HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12396 P 788 '16 ~ -"~~ 'q. ~ . . CONIULTYOURl.AWYER BEFORE IIGNlNCl THIIIIIIlRLlIIINT.THII_IHOULD BI! USED BY LAWYERlI ONLY w ..__ . lid-- )1,h -P 7sf THIS INDENTURE, made the BETWEEN 29th day of June 2005 Kenneth Corrigan and Brenda Corrigan both residing at 1 Wagon Wheel Lane, Cutchogue, New York 11935 ( party of the firat paIt, and Gerard Kaelin Jr., Renee Reeve, and Carole Wyer located at 517 Picasso Way, Middile Island, New York 11953 party of Ih8 second part, WITNESSETH, !hat the party of the fillll part, ill consid8llltlon of no considera Cion dollars paid by the party of the ll8C:OI1d part, doa8 hereby granl and ,.... unlD the party of the I8COIlCI paIt, the heirs or luee UIOIIII1d lllligna of the party of the IlICOnd part ror-r. ALL thai certain pIoI, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvemenla theraon erecIIId. 1itue18. lying and being In the Hamlet of Cutchogue, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk, Sate of New York See, deacription attatched hereto and made a part hereof as Scbeldule A BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premisis converyed to tbe party of the first part by deed dated September 8. 2004 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on March 7. 2005 in llber12375 of deeds at page 294 TOGETHER with all right, title and Inl8nlBl, If any. of the party of the first part In II1d lD any 8lraeIs and road. abutting the ab0v8 descrlbed pramiles lD the center Illl8IlhBraof; TOGETHER with the appurl8nences and all the 8IlBlIl and rlghla of the party of the first part in and lD I8ld premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises heraln grantad unlD the party of the II8COI1d part, the heiIa or IUCClIlSOrs and BBSlgnl of Ih8 party of the I8COIlCI part forever. AND tha party of the I1I5t part COVlI/lIInla Ih8l tha party of Ih8 first part has not done or suffer8d anything whlll'llby the Slid premiles have been encumbered In any way whal8ver. except 81 efonI8aJd. AND Ih8 party of the llrat part, In compliance with SectIon 13 of the lien Law, covenanta that the party of the fillll part w1111'l1C8ive Ih8 con8ldera1lon for this COIIVlIy8IlC8 and will hold Ih8 right lD I'lIC8ive suc:h consIdaration 81 a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paylng the COlt of Ih8 Impruvemant and wItl eppIy the I8/IMI IIrllt lD the payment of the cost of the Improvement befonl UIing any part of the lllIlII of the serna for any othar purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If It raad "p&Ities" wilen aver the _ of lhIB Indentura so raqu..... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the IIrst part has duly IIXllCUted lhIB deed the day and year llrat above wrlIlBn. IN PRESENCE OF: V/~ Kennetb Corrigan ~ Lf>).lndM.. Cor ~ /'- Brenda Corrigan - N. Y.B. T.U.1'OIlII1ClO2 - Bargain IllCI SUI DoecI...... c-IIIIIlga/nIl GIuIoI'._ _ ~-.-cfgmonl Fonn3aO .' . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEIlQ..ENT 18 ....."" IN NEW YORK STATE . Sl8I8 of New York, Counly of ~ ffillL ..: Sl8I8 of New YOII<. County of On the 1 ~1IY of..k. LA In the JlIlIl' ;./b r On Ihe day of In the JlIlIl' ~~!'Y~.... urn' before ma, the undet'Ilgned. ptIIlIonallyappeered 10 m~'1!