HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 866 . . LJ24:z{P f SCP" f08 -3-q.1{ - --- ---- ~AlN & SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS dated December 12, 2005 from CAROLE F. WYER, RENEE REEVE & GERARD KAELIN, JR., 10 GranllJr KENNETH CORRIGAN & BRENDA CORRIGAN, his wife, Grantl~e Ois!: Section: IBlock: 1L0t: County 1000 108.00 03.00 009.0011 Suffolk Please record and return 10: WiIIlilm C. G09llins, Esq. Main Road Maltlluck, NY 11952 BARGAIN & SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACT:~ tJ.lIll"U uJ'iIflt..IIKII THIS INIJENTURE, made December 12, 2005, belweervFAROLE F. WYERI, RENEE REEVE & GERARD KAELIN, JR., 1I11 having an address c:Jo Wyer, 517 Picasso Way, Middle Island, NY 1 '1953 ('Gmntor"), and KENNETH CORRIGAN l~ BRENDA CORRIGAN, his wife, both residing at 1 Wagon Wheel Lane, Cule:hogue, NY 1 1 935 ("Grantee'). WITNESSETH, thai Grantor. in consideration of ten (510.00) de.llars paid by the second part, does hereby grant and release, unto Grantee and the heirs, executors, administraton;i. legal represe,ntatives, l>uccessors and assigns 01 Grantee IClrever, District: 1000 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in Hamlet of Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, being more particularly desl:ribed in Schedule A attllChed hemto and made a part hereof, Section: 108.00 B1cck: OJ.OO TOGETtlER with all right, title and interest, if any, of Grantor in and to any streets and roslds abutting 'the above described premises to lhe cenler lines thereof, Lots : 009.001/ TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rig his of Grantor in and to s,aid premise~;. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granled unto Grantee and d,e heirs, executors, administrators, legal replllSentatives, successors and assigns of Grantee, forever. Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed the Grantors herein by deed dated 91812004 and recorded 317/2005 in Liller 12375 page 294 and by deed dated 6/29l2OO5 and recordl~ 7/812005 in Liller 00012396 page 788. Grantor l::ovenants that Grantor has not done or sufferej anythin:g whereby said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as set forth herein. Grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, cove,nants that Gmntor will receivE' the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. Said premises is vacant land known by Tax Map Designation District 1000, S~ion 10,6.00, Block OJ.OO, Lot 009.00" Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. IN WITNIESS WHEREOF Grantor has duly executed this deed 0'1 the date first above written. q~~~1~L~~11~~ ~b=----- 4~' I' ~0fl_ GERARD~ I'll Ie No: RHOS303241 SCHEDULE A-DESCRIPTION AMENDED 12/05/05 ALL that certain plot, pi<ece or parcel of land, situate, lying and bein!l at Cutchogue in the lawn of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 1 on the Minor Subdivision Map of Conrad and Frances Ba!lenski filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on January 29, 1996 as Map No. 9800; said lot bein9 more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING ..t a point o,n the easterly side of a 50 foot wide right of way (Wilgon Wheel lane) distant the following two, (2) COUrsE!S and distances as measured along the easterly side of said right of way frOln the extreme northerly end of the curve connecting the easterly side of tlhe 50 fOClt wide right of way (Wagon Wheel Lane) with the northerly side of Main Road, S. R. 25; 1. North 015 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds West, 15324 feet; 2. North 