HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12420 P 908 .' 52-2-)} , "'IOO-"--Brarpm ad Sale Deed. ... Oft'allll..... Gnator'I Acll-Indi..'idual or CQlpOrllion. (Ii. sbItt) L) .-. ) L I. ? 0, CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ~ T r- ONLY. e (/(')8 TH[S INDENTURE, made the 3111 day ~fOc;obcr, Two Thousand Five BETWEEN DAN POLLOCK, residing at 40 Park Avenue, New York, New York 1 [016, party of the first pan, and RUCH LANE HOLDINGS, LLC, whose address is (NoN) Ruch Lane, Southo[d, New York 1 [971, party oC the second pan, WITNESSETH, that the party oC the first pan, in consideration ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pany of the sccond pan, does hereby grant and relcase unto the pany of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party oCthe second pan forever, ALL that cenain plot, piece or parcel of [and, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Arshamomoque, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York, being more panicularly bounded and de.~cribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by a concrete monument on the nonherly side of a 2S foot wide road, the premises herein described, said point being approximately 370 feet west of the intersection of Bayberry Lane and the southerly line of County Route 48; RUNNING THENCE in an easterly direction along certain properties designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 052, Block, 02. Lots I through 14.1, inclusive; RUNNING THENCE in a nonheasterly direction along the southeasterly line of property designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 052, Block 02, Lot 14.1 to premises now or formerly designated as Bayberry Lane, a distance of 168 ft.'Ct; RUNNING THENCE along said premises now or formerly known as Bayberry Lane a distance of 25 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of premises now or formerly designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 052, Block 03, Lot 37; RUNNING THENCE along said premises now or formerly designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 052, Block 03, Lot 37 and along Colony Road a distance of approximately 276 feet to the ordinary high water line of Arshamomoque Pond; RUNNING THENCE in a westerly dircclion along said ordinary high water matk of Arshamomoque Pond a distance of approximately 30 feet to lands of Ihe party of the second pan; RUNNING THENCE along said lands of the party of the second part in a nonheasterly direclion a distance of approximalely 171 feet to the soulherly line of a privale road known as Ruch Lane; RUNNING THENCE along cenain properties designawd on the Suffolk County Tax Map as Districl 1000, Section 052. Block 02, Lots Nos. 36, 35, 34. 33.1. 32.1, 31,, 25. 24, 23, 22, 21.1, and 20.3 to the southerly line of Counly Route 48; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly line of County Roule 48 a distance of approximately 25 feet to the poinl or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT 10 the righls of the other property owners in the development known as Arshamomoque Colony and hereinabove designated as those propenies along the nonherly and southerly lint: of Ruch Lane to pass and repass over so much of the above-described premises commonly known as Ruch Lane. excluding, however, any rights of others to pass or repass over thai portion of the above-descrihl:d properly which varies in width from 25 feet to approximalely 30 feet which is bounded on the North by propeny designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000. Seclion 052. Lots 14.1 and 36; bounded on the east by lands now or formerly designaLL-d as Bayberry Lane; bounded on the south by lands now or formerly designawd on the Suffolk Counly Tax Map as District 1000. Seclion 052. Block 03. Lot 37 and Colony Road; and bounded on the wt.'S1 by Arshamomoque Pond. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed 10 the pany of the first pan by deed dated 8/25/97. and rccordt.'d 9/17/97 in the Office of Ihe Suffolk County Clerk in Liller 11852, Page 208. TOGETHER with all right. tille and interest. if any, of the pany of the first pan in and to any streets and roads abulling the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appunenances and all the estate and righls of the pany of the first pan in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns ofthe pany of the St.'Cond pan forever. AND the pany of the first pan covenant.~ that the pany of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been em:umbered in any way whatever, exeepl as aforesaid. AND the party of the first pan. in complianee with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the pany of Ihe firsl pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such considercltion as a trust fund to be applied firsl for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the COSI of Ihe improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word .party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: r STATE OF NEW YORK) ) 55.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 3151 day of OClober. 2005. before me, Ihe undersigned. personally appeared Dan Pollock, personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basis of salisfaclol}' evidence to be Ihe individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 the wilhin inslrUmenl and acknowledged 10 me Ihal he/shelthey executed Ihe same in hislher/meir capacily(ies), and mal by hislher/lheir signalure(s) on Ihe insllumcnl. me individual(s), or Ihe person upon behalf of which me individualCs) acwd. executed Ihe inslrumenl. O~ fi?~ Notary Public BARBARA!. P\JRCB.I. IlaIary Public. SIIII aI NIW"* No.01~ Quallt1ed In SulIdkec.nr_"7 QIIm1IsIiDnElcDillSAld2ll,mr . " \', \\ "~ l;. '(l I ''\J , . I Number of pago:s TORRENS 6 RECORDED 2()05 Noll 21 09: 36: 06 RM Edward P.RoMaine CLERK (F stFFOl.l< COUK1'V L 000012420 P 908 DT. 05-15816 Serial" Cenilicate # Prior Ctf. /I Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mongagc Tax Stamp Recording / Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page / Filing F~. Handling 5. 00 Mongage Alii\. I. Ba.~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spo:c./ Assil. Tp-584 NOlation or EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total Comm. of Ed. Arfidavit Cenified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 5..~ Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appo~t~nt....-- __ sfc:rTax ~ _ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mongage i or will be improved by a one or tw family dwelling only. YES or NO__~ If NO. see approprialC laX dause on page # of this instrument. 3QOO 15. 00 Sub Total Gr.llldTOIa~ (lb. 4 Dist.l00i ~ O~~~32 1000 REAP A 4-NOV-G 05200 0200 037000 ,00 s 0_ Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verificatioo Impmved___ Vacant Land -/ 6 Satisfac:tionslDischargesIReleascs List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: TO Jennifer B. Gould, Esq. P.O. Box 177 Greenport, New York 11944 TO TO 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name Title # 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns part of the allached deed (SPECIFY TYPE Or- INSTRUMENT) made by DAN POLLOCK The premises herein is silullted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. III the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO RUCH LANE HOLDINGS, LLC Southold Southold 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111I11111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COOIll".L"1' CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE ~e of Inst~tl DEEDS/DDD Number of page.1 5 Receipt Humber I 05-0120970 TRANSFER TAX RtJIIBBRz 05-15816 Recorded I 11/21/2005 Atl 09136106 AM LIBER: D00012420 PAG:&:: 90B District I 1000 Sectionl Block I 052.00 02.00 BXAIIl:HED AIm CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $75,000.00 Loti 037.000 Deed AmDuDt I Received the Pollowing Pees For Above Instrumsnt Bxeqlt Exez page/piling $15.00 RO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 RO IIYS SKCBG $15.00 RO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STA'1'B $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'1'II $0.00 NO Transfer tax $300.00 NO CODIID.Pres $0.00 RO Pees Paid $545.00 TRANSPER TAX ROHBERI 05-15816 TKJ:S PAGB IS A PART OF 'l'BB J:IISTRtJllBlI'.l' THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P. Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ~ ..~ .0_- - . .. 0 _ . _, PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:1I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I :. FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ;. C1-SWlSCade '/. ? ... ""/ , t<', ,? 11 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2. D.om o..d _d STAn OF _ VOII! STAn IIOARD OF REAl. _R1Y lIBI\11CE8 1." ' ~/ " OJ] DlIY YNr C3. __ I /,,J. ,f./, :2, Oct. P.ge I . 9.0 .fll RP - 5217 RN,2,I, 11ft J/W PROPERTY INFORMATION "=1 S1NI!T INNII." N'nrt-h 'An;1n .'..nlUM.. South old Southold ......., 111971 "'CODI CllyOlllICMN Z.I_ N..... Ruch Lane Holdings, LLC l.QTIiIAfIllE/~M." ......,..... LMr'lAlllr./CGIIMW 'IIIST hAW: J. Tu IndIDaIe whtrI "*'" 1. BUll.. tD be sanl IlIIIng if _, IhIn buyIr _. Cat banom "iannI I Add_ .An hM'I 'COM'M.,. J...rNMA STIIIP'''UMI!'' Aha ITIII!I!T ~ C1IYOII:QWN ITATt i. Coot '."-',he_or_.nt IIaII ......... _od ... tho dood 1 I ,or hrcell OR 0 P,rt of . PHCI'I &. lIood ""'.0Ily Biz. H1mvrHoi.I Ixl DIi'UI lOR I '~I' . 7.5 I 1lWt' '-' "'. _I a..... PO"'-'" CA. PIonning _ witIl __ AuIhortty ExIm D ... SubdMsI... _1_RacPnKI IorT_ D 4C. Pan:al1\IlIlr<MId lor SubdIvIsIon - Mop P...- D .....1. No.... KiMBi5...., D:ff ",.,... LMT NA'I&-' c:cJIiINN\O 'M'lNoIIlII! 7, a.ck the box HIow which molt eccu..... dI8cribee the u.. at the pra,.rty -' th, time'" air.. A ~ Ont Flmlty HllidentLlI B 2 or 3 F.miIy R_ e Reli_till VlClnt Lind D __V...mUnd I SALE INFORMATION I 11.801.__ E ~ AcIriculluOll 1 ~ Community So..... F Convnon:lol J Indllllrill G Aponmom K Public _ II E_nmont, Am_men, I. FCltISI _.._ - PO"'-'" L Ownorohl.rv.. 10 Condornl...m e. New Construction on VKInI Land tM.1'r-'Y ~ Mhin .......icuI1urII_ 'IB. ......-. _..__ng ....""'_Ioin......,.........._ D D D D 1 , 26 , 04 ..... ""' VH< JD , .3/ , 05 -.. DIy v... 1&. a-*: ane.. ..... af...... _...... _ .. - .. .........: 12. Do'o '" _I T.._ A B C D E F G H I J Solo __ RIlIthoo. or For___ Sale e..cw.n Related eomplnfas or Plrtnenlln BuIinMa One oIlho ~ io.1oo . Soiler Buyer or 5eUer is GDVGnUnlnt I9orw;y or Lending mmution Dood TV" not W..."" or Blrg.in IIld Solo ISpociIy __ SIlo 01 Fractlonll or .... than Foe Interell CSpocify EIeIovn Slgnlllc... ChInge.. Propony __ To.- 61_ end S.1o Dolo Sole or Suli.... 10 includocl in _ I'rIcI 01.... U......I F..... -... SIlo 'rico ISpocify BlIowI N.... 11 Ful SaIl ...... , ,7,5.0,0,0,0,01 , , 0 CFul1 s.r. Price II rhllOtIl emount Plid for the property Including PIl"IOMI property. This psymlnt rMY be In the form of cuh. othlt propcuty or good.. or the 1ltUl"nplion or mGrtglglI or other obIlQ1t1ona.l ",... t'Gund fD 1II......,.ole dtil&r mJOUnL 11."'_"_,,,,__ I , 0, 0 ,01 prapMy InDludld In the .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dm should ren... 'hel.tlll1 Fin.. _mont Roll .nd TIX Bin 'L::""'~~"'ml 0, :41 17.T...._V....I"'................_" I I-~~-i-r-u '1.__01_ I Se...Lhulc! i G AhA/ /OILI , .1 , o 0 1L "'--tv a.. 20. T.. Mop_'_Ido_lIIm_tIIon_.___ _..lido_loll 1000-052.00-02.00-037.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I...ur, _oil "'.... 11_ '" 1",_ _... .......... ere ,.... oad _I'" Ihe booI '" Ill)" _......1IIIlI boIkI) .... 1__ 1IIuI.... _loa "'..y wllI\II_ _ '" _oW rea....ID..1II ~.. to Il1o ....._ "',he......... ....... to IIIe _. -lIIllIa "'__ !!!!l1!! BUYER'S ATIORNEY Holdings, LLC B 1U'/ItI...._ David G. )1J ITMlYI"UMaLII Mw }'d~(... Gould LMrhNli Jennifer B. ....,- 631 -.""", 477-8607 ..-....... CIlYOO_ &TA1r~ /OQiJY ....... ~1:~ -!.. , /0 10 D) ..,. NEW YORK STATE COPY ~