~ nf."':'~~ known 10 me or pIlMId to me on the bale of lIlIlfeI'8c:Io.y .....1Ce to ~ IndtvIdual(a) whole _(a) oella1adot, evidenoe 10 be tha 1nd1vldu8l(.) whole neme(.) III (ere) lIUbec:ribed to the within InslrumenI and eckllowledged to (are) lIUbsa1bed to the within Instrument end a~ged to me thllt heI8Il8Ilhey 88Cl1Ied the _ In hIsIheI1theIr me thllt helshellhey lIllllCUled the _ in hlalherllhelr oepecIty(Ies), IInd lhlIl by h1s.t1a.llln11i s1gnatulll(.) on \he oepec:lly(IH), end lhlIl by hlslherllhelr sIgnetule(.) on the Insbumenl. the 1ndMdueI(.), or the pereon upon behalf of which InslrumlInI. the Indlvldull~.), or the pereon upon beheIf of which the IncIvfdual(.) ~. lIllllCUled the Instrument. . the 1ncr1Vlduel(.) -.t, 8lCeCUled tha instrument. I.JJI.I~-DJJ ~ (sIgn8lun1and ollIoe of IndMduallllldng lICImowIedgment) ElAlNE T. VIUANO NoNolmy01~ Slate of New York . """"'"If, But'1ll1k Countv Commlsslon ~~,.". , ~ J- TOBE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACIlIInIM "llGIIENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE a.: (.1gnaIur8 end ollIoe of Indlvldualllldng ecIa -'edglnenl) Sl8I8 (or DllItrIclof Columbia, Territory, or FllI'8ign Country) of sa: On the appe.;ed Jl8I'IOI1dy k.-ilto me 01' P/VV8CI-Io.ma:on.the bale.of NUooIa.c:lo/y. evfdence 10 be tha Indlvlduel(.) whole 1WIMl(.) Is (ere) IIUbscrtbed 10 the within lnIlrument and ac:lInowledged 10 me thai helshallhey 8XIICUlad the same In hill/herllhelr oepllClly(lft), and thllt by hIlIIherIIheIr sIflnature(.) on the inlIlrument, the Indlvldual(.), or the perlOl'l upon beheIf of which the Indlvldual(.) -.t, lIllllCUled the Instrument. and lhaI.uc:h Ind"lVIdual mada such eppe8I8nce Ilefore the under8Igned In the day of In the veer before ma, tha LnIerIIgned, pereonally In (Inll8tlthe City or _ pollticlll.ubdlvlslon) (and Irmert the SlslIl or Country or _ pl8C8lhe aclcnowledgmenl _ taklln) (.Ignlllure and oftIoe of Indivldlllllllldng adcnowIedgment) 11tIe No. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TO Recordlld lit Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DIIIIIlUlId 1lV o Commo~~~oow_ aMOM~mLA."tPnru;INlIUIWfa:CUM..vft'.. . ,". ITANDAIIID POIIII OP MlWYOItIC IOMD Of' nn.e ___........4. IU!8E1M! nn ._I'OItUll! OF IIKDllDIIlG_ .' .'t- it""'.' . I ., . SCHEDULE A - DESCRlPnON . . _..~~ All that certain plot, piece Dr parcel Dr land, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue In the Town Dr Southold, County Dr Suffolk and State Dr New York, known and designated as lot No.1 on the Minor Subdivision Map of Conrad and Frances Bagensklliled in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on January 29, 1996 as Hap No, 9800. Together with and subject to the rights of others to use the private right",f way known as .Wagon Wheel lane" as shown on said map as a means of Ingress to and egress from the said lot No. 1 to Haln (New York State Route 25) Road, .. ..... .. .....----.. . ..-....~._,.. - .- ~ --...J......_~~\1;:-~-':.."'. ..".Wo. r '. .- .1' '. ..."" ". - - ~"'~"'^--"-" ~. L.LI._...