HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12395 P 683 CIA>~f ~ G<f3 I' Form .U02 UIOO, Barpia and Sllr Deed. witb Covcnanq '&llnn OrIlIlOl'"' Acl. ladividual or C"rporalion. (Sinalc well CONIULT'IOUR LAWYER BEFORE _INO na INlI1llIIIIEIfT - na INSTRIIMENT 8IIOULD BE USED BY LMYEIIlI ONLY. -PL-EAS E /lr- ")-)( ~-T ~U.~Ll"SH- t:>c THIS INDENTURE.......1hc .2'1~ clay 01 June . TwoThousand and Five BKTWKKN ANNETTA NORDLlNGER INa ANNETTA FOGARTY, ouMvIng lenanl by 11III anllrety 01 DANIEL A. FOGARTY. residing 81340 Alalea Road, Malllluck, New York 11952, party .1 die 0111 port, and JANA M. PRINDLE ruldlng.. 325 0tch8td S-. _ sutrdk, Naw York 111156 and MARIETTAJ. FDGARTY18s1d1ng al325-BOn:hard SInal, _SUlfaIk, _York 11958. 88 lenanIB In cammon, . rartY of die second pan. WIT N ESSJ,:'r H, IIlIIl die polly .r.... rll1l port, in _ion orlerl doll:us and lllh<r valuable c:oDlIidI:m1ion poid t., 1hc party .ldIe _ port, does benoby@nlllaDd ..loose IUlIO .... JlOI1Y or tho 0lCtUlld port, die be..... ""'.......IIlII...;,.s .rtho party of die """""" port r.....r. AU. IIuII <CrtIlin pi... piece or pore.1 orland. widltho huildinp.... illlplUw:IllOlI.........n.JO<fcd, .-.1);"11.... being ilI1hc al _ Sutrolk, In Iha Tawn 01 SouthoId. Courtly 01 SUffolk and S1e1e 01_ York, bounded and de8atbed 88 fallow8: BEGINNING" a point on Iha northerly lne 010_ SII8el allhe _terIy comer 0I1ha lend mw CO" fonner1y 01 A.G. Fogarty and allllllaoulhaaalarly nome, of the premIoas herlIln -bed; 881d point 01 beginning being dllllanl NOl1h 36 dag_ 51 minutes 30 II8COI1ds East. 58.18 feet from a g18nl18 monument on Iha comer Conned by liIa IntaraacIIon 0I1ha IOU1harly Ins 01 On:hard SlI8eI with Iha -rarly line 0I1lIird S1IMt and from 88Id point 01 baglnnng RUNNING THENCE North 80 d_ 16 rnir1I'* 10 eeconda Waat along Iha .....-y line 01 On:hard SInal, 226.41 1881 to a conCl8ta monument and _ now CO" Connerty 01 H. H. Tuthl; THENCE along 881e1 _lII8n11onad lend Iha CoIIowIng Caur (4) COU..... and dlslanceo: (11 NaIlh 9dag_ 51 mlnutaa40 IllCOIIdI EuL 128.82 f88I III a monulll8rtt (21 NOflh 76 dag""'" 35 mln""'" 30 _ EaaI, ll6.llO feet III a 1oouo1lrae; (3) South 76 dog""'" 9 min""'" 10eeconda Eaal. 134.27feetlllal11DlWment and (4) South 5 dog.... 4 minutaa 50 _ Well, 32.52 faat III lend now or CormarIy 01 WiJliIm Goodale: and THENCE South 10 dag.... 25 mlnutaa 00 _ W88I porIIy along aald _ rnenIIonad _ now<< forrne~y of WiUiIm Good... and partly olong lend mw<< Iormarly 01 A.G. Fogarty. 130.07 IIleIIll Ihe point<< place 01 BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the 88me p1l1",..e conveyed to Iha party 0111III HalIId pall by deed dslad 9/1212003 and _ad 911512003 In IiIs 0IIIca 0I1ha CIel1c or Iha Counly 01 Sullolk In Daad Uber 12272 page 55. This deed hareby exUngui&he81ha 1ihI_11IIIIlMld In Deed LiIllI' 12272 page 55. TOO~"IIER willi aU risb~ rille ODd ialcresL irony. 01.... ~y uldle 0111 port, in......, IllY 111<<II ood lVIlcIaabullioi IIIl: above- c1c..,;bcd pRlIIiscs .., III. ........Iines.......r; TOOIiTIIF.R with.... _.... a111bc......and ri&bll 011hc porty orlbe rllll pori ill ood 10 said Iftmi.... TO I lAVE AND TO HOLD.... "",..i... ....in &nU1ICd U8IO Ihe party of 1hc ICCllIId port, Ibe Iu:irll or I ..........". .... ...i... ofdlc party of1hc.......s pan I........ AND the puty .fthe fi.., part .0,.......1hal die porIy uf ,"" r.... port hos nol doni: ... !lUtTcmlllll)'lhillll wilcnoby the said .....iscs have been eotWnben:d in any way whatn".,.. except as at"ornmid. AND the party .f die 0"" part, in ....pI..... willi 5ccdon I J or Iho: Lien Low, ........... IIuII the pony lin" pori will rocci.. .... CDII!Iiidc:rua.1II f,lI' this ('()IIVl)'ancc and will hokllhc ripl to r<<cive such COIIIWcnIiun III a lnIII fUDd 10 br IflPliaI rUNt fur.... ~ of payiDg 1hc c:osl of dI. inlpn>\_.1Uld willllfJllly Ihc ..... 0..,10 Ihc pa)'IIlCIII or.... cost of tho improvcmcal before usins ooy part .,....10... ollbe....,. lor ooy __. . 1'he word ~"'1haI1 br construed as ifil read ""partie... whclK.-VCl' Ibe ICIIK of IhiJ: indraluR- so rcquirn. IN WITNESS WHEREOF..... party of1hc rUll! pori hosduly ,'l".."......lhi......d Ihc day....yeur r........... wri.... L~ I'IWSL~'U Ufo: ANNETTA NDRDLINGER Ika ANNETTA FOGARTY ~. ~p!b.:;.-,~ v. ~2Tn Ac_lodgement _n In New York S_ Slate of _ YOlk, Counly of Sullclk On the "~day of June , in the year 2005 . beIore me. \he Undelllgned, peIIOll8l1y appeared ANNETTA NORDLINGER Wa ANNETTA FOGARlY pe~lly -.. to me or proved to me ... the _ of NlioIIICllIly _ to be the 1nd1v1due~1) whoee name(l) Is (are) IUbecrtbed to the within Il1Ilnunent end a~ to me that he/lhe/they exec:uted the IUIIIIlI In hlllherl\helr cepeclly(ielI). and \hel by hlllherl\helr IIlg..ture(l) an the 1nIIIument, the IndlvldU8~I) or the pelllOll upon behelf of which \he Indlvkfue~l) _. llX8CIIl8d the In8IrumenL ANDREA RIVE Notary Public. State of NeW York No. 01 RI4768970 QualMied In Sunolk County D l Commission Expires 1113Q/2O,.::,A. Acknawl8clg_nt by Subecrlblng Wilne.. teleen In New YorllS_ Stele of New YOlk, County of On the day of . In the yeer \he underalgned. peraorI8ily appured \he lUb8criblng wi_ to \he foregoing Il1IlrumenL with whom I am personaly ecquelnled. who being by me duly "-", did depou end "Y. _ hlllehllllhey f8IIda(l) In . before me, _ heloha11hey know(l) to be \he Individual dalcribed In and who 8Jl8Q/I8d \he foregoing InIlnIment; _..Id IUbIaibing '""'- wel pntIlIn\ and _ I8Id lIXlIClIl8lhe lime; end thell8ld wi_ a. the lime lime IUblc:ribed hIaIhetIlheIr 1lM18(1) .1 a wllnal8 therelo. llI1eNo.: ANNETTA NORDLINGER FOOA ANNETTA FOGARTY TO JANA M. PRINDLE AND MARIETTA J. FOGARTY, AI: T"'NANTI: IN r.nuunN D_ By. rl I ~ " i (l III .. I!i .. i I I I And L.Sl~~ ..,.... . . o . . " ....,. --1ed8.....nl taken In NewYorll ~ , II: 5_ of _ YOlk, County of ,sa: On \he day 01 . , In the year the underlltlned, pellOllllly appeered . befot8 me, _lly '"-n III me or proved III me ... the _ 01 _1acIory evidence to be lhe Indlvldu~l) whou nema(l) II (Int) IUbIcrIbed III the within inltrunonl and acknowledged to me thai hellhllllhey IXlcul8d the lime In hlllherl\helr capaclly(lII~ Ind thet by hlllherllheir lIlgnalure(l) on \he 1nI1nlment, the lndivldual(l) or the _ upon behaII 01 which the Indlvldual(l) 1ICI8d, executed the IllIlrumenL Acknowl8d_nllaleen oullllda _York Stela I u: .State of . County of, .(ar InIeI'I DiIIricl of CoIumbill, Territoly, p-._-.l~ or FClllIIgn Country) u: On lhe day 01 , In the year lhe underalgned, _1Iy_1red perIOIlIIly -.. to me or proved to me ... the _ of I8liIIactaly -.... to be the lndIvkfual(l) whoee name(l) Is (Int) IUblatbed to the within Inllrument end "'*'-Iedged to me thel heIIhIIlhey 8XlICUled the ..me in hlllh8i\helr capeclty(iIa). Ind _ by hiIIhIr/thelr IIgnature(I) on.the InIIIumenl, \he Indivldue~l) or the pelllOll upon behlK of which the 1nd1vldua1(1) acled. 8XlICUled the lnllrumenl. end thlt ouch Indlvlduel made such IP_ _ the underlllgned In the , before me, (add the eIly or po/lIIcal oubdMalon Ind !hi lite or counlly or other place the ~ _lIken~ DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 117.00 BLOCK 05.00 LOT 034.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SOUTHOLD RETURN BY MAIL TO: ANNETTA G. NORDUNGER 340 AZALEA ROAD. PO BOX 428 MATTlTUCK, NY 11952 ZIp No. . 3 Serial # RECOROED 2005 Jul 01 0\1:45:56 API Edward P. RCDiline ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUliTV L 000012395 P 6B3 DTII 04-47381 Number of pages TORRENS CcnilicalC # ~illlCtr.n Deed , Mortgage Instrument Deed, Mongagc Tax S.,.,..p FEllS Recording' Filing 51_RIPS ~ ""lle , Filing Fee Handling T"-S&4 Mongage Ami. I. llAsie Tax 2. Addilional Tax --'-- NOlalion Sub Total EA-52 17 (COllnly) IiA-S217 (Slale) _ Sub Total GRAND TOTAl. (5ff SpecJAssiL Or Spec. ,Add. TOT. MTG:TAX Dual Town_Dual County_ Held for Apponionmcnl .rY'" Tran.sfer Tax ~_ Manaion Tux _ '111e propcny covered by this mOltwc is or will be improved by a one ur twu family dwelling only. . YES orNO_ .If NO. see appropriale lax clause on page n 'd- _of . . n ily rescrvution Fund Consideration Amount S . Comm. of Ed. S~ R.I'.T.S.A. ~- Affidavil Ccnilied copyi.. Reg. Copy Other .6 Sub TOIII Slamp Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Dist. . - _ _ Seclion.._ _ _B lock . _, I..ot 0500 034000 . CPF Tux Due s , Dale ~. ~r\~~." . . <? .0. ~ O~ . I le, , ~~ Sv.~~\~, ~ ,\.\'1sz,-Ol~~ / Improved / Vacant Lalld , . TO . TD TO IniliaJa ! 1 . SalisfilclionslDischargcslRcleases.List.Propcrty Owners Mailing Add RECORD &'RETURN TO: Co. Name , I ' Title Company Information 0.0-* "'t'\ ~. & Endorsement Pa Title II 9 Suffolk Count Recordin ~ed. (SPEaFY TYPE Ol~ INSIRUMENT) '.:- . made by: This pug': fOrms JXII1 of the attached ~f1eH-t'"~ J-)D~~l\'~~ 'Ihe ~ hercin is sitllllted in SUFFOLK rouNTY, NHW YOtoc ';' TO . In the Township of S 0 ~ \J.. .::.T"t'Jf\.a. N\ .l?riNl~ IntheVl~LAGE '. , . . ('(\anY A+r:. :::I. ~~ -\ . or HAML:ET of ~,.) Su -f'-G l ~<.. -IJOXES 5 'IHRU 9 MUsr BE lYPED OR PRI~ IN BLACK INK o.\IL Y PRIOR TO REcOIIDING OR FILING. , I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 Sl1FFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS Oll'lI'I:CB RBCORDI:NG PAGB Type of Instrument: DEEDS/UOD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0068943 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-47381 Recorded: At: 07/01/2005 09:45:56 AM LIBER: PAGB: D00012395 683 District: 1000 Section: Block. 117.00 05.00 BXAM.INED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 034.000 Deed Amount. Received the Following Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Bx-.q;>t Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $154.00 TRANSFER TAX NtJJIBIi:R. 04-47381 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRtlJIEHT THIS IS HOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine COlmty Clerk. Suffolk Colmty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY CI._Code .. ::::.... I 8Izo '1 t.{, 1..3, t. 't, ~I /" C2. 0. _ R....lIod I' 11 . I ,00:. I ..". Doy - CS._I /,v..3,~,~ 11:4......1 ~, t'.~ . PROPERTY INFORMATION 1''''-1 '3Z5 IOr'dnOJrJ.. Shree:t LacI.... ... ~_ ...,..__ ~~ ~~~ \~ ...... ~= ~ :J~a I :E~-h.t I ~~ I.=.~=::.::.::::.:.~~~~'~. 1'-,"\\4 ~ I ::S,I1'\ 0......1l. \ ea. ~- _ _~ ~ I 52.. I"HT~T"'" lY , Iii 4. IndIut8 1M numbIr at ...------ I 0 10nIr. PwI at . ...... QaeaIr; ....,..-r. RaI~-IlI....- I 1 'DIP...... OR P....I.Po.... 0 4A.~inllllolrd_..obdt_AlOI1oriIy_ .. II'!;d'viIbI ~1_....UirId fur r..... 0 4C._~""_"""'IIIp_ 0 ~~ ITATE Of NEW YORll ITAlE _ OfRUL -.rY-..cE8 ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 JlP.lZI7 .... JM I\~ H. .J . 'Z.zr... Ixl \10r. MOtiITfIIT CIIII'1H IORI '1iaIS' . ..- Nome LtlQ!;~~f LMI'....,~ --.- .,. CheIII: tlllllIu bMtw wIM 11IOII .......... ......... thI uu of the pnaperty at'" alNl of..r.: A~Ont__ntLol B aor3fomlly_ C _ v..... Lond D Non n'lld,nll" VICInI Land I SAlE INFORMATION l "._-- E ~ AgriculluroJ F Commor<IoI G ............ H En..""Inmont, Am........ I ~ Carnmunilv- J _ K __ L _ -....--.....,.....,. .. o....M/p Typo II CondomInJ.... .. N.w CantlrUClion on Vecent La\d WA. PrqIOI\y ~_..Afl-I- lII.s.v-_.__~ ........._IIIn.............._ o o o o - 1 , ~ v.... ,.. a.ck _.......",... _ -. _ _ .......... to.......r.: ___.._r_ SaII__~looor_lnlluol_ 0n0"''''_1I_._ Iuv- or Seller .. CaI..rnmenl AGenav or L..nding InIthutIan Dood Typo .... Worrlnly or ...... ond BoIIISpocJIy _I &010",_ or ~tho. foo l_lSpocIIy_ Slsnlllconl Qlongo In Propony _ T_ _.nd &010 0.. SIIo",__ II _ In SIlo Prloo 00.. U....... ....... AIfocIing SaIl PrIoo ISpocIIy IIoIowI J Nono -W.Pt1SP of..Jrc, c2!'.~_ 12. _", SIlo I Tr_ ~ I~'f I~ IIanI1 _ V.., ,I.FaU__ . .. ~'Ol I ". IFaD _ PrIoo.......... .m..... poidlor.... _""'udIng.._ pnlpOfty. 1hiI ...,..... IMY bit In till farm of ClIIh, ocher propll'lv Dr QGGdL or thllIIUIftPIion of _or_obI~1 __lotIMI_____ ,..-....-",........ 1 0.01 --......- ~ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - _ .hould _ tho 1._ Flnol _m.nl RoII.nd T.x Bill ,.. V., 01 .. ._. RoI nm f:I;; I _................... '7. T...._V_laIo11_ln_ , , .4ga.a , ,.. ",-- I~ I.OI-u ,..___ :tG. TuMop....-....'IlaII_III..............._____1 1000-\\'"'),05 -D~4 I l CERTIFICATION I . I cerdrJ .... . "'die .... ~ IIIIanadoa mIft'rd .. aWl 'ann 11ft &rue ... cornel CID .. 11III fIIlQ' .. I"'~ _11IIII) and I .. ............. 1M BIIdDc "1D1_..._"_IMI_...~........ ..," ""'_Iaw .............-..,......"__ Ilmi!l BUYER'S ATTORNEY ......- -- ........... lnur IWIE WUft s,lIW _elm -- ""'00_ I'"'' ..- SEllER NEW YORK STATE COPY I , "\ ~nt. 7'l{JIJ~~ 1ft;~/.;t6~ MlJlAfUIlI DATI \.