21 degrees 26 minutes 50 seconds East, 291.35 feet to the point or piace of BEGINNING;: RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of BEGINNING along the easterly side of a 50 fOOl wide right 01' way (Wagon Wheel Lanle) North 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West, 3310.00 feet to I.,nd now or formerly of James E. Cross Trust; RUNNING THENCE alon!l said land North 63 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds East, 323 97 feet to land now or formerly of The Town of' Southold and James E. Cross Trust; RUNNING THENCE along said land South 26 degrees 06 minutes 50 seconds, East, 328.38 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 63 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds West, :122.79 teet to the east<erly side of a 50 foot wide right of way (Wagon Wheel Lane) at the point or place of BEGINNING. Together with and subjE!ct to the rights of others to use the private right of way known as "Wagon Wheel Lane" as shown on said map as a means of ingress and egress from the said Lot No.1 to ~Iain (New York State Route :15) Road. Legal DeSCription STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 55.: On the 12th day of December in the year 2005 before me. the undersigned, personalll' appeared 1!A4~ .""CAROLE F. WYER, pe~C)nauy kn~ ~ ":,e or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual ,,~ whose name IS subsaiblld to the WIthin .nstrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf o'f which the individual acted, executed the instrument. J!4iJ.U lA R,~. Notary Public PATRICIA L. FALLON Notary Public. State Of New York No 01 FA4950146 Qualified In Suffolk co~r14 'Wf1 Commission Expires Ap" '0' STATE OF NE:W YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 55.: On the 12th day of December in the year 2005 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared RENEE REEVE, persona.11y known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidenClI to be the individual whose name is subscriblld to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity and that by her ~iignature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon beha~ o'f which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Ahj~n f ,~ Notary Public PATRICIA L.tA6'l{l~YOrk Notary PUblloC, ~l~:50146 No. 11 Ik CountY .1rA1' Qualified In ~~pi~es April 24, ,.....~ commISSIon .... STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 55.: On the 112'" day of December in the year 2005 before, me, the. undersigned, pefSonalll' appeared GERARD KAELIN, JR, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of salisfaclOl]I evidence to be the individual whose name Is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged 10 me that he Elxeculed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or thEl person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. al1l'n.L f ..);IJA../ Notary Public L FALLON PATRICIA . Ie at NeW York Notary ~ub\~1 ~~~950146 IV Qua\i!?e~ In ~~f~~:S ~~~ir 24, JrD 1 commISSIon "",p Number of pagC$ S- TORRENS RECORDED 2005 DtoC ~:~: 09: 54: :)4 !=1M Edw.::Ird P. Rom.3in,:o CLERK OF SJFFOL~, COIJNTY L 00(11)12426 F 86'- 0T# Of.i-20343 Serial # __. Ccrtifu:are # _. Prior Clf. # Deed / Mortgage InSIIWnenI Deed / Mortgage 'IBx Stamp ] FEES - 2J i Page I Filing Fee is- I --- I Handling S. 00_ I , I TP-S84 5"_ ! Recording / Filing Stamps ---- EA-5217 (Coun~~) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. ;:;;-- -...6__ /(,5 ~~: MortgageAml _'___ 1. Basic llu: ______ __ .- ,2. AddiIiOlllll Thx___ _ Sub Thlal____ _ SpecJAssit. NoWion Sub Thlal 30 or Cmitied Copy NYS Sun:barge Olhcr 15. 