HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12403 P 26 U:2 ~C3 f 1~ IDiIIrIcl Sa:1ion Block Lac(.) . . ~ .. sq- 3 -I (p.3 . , . NY o:u . -..Docd -IDdiYidual or QxpocoIioo (SiqIo SboeI) lNYBnIlOO5) CONsULT YOUR LA WYIR BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUIlIENT SHOUJ..D BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, nwIc the 94 clay of BETWEEN II/Il/If IN" "'&'&0 DINA H. REILLY,Aresiding at June . in lIIe year 2005 150 Haple Road, Southold NY as executor (executrix ) of FranceB Rizzo, 640 Chestnut Surrogate File #2292P 2004 party ofllle fust part, and Carmen Arguellas, residin~ Frances Rizzo, under the last will and testament of, Road, Southold NY, Suffolk County . late of , oI"(''"'IICd, at 76 Ellsworth Terrace, Glen Rock 'N; 07412 " party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the pany of the lirst part, by virtue: of the power and authority given in and by said Iasl will and lesIlIment, and in consideration of seven hundred thirty-tive thousand dollars, paid by the party oflbe second part, does hereby granl and release unto the party of the second part, the boilS or svccesson and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that c:eflain plot, piece Dr parceJ ofland, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, silllale, lying and ~inthe Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as Suffolk County Tax Hap No. 1000 - 059.00 - 03.00 _ 016.003, said premises being known as 640 Chestnut Road, Southold NY, as further described in Schedule A attached BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as conveyed by deed dated 2/1/01 and recorded 2/2/01 in Liber 12100 page 625. TOGETHER with a1l right, title and inleR:sI, if any, Df lIIe party of the lilSl jlart in and tD BOy streets and rosds abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurt-anllCll, and also all tht; esl8le which the sai!l dec:edent bad BIllie lime Df decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate lherein, which the party ofllle filSl part has or has power to convey or dispose Df, whether individually, or by vinuc of said will or Dtherwise; TO itA VE AND TO HOLD the premilCS herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns Dfllle party ofllle second part fom'CT. AND the party of the filSl part covenants that the party ofllle lirst part has not doae or suffered anything whereby the said premiICS have been incumben:d in BOy way whatever, excepl as aforesaid. ' AND the pany of the fust part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Ucn Law, covenants lhalthe party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the rigblto receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied fUll for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and wi1l apply the 8IIIIIC first to the payment of the cost of the improvemenl before using any part of lIIe total of the 8IIIIIC for any other purpose. The word "pany" shall be