HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 383 LlJ,Y13 I) '.7 ((7 1 ':) Ii) :J J O~ - 4- 7/5 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 8IONINO THIS INSTRUMENT. nus INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY . THIS INDENTURE, fnade itIe 27th dsy of May, 2005 , BETWEEN CARDINALE HcKINNON EQUITIES LLC, a New York Limited Liability ~ompany with an office at 10095 Hain Road, Hattituck NY . 6. SHAUN STERLING, residing at 1005 Harbor Lane, party 0/ the first part, and Cutchogue NY' "0 party 0/ the SlICOI1d part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the firat part, in consideration 0/ pa'ifiy'lR.~ J\l\\, ~ ~Je'i'h~~~?J-.li a=,1-:;au~\o~ party of the sacond part, ~~=~ or successors and assigns 01 the party of the sec:ond part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parall of land, with the bulldlngs and improvements thefeon erectad. situate, lying and being In the Town of Southold, County or Suffolk aild . State of New York. shown and designated as Lot No. 12 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Elijah's La.ne Estates, Sectio!!I'. filed in the Office of the Clerk o~ the County of Suffolk on 2/l4n4 as Map No. 6065, which said lot is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the southwcsterly side of Elijah's Lane'; distant 1048.62'feet southeasterly from the comer fonned by the intersection of the souih~asterly side of Long Island Rail.Ro~d with the southwesterly side of Elijah's Lane; RUNNING THENCE along the southwesterly side of Elijah's Lane South 38 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds EaSI, 159.00 feet to the division line between Lot Nos. 11 and 12 on the aforesaid map; THENCE along said division line South 51 degrees 21 minutes 10 seeonds West, 257.26 feet; p THENCE North 38 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds West, 159.01 feet to the division lille between Lot Nos. 12 and 13 on the aforesaid map; THENCE along said division line North 51 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East, 256.15 feet to the southwesterly side of Elijah's Lane al the point or place of BEGINNING. BElt<<; AND INTENDED to be the B8IIII! premises conveyed to the party of the first by deed dated 12/07/04 and recorded 12/15/04 in Liller 12360 page 658. TOGETHER with ell right, We and interest. if any, 01 the party 01 the lirst part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights 01 the party 01 the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premiaes herein granted unto the party of the second part, the haira or successors and assigns of the party 01 the second part forever. AND the party 01 the iii'll part covenants thetthe party 01 the lirat part has not done or suffered anything whlll1lOy the I8Id premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party 0/ the lirst part, In compliance with Section 13 01 the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the iii'll part willlllcelve the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration .... !!Iotrust, W!'d ~. be ~ppl\8d, ~ for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement .nd will apply the same first. .l!!e.P,8~t Of. the .COiiI 01 the improvement before using any part 0/ thelotal 01 the same for any other ;""""'j:f '.' 'Tha'word ~party: shall be construed as if it reed 'parties' when ever the sense of this indenture so ;,..1 ....,:--.:1-1 ,,', ~ . . w '" . Nlta; .,p8....."/[.. 1:''' : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party 0/ the iii'll part has duly executed this deed the day and year iii'll ebove written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~fJ J.MNifN Donielle Cardinale Manager/Hember SLlndord N.Y.S.T .u. Form 5002 . Borglll_ and Sala Daad. with Cow..._! .011 GnI_,.... Ac.. - Uniform Aclu1~1 Fann :SZ90 . I TO BE USED ONLY WHEN 11tE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE ' ~ Slate of New Yor1<, County of Suffolk II: Stlllll of New York. cOunty 01 II: Onthe 27d8)'ofMay inlhlll'8er 2005 _ me, the uncIerwigned, perIOI'18Ily eppeered Donie11e Cardinale McKinnon personeIly known 10 me or ~ to me on the besil rif l8liof8ctory 8Yid8!lC8. to be the Indillldue~s) whose neme(1) II (ere) aubllCf1bed to the within Inltrument end eckmwIedged 10 me th8I hei8h8llhey lIll8CUl8d the tIlIm8 In h111her1their capacily(lel), end Ih8l by hillherllheir 1IgI18Iln(1) on the inllrumenl, the individual(s), or the person """" b8h81f rif which the indlvldusl(s) _, 8lI8CUlad lhel~. ~ C /M&J!IL (signature end offIce of individu81 taking 8cIa IllNfodg~) Slate (or Dillricl rif CoIumbl8, Territory, or Fllf8fll" Country) of On the day of in lhe year _ me, the underl'llned, perooneIly e~ personally known 10 me or proved to mel on the bellil of IIIIlilfllCloly evidence to be the Individual(l) i"f1OllB neme(1) II (ere) IUbaalbed to the wi1hin inltrument end eckoowI8dg8d to me th8t h8Ioh8Ith8y lIll8CUl8d the ...... in tillherllheir " cap8Clly(l8l), ,and th8I'by hillherllh8lf ~I) on 'the Inltrument, the indivl....(~). or the perfOn ~ bohall of ;,mich the inclvidusl(l) _, executed the inotrumenl. I (Iignsture end ofI1ce of individual taking'ecknowIedgment) I I BARBARA E. PUACEU 'I NOTARY PUBLIC. Stele of Now 'lbrlc , No. 01PUoI890208 Oulllmld In Suffolk CountY CommIIoIon ElcpII8I AprlJ 20, 1!OlI7 I TO BE USED ONLY WHEN 11tE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE I I ... before me, the underolpd, petIonaIly oppell'8d d8)'of in the year OnlhB , p..aoneny known to me or proved to me on the basil of IIIIliIlIlCloly _ to be the individuB~l) whoo8lname(l) II (ere) subsaibed to the within InaIrunI8nl em ecknowledged to me th8I he/sh8llhey BlC8CUlad the lI8I11e in hi~ ,capecity(iea), end Ih8l by h__ oilJ'l8lure(s) on the il1lllrumenl, the Indlvldu8l(l). or the person upon behalf rif which the IndivIduB~l) ectad. BlC8CUled the InsINment, end Ih811Uch Indlviduel m_ such eppeBl'llnC8 before the undersigned In the I in i (nert the City or olhBr polHlcII1 lubdivlllion) (end Insert the SlIItIl or Country or olher piece tho ec:knowl8dgrnent was I8ken) i (lIgnolur8 end oIIice 01 indivlllu8ll8k\ng 8Clcnowl8dgment) SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRAHTOR"S ACTS 11tIe No. CARDINALE MCKINNON EQUITIES LLC TO SHAUN STERLING I Recorded at Request of , COMMONWEAl. TH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY I J RVI..AII 'Pt:". STANDARD FORM Ol' NEW YORK IICNUlD OF lmE UNDERWRIlERS Dlllrlbuled by o COmmonw-:a...!........-." lloMMONWIA.1II lAND TnI.II....._ CoMPANY l:! .. i!l 11 a '" a u ::!. i!l' 0, .. !!l '" 0 .. .. ~ ! I . '" Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'j)gtJ .d 1s (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) f6 Number uf pallcS TORRENS Serial II Ccrtilicale II Prior Clf. II Deed I Mllrtpge InslrUmem Deed I Mortgage Thx Swnp FEES 3 Page I Filing I'ec Handling 116 S. ...!!!L TP-S84 Notation EA-~2 17 CCllunly) Sub TOIUI EA-S217 (Slale) ~= R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavil Certilied Copy NYS Surch:ugc Other S. ...!!Q.... IS. ...Q!L Sub TOlal Grand Total ~ ~I L12ID 7. ()/ J- Real I'rupcrty Tax Service Agency Verification 10 . seclon ~~~ 1000 10800 0400 007015 ~;; 6 SalisfllClioILYDischargeslRelease.. Lisl Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD Ie RETURN TO: Ot,! ~ 1'1 J. OJ.J' EN J).f1/.d) jJ. ()L.fli~ EU. 1'0 19 7()~ tVfUlO ~ IVlJ 11935" 7 Co. Name lillell 8 Suffolk Count This page forms pan of lhe: allachcd (;AlI."mK}.1A' MI! KrwNDII1 ~QvIrTr.r LLt: I~ RECORt€D 2005 Joo 20 11: 12:::>1 RIl Edward P.Roaaino; CLERK OF SUFFOLK COli1m' l llOO)l2393 P 3S3 DTI 04-455'50 Recordiog / Filing Stamps Mortgagc AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional l'oIX Sub TOlal SpecJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Cllllnly _ Held for AppoinlmCJI>. TraIL.fer Tax ft.'!.. ao ()c) Mansion t Consideration CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacunl Land TD \ DOO TD TO / II" made by: The premises herein i. situaled in SUFI'OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the TlIwnship of ..-f;JllnlOLl'J In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU . MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR riLING. TO or U. fiN .d J'fRJtl TNt:- t#I~ (liver) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Iustramentl DBEDS/DDD Humber of Pagesl 3 Receipt Number . 05-0064885 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 04-45550 Recorded. At. 06/20/2005 11.12.31 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012393 383 District. SectiODI Block. Loti 1000 108.00 04.00 007.015 1i!Y'tJIDlBI) AIm C'lIlIRGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amouut. $475,000.00 Received the Fo11owiDg Fees For Above Iustrumeut --.pt Bxempt Page/Filiug $9.00 NO HaDdliug $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB: $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l"M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,900.00 NO CQIIIIIl.Pres $6,500.00 NO I'ees Paid $8,549.00 TRAHSFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-45550 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THB INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaiue Couuty Clerk, Suffolk Couuty . . , f, ?, .3. !? R, .9'1 C2. o...1IIood __ I q,f I f,C1 0 S1 Y- C3._I/.d.,J,.".~U""..1 :3.931 PROPERlY INFORMATION * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of NEW VORl( STATE IIOARD Of lEAl. _RI'\' lIEIMCE8 RP - 5217 ...1117 ... JW1 1. PnlpoJ1v I ~Ion ~~... .nlWall'll La.aa (Town of South01d) - 13. 111935 ...- ~::~;:,;;n,:a 2. Bu,., - ~~~ I ~'h;ilnn .....- ""1UlMf LUT IWll/COIII'MY I. Tax bHcIIo wMrII fu1ulI Tax BiIllIfQ 10 be.... I 8lII", K____IoO_oI_l. A_ LAIr ",w;;, COIHNtt ""lIAII'I! STIIEIT NUMIIaANDllllin MAIlE QlYCIII fCIWN tTAlI .c:ax: ":::""'1 - ,,-,FlET Ixl IXI'TH IORI -. . '1.31 IlInIr._"'._Ia-k.....,oppIy. 4A._ng_wllb__EMII 0 ..__-_loedforT.- 0 C. _ Af>pnMId'" WldMIionwllh Map Plowldod 0 .. Indicate the number of &------.t RoI",,- ._................_ I J. af Parcel, OR 0 hit of . P.rmI I. ...... Nome ~T~~9 M~KinRgR i~~itieB b~S ,........... LAST N.v.1 CCM'AlIy HlIP"'" .u............ ;<l'15~Q QQO.OI [Full Sale Prict is the toIalllrlOUN paid for the ptDpctrty Including ~ PfaPIIlY- Thll PIY'MfII m-v be in the farm 01 Clsh. om.. propatIY' Dr goocII. or the llIUmpt!on of ~ or other abIigaIiana.1 ...... round ro 1M NMIIItI'r __ doIfM IIJIOUIIL a-k....__.lhef_ I. ClwMrot1Ip tYPo II CclncIomlnium I!~ AGrlcul1urll I ~ c.mnwnlly _ I. _ _ an V..... Lend F c.m_ J I""""" .... _ L.acolld...... "AGriculturl' Q;IIri<:l G Apulmenl K _SIrYlco .._.........---... II E_I_ L _ _""'_"In..AIJ1cuItu"'_ ,s. 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'ilJ.j.J!JJJ , ..}-.7.0 ,0 I , '1.___ ,2.1. Ol-LJ ...___, 2lL T...... _IoI/Rol1_IW...............-----1 ,1000- 108 0 <l - 7.015 11000' 10ldO- I CERTlACATlON I I.....,...... '" .... _ or Inl'.......... _ .. ..... rom. are .... .... __ I.. tile ... or IIIJ ",_' .... ood bcIIdl ... 1.....- . lhlII ... -.. "''''.___'''_llocthcnJD ...lOII\IKI......... _~- ................ _1o....1IIIIIdDa-....."-- !!!!m BUYER1l ATTORNEY ~I (f;I~?I~ Olsen IllY............ Slhffll/l 13. Sn:";lL-/yv1- ....."""" Ulfo) I t":"i..J.,.t J-A. III1IIIT"-'" .nuT.... WTUI MW di ()O~ 00 7. ()/$"I Gary /.))A4Ilp ......... r 1;'11 -- ...JJ4=J866 frI..J-I-: ;....... arvoo_ , 1/" "An JlU'~ ...- ( NEW YORK STATE COPY