HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12372 P 480 , , L /).3,1;;-- P Lf?O ~) /0 f- 3-1:3:>.; L i . Form MOO:! (WQCI) . 20.\1 - .BUJ:;Iin and Sale DeN. wilh COVCIlMl'lo .."a CirwnIgr', Ac1I-ladiYiduul or Curpar1Iion. (1inJIc *-J . . .......1' YOuIl LAWY_...... ...... ................. -...... _. --r _LD...... _ ....... OIILY. THIS INDENTURE. muclclhe ~J4 day of .:r"""~.!J dDD6 BETWEEN ,N O~e...-'\ r'l c.1<~n"..., (,4;5i4o~. ~+ and Iff/a AAnor lI.if t..6IIc H4.-ff, Iud, /tJ..Y. "~S-2 ' pany of Ihe firs! pan, .nd ~OtYI~5 /-rhol'\'\" bO(l 4 ~1'-ub~.f'h/~~tNl ~~ re6Loll~o..-l d~t1 'Bn~o!. 1-.. ~~U", Nii 1'1tf35~ I pany of the second pan, WITNESS~:TH. th'l,he pany ..f the lirsl pan. in c....idellltion of Icn doll.", and llIher v.luable consider:lIion paid by the pany ..f lhe second pan, docs hereby granl and release unlo the pany of lhe second pan. the heilS or 511CCe....... and ....._igns of lhe pany nf Ihe second pan f"",vcr. ALL lhat cenoin plnl. picec nr pan:el ..f land, wilh the buildings .nd improvemenl' lhereon ereeled, .iluale. lying and being in lhe 5(:~ A ~~ ''Sc.heJde. A- 'I TOGETHER wilh .11 righi, ,ille .nd i.llere... if any. of Ihe pany "f Ihe lirsl pan. in and to .ny 5t.....ls and roads abulling Ihe ahm'c-de,crihed premi... 10 Ihc cenler line. lbereof: TOGETHHR wilh lhe appuncn.nce. and alllhe e'l,'e and righl. nt ,he P"rlY "flhe Ii", pari in and 10 ..id premi...: TO HAVr,ANDTO HOI.D Ihe premi.... h.rein granlcd unln ,b. pan)' uf Ihe .econd p.n. Ihe heirs III .ucce._nr. .nd a..ign. "f the pany nf ,h. ..cnnd p.n fnrever. A"'D Ihe pany ..flhelirst pan covenanl. Iballhe pany uflhe 1i..1 p"n ha. nnl d.,ne ur sulTered .nYlbing wh.r.by Ihl: ~..id prcmilloc:ro ha\"C' bc:cn cncumlx~t.I in any \\"01)' whalcv.:r. cM:epl .1l'l ut'un:said. ANI) the party C\r Ihe fir!llll'art. in (nmpliullce ~'Ith Section I J or the Lien Law. cO'l"enunt~ thallhe purly Ill' Ih..: linn P:1rI will receive the consideralion for this convcyun&:e uud will huld the ril!hllu reccive such consider- uli"n a. a Iru", fund lu be upplieLl firs, f... the purpn.e ..I' payinglhe cn$l "f Ihe improvemenl and will apply lhe .ume fir.llo Ihe puymenl (If Ihe cn'l nf Ihe imp.n..menl befure u.ing .ny pari of the Inl.1 nf Ihe .ume fur any IIlher purpll"c. The wnrd .'pan)''' shall he conl\lru~d.:l" if il reild '.parties" whencver the ~n.se uf Ihis indenture ~n rC'Iuirel'to. IN WITNESS WHERE()~',lhe pany (If Ihe lirst pan has duly ..eculed lhi. del'd Ih. day .nd ye.r Iir'l ab.w. Ur,'rinclI. Is PIU~Cjli"T 01.: /l,~- ~ --- #O(~(/ /Ylc tttllll "- I Ac~II.._tlllbn In New1llrlc lIt8III Stale 01 NewYorll, Caunty al ~v I.JvUL.." , rn Q"'''VA''I "Zoo r-: I On the (# day ar7~ oc::t"ln the par , before me, the undersigned. penanetly yPIllfllCl I A1~,itFlT'" #1 t I< ("'/1'" 1 per.anelly known ta me ar proved ta me an the ~a.l. af lllIef8C1llry evtdInce ta be the IndMduel(.) whalI8 neme(.)I. I (818) eubecrIbecI ta Ihe wtthln Inlllrumlnland ....nawfe)lged la 1 me that het.hellhay 8X8cuted the ..me In hlafherllhelr capaclty(ie.). and that by hlafherllhelr .llInature(.)1 an the lnatrumen~ the lndIvIdual(.) or the peraan upon beh8If 01 which the Indivldual(.)8CIed, tIlC8CUl8d the IlI8Irument. d.1..tf~ VICTORIA CHARCZUK Nalery