conslnted as if il read 'parties" whenever the _ of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the fust part has duly executed this deed the clay and year fust above written. IN PRESENCE or: Estate of Frances Rizzo, by ~ .. " . . Policy No.: 3S05- 00494 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION , ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE, OR PARCEL OF LlIHD, SITUATE, t.YING, AIID BRING IN THE TOliN OF SOuTHOt.D, COUllTY OF SUFFOLK AIID STATE OF HBII YORK, ICHCIWN AIlD DESIGHATIID AS THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF LOT II 2 ON A MAP EHTI,TLBD "MIHOR SUBDIVISION PREPARED FOR RHR REALTY CO. AT SOUTHOt.D, TOliN Olj SOUTHOt.D, SUFFOLK COllN'l'Y, NEW YORK" MORE PARTICDLARLY SOUNDED AIID DESCRIBED ~ FOt.LOWS: lY"Gp 8811 BEGINNING AT A POINT FORMED BY THE INTIlllSIlCTION OF THIl SOUTHEASTERLY LINIl OF . CHESTHU'J' ROAD WITH TIlE 1I0RTHIlABTIlRLY LINE OF THE LlIHD 1I0W OR FORMERLY OF JAMES I R. WHE.Et.ER; RUNNING TIIENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGIIIIIIHO. 1I0RTH 52 DEGREES 00 MIllOTES 40 SECOIIDS EAST, ALOlIG THE SOUTHERLY LIllE OF CHESTNUT ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 99.26 FEET; ! I THENCE SOUTH 41 DEGREES 30 MDlUTES 25 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE'LlIHD NOW OR FORMERLY OF JEROME W. CONWAY AIID ALOIIG LOT 3 AS SHOIiN ON THE, AFORIlSAID MAP, 417.5S FEET; ! , THENCE SOUTH 47 DEGREES.41 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST ALONG A LpT SET FORTH AS PARCEl. TO BE COIIVEYBD TO THE VILLAGB OF GRBENPORT AS SHOWN 011 AFORBSAID MAP, A DISTANCE OF 2S5.55 FEET; i I THENCB NORTH 42 DBGREES IS MINUTBS 50 SECONDS WEST At.ONG THE LlIHDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF .nIMBS R. WHIlBLBR, OF JIOW OR FOJlMBIlLY OF WILLIAM fl. PRICB, JR., OF NOW OR FORMIlRLY OF CIIAllLO'l"I'B A. PRICE, A DISTAIlCE OF 320.~2 FEET; , AND THENCE NORTIIIlABTERLY AIID NORTHWESTERLY ALONG TIlE LlIHD NOW ORI FORMERLY OF JAMES R. WHEELER THE FOLLOWIllG COURSES AND DISTAIlCES: 11 NORTH 47 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 10 SECOIIDS EAST, 190.93 FEET; 21 1I0RTH 41 DEGREES 28 MINUTBS 40 SECONDS WBST, 104.51 FEET TO THB POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. ; , FOR IllFCRMATIOII ONLY: DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 059.00 BLOCK 03.00 LOT 016.003 PIMAI. " USBA~FOIIM_wrtHINNEwYQU'STA'I1:~ lI.IiIi~_/JI!LOWwmtJNNEWYQU'STAmONl.Y: SbIIe orN'ew York, COIIDIy aI Suf fol k On !beal/clayal June belCn: me, !be lAllIasipd, JllIlIllI1IIIy lqlpaIIaI Dina M. Reilly . paSOIlIIIy kDown III me or proved III me aJ !be bIsia aI .....r... .~i evidence ID be !be individuII{a) whose lIIIDl(a) Is (...) IIIDaibed IId1e within insIrumcnt and -1..oMedpd ID me dlaI hrhho'Ibey era:ulDd die _ in hisIborr1bcir c:IpI:il){leI), and dlaI by hisIbon'Ihoir !IianIlun:(1) aJ die imIIumenI, die iadiviWll(s), or die ponon ...... bdIsIf alwhic:h Ihe individu8J(a) IICltd. era:ulDd die insIrumrm. , ~ru-.)lt... ~~;, f!