00 Soli Thlal ) ~Thlal I .;2 /s 2-"1 ~.- Spec./Add. ____ _ 1m: MTQ, TAX ___ __ Dua1Thwll_ Dual County __ Held for Appoinlml:nl ~ ~ /d-.uv - 'IIan.sfer l\u; _~_ __ Mansion'ThJ[ ___ _ The jb.ul"'Il)' covered by this mortgage i or will be improved by a one or tw, family dwelling only. YES _____ or NO_ If NO, see llJ:lpl'Opriate tax clause on page # ___ of this ins~~l -t;i Comm. of Ed. -_---2: 00 , Affidavit ~ Dift~ f Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification - I, -.1___ __. __ _ __I _ . ------ 10800 0300 009004 '9 5 CommUDity Pre8enati.oD Fund Consideration Amount $5cv,ovV '-k 10 - $ - CPF Tax Due -r- ---- --;;J Salisfaclions/Disc1uogeslReases Lial-~perty Ownm MailiDg Address .!J OC:ORD '" RETURN TO: IJ)llL/llm (]I 6~~~/l./S, G5Q: (it)(ifiINS 1': fJ4LUIY/Bo PO.80I( Gr /YJIlTTI TW::/(, 1\/ y' /19s 02" Improved. ,,- V&C.llDl Land __ ID ill ID In the Thwnship of ~S;)tJ'TMl-'lJ ___ In the VD..LAGE or HAMlEr of , I!t.. -n;Mv.uE__ , ROXP.s 6TIfRTJ 8 MUST BE TYPRn 011 PR:fNrnn TN IU a('v",,,, nU"'nn."n ~~ ____'.'_ __ ~ Title Company Information I Co.NRml'l e,n1mgA/III_'9"-~' 1.-9A/<'1 "TinE ~ ,e1lt?S~dJol'Y'l _ I Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached I B/lR6/fIN /}N/J JIJLFL1 evJ _____ made by: . I (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) flA-bJL" WI/a. AIKiA rfAl!lJE F U/V€:l'. The premises hemn is ulUaled in &n= ~~ HA//J GeJ~rA ~E'I.J J. or, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. I I ! TO ,(e;vA/E7H' (!,URtCHN' AN/) -.l1~/j1l {;~~/C/JA( 8 1I11I1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inst,rument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 5 Receipt Number . OS-0132248 TRANSFER T,AX NUMBER: 05-20343 Recorded: At. 12/22/:2005 09:54.:34 AM LIBER: PAGE: DOiJ012426 866 District: 1000 Section: 108.00 EXAMINED AND $300,000.00 Block: 03.00 CHARGED AS LOlt;, 009.004 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the, Following Fees For Page/Filing COE EA- CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer ta~ $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,200.00 Above InstrumeJl,t Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRiCHG EA-STA'rE Cert.C'opies SCTM Comm.P:res Fees f'aid $5.00 $15.01) U65.00 $0.01) $0.01) $4,500.0') $5,945.0') Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAJl: NUMBEFt: 05-20343 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILl:' Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTA:UCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.u5 or PHONE (518) 473-722:1 FdR COUNlY USE 0 NL V 'Ct. SWIS Codo L',t', ~,." ~,l't', rl * . . \. - <to.. --.I REAL PROPERW TRANSFER REPORT C2. Dot. D.... Re.,onlod L / ::! 1 ;;2.2 1 0 (--j ----';;orrth Day YNr !:3. Book 1/ ,,;{ ,(.r ,d, ,~:.J ce. Pogo I ~h .&' I . PROPERlY INFORMATION STATl: OF NEW VORl< STATE BOARD Of IREAL PROPlERTY SERVJCES RP ., 5217 JlI~.~':11 K" .W7 1. Prope.rtv I loc:M:lon S'nIC[T NUMD[~ Vacant Land STIllElXAMt- _.___.___.__...._._. _.________.._.3 Town of Southold ClI"OH ICl'W"I 'IIl:J.AG[ .._., _____ __ J1i.9..5.3..--> .. COO[ 2. Buyer N.me Cocriqan LAST NAM~ ,toMJ'ANV Kenneth I'IIWTKAIlIIE , ._._-_._------_._-~-j Corr'igan LAST NAM[ , COMPANY Brenda nftSTNA"lE _._."_._.__.~".__.___..~~_____._J 3. Tn IndicilIlc where MUle Ta" Bills 1'f8 U) be sent Billing jf other Ihlln bllver acklrell18'1 l:JoRom 01 fOlml 1 Add.... LA$T NAIII:/f:UMPA...V JIRSTHAMk . .____ ________----i "~Rt-l'T NUMBER AND 9T,",ET I~"""[ (ITV OR TlMIN ,__L----'---L_--l SIAlf "P,C'ClOF .. Indi~ th. numtMir 011 A.....m.nt Roll pareal. ".n-'-mllt an the dHd I O. 0 U" Of Parcels OR 0 Port of II Pllrcel 5.0_ prapeny 51.. L__----1 X L l"RO~;I:Hr DFfPfH . J 0.1 . ,,2 . ~. t.j I AO'" IOrdy if Part of II hreel) Choa _ th-V ai~1y ...... Planning Bollrd wi1h Subdi'ilsion Authonly ExilttS 4B. Subdivision Approval \ViI!! Rcqui,cd for rrllnsfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Suboi\'illon with Mlp Provided o o o 6. SeUer Name I WYER LAST NAME' COMPANY CAROLE F. ~/R 6,,4L.€ -ruiif7i1..C REEVE Kl\RT.T~ TI> lASl ;wxr, d.....~.. ~ RENE C,i.~MI) __J ,. Check the bOil b.low which ftJoe;t acc:umll4y describ.. the u.. of the property at the tlm. of .al.i, A ~ One Family Resiltenlial B 2 or J Flmily RtJiiidontlal C Residential Vllr.Rl1t land D Non-Rasldlnt.al Vacant l.8nd I SALE INFORMATION , 11. Sal. Contrld Dat. E ~ Agricultuf1Il I ~ Commumtv Sanrie~' F Commllrcial J IndusHial (j A.partment K Public Service J J Entj!rtainment I Amusement L Forost Check the boll" bekIw II. th-v apply B. Ownanhip Type ilJ Condominium I. New Conslnlction 011 Vl!IClIInt hnd lOA. Propeny locatDd within JIn AgriculRlral Oimict 108. 8u~..r received II disclosuro notice indic::atlng Nt lhe property i. ill Dn j~riculturll.l District D D o o 7 1 21 Day 1 200S, v... 15. 01_ one DI' INN'8 of th... condmCIlrUi as ~Iic.bl. '0 1r.~ 13. Full Sale Priee , ,30P. 000. , , 0 (Full Sal. Price is lhe t01a1 arnount pIIill lor the pro~rty including personal proportv. ThilJ Plyment may be in Iha form of calh, other property or goods. or tne assumption of mortgages or OIhcr obIigQlions.) PI.... fOtJnd 10lhe tlHrost ~ doilar llmounr. , II , .. I A R C D E F G H 1 J Sale SCIWotJn Relalives or Farrnor Aelatives Sala Belween Relaled Companies or Partnenl in Business Dna of the Buyers is also a Suliar Buyer or Sedlar is Government "gen~' or lending Institution 000Il Type MI1 Warranrv or Bargain and Sal.. (Specify Below) Sa'e of F,ec:tional or !LeiS Ihan Fne Im.r85t (Specify Below} Significanl Chango in Property l:ietwe.n T"'~blo StatUI lInd S.le Oate Sale or 8u.linea i. Included in S810 Price Otheor Unus'ual Factors Affec:tin(l: So'lIlc Prico (Specify Bl9lowl N""" -~ 12. Date of Sale I Tnnate", 12- w_ 1 1'2.1 20051 Day v.., 14. Indicat8 the value of p.erwonal L N I A (, () I property Included In tl.. ....; '~ I ~ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - OaC8 should rofloct the lales.! Final Anel5n'1enl Roll and T.'C Bill 1., V..,"'AIoaumontR,,1I lrom ,,,,ll.r. L / CJ.o 0, which infannatiDn t...... Ucq:,&.k:U 17. Total AJ&MMd V.lueluf aK parcels In bans'.. ~~-;-------"--t,----,--.-L-_,---L--'----l la Property Cleu L.,i...L.LIJ-t--.J t9. Sohool DIstri" Nomo 1 S~u.nHLb. zo. Tax Map IdMItiflerlsll RDlI "millerl!" (If mon tharl four, ettaeh IIheet wi1h .dditian" idBntlf1er(sJl Districltc 1000 Section 10B.00 Block 03,,00 L- L.ot 009.00'" I I CERTIFICAllON ,- I t'fortir}. Ibut ..II elllhi" ik~m... ullnfornlalicm ~nLt'rnI nn Ihls rann art' tror ud .."orn.d lllll tM M1 01" my knoMoIn.I~ 11M. bl.Wfl :ant1 I undtrstand Uwt th~ makin~ IrI_~' _mful rable .lIiI::Ikmrnt or mutrl"lal rlld IIl!reln "m .'Ubje(-I nil' 10 I'" Dr'O\tQon."l or tIN! ..ala,! rrl..thr 111I Ihr makina: unclliliDR of rw IlNrumrnbo. BUUR ~no..6., ~I. /.~~'f!l1.. -P. () . ..&i'x tf'o9 STR[U NUMIIEM &TREn t.A."'[ Wl[R ~Ul ~i~ IlJ'- ~ I 12.( 1Z-/ DS 1:.1 J.1.1 oS DATI:. . !IUVER'S ATTOftljE'( Goggins Wl111an _____-.l_____.______.. U.STNAMI' 1'III$r".N\Ill. 631 .iltK2 298-..4200 AIIFAOODl! ftL.[I"HON!:NLJY!l9I C!u7l:J/tJc,(./~ ~ ~u d SELL.Eft C~ Y~:~t'~) tiLLLl:R S1GNATURl t/ '..f It/oS' NEW YORK STA.Tf COPY -_._-,-->-~_./