Public. Slate 01 New York Na. 48500\88 Qualmed In Neas.u County n fJ. Commlaalan Expire. January 20, 2O-'L.r/" AcIcnowIedgement by SublIcrIblnllwa-181l8n In L York Sl8t8 Sla'e af New Vark, Caunty 01 .88: I , berre me, the .ub8crtblng w1lneaa ta the Iategalng Inslrumenl. with wham I am peraanally acqueinled. wha being by me duly ...le..n. did depaIle end ~ that hefahelthey 11I8ld8(.)ln I. thai h8IsheIIhey knaw(') ta belll8 IndIvIdueI dtlacrtb8d in and who exllCUllld the . IoregaIng inatrument: thai uld aubacrfblng wHne.. WlI I pI'8I8rIland .aw lI8ld execull tha ume; and thet Hid wltne.. al the 88me time IUlIGI1bed hlalherNleir name(l)aa a wilnalllheretll. I I I On the day 01 , In the year the undersigned, personally appeered - i l1tIe No:; )11[' I'-U...., 11- TO T~l~m f$o--... AcIu_pmenl181l8n In New1llrlc lIt8III , .s: Sl8Ie 01 New Vark. County 01 . a: On IIl8 day 01 , in the yeer the undersigned. pereanely eppeared . befare me. persanally known la me ar proved to me on the be.l. af 1IIIlIafac:tary evIdanc8 ta be IIl8 Indlvklu8l(.) whaae name(.) Ia (al8) subscribed ta the within Instrument and lICkr-'edged II> me that het.hellhay e..cuted the ..me In hlafherllheir capecIty(III). and thet by hlsfherllhelr .Ignalura(.) on the Instrument, the IndivIdusI(.) or the peraan upon beh8If at which the 1ndivI_(.) acted. tIlC8CUl8d tho InStrument. AcknllWledllehllnl181l8n aul8lde NewYarll State o Stall at , County at . II: o (or in.ert Di.lrict af Columbia. Terrltary, Po.....ian ar Foreign Country) On the day 01 . in Ihe yeer the und.rslgned, personally appeared . before me. pereanally known la me ar proved ta me an "the ba.l. al satl8l8c1ary II/fdence II> be the Indivldual(a) whaea name(.) Ia (are) subscribed ta the wfthIn Instrument and acknawIedgad ta me Ihal hel.hellhay axeculed Ihe ..ma In hlafherllhelr cepaclty(le.). Ihat by hls/hertthalr .Ignature(.) an the Instrument, the lndivIdual(.' or the person upon behell at which the IndMduaI(.) acted, executed the Inslrument. and that such Indlvidull mede such eppearencc beIar8 the UIIlIeraIgned In the (edd the city or polilical eubcivisian and the 11818 or caunIry or alhar place the acknowledgement ...lIk8n). SECTION 101'.0 ,.. BLOCK 03.0D LOT tJ /3. V/:A- COUIm' OR TOWN "';, .jj.,.'L RETURN BY MAIL TO: . /..-1.( /C .) "1 ( l!..r [ TOPAZ I:~ . &x ~7.3 ABSTRACT t"I.(./'C.~, I...~I 1/<;"$('" CORPORATION Zip No. , ., r-- 370 Old CGu'*Y Roed e _CIly,N.Y.11153O I ~ I I ! rs I ~ I I .' . ! . I . ; , . I . ., '. ;, Topaz Abstract Corporation Schedule A Description Underwriter No. lIIO-8-21183 Title Number 3441' RevIHd: 01lO3l2OO5 Page 1 AlL that certain plot, piece, or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stele of New York, bounded and described as follows; BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Main Road (NYS Route 25), distant 7~.94 feet easterly along Main Road from the intersection of the easterly side of Alvah's Lane (fka Elijah's Lane) with the northerly side of Main Road; Running thence North 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West 640.76 feet, along the westerly side of a right of way known as Manor Hill Lane; THENCE North 63 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds East, 494.43 feet to