<../ . ~IlSAN M. CARDINALE NOTARY PUBuc, 5111601 NowYadl No. &204819540 o.lhfiod.n Sunolk CQlInlY n,""'...... CommiMion bp".. "gal ~.J , -. }..: in!beyar 2005 ACIl\OIJUIJGlII!M'F08I RJl/lI.IiIi wmmv NIiw YQU'STADrQw.r. . (NftI y",* Svb.t:rl1Mg WI'..... khowI..... Cmlfrcall/ St.t. orN'ew York, CODDIy or ) n.: On !he day of in !he yeor bef'cmo me. the undenigned, perIOIIIIIly eppeoml , !he subscn'bing wil1lelS 10 the foregoing instnlmenl, willi whom I om penonlUy ocqUlinted, who, being by me duly lworn, did depose and say \bat he/shelthey reside(s) in (if''''' pI_o/NIIdMco II'... <il)'. 1m:IrMJ.,,,,, "",.".nd'lrHI'."""'./f "'y, 'hf!M1j); that helshe/lbey lmow(l) 10 be the individual described in and who executed lbe foregoing instrumenl; thai said subscribing willleSl WII present and saw said execule the same; and thaI said witness .1 the same time subscribed hislherftheir name(s) as a wilDess thereto. EXECUTOR'S DEED IIIDIJfDU.tl. DI CCMI"CIIAI7KW Tm.I!No. ESTATE OF FRANCES RIZZO TO CARMEN ARGUELLAS FmELrTY NAnONAL TITLE INSURANCE 8 COMPANY OF NEW YORK IIfCfMI'tMAJD "11 l:.'~' . -It<Fidelitp.Jltil1l--l' --"......~-- ~ Stale aI New York, COIIDIy aI On!he clayal . bebe me, Ihe undIniJPllll. pcnanaIIy lqlpaIIaI JlOIIOIIIIIy known III me... proved ID me on IIIe bIsia or -"i<A..".y evidence III be Ihe indIYiduaI(s) ......lIIIDl(s) Is (....) lubaibed ID die within insInBnom and acI...owIecI&ed II me Ihat hdsheIdx.y eIIIlMId Ihe same in hisrbonlIIoir~...), and dlaI by bisot1odIhcir ~I) aJ die imIIumenI,!he iDdivicUI(a),...1IIe ponon upon bchoIfalwhic:h die iDdividusl(a) IICltd. CUI:IJled die imltument ,.. iD IIIe yar ADINUWIEDtNBNrIbirM FOIl Ul1!OIJz.\1DIrNliwIbKSTAlEQw.r. fOul of Slate or Fomg. 0-....1 AcbtatMdgm..., Cmlfkall} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. } ss.: ~Y_"'rA_. c.....,.. _.._Idpa/JIyJ On the day or in the y.... before me, the undersigned, peraonaIly IPJlC'SRd , peraonaJIy known 10 me CIl' proved 10 me on the basis ofsatiaCaclllry evidence 10 be the individua1(I) whose nsme(s) il (.....) lubscribed 10 the within inatrulrlml and Idmowledged 10 me that hellhelthey executed \be!lllDC in hislherltheir cspacity(ies), that by hislherl their lignahlrc(s) on \be instrument, lhe individusl(I), or the penon upon behalfofwhich the individUlI(I) aeled, executed !he inslrllm....t, and thaI such individual made such appellIDIIC" before Ibe undersigned in the (I...n ,h. al)' or "'"",. pollrlt:al ..bdhIimNI and ,"" nlU<< or ..lUll", or 0'''''' pI_,h. tJCbIawI..Js-1II ..... laUn}. DIS11l1CT SECTION BLOCK LOT CouNTY OR TOWN UCOMJEDATREQUESrOF F1ddlty NIl10DII TItle InsanDte Company alNe.. York IIE1VRN SF MA,L ro ~ Ii: ... o ~ Ii! o ~ ... o w OJ ::J 0: Ii! w f OJ OJ ~ ~ ~ .I.'ti' ~". , ....... ~ . . -. 8 Title Company Information Co. Name t!#,tJ.Jtt;O r;ru;. Title" "lJ~-()040 .v Recordin & Endorsement Pa .EJi e:l:A.