~_ .~...:~.I':..~.:-.-. Certificate of Title SCHEDULE B ( " TAX SEARCH DEPARTMENTALS r" Ii: 2 l Number of pages t/ RECORDED 2005 Jul OS 04:05:29 PH Edward P.Roaaine CLERk Cf' SUFFOIJ( COUNT'r' L ??oo123% P7SS [IT# 04-48261 I Serial N I. . TORRENS Certificate H Prior Clf. U Deed / MlK1gage Ins\rUmenl Deed / MoI1gage Tax Stamp FEF~<; Recording / Filing Slamrs . l'oge / Filing Fcc llandling TP.584 .-- "J_ ~- Morlgage Ami. I. Basic Tnx 2. Additionul Tax NOIalion Sub Total R.P.T.S.A. r SubTola1 ~~ :27 SpccJAssil. 0, Spoc./Add. TOT. MTO, TAX Uual Town_Dual Cuu ly_ Held for Apporliunmenl Transfer Tax EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Stale) Conun. of Ed. 5 <20..- Amdavil (Certified co~ Reg. Copy OIlier ~ / y _ SubTUlaI ORAND TOTAL r?JO ;:)..'f 7 - c.::s Mw.sion Tax The property cuvered by Ihis murtgnllu is ur will be impruved by a une Dr two fumily dwelling only. YES urNO_ If NO, see appropriate lax clause 011 page H. ../' - of Ibis Instrumenl. rlf tJ.5 6 Communily PrellervlIliun'F ncJ C sitJerulioll AmOUlI1 $ l Real Pmpcr\y Tnx Service Agcnc)' VerifICation ~I"r..inn n Indc I.nl 1000 10800 0300 009004 SlamI' 10( $ William C. Goggins, P.C. 13105 Main Road P.O. Box 65 Mattituek, New York 11952 hnpruved Vacantl.and ~ _ TD~ TD TD Date Initials 7 SatisfaclionslDisc:hargeslRcleascs Listl'roperty Owners M8iling Addrc RF.coRD" RETURN TO: 9 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title II Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e TItis puge forms pwt oflhe allached Banain and Sale nud (SPeCIFY 'IYPE OF INS'IRUMENT) madc by: Kenneth Corrigan and TIle premises herein is silualcd in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YOIU<.. Brenda Corrill:an TO In lite To\\nsIlip of Southold . In !he VILLAGE orl~LEl'of Cutchogue Carole F. Wyer, Renee Reeve, Gerard Kaelin BOXES 5 '1HRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRlNIB) IN Bi.J\CK INK ONLY !'R10R TO IlliCOlmlNG OR FlUNG. (OVER) 1111111111111111I1111I111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Xnstrument: DEBeS/DDD Numbe~ of Pages. 4 Receipt Numbe~ . 05-0071306 TRAHSPER TAX NDMBER: 04-48261 Reco~ded. At: 07/08/2005 04.05.29 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012396 788 Dist~ict. 1000 Section. Block. 108.00 03.00 BY_'U[IJIBI) A!lD CHARGBD AS I'OLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 009.004 Deed AIIIount. Received the I'ollowing Pees I'o~ Above Xnstrument BxtUllpt """""Pt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Banclling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO !!:A-CTY $5.00 NO !!:A-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce~t.Copie8 $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO T~_8fe~ tax $0.00 NO CDIIIIII.P~e. $0.00 NO Pe.. Paid $247.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER. 04-48261 THXS PAGE XS A PART 01' THlIl XNSTRtIMBNT THXS XS NOT A BXLL Bdwa~d P.Romaine COWl.ty Cle~k. Suffolk County , . - -------- ----- - -~. --- ""----- - - ------ --~ _.- - -.. - --. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/www.orps.sllIte.ny.U& or PHONE (618) 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY I'{; "1..3, g, f. ~ C2.DauDud_ I .1, t I &S; MonIII DI, v... C3. _ I I. e?.:?;, '1 ( /, I C4. Pop I I., K. Z. ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWIS Code STATE OF NlW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAl. ~ IERVICE8 RP - 5217 1lf'.521711nJlln PROPERTY INFORMATION ,. "-" 1 No 1/ LocIdon ITIIUT NJMIIA ISouthold ClIY QfI TOWN WSRon Wheel Lane ~I"" NAtA ICutchore - . I 11935 ..""" z. ..... 1 Wyer ram. &MY..../gJIIItANY Carole F. ,-- I Reeve Klitl'l!'tl"- I. T.. IndicD where fubn Tu Us.. 10 be.... _ If_.lhInbuyor_laI......otlllrmJ I -- 1 Renee GB~'I'a- IoMI ....., QaIPNft' -.- I.'" _.. AIG II",,' NAMi cnYUltIQl'M, , .To\U: IDI'COOl: "~I .... MONT nl' Ixl ...PIH IORI """' . 1OnIv.........__u__ <A. -Intl _ wlIh _1_ AuIl>of<y EoJa 0 "'~_'_RoqlONdro.T_. 0 Co _ _.... SubdI_ wflh Map - 0 4. ......... th8......... 01 ~ RoI paraa. tnllllerred an'" .... 1 I 'of P..caI. 011 D hrt of . P.rcal ..- - ICorr~n LAS' IUJiIII'AIf'f Kenneth fNTNMII. Icorr~n LAI' ICWINIft Brenda FIII'_ A~ One FomUy _ami" B 2 Of' I Flmlly Relidlntill C _till Vocont u...l D Non~dInllaI VlClnlllnd I SAlE INFORMATION' ..._-- I::~Ag'k:uI,",.' I' Cammon:lll (j ApGr1mIfIE H Entertlinmenl/~ J ~ CommunIl . ....... J _rill K PIlbIIcSarvk.. L ForDSt -...--.....- I. OwnInhlp Typo III CondDmwlium .. NDW CanIIruction on Vacarc unci ,IIA. "'-" ~ _.. on Agrk:ulll"lll -... ''''_'_'''"__lndIc:oIIntl """lho_......AjpIcullullllDilbic:r o o o o 7. CIIlIIlIl: .... bINI ..... which moat ...atelr............ ... ............,.., at the time at ..a.: 1&. ChIICIIone or more" "- _1IIIIIaM. ~ tD....r.r. ...... , ... I .,. A B C I) F. J: G H 1 J ___ar__ SoIll__~orPo......ln_ 011o .. "'" ...... .. .... . &ollar Iuyet or Seller Is GOll_...._.1 ~ or Ltndlng InItiIUlion DaorI TYIIll ... _..... or IlllrgoIn end _l6poQIy _ _'" F_ or Loa"'" ho _lSpocIly_1 Slgnlllcoll\ CIlllngo.. Pro,*", _ T_llIo1uIllnd _!lob ... of Bull,... illndudId In Silo PrIco llIho< UnuIuoI F..... _ng _ ""'" l6poQIy_ N.... 06 I 29 I 05 McrIIh a.r y_ o '~O.OI , , . IFull ... Price . the total .moura' pilld for Ih. property including pcnGnIl properly. Thlt PIYftIInt ruy bo In lhe form of cash. other property or ~ or tho utumPlion of mortpges or atM' DblIgItJonLJ "",... round ro ",. nHttIt ~ doIbt.mtICHK. ,..-...-..- 1 , 0 , 0 I __In"'_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Doll should refllcl tholalnl Finll _nt Roll ond Tox Bill '2. _ .. _, TrllnaIor ,3. FuI .... Prtco ,f.::: ..;""..:;= Inlm I I 17. T_ _V_Iof'" _In _I ","-"oQou 13 I. L-u ...___ Ilfattituck- CutchoRUB . ; ; School District 20. T.. Mo._,___I.mo......'....._____1 1000 108.00 03.00 . I 009.001 I CERTIFICATION l I ftT1II'ylbllt 11II "'11Io-.."'__........... ........... _ uotlw ....orlll,)' -.. aad _ ud 1_ IIIM"'1llllIdaA ......, .1III\II_.._"'~rwt_..........._...... ..........."'......... low _.........lllIIIllIIaoor__ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY -k~iI4 I 06-29-05 ..." Goggins lAIr_ I William C. .....HMO: No 1/ sn.."NUIIIlII WaRon Wheel Lane ..nIIII'.....lAFltIIULD 631 -- 298-4200 =--0:_ CutchoRue ""'OIl""'" (. NY "An. 119~~ ..""" NEW YORK STATE COPY