land now or formerly of Cross; THENCE South 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds East, 350.00 feet to land now or formerly of Adel; THENCE South 63 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West, 444.43 feet to the easterly side of Manor Hill Lane; Thence South 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds East 320.00 feet to the northerly side of Main Road; Thence westerly along said northerly side of Main Road 57.92 feet to the point or place of Beginning. Subject to the rights of others to traverse the right of way known as Manor HiD Lane, which crosses the westerly 50 feet of the described premises. , Number or pages L\ TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Feb 1809:18:43 AH Ed.....rd P. ROlIaine ClERK OF SLf"Fll.K COlQiTY L 000012372 P 480 fiTll 04-~77 Serial # C~nificate # Prior Ctf. # !)"cd / Mortgage In.trulllent Deed / Murtgage Tax Sll1mp 1'1.ms Ro:..'Ording / Filing Stamps 3 Comm. uf Ed. '30/ S.~ Mortgage Amt. 1. RlIliie TIIA 2. Additional TIIA Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT, MTO. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County lIeld for ApP"int~nt TroUlsfer Tax ~ "5"00/ Page / Filing F~ Hun.Jling S. J!!!... TP-S84 Notation CA-S2 17 (County) F.A-S217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total Allidavil Mansion Tax Or.md 1'0101 \~ The property ~~lven.'d by this murtgage is ur will be improved by a o~ or two family dOl'Clling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page II of this ill8trument. C~rtilied Copy NYS Sal\.'harge Other IS...!!!!..... SubTolal_. --:T:7Cc4 I. (;C ~ Real Prop Tax Scrvic Agency i Verifieati.i.. 10800 0300 013012 ,O/~ 5 CommUDity Preael'98tioa Fuad Consideration Amount $ /.i1S:0(J/J.tJ V PF Tax Due 5DO .(lb Impro\'ed /.. Vw:unt Land 6 Satisf""tionsIDischarg~sIRe]eoses List Pmpcny Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RE'fURN TO: J..;UK ~' 10lh l.~7 f. 0 ,b() >I C)7~ C'll!L6.?td., N-/ 119~.r 7 TO 0'1 1'1) TO 8 Suffolk. Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This p3!!e fonns purl of the allachcd -1).. ,.rL (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ma~ by: AlGI\,ro/!., 1"J~,r k-l~h'6"f 111c premises h~rein is siluat~d in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ...- TO In the Township of ~v)I,.hl 7" i-lo ~ )'''''' 'TlJop-"uSt?,-"L- In the VillAGE F I, 2.....~ tit.", I III J.I$,.:lfv> . ur HAMLIIT uf BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTF.D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECOROING OR FILING. (over! . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of :Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0018592 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-29477 Recorcled. At. 02/18/2005 09.18.43 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012372 480. Deed Amount. Section. 108.00 B:XAMJ:NBD AND $625,000.00 Block. 03.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: 013.012 District. 1000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,500.00 NO Comm.Pres $9,500.00 NO Fees Paid $12,152.00 TRANSPBR'TAX NUMBER. 04-29477 TH:IS PAGE :IS A PART OF TBB INSTRtlMBNT TH:IS :IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk county