HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12406 P 585 ... - ,. LI :2 L{fir, f S?;S t>i~+, ICOO..... 9!lf\ 071f...- JlacIoICJJ..~ , c;.t: ooJ 601" lq- )-3.5 CONSULT YOUR lAWYER BEFORE 8IQNINO 1HI81N8~ENT'1HI8IN8TRUMENr 8HOlJLDIII!i USED BY lAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE. made u.J1.. day of JIJy, 2005 BETWEEN KENNETH L. KALEITAand LINDA KALEITA, huaband and wife 80 WIIdfIoW8/' Circle, Williston, Vermont 06495 party 01 the first part, and JUDY KOZORA 841120 route 48, Greenport, New York t1944 party,ol 1he 8BCOnd pert. WITNESSETH, lhatthe party of the flrat part, In conalderation 01 ten ($10.00) dollars paid by the party 01 the IIeCOnd part, doea hereby grant and rel_ unto the party 01 the IIeCOnd part, 1he he1r8 0184 oeeeIIl.'rs and uslgna 01 the party 01 the IIeCOnd pert lorever. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel 01 land, liluala,lyIng and being al Bayvlew, in 1he Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, known and dllllgnatad aa and by LoI Number 5 aa ahown on "Preliminary Subdlvlalon Plan preparad for Jamea W. DaWlOrf and Iliad on Oc:Iober 16, 1985, ea number 7887 in the Office 01 the County Clerk of Suffolk County and baing more particularly boundad and dllllCrtbad aa follows: BEGINNING al a point on the 80uthlllly lide of North Bayvlew Road dlalan1175.36 feet weaterty from the weaterty end of a Cl//Ve having a radl.. of 25 leet and an arc length of 36. 29 feet; which curve connecta 1he 80utherty aide of North Bayvlew Road with 1he wealarly alde of North Bayvlew Road; RUNNING THENCE South Zl degrees 53 minutes 20 IIeCOnda Weal, 222.60 feet; '.' RUNNING THENCE South 63 degrees 07 minutes 20 aeconda Weat, 145.00 feet; ", ", .'::..~. .\.. . , t": t'. '. .,~.. THENCE North 48 degrees 40 minutes 40 aeconda Weal, 68.63 feet; ,... . . . . ~ ~~~. : ;': . THENCE North 27 degreea 53 mlnutaa 20aeconda Easl, 322.72 feet to the eouther\y aide of North Bayvlew Bo8d;f ~ .: , . . . - ,~, ," THENCE South 62 degrees 06 mlnutea 40 IIeCOnda Eeat along the IOUtherty Bide 01 North Bayview Road, 1SO",. feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. .- .' . . BEING AND INTENDED TO BE,the IBme premiaea conveyed by Dead datad 6/30(00 and recorded on 7/18/00 In lIber 12056 at Page 504 by A1exendra Hloa, now known aa Alexandra Merta, and Helen HIoa, to Kenneth L. Kaleita and Linda D. KaleIta, hla wife. TOGETHER with all right, title and Interest, If any, of the party of the first pert In end to any streets and roada abutUng the above deacribed premiaea to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the eppurtenancee and all 1he ealata and rights ollhe party of the lira! part In and to aa1d premlaea; TO HAVE AND TO HOLO the premlaea herein grantad unto the party of the IIeCOnd part, the heirs or 8UCCBBSOrs and eaaJgna of the party 01 the eecond part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the flra! part has not done or suffered anything whereby the saki premleea have tJe.l encumbered In any way whatever, except aa afo/'8Bllld. AND the party 01 1he lira! part, In compll8l1C8 with SecIion 13 of the Usn Law, covenants Ihalthe party of 1he first part will recelve1he coneiderallon for this conveyance and will hold 1he rlghlto receive auch consideration aa a trlat fund to be applied lira! for the purpoae 01 paying 1he cost of the Improvement end wlll apply the aame Ilrsl to the payment of the COal ollhe Improvement before uelng any part of the tolal 01 the aame for any other purpoae. The word "party" shall be conatrued aa If h read "parties" when ever the aenee 01 thia Indenture eo requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pert haa duly exacutad thla deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~, S_ N.Y.S,l,U. Form 8DD2. B.IrgaIn one! lWo D8IIl. with c_ogolnoI G_. Aalo- UnIIoml AcknawIodg..- Fonn 3280 ..... ,. TO BE um:n OM...Y WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEWVOAK STATE Slale of New York, County of Suffolk On the day 01 in the year before me, the under&igned, p8f8OIIBIly appllllJ'8d penoonally known 10 me or proved to me on the llama of eallslaclOry evid8lC8 10 be the Individual(e) v.tlo8e name(e) Ie (are) eub8cribed to the within In8lrumenl and acknowledged 10 me thai ha'Bhallhay lllClICuted the earne In hl8lher/lheir capacily(Iee), and thai by hielhor/lhelr elgnalure(e) on the In8Inmenl, the Individual(e), or the pereon upon behalf o'.t1ich the Indlvlclu8l(e) acted, _ed the Inslnment. ..: SIaIe 01 New York, Counly of On the dey of in the yeer before me, the 1A'lderelgned, personally appeared pereonally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the ba8ie of 88lle1aclOry ""'dence 10 be the individuel(e) lII10ee name(e) 18 (llI'lI) Nlecribed 10 the within Inslnmenl and acIcnowledged 10 me thai ha'Bhelthay eococuled the 8II/I1e In hielher/lheir capaclty(1_), and thai by hlelh."heir eignIIIure(e) on the In8Inment, the lndivkklaI(e), or the pereon upon behaK of.t1ich thelndividual(a) acted, lllClICUled Ihe inelnment. ss: (alplure and oKice of Individual laking acIcnowIedgment) (algnaIure and office of Individual laking acIcnowledgmenl) TO BE USED ONL V WHEN THE ACKNOWlI:N1MENT ISIIADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE SIaIe (or District 01 Columbia, Territory, or Foreign Colllllly) 01 VERMONT ee: . On the~ dey of JULY In the yeer ZOOS bolo.. me, the under8igned, pereonally appeared KENNETH L KALElTA.... UNDA KAlEITA pereonally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the baale 01 88llefaclOry evidonae 10 be the.lndlvlduale whoao nama are 8Ubecribed 10 the wilhln Inslnmenl and acIcnowledged 10 me thalthay lIX80Uled the 8II/I1eln their OlIplICltiee, and thai by their e1gnaturae on the In8lrumenl, the Indlviduale, or the pereon upon b8hlIK of .t1lch the indivlduale acted, lllClICUled the ineln.ment.. and thai euch , \ ~~id"!1'! m~ ~ ~ before the underalgned In the , ........ -' lJ. II. Sl'OY' In vel moot :>. ' 2~n \he CIty or olher poIlicaI8UIxIvI8Ion1 (end Nan Ihe Ji"18 or .: ". '--.- :".. a l.'~ ~~"'" - ..... .::...' ., " " ' : ,,~\. " ...,,"'. " . ..... " Title No. SECTION 07lI BLOCK 02 LqT 3.6 TOWN Southold COUNTY SUFFOLK STREET ADDRESS 3470 North aayvlew Road, Sautholcl, New York 11871 Recordad al Raquest of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE OOWfi>ANY . , ...")"1 :'!.::" :'. .... ... . .t ~ _, ..,. .1 .._. ".. ."~':'~.'".'':'~: ........~n"..... - ... ....... BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS DiIIrIluIBl by .OnWealth CowMoNwIw.TH Lvtu Tm.IIINIuaANcB CmlrANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: William H. Price, Jr. P.O. Box 2118& a_port, NY 11844 BTMDIIID FCFIII CF hEW YORK BONaJ OF 1M.E IN&....lcrtIit A~ ;A~Mn' REIIEIlVE TH8"MlEFClIl U8EQF ~ OFFICE '" .. . Number of pages TORRENS / , ' , , ',. . ..., ,. . Serial # Certificate # ' Prior Clf. # , Deed/.Mo~e Instrument Deed I ~ongage Tax Slamp " FEES, '..... 'I., 3 Page I Filing Fee , Handling TP-S84 S. ..!!!!-. .~. " NOlalion EA-S2 17 (Coonly) EA-S217 (SI8.Ie) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TOIaI ~ Comm. of Ed. s, Jl!L Affidavil Cenifi~ Copy NYS Surcharge OIlIer 15. 00 Sub Tol8I J')q/' ~ Grand Tolal : .. RECOR!