) i. c....) .......'ribed 10 Ihc within i...1U1IICIIl and lICknow~ 10 me Ih:a helshdlhef .xecllled Ihe ...... in hilllbeo\heir CIJlICIIy("'~ and 1hoI by hislherllheir lip I) on Ihe illSlnll1lOlll. the ill\lividuoll.), or the pmon upuo behalf which Ihc ~vidua;q,,~ r f iJ<ltuIllClll. ~~FANT1 NCl\lIry Public. State 01 New York No. 01 BEB022882 Qualllled In Suftolk CounlY"^,,,,~ Commlulon EJlplrel AprU 05, iO""" T ACIlNOWlF.JIGMF....".'..fJaI nHl USE WITH'" NtnI' Yau STATF-o.",.Y: 1_ Y..t_.u... W.......Ac~"'C...IJIn.'1 SlaleofNewYork,Ceunl)'of I.... On Ihc d.y of in tbe y..... befon: me. the undeII.igned. p",oll.lIy ap~ the subscribing willie>., 10 the fmogoi"ll in.<InImOnl. will1 whom I ani po""",,,Uy llaluoilllCd, who. being by nlO duly lworn. did depose aod ..y 1hoI heMoIIhcy rni<lc(.) in (iftlu! p/Du ,(",.idlnn is In u ,i')'.lnclude 1M II..., and IIlW' 1IlIIfIhe,. if DII)'. 'hortOJl; thal heisl1othoy knowC.) 10 be the indi\iduul cbcribed in aod who ....,Ultid the foregoina illSllUmcnl: 1hoI...d suba:ribing wilnCsS wos present and..w said ....,.lI: I"" o;amo; aII\l1hol said witness at 111. IlIR1e ~n'" oubsaibed hil1hcr^ho:ir 11I11IO(0).. a witness JhmIo. BARI.AIN " SALI! DKiD wml~AGAnC'CJIAH'TOI'SAn1i TrnE NO. 2441.9222-8 FRANK A. BlADOS. JR. TO FRANK A. BLAOOS. JR. AND DENISE ARNOLD FIDELITY NATIONAl. TlTI..: INSURANCE .COMPA";Y OF NEW YORK I INtrVIMtMru IW i::!<fr . 'd.Fwlily~ ..,' ...,.,,.,.,....JMl'z.M7IlIlo~ USEACKNOWU!lJG.UENr FOIIJlllELOwllmllNNEW YOIIKSTA77'O,YLt~ Slate ufNew VurlI, Couol)' of On the day of in Ihe )..... befon: me.1hc undcniaoccL penanally ""........ pmonally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihc baoio nf saJis(",1lXy evidena: IV be lbe individual(., whr6e 1\IUDO(lI) ili C""', subscribed 10 lIu: withiD illSllUlIICIIl and lICknuw1aW=d In me dill helshc1they ......rm tho ..... in hisllu:dtheir ..........Iy(iell~ lI11d 1h31 by hiSlbcrllheir signal\ll'f(.) 011 the illSllUlllml, the indivicluaJ(o~ or the persm IIJIOII beh:llf of which d1O: individua~'l acl<d. fXIlClIllld the in>l1U1l1I:IIl. Iso.: ACKlWWUiDliMENT Jo'uMM FOIl USEOUTSIDBNEW )'OIIK ~'TATlio."I.Y' lOot l1( SIlIlr., F""'... """..., A"""....,..,_ co...._1 . . ......... . ..... . ... . .. ... ......... .. . .... ........ III.: rc...".,. v.... wi'. SMIt. c.o.r.,. 1'nwUon... "..k".,1IIy1 On Ihc day nf in the y.ar befon: me. d1O: 1IIIlIer>ianaI, personolly appeat<d persunaDy known In DIO nr proved 10 me un Ihc ..... nf ~.r"'lpry .vidonc:e 10 be the indlvidual(.) whose ...1011) is (11IIO) liUbocribcd lriihe wilhio illllnlmeol andllCknowlodgcd 10 me IhlIl ~ Cxi:i:utca the...... in hislbellthcir oapllCilyr"'),1ha1 by bili/hod lhei, ~s) on Ihc insIrumcm. d1O: individual(s~ 01' Ihc penon upon behalf of which d1O: ill\lividuaJ(s) 1lCICd. cxeclllflllhe iMlnlIllO:lll, ....lhal ouch illdividual made ouch appear........ bcfon: the uncIersiJnccI in Ihc Clnsm IN ci/)/ ",.,., poIilical.ubdil'lsillll and IN s/lllt tN' <<_1')1 or UI"'" pIaa ,lit udrnutl~"""""" "'Cl.lIUUII~ . \,. DISTAICT 100.00 SI!CnUN 107.00 BUICK 11.00 LOT 005.000 CouIm'ORTOWN SUFFOI..K MF.CORDEOAT IUiQIJf:sr OF ~1dcJily lIialloaaJ 1111e IDSllnm<e CDo'plIII)' of NL'W V..... RE7VRN BY MAli. ro FRANK A. BI.ADOS. JR. AND DF.NISE ARNOLD 14U VilIoS' Lane MlWilUCk. New York 119~2 M I II: ~ lU !l II: Ii! ~ ... ~ i m II: " [i2 J ,:~ Numbt:r or I"'ge. 3 TORRENS Serial # RECORDED 2005 HaLl 17 11:01:35 All Edward P. RoMine CLERK Cf' SIJ'FOlK COUNTY L D00012387 P560 DTI 04-41054 Ccrtilitillc # ''riorClr.N Deed I Murtsago InsU'Umcnl Deed I Monsage TIlJC Slamp FEES Retonlingl Filing Slamps 4 '".gc/l'iling fee Mortg811e Ami. IlandUns '1"1'.584 I. IJosie Ta. 2, Addiliunal TIlJC NOl81iun 1iA.52 17 (CuumJ, i EA.5217 (Slale' . Sub T 0181 SpceJAssil. Or Spec. I Add. TOT, MTO. TAX Dual '!""wn_l>ual Cuun.y_ Held rur Appurliunme~_ . .Transrer Tax SO Mansion Tax _ The pruperty covered by Ihis murtwe is or will be improved by a one ur IwO ram ily Sub 1'0\81 d....lling only. YES orNO '4Q UNO. see appropriale.a. elause un page ff - GRAND TOTAl. ~ cf _orlhi. inslrumenl. Real Property TIIX Service All''IlCY Veritieation 6 Community Preservation found nil" ~.._;...... n 1....1. .. IAr C()llside-ration A_nount S .::p-r _ 10700 1100 005000 _ Sub TOIal 1lI'.T.S.A. 1J Comm. ur Ed. 5 QQ..-. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Slamp CPF Tux Due , Dale Improved ./ Inilials Vaeanll.and 7 Satisfactions/Discharges/Relcases List Pmpcrty Owners Moiling Addrcs RECORD" Rt:TURN TO: Ffcu1L A.- 8J~ I J? \ I'liS lI, 1./ 01JC.... ~ rrwh-tuaE nL1 I I )o,~;)- Suffolk Count Recordin I'D TO TO TO 8 Title Compan)' Information Co. Name Tille" 11lis JX1ge IOrms port of the alluchcd _. mode: by: 9 & Endorsement Pa e --'L -J-r7;. .Ii) 4. ~I'E("IFYTYPE 01' INS'IRUMENT) t3 J o.d(jJ ,-.f \ lhc pn:lllise.~ herein is siluated in SUFfOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK.. ~~~~~. crr. ,... .- - - .-- . -- ..-- - --"'- .-. . --1 UOXES 5 "111RlJ 9 MUST UE(!YPEI? OR..I'~I~J.:E.R IN. BLACK I~K.OI\lL:Y.PRIOR TO RECORDING OR fiLING, In Ihe To\\n'ihip II In Ihe VILLAGE or IIAMLET of ,nul'''' . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0052892 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 04-41054 Recorded. At. 05/17/2005 11.01135 AM LIBER: PAGE: 000012387 560 District: 1000 Section. Block. 107.00 11.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 005.000 Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/riling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO lA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO C01lIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Fee. Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-41054 THIS PAGE IS A PART or THE IN8TRtlMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County C1. &WIS_ ESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM : http;J/www.orps.8tate.ny.u8 or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAl PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT y.'J.~.J?'1.rl * . e,\i <J 1/?51 , .- - . C3._ I /~.~, rr. ')C4.......1 .J,h'.OI - PROPERTY INFOIlMA11ON C2. om. Deed Itl do.d STA11i OF NEW YORK STA1E IIOARD OF RULI'lIlIPEIIlY lIEIMCE8 RP . 5217 ....u17 .... 1NI '."-v '*-n ....... - J. Ta trIdbIa.....f~T..BIII..tDbI... I ..... .___-lI1-.._. - lAST""~ -- .rRUT~AND.I....rNMIII Cll"lOITOVItN IIAU "COllI :~.~ -.. ' ....... IORI I 0 10000.,.,...___thoy....... . · 01 PorcoII OIl Pon 01. Po...I M. Pllnnlng _ "'" ~ AuIhorhy EIdIu 0 "Su_~_lloquilod""T"'- 0 KId' . f /o..iJi.. it. "".. .-...._1114>- 0 I ...,.... I 6...........................'1111..... I -...... ...............- lAITNMI!/~ -- 7. a... .... box Wow which .... ---.Iy .....-.... .... cI the property M: 1M I..... III ..... A~Ono__ II 2or3Fam/ly_ C _V_ntLond D Nan n.ld..... YMInr Und 'SALE INFORMATION I . ". .... ConIrool_ 1l~Aaric&lltutol F eo........1 G Apo_' H EnIor1olnmont/Am_ I ~ Camm...._ J llId.....1 Ii: Publle_ L _ -...----- L llwnoroIIlp ~ 10 ~I... .. ,..., ConItructIon on Vacant: lMtd 1M. "'-'" l.oc8d _.. Aa-- ..................- -1ndIaIbng .....Iha..-..In..___ 1&. CIIaI* .... .. .... ~ __ all -. . ..................-: _Io__or__ ___~or................. Onoollho""'''_._ "'"" or SeDIr II CeI UIII......1\Qeney or Lending IlIICilulion Oood ~... w........ or IIlogoln ond SIlo _Iv _I Solo 01_ or Lou lhoo "'" 1_1Spod1v BoIowl S1g_ Chlngo 10 .......... _ T_ S...... ond Silo 00l0I 501001""""_10__ 0Ih0r Un...... _AIIoc:IIng Solo M:o I~_ Nono o o o o - I "" I .w " ,.. 1I0Io ......, Tn_ I <~ I ~ c::; 1f).....'1 ..... Day v... , , ,0.0 I , , . (fuI hie Price illhI lotII.mount paid for thI ~rty Indudlng pnonIl property. -.......... moy bo '0"" form 01-' - proporIy or goodI. Of n ...........n 01 _or_obIig1l1onL) __10Il1o__ _ ''''-.........- I 0 0 , pnIpII'ty IndudId In tile .... . I I . I . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - OolO .hould l1IIIocl 'h. 10_ Fio.IAIMDm.nllklll.nd To Bill '3.FuII__ ''''''''of'''- .-4Ro1fra11'11 -~...............- I ".T__V....IoI.._.._' , , .4.0.0 0, , 'L -..._ 12, \ ,OI_U 'L....... __ I DOlJZb n\d .. T_Mlp.' __,__11___._____1 I I CERTIFICATION I Ica1II'y..........._.._ _GO ...._..._.... _1I0111e _"III)' _......... _....1.......-0 .....1bo1lllllllDlt ulllllJ'....... __ 01_'" _....,.,..._ IoIIIe _ID............. ......_ __"'- IlID!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~ 'ffN0-5 -W5.. \j"~.....'LCl\'l(.1 \q52 .....- -- -- .......... ..- )(~~J1 IS})&> NEW YORK STATE COpy