( '7?J,f J.s .1 aa (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 'Ihe premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. InlheToWl1lihipof SdU71HJUJ In tho: VIUAGE or HAMLET of s;, un.ItJ~A BOXES 5 'IHRU 9 MUST HI: TYPED OR PRImED IN BLACK INK ONI. Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING, (OVER) " li2 , . . Number of page. TORRENS * Serial II Cenifieate If Prior af. II DeeIII Mongase In5IrUmenl De<.'d I Mongage Tax Stamp FEES 4 "-.. Page I Filing Fee 6 land ling TI'-584 /;;.. 1)_ II_ NOlllion 5' = Sub TOlal ~ EA-52 17 (Counlyl EA-5217 (SlaIe) J.7 R.P.T.S.A. Comm. nf Ed. 5 <2.IL- Affidavil Cenified Copy Reg. Copy 1!5 _ Sub Total GRAND TOTAl. Other I Real Properly Tax Service Agency Verification ...... lIii:......iAn . D loc:k Lof: ~ ,,., ..". .... .,;;., Slamp , Date IlAlIUllJ I!AU.IltnAAl, .cerCI. ~I U//4hlA Sr. fWD( VAL.e, IV.:T 0 '1~ 1S Suffolk Coun 'Ibis page fOl1l\'i part of!he lIllached EsTATE OF F"UA;_ l!Ja~ TO tlAAmnI "'~t:1L lei'''' J RECOROED 2005 Au!) 11 OS. 35: 28 AI1 Edward P. ROllai"" . a.ERK OF SUFFOLK COlMV L DOOJI2400 P 026 DTI 0:5-01710 Recunlingl Filing SlDInps Mongage Ami. I. Ilasie Tlx 2. Addilional TL' Sub Total SpecJAssil. Or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX DUll Town_ Dual Counly _' HeW ror Appo<tionn,enl _ . _ .I Transrer Till Ilfr/IJ. 40 :! ~l MuII.inn Till The propeny covered by Ihi. monlll'lle i. or will be improved by a one or IwO ramily dwelling only. YES_nrNO_ If NO, 50e approprill~ IL' c1lu.e on page" __ orlhi. in5lromem, 6 Comnlunil Preservalion Fund Consideration Amounl $~~.11tJ 'CPF Tax Due $ --1J, '(....n Improved ./ VaClnl Land TO TO TO mode by: 1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 surroLlt COtJll1'l'Y CLZRK RECORDS 01'1'J:0 RECORDJ:IIG PAGE Type of :I:_t~t I DDI)8/DOO ~IM~ of P.~e.1 C Receipt &Umber I 05-0083511 TRDSnR TAX NUIIBBR: 05-01710 Reclor4ed. Atl 08/11/2005 08.35.28 AlII LJ:BBR: PAGE: D00012403 026 Di.trict. 1000 Section. Bloak. 059.00 03.00 ......uTIIBD AIIID CBUGBD AS I'OLLOWS $735.000.00 Loti 016.003 Deed AmouDt I aeceived the J'ollowiDg' I'e.. I'or Above I:Dat~t ....-wt 110 110 110 110 110 110 P.ge/FlliD~ COB ZA.-C'1'Y Tl'-58C RP'1' '1'r8DBfer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $2.940.00 BaDdl1Dg' II1'S SRCIIG BA-STA'1'B Cert.Copie. 8C'1'II COIIIIII.Pre. 1'... p.id $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.700.00 $14.792.00 l!lJr~t 110 110 110 110 110 110 TRAIISI'BR TAX IIDIIBBR. 05-01710 TJII:S PAGB :l:S A JilAR.T 01' THB DilSTJUJJIBJII'1' THI:S IS ROT A BILL Edward P. RclIIIIa1De County Clerk. Suffolk county ~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN-WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:/I www.orput8le.ny.uB or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY, '. . C1. SWIS ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 'Y?, ~,g,f?7i it CZ.DnoIlHd_ I e,'1//(: ~~I .". C3. _ I /, il , ~,12 < I CU.g.1 , t!) .:U::. I \; . PROPERTYINFORA!ATKJN STATE OF NEW YClRIC STATE IIOARD OF REAl. PlICIfERrt IIEIMl:ES RP . 