>ED 2005 j:lvg 31 10:33:33 fill Edwal'<l P.Romaine ClERI(Of SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012406 P 585 . DTlIOS-04526 Recording.' Fili~g Slumps Mortgage Ami. I. Basic TwI' 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOlal SpecJAssil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town ~pual Counly _ Held for Appo~ntmenl ...>!L Transfer Tax . 15' -ICt - M . .",._ I - anSlon ''''' ----,.. The propeny covered by !his mortgage is , or will be improved by. a one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see 'oppropriaie laX ~Iause on page #, of I~is insaumenl. Block 02..00 - Lot 00 3.oos 5 CommUDity Prenrvatlon lI'und Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification ~~~ 1000 07900 0200 003005 ~~ 45 SalisfactionsIDischlll'geslReleases Lisl Property OWDCrs Mailing Add~s :, .. RECORD II: RETURN TO: W;\\,~o.~" t\. "t=>r\c~;'Jr V. a. "'ES Ole "2..OCos-" G~FIN'r" (Iqt{C/, 7 Co. Name Tille # Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacanl Land )C TO TO /.() I' TO . I!'~.t... Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pagc forms 'pan of !he DIlached ~~ made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 8 _~.1'1I'1eU.. L ~/e'j~ o.,,-J L~ ~ f ei"'-" The premises herein is silualcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. c..)lJ.dy TO ' -KC -z.o n1-- ' In !he Township ,of In the 'vIllAGB So~ ~o~~o(J or HAMLET of BOXES 45 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) ", . ." 111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111I1111 SUFFOLK COtJHTY CLBRIC RBCORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBOS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0091425 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-04526 Recorded. At; 08/31/2005 . 10.33.33 AN LIBER: PAGE: D00012406 585 District. 1000 Section. 079.00 EXAJlINBD AND $399,000.00 Block. 02.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 003.005 FOLLOWS Deed AIIIount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,596.00 NO CODIIII.Pres $6,480.00 NO Fees Paid $8,315.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER. 05-04526 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMEN'l' THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Hamaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ~ ~.'........ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.nv.uB or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUN1'Y use ONLY C'.SWlS~ I.J{, -r..3, g, t, 91 C2.Dtd.__ I,! ,-31,&,:{', - a.y .,... C3._ I I, cl,<( .&/0 ICoI.P_IS:'~,.s, ,it REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of _ YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL I'IIOl'ERTY &iIlV1CES RP - 5217 IU'wUI7...JIIII PROPERlY INFORMATION "~I ~ "",,*:J.O .....,.- ~~~o~ ~~~ N.e.t,:b ~'1vieW "R 0 o..cl Sov+hD\c:l ....... ...i~t.Y I}.\:! I z. ..... - FIWf~ I.AlTlWIflQaIIMY I. 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ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DtdI .hould ,ofIoct tho 10_ Fino' __ Roll Ind TIX Bill lI.Y_"~RaI_'" &/IIJJT....__IoI.._III_1 " ..... " I ...... ..... UL...J..I..f"I , , , '''~__ iJ..'2.:>.II-L!.J ...___1 So", ~D\J Sc-.kOD\ 1>i-:.-\..[c.+ (ND 5) 2D.T"__1 W"'_'III 11---.---__01' \ coo Q I I CEATlACATION I 1_, - .~... _ 01_ _.......,... ..,....... __ (OJIIw _ rim, k_........ boIW) ...,_ _1Iw.... ~.... --_af_""'........IIIl11>joc1...11w ....WoIlooaflllt........._.......-....... ...~__ BUYER BUYEII'S ATTllIINEV 0"2- o":J-9 !>..s ~~ ,~dt"GJ' <!t~ I AlO.d6.~il!lW QJ. OIY~_~O \d 1 >>..t I l'2..7/ ~~A 2~~ -?f:;I,J- ~~~~ L. ~lt1 +--.~.. ?ri ce.- .....- Lulo\L:CLW\. +l ,J"r -- u:.1 -- 4,,- 101(., ~- / NEW YORK STATE COPY \