5217 11'-1111., JWJ "~I ~o I ~ "'6fI?U+ -~. 5111ur 1-'; ihfi; t.t+-I. ~ ( d' ClIYOIlIOWN z.:: w,.!,!.1<<:elle0 t!oQ,cJ ~t Ca.;, YH ~ /I .....- I 1197( ..- 1.AtT~'CQIIIfWft' .....- I. Tu: lrIdic:a.... fubn T.. Bi....1a ...., BlDng w____1ol1lol1lll}1<111onn11 - I I11IIlJliUllllAAtlDlnlEiTNo\W "'TNAIIl/c:DWAIIV r.rNMll! <:nY"~ 5TA. ..- ...........ltwllUlllb.r"'.--- .-.. ^ 0 l D RaIl ....... _ on ... _ I...... . I, of Po,..I, OR P.~ 01 . Po...J s.=.., I - "fICIN''''''T Ixl ..... IORI . .~.",S"I ..... ti"Z.20 IDnIyI Port<ll.__.....,_ .... PIonnlnQ IlolndwWl___1ly E>OI1I 0 4B.SuIIdi_ApjIlOVIIl_lIaquIIodforT_ 0 <<:.__for_.."'....._ 0 6.S_ Homo ~ta."€ or ~/~ Fn::L,nc es ""NoUI: WT......'CIDIIPN<< -,- 7. Check.... bOI..... which 1lIOII: ........., ........... .... of..... property -' th. 111M DI ul.: A~ One flmlly ReIIcSonllll B 2 .. 3 fomlly _mill C __lond \) _~V_lJInd I SALE INfORMAnON l ..._-- E ~ Aaricullurll I ~ ConvnuIOIy BoNa ~ eom....cIoI J_ 0_' K......_ H ~/Amuu"'" L Fo.... -...--.....,- .. 0wn0n/lIp Ty.. II Condominium .._eo_onV......Und __ LocIIod _ ....lcuIIurll DiIIria - .....-. -......... hIIooIIng ""'lIw_IIInI/l~_a o o o o '2. 01,. 01....' T___ '-1/ 15' / Q':;-, MlrUI ~ .. &, /.J8' / oSi MlInIh 0... YeI:' 1L Ctwdc _ ....... af.... _llCIL_ _......... .. ~ A ___orFonnor_ 8 Bal. 8ItwMn ~ CamPi..... or Partnera in 8u&I,.... C One <II Iht IluvorIIo _. _ D Buvar.. SeIor II GOll'lmrnem AgDr'lCy or Lending ~ ('( Dood Typo.... War_ "'lIor;oIn ond 8oIo1Spocl1y IIoIowI I' 8010 01 F._ or '- _ Foo_lSpoolly_ a llIgnIfic:ont Chongo In "'-'" _ T_ _ end _ Doloo H _oIg_._InSoIo_ I Odloo U........ F.-o-.u _ PTico -'Y_ J NoN .7.3.$ 0,0.0, 0.0 I I , . IFull _Priao 1I1b, _ ...... pood r.. ... 11'0_ WlcIucIino 1*10IIII II'OPO~. This PIYIftIIII rn.v blln the form of CIIh. Cllher propMty or goadI. Dr lhe llllUmption of _lIIIor""lTollIlgolionLl __ro...._____ '''_Iloo_01_ I A 0 0 +- __......... ' . ~U~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Doll ,hould rofloct tho 1._ F1n.l_ment RolI.nc1 T.. Bill '3.FuII__ ,.. ~afw~~""" ~ 17. TataI ~ v.... fat ..................1 , j ./.1.00dl , ,.. "-" C1_ I !J.. I . {) I.U ,.. _ DIolrioO _ I _~ .-Ion ill tI :Ill. T..Mop....._.... IRoI_1I 11"""_""."""'____1 I 1~-IJSf.1J1J - 1J".fJ() - IJ/f,mH I I CERnFlCAnON l I nrdl'y .... .. .. Ulr ..... ..lor......... _ GO .... .... un ..... _ ..""'" 118 .... .... "II)' .......... ouuI "Uoll and J __ .... ... ....... 01l1li)' .1IUbI_ _ III _ tlId herein ......... Olt" Ulr .........- III ,.. .....1_ ............ -.......IIIIAjo.._ _ l!l!n!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~K 't.4k ,~,,~ &" TUIII! r 01''' Zf. I Ell&,o~ U/-HlCe. II., S1'IIUrllloWllAflutUeLll ~k-- ~~C-~_ lhtLl.llntlN 1M' .... .I}~UIW -,- ~ /J fJL ~ ~f"(J -. N;:rl () 1'/~ ">... 1T"q; Zl'CClDI! - .' HY.f.!! NEW YORK STATE COPY Aflt:u- ~ -e 't?~ I 1I!L1lR IIOfMTUlII' ftI..